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( SA 1)


Q1. Read the passage carefully and answer the questions that follow:
In the wild, it often comes down to predator and prey, the hunter and the hunted. As you can imagine, most organisms
want to stay alive. They have developed ways of adapting to severe habitats, and hiding or escaping from those who
would like to eat them. So how do they do it?
One very helpful adaptation is called camouflage. You may have been surprised by an animal that was using camouflage
in the past. It blended into its surroundings so well that you nearly missed seeing it at all. Its coloring, markings, texture or
other physical features resemble its habitat so much that you can look directly at it without seeing it at first. This is often
good enough to fool a predator that is scanning an area to look for food. This helps prey to hide from its predator. But did
you know that it often works the other way around, too? Predators can use camouflage to trap their prey.
If a predator wants to eat a certain animal, and that animal cannot see it lying in wait, it can pounce on its prey
unexpectedly, devouring it before it even knows what is happening.
Another popular adaptation is mimicry. Mimicry is when an animal has markings or other physical characteristics that
allow it to look like some other kind of animal or plant. If it can make its predators believe that it is something that preys
on them, or would at least be difficult or painful to catch, its predator will often go off in search of an easier target.
Sometimes animals are able to survive when their habitat changes because they adapt to the new conditions. For example,
birds that were accustomed to nesting on high cliffs or in tall trees have survived industrialization of their habitat by
learning to nest in the crevices of tall buildings. Raccoons easily adapt to residential areas that have taken over their
woodland homes. They often help themselves to any food they can grab, whether it is in trashcans, or inside peoples
1. What do the words predator and prey mean?
2. Name one very useful adaptation used by some animals.
3. What features does camouflage help an animal to hide?
a) colouring
b) markings
c) texture
d) all of the above
4. How can predators use camouflage?
5. What is mimicry?
6. Give an example of how an animal can adapt to new conditions.
7. Find words in the passage which means: a) aim b) dustbins
Q2. Read the poem carefully and answer the questions that follow:
The Elephants and the Insects
Came out to play a match
They trampled in the jungle
Till they cleared a little patch.
They scuttled round and trumpeted
Just glad to be alive

Until the half-time whistle

when the score was 15-5.
The Insects in the second half
Brought on a substitute
A modest little centipede
But, brother, could he shoot.
He ran around on all his legs
Beneath the tropic sun
And by the time he'd finished
Well, the Insects, they had won.

"Oh, tell us" said the Elephants

"We're mystified indeed
Why wait until the second half
To play the centipede?"
"That's easy" cried the Insects
As they carried off the cup.
"He needs and hour
to sort his boots...
And tie his laces up!"

1. The elephants and the insects came out to:

a) make a hut
b) look for food
c) play a match
d) have a race
2. The score at half-time was:
a) 12-8
b) 15-5
c) 5-15
d) 17-10
3. Who was brought as a substitute?
a) a millipede
b) a caterpillar
c) a centipede
d) a butterfly
4. The meaning of the word mystified is:
a) puzzled
b) mad

c) angry
d) sad
5. "He needs and hour
to sort his boots...
And tie his laces up!"
These lines were said by:
a) the elephants
b) the centipede
c) the insects
d) none of the above
6. Who won the match?
Q3. Read the passage carefully and answer the questions that follow:
Harry and Annie lived a mile from town, but they went there to school every day. It was a
pleasant walk down the lane and through the meadow by the pond. I hardly know whether they
liked it better in summer or in winter. They used to pretend that they were travelers exploring a
new country and would scatter leaves on the road so that they might find their way back again.
When the ice was thick and firm, they walked across the pond. But their mother did not like to
have them do this unless someone was with them. "Don't go across the pond today, children,"
she said as she kissed them and bade them goodbye one morning; "it is beginning to thaw." All
right, mother," said Harry, not very good-naturedly because he was very fond of running and
sliding on the ice. When they came to the pond, the ice looked hard and safe. "There," said he
to his sister. "I knew it hadn't thawed any. Mother is always afraid we will drown. Come along,
we will have a good time sliding. The school bell will not ring for an hour at least." "But you
promised mother," said Annie. "No, I didn't. I only said 'All right,' and it is all right." "I didn't say
anything, so I can do as I like," said Annie. So they stepped on the ice, and started to go across
the pond. They had not gone far before the ice gave way, and they fell into the water. A man
who was at work near the shore heard the screams of the children and plunged into the water
to save them. Harry managed to get to the shore without any help, but poor Annie was nearly
drowned before the man could reach her. Harry went home almost frozen and told his mother
how disobedient he had been. He remembered the lesson learned that day as long as he lived.

What did Harry and Annie pretend to be while walking to school?

How did they go to school when the ice was thick and firm?
What did their mother say about the pond?
What happened when they stepped on the ice?
Who saved the children?
What do you learn from the story?
Pick out two adjectives from the passage.
Frame a meaningful sentence using the word: scream

Q1. Do as directed:

I wish you a bright future. ( Identify the kind of sentence)

The kind man helped the beggar. ( Underline the subject)
She bought a beautiful dress. ( Underline the adjective)
Suresh grew some vegetables in the backyard. (Dynamic Verb/ Stative Verb)

5. I will leave for Mumbai tomorrow. (Identify the kind of sentence)

6. The poor boy sold newspapers. ( Underline the predicate)
7. There is the notebook in a drawer. ( Rewrite using correct articles)
8. Manoj is an engineer. ( Identify the main verb and auxiliary verb)
9. My neighbour has an expensive car. ( Underline the adjective)
10.They could not reach their office in time. ( Identify the main verb and auxiliary verb)
11.You cant deliver my message,_______? ( Complete using a question tag)
12.It is a beautiful day. ( Rewrite as an exclamatory sentence)
13.Ritu and Kiran cleaned ______ (theirs/their) room.
14.The caged animals_______ ( Complete using a suitable predicate)
15.The mans shirt is ______ ( Fill in the blank using an adjective)
16.They cleared the road _____ which was blocked by the fallen tree. ( Fill in the blank using
a reflexive pronoun)
17.That house is _____. ( her/ hers)
18.The player ____ lost yesterday has to play another match today. ( Fill in the blank using a
suitable pronoun)
Q2. Fill in the blanks with the type of adjective mentioned in the brackets:

_______ dress did you like? ( Interrogative)

_______birds sing beautifully. ( Demonstrative)
We must leave our ____ habits in childhood itself. ( Qualitative)
You must improve your ______ English. (en verb)
My best friend has _____ toys. ( Quantitative)

Q1. Write a paragraph on:
I make my school cleaner

a) My pet

b) A visit to the city museum

c) How can

Q2. You are the Sports Captain of your school. Your school is going to participate
in an Inter School Athletics Meet. Draft a notice to inform the students of your
school with the help of the given clues.
09.09.2016 to 11.09.2016
At Indira National School
Selections dates: 30.08.2016
and 31.08.2016
Contact persons: PTIs and
Sports Captain
Q3. You are the President of the Eco Club of your school. The school is organizing
a cleaning drive in and around the school. Write a notice about the same
encouraging the students for maximum participation.
Q4. Mr. Sunil Gupta is throwing a party on occasion of his sons engagement at his
residence. It is going to be a small get together to close friends and relatives.
a) Write a note of invitation from Mr. Gupta to Mr. Karan Singh
b) Write a note of acceptance from Mr. Karan Singh for the same invitation
c) Write a note of regret from Mr. Sumit Verma for the same invitation

Q1. Read the following extract and answer the questions that follow:
Then he hit the ground, burying his forehead in the soft, cool sand.

Which lesson is the extract taken from?

Who is he in the above lines?
What had happened in the story just before these lines?
Why was there sand on the ground?

Q2. Read the following extract and answer the questions that follow:
The tiger isnt burning bright
In the forests of the night
Or in the wilderness of day.
We need to understand his plight.
1. Why does the poet say, The tiger isnt burning bright?
2. What do we need to understand about the tiger?
3. Complete the line: In the forests of the night ________________.
4. Name the poet of The Tiger.
Q3. Answer the following questions:
1. Why were the girls wearing new frocks in the lesson Little children wiser than men?
2. What is the main reason for thinning down of the number of tigers?
3. Why did Tejimolas stepmother give her the mekhala chadar to wear?
4. Helen married Menelaus by________ ( Complete the line)
5. How did the Greeks destroy the city of Troy?
6. In the story The take-off board, why does the boy foul at the start?
7. Who is Timothy? How is he related to the Daddy in the poem, Daddy Fell into the
8. How does the author make us sympathise with the new boy?
Q4. Why do you think little children are wiser than men? Mention a few qualities
that adults can learn from children.
Q5. A) In the poem Daddy Fell into the Pond, the day brightened when________
( Complete the line)
B) How must we react when a serious accident befalls someone, instead of being
just an onlooker?

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