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The Divine Powers in

the Sound Energies and vibrations of ...


their meanings , areas of influence and
transformations which they bring ...
It represents the energy at
tha Ajna chakra ,
the third eye energy center (chakra),
where the feminine and masculine currents
become joined and consciousness becomes Unitary ..
into the Whole Unity of existence.
You will have noticed that all Mantras begin with Om .
This is because Om is the supreme sound
from which creation was born.
It is the Cosmic vibration
Om is the sound that reveals all other words
and their different meanings.
Om also has a luminous nature and reveals things.
Hence we must first contact the power of Om for
other mantras to work and
for their specific meanings to be known.
We must first contact Om to know the Guru or
Divine guiding power within us.
Hence Om precedes all other Mantras.
Only through their connection with Om can other Mantras be
effective or be understood in their specific natures.

( Mantra - Om Eim Namah )

Eim is a seed sound for the feminine aspect of The Divine Energy ...
the Divine Powers within GODDESS Saraswati.
This energy unfolds spiritual knowledge and rewards
you with Knowledge, Science , Art , Visualising
Talents , Creativity , Poetry , Literature, Sculpture and such ...

( Mantra - Om Hrim Namah )
Hrim is a seed sound that dispels illusion in which we are
all trapped . This illusion of Life is commonly known as " Maha Maya " ,
or just " Maya " ( " A Dream state ") . the veil of creation ...
It is said that meditation on this seed sound will lift this veil and will
give the meditator a glimpse of the Universe as it is
and not as it appears to us ordinary human beings.
Hrim is a mantra of purification and transformation.
Hrim brings inner transformation.
It dispels off our dillusions and our ignorance
in which we are trapped as human beings.
Hrim is Goddess Parvati as well as
Goddess Kali.
The Goddess Parvati and the Goddess Kali are the
divine forms for the Mantra - HRIM.
HRIM is one of the most important of all Mantras.
Of all mantras , Hrim is regarded as the supreme
It is called the Devi Pranav, or the equivalent of Om
Hrim refers to the heart (Hridaya).
The mantra Hrim is the mantra of Shiva's
consort and of Maheshvari , the supreme Goddess.
It is the main mantra of the Sri Chakra
It is a single syllable easy for anyone to use.

The Devi Gita states that " All my worship can be

performed with the mantra Hrim. Of all the mantras ,
Hrim is regarded as the supreme guide.

The Mantra sounds

Klim and Krim

( Mantra - Om Klim Namah )

Goddess Kali is represented by the mantra sound
Klim and Krim.
Klim is the aspect of Divine Energy that has the ability to
attract other energies ( like a magnet ) .
Hence this sound energy is used in association with
many Mantras to attract the fruits of the other
Mantra sounds that are used in them .
This speeds and increase the effectiveness of the Mantras
that use the " Klim " sound energy .

The Mantra sound

Shrim is the mantra of beauty and light
Shrim brings glory and fame.
Shrim is the aspect of Divine Energy that brings abundance .
Abundance of food, friends , family , health
and prosperity .
Shrim is Godddess Laxmi , the Goddess of Wealth
and Prosperity.

The Mantra Sound

( Mantra - Om Hrim Strim Hum Phat Svaha )

Strim is the feminine nature (stri) and provides

the power to give birth and sustenance.

The Mantra Sound

( Mantra - Eim Klim Sauh )
The Divine Energy in the sound of the syllable " Sauh "
is associated with the third eye (Ajna) chakra.
It is a ' shakti ' (Power) activating sound.

The Mantra Sound

( Mantra - Om Hum Namah )

Hum gives the power to cut through illusions

Hum is the mantra of inner fire to ward off
negative energies.
Hum provides protection.
It is also a sound with Healing Powers.

The Mantra Sound

Phat serves to concentrate the force of the mantras.
it does the work of amplifying energy
from the other seed sounds in any mantra
and hence it is common to attach this sound
at the end of many Mantras.

The Mantra Sound


Svaha offers yourself ( your surrender )

to your inner fire of Awareness That is why Most Mantras
end with "svaha"
Here's a Powerful Mantra for healing
A Very Very Important Message Regarding Mantras
Your outer world is governed by
your inner world, so Divine Powers
that are generated inside you ,
now start making all positive events
happen in your life in the outer world.
This inner world is nothing but your
intent which actually you are expressing in
the mantra. So , here ,I wish to make the
most valuable statement about mantras.
If you don't understand the meaning of
the mantra you are repeating and
what you are saying to the cosmos from
your spirit and subconscious mind,
- if you are not visualising this meaning
of the mantra by feeling the meaning
of the mantra deep within your soul ,
while saying the mantra , then
it is not going to benefit you much .
Most people don't even understand
what the mantra is all about even
after using it for years , so they do not
progress much , so we encourage you
to understand the explanations we
have given on each mantra and
which Divine Energies it is attracting
and addressing .

Om Hrim Strim Hum Phat

This is Goddess Taras Mantra.
Tara contains within herself all other Mantras ,
and only through her grace can we come
to understand and use MANTRAS properly.
Tara is the most important
Goddess of Mantric Knowledge ,
the very personification of Mantra Shakti (Power)
Tara is the feminine form of Om or
Om personified as a Goddess.
Reciting this Mantra solves all problems
and takes you out of any difficult situations
that you may be in.
It saves you ,
takes you out of all your troubles.
The MEANING of the word Tara
is ' the savior ' or ' the deliverer '.
Use this Mantra during emergencies.
Hrim is a very powerful
seed sound within this Tara Mantra.
Om is the divine power of sound.
Om is the sound that reveals all other words
and their different meanings.
Om is the primal (original ) sound ;
Creation was born out of Om.
Om is also called the Cosmic vibration.
Om also has a luminous nature and reveals things.
Om is the voice of the Ishvara, the Lord.
Hence we must first contact the power of Om for
other mantras to work and
for their specific meanings to be known.
We must first contact Om to know the Guru or
Divine guiding power within us.

Different Mantras are only valuable as

various means of integrating us back into
the primal unitary sound vibration
which is Om.
Hence Om precedes all other Mantras.
Only through their connection with Om can
other Mantras be effective or be understood
in their specific natures.
Hrim is a mantra of purification and transformation.
Hrim brings inner transformation.
It dispels off our dillusions and our ignorance , in which we are trapped
as human beings.
Hrim is Goddess Parvati
as well as Goddess Kali.
The Goddess Parvati and
the Goddess Kali are the
divine forms for this
Magical Mantra - HRIM.
HRIM is one of the most important
of all Mantras.
Of all mantras , Hrim is regarded
as the supreme
It is called the Devi Pranav,
or the equivalent of Om
Hrim refers to the heart (Hridaya).
The mantra Hrim is the
mantra of Shiva's consort
and of Maheshvari ,
the supreme Goddess.
It is the main mantra of
the Sri Chakra and
is commonly used for Sundari.
It is a single syllable easy for

anyone to use.
The Devi Gita states that
" All my worship can be
performed with the mantra Hrim.
Of all the mantras , Hrim is regarded
as the supreme guide."
Strim is the feminine nature (stri) and provides
the power to give birth and sustenance.
Hum is the mantra of Divine protection ,
as well as knowledge and perceptive power.
Hum gives the power to
cut through illusions
Hum is the mantra of inner fire
to ward off negative energies.
Hum provides protection.
Hum has also healing energy
Phat also gives protection and
destroys obstacles.
Phat serves to concentrate
the force of the mantras.

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Om Hari Om ,
Hari Om ;
Hari Om ;
Hari Om ;

A very very powerful Healing Mantra

You must try this mantra with deep devotion
whenever you are in deep pain
or going through an attack
Even when you are in good health
keep chanting this mantra in your heart
early morning from 3.00 am to 6.00 am
( in the very very early hours ... as it is the right time
for doing this mantra.)
This Mantra is a Healing Mantra and gives instant results.
I have experienced immediate relief during a
severe chest pain , breathing problem during
nose blockage and any
form of unbearable pain.

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Arham Namah

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Mani Padme



The Jewel in the Lotus - The Mantra of Compassion
This is the highest Mantra for mankind
gifted to us by the thousand Buddhas
out of their compassion
for all sentient beings.
It will protect us from all harm ,
sufferings , ill health , hell regions,

It will purify us and free us from all our negative

emotions of the Mind and speech and through
this Mantra we receive the blessings
of the wisdom Mind of Arya Avalokiteshvara
who is also known as Kuan Yin Pu Sa.
This mantra saves us from the hell regions and
hungry ghosts which we have to encounter during
and after death.
Hence it is beneficial and a most valubale saviour
not only during Life on Earth
but also after Life , when we have to remain
and pass through the six Hell regions in the Bardos.
By saying this Mantra , you will never be born in the
lower realms . You will always receive a deva or
human body or be born in a pure land of Buddha.
Every time we say Om Mani Padme Hum ,
we invoke the Divine Powers of Avalokiteshvara ,
who has infinite compassion and who
out of his infinite compassion
made a noble pledge to Buddha Amitabh
that he will liberate all sentient beings
from the six realms of sufferings.
Each syllable in this six syllable Mantra liberates us
from one realm of suffering out of each of the six realms
of suffering filled existence.
OM liberates and purifies us from the emotions of
bliss and pride in the samsaric realm
of the Gods.
MA liberates and purifies us from the emotions of
jealousy and lust for entertainment in the samsaric realm
of Demi-Gods.
NI liberates and purifies us from the emotions of
passion and desire in the samsaric realm
of Humans.
PAD liberates and purifies us from the emotions of
stupidity and prejudice in the samsaric realm
of animals.
ME liberates and purifies us from the emotions of
poverty and possessiveness in the samsaric realm
of hungry ghosts.
HUM liberates and purifies us from the emotions of
agression and hatred in the samsaric realm

of hell.

In this way by freeing our consciousness ,

our spirit energy from the neurotic attachments
that our senses are bonded with through
the cravings and aversions constantly
taking place inside of us ...
and in this way creating negative karmas
that keep us bound to sufferings
and also creating samsara.
purifies us at 3 levels Mind, Speech and Body
and in this way liberates us
from all our negative karmas.
Within a short time of meditating on this Mantra ,
you will experience the opening and development of your
heart chakra and begin to feel highly kind and compassionate
towards other sentient beings including animals ,
even the tiny helpless ones .
You will develop a magnetic aura around you that will draw
other people towards you , attracting them like a magnet
attracts iron filings and love wll begin to flow in your Life.
Saying this mantra for 21 minutes daily will energise and
develop your Heart Chakra and .....
when the Heart and Mind become united ,
anything is possible.
This Mantra is popularly known as
" The Jewel in the Lotus "
" The Diamond in the Lotus "
( "mani" means Diamond , a precious jewel
and Padma means Lotus flower which is the
spiritual symbol of consciousness )
The Jewel refers to the Mind or consciousness and

the Lotus refers to the Heart that is the source of Love energy
The meaning of OM MANI PADME HUM is
"Om , salutations to the Jewel of consciousness (the Mind)
which has reached the Heart's lotus. "
A Very Very Important Message Regarding Mantras
Your outer world is governed by
your inner world, so Divine Powers
that are generated inside you ,
now start making all positive events
happen in your life in the outer world.
This inner world is nothing but your
intent which actually you are expressing in
the mantra. So , here ,I wish to make the
most valuable statement about mantras.
If you don't understand the meaning of
the mantra you are repeating and
what you are saying to the cosmos from
your spirit and subconscious mind,
- if you are not visualising this meaning
of the mantra by feeling the meaning
of the mantra deep within your soul ,
while saying the mantra , then
it is not going to benefit you much .
Most people don't even understand
what the mantra is all about even
after using it for years , so they do not
progress much , so we encourage you
to understand the explanations we
have given on each mantra and
which Divine Energies it is attracting
and addressing .

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Tu Tarey

This is also Tara Mantra

for Compassion.
click here for explaination..


Ah Hum Vajra Guru

Padma Siddhi Hum

Om Ah Hum
The Vajra Guru Mantra - A Buddhist Mantra from Tibet
Meaning and Significance of this Tibetan Mantra
OM is the Cosmic Mind
The Mind of the Cosmos
The Mind of the Universe ..
AH means to attract the Divine Powers
HUM is the manifestation in the physical world
on Earth . The Gross , the Visible
Siddhi Hum .
Siddhi means accomplishment ,
achievement , attainment .
HUM also represents the wisdom mind
of the Buddhas,
The Divine Sound Hum
works like a catalyst in the mantra
to brings into reality ...
to manifest into the outer world
the blessings of the Buddhas
Therefore , SIDDHI HUM
draws all the "siddhis" into your Life
through the blessings

of all the Buddhas

in the Cosmos
just like how a magnet attracts metal
Hence with this Mantra
you can receive the blessings of all the Buddhas ..
Through these blessings
you can receive wealth and prosperity
and all of life's various attainments
All your good aspirations get fulfilled.
All obstacles in our Lives ...
such as ill health are removed
All Worldly wealth and happiness
begins to flow into your Life ...
Success comes to you easily ,
naturally and effortlessly
But , The Divine Powers
of this Mantra
are much more than that ...
Siddhis are of 2 kinds
Ordinary Siddhis and
Supreme Siddhis
Ordinary Siddhis are plain worldly
accomplishments and attainments
of wealth , success , fame , health etc.
Supreme Siddhis
can liberate you and free you eternally
from the bondages of your negative Karmas
that you have accumulated in your past lives
by purifying them and releasing all the loading
of negative energies on your spirit ...
that has tied you down to the cycle of re-incarnation ...

through awakening the spiritual Powers inside you

The Divine Powers of this Mantra
are to purify all your negative karma
that you have done in the past
and in countless past lives ...
and be liberated from them
so that you can eventually evolve
and get freed from rebirth and sufferings
By doing this Mantra daily
your Life's circumstances
become auspicious
and you are inspired towards
a spiritual Life and begin to
yearn for enlightenment.
Now it will be easy for us to understand
the meaning of this mantra
" I invoke you , the Vajra Guru , Padmasambhava,
by your blessing may you grant us
ordinary and supreme siddhis."
It is said that the twelve syllables
carry the entire blessing
of the twelve type of teachings
taught by Buddha,
Therefore ,to recite the Vajra Guru mantra once
is equivalent to the blessings that you can receive
by reciting or practicing the whole teaching
of the Buddha.
These twelve branches of the teachings
are the antidotes to free us from the
"Twelve Links of Interdependant
Origination, which keeps us bound
to samsara,
ignorance ,
karmic formations ,
discursive consciousness ,
name and form ,
senses ,
contact ,

sensation ,
craving ,
grasping ,
existence ,
birth ,
old age
and death .
These twelve links are the mechanism of samsara,
by which the samsara is kept alive.
Through reciting the twelve syllables of the Vajra Guru mantra ,
these twelve links are purified,
and you are able to remove and purify completely
the layer of karmic emotional defilements
and so be liberated from samsara.
The Invisible Divine Powers of Padmasambhava
are contained in this powerful mantra;
these twelve syllables come from
his wisdom mind and hence they carry
the Divine Powers of his absolute blessing .
You can say that the Vajra Guru Mantra is
Padmasambhava in the form of sound .
So when you invoke him
with the recitation of these twelve syllables
in the Mantra
Om Ah Hum Vajra Guru Padma Siddhi Hum ...
you obtain unlimited blessings and merit .
Other Powerful Buddhist Mantras

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So Hum
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