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Cadet Operations Plan

(OPLAN) Fall 2014

842d AFROTC Cadet Wing
University of Texas at San Antonio


Mission Directive for School Year 2014-2015

AFROTCI 36-2010, Cadet Training Program
AFROTCI 36-2011, AFROTC Cadet Operations
T-508, LLAB Cadet Instructors Guide
AETCI 48-101, Prevention of Heat Stress Disorder
AFH 33-337, The Tongue and Quill
AFI 36-2905 and AFROTC supplement, Fitness Program
AFI 36-2903 and AFROTC supplement, Dress and Appearance of Air Force Personnel
AFI 90-901, Operational Risk Management
AFMAN 33-326, Preparing Official Communications
AFMAN 36-2203, Drill and Ceremonies
T-502, Group Leadership Problems
T-700, Training Manual (HCTM)
T-1626, USAF ROTC Dining-In/Dining-Out Guide
T-406, A New Officers Guide to Etiquette and Decorum
Holm Centers Hydration Guidelines

1 - Situation
2 - Mission
3 - Classification of Cadets
4 - Administration
1 - Command of the Cadet Wing
2 - Wing Structure
3 - Cadet Appointments and Rotation
4 PMT Events
1 - Key Responsibilities
2 - Information Management
1 - Goals
2 - Execution
3 - Deployment
4 - Employment
1 - PMT
1 PMT or Voluntary PMT
2 - Non PMT or Non AFROTC Sponsored Activities
1 - Honor Flight and Warrior Flight
2 - AFROTC Meritorious Service Award
3 - AFROTC Commendation Award
4 - AFROTC Achievement Award
5 - Warrior Spirit Award
6 - Academic Honors Award
7 - Physical Fitness Award
8 - College Scholarship Recipients
9 - Recruiting Award
10 - Superior Performer
1 - Evaluation
2 - Discipline

Section AGeneral Information

1. Situation
a. The 842d AFROTC Cadet Wing is an organization designed to provide cadets with the
opportunity to learn and strengthen their leadership and management skills. These
learning experiences are part of the Leadership Lab (LLAB) program and are vital to
cadet training as future Air Force officers. There are thirteen LLAB sessions from 4 Sept
2014 to 4 Dec 2014, which are planned and implemented by the Cadet Wing. The Cadet
Wing Commander (CW/CC), under the supervision of the Operations Flight Commander
(OFC), is in charge of the successful accomplishment of all LLAB objectives.
b. Fall 2014 LLAB Calendar: See Attachment 5. (The Fall 2014 LLAB Calendar shows
the proposed objective completion hours and corresponding LLAB dates.)
2. Mission. The mission of the 842d AFROTC Cadet Wing is: To Recruit and Train AFROTC
cadets for leadership roles as future United States Officers. Thus, this program requires
cadets to practice essential leadership skills such as organizing, directing, inspecting, and
evaluating. The leadership and training principles from the HOLM CENTER Training
Manual (HCTM) will be studied and implemented as part of the LLAB curriculum. Cadets
enrolled in the Professional Officer Course (POC) will learn effective leadership and
management principles along with the decorum needed to be an effective Air Force Officer.
Cadets in the General Military Course (GMC) classes will learn the performance of military
skills, customs and courtesies, and information about the life and work of an Air Force
3. Classification of Cadets. The first level of classification is that of POC, non-POC, and
GMC; this classification is critical for the purpose of accomplishing required LLAB lesson
objectives. The second level of classification is by academic year. AS100 cadets are enrolled
in the freshman class; AS200s and AS500s are in the sophomore class; AS250s are enrolled
in both the AS100 and AS200 class; AS300s in the junior class and AS400s in the senior
level class. AS700s & 800s have finished the 'AS' block of instruction but have yet to
graduate. Each class is required to accomplish specific training objectives as outlined in the
Mission Directive for the 2014-2015 academic year. Cadets who are part of the GMC but are
not scheduled to attend Field Training undergo Initial Military Training (IMT), normally
AS100 cadets. Cadets scheduled to attend Field Training in the upcoming year, normally
AS200 or AS500 cadets, participate in Field Training Prep (FTP). Cadets returning from
Field Training are Intermediate Cadet Leaders (ICL) and are normally AS300s. Cadets
scheduled to be commissioned in the upcoming year, normally AS400 cadets, are Senior
Cadet Leaders (SCL). AS700s and AS800s are categorized as Extended Cadet Leaders
(ECL). POC cadets that have completed Field Training successfully must hold positions
within the cadet corps.
a. General Military Course (GMC) - IMT and FTP cadets. Cadets enrolled in the AS300
academic course who have successfully completed four semesters as a GMC and the
AS100 and AS200 classes but have not successfully completed field training will be

considered non-POC. Responsibilities of non-POC cadets are determined on a case by

case basis.
b. Professional Officer Course (POC) ICL, SCL, and ECL cadets.
(1) Cadets holding positions in the Cadet Wing Organization Chart will be considered
Detachment 842 cadet staff.
(2) Cadets holding group command positions will be classified as Cadet Wing
4. Administration. All correspondence related specifically to AFROTC matters must progress
through the Cadet Wing (CW) chain of command. Flights and Squadrons will send copies of
correspondence to their CW supervisors, as appropriate. GMC cadets will process all issues
and concerns through their Flight Commanders. Flight Commanders will handle issues at the
lowest level of command, either by resolving the problem themselves or referring the issue to
their Squadron Commander. Exceptions to this rule exist only when cadets feel that an issue
warrants immediate intervention by the Cadet Wing Inspector General, other cadet leader or a
cadre member.
a. Conflicts or issues arising within the flight level will be routed through the Operations
Group chain of command. Conflicts or issues arising within the wing will be routed
through the appropriate group commander. If matters progress above the group level, the
CW/CC will be contacted followed by the OFC. The issue may be directed to the
Detachment 842 Commander after review by the OFC, if warranted.
(1) Harassment will not be tolerated at Detachment 842. Any cadet who feels
they are being harassed is encouraged to alert a cadre member immediately.
Harassment of any nature is very serious; therefore cadre should be made aware of
any misconduct in the cadet corps.
(2) Cadets are forbidden to use their grade or position to take undue advantage of, or
afflict their subordinates. This applies to all forms of indignity, hazing, oppression, or
deprivation of any right or privilege to which they are legally entitled, as outlined in
the HCTM. Any cadet who feels they are being treated unprofessionally are
encouraged to use their chain of command, or Inspector General IMMEDIATELY.
The Operations Flight Commander (OFC) or another cadre member should also be
notified of the situation.
b. All written correspondence that pertains to CW business will be done in a professional
manner and follow appropriate customs and courtesies. The CW is not authorized to use
official Air Force letterhead.
c. In order for cadets to develop a better partnership, they can conduct working-level
meetings on a regular basis. These meetings may be held by any supervisor for their

subordinates so long as they do not interfere with the academic progress of cadets in the
d. Requests for announcements that need to be made during scheduled LLAB time by
cadets will be first approved by their squadron commander. The cadet(s) who wish to
make the announcement must receive final approval of their Group Commander before
presentation to the Cadet Corps. No last minute announcements will be made unless
seen fit by any Group Commander. Group Commanders will ensure that
announcements are well thought-out, contain accurate information, and are of sufficient
relevance to warrant the use of LLAB time. The Cadet Wing Inspection Team led by the
Inspector General, will subsequently give constructive criticism regarding the public
speaking skills and areas of improvement necessary for the projection of authority and
professionalism. Cadets wishing to make an announcement will be arranged at the front
of the auditorium, in an organized manner, to minimize time in between presenters. Most
announcements can be posted online rather than requiring the use of scheduled LLAB
Section BWing Organization
1. Command of the Cadet Wing
a. The CW/CC commands all cadets and is responsible for ensuring that the training of these
cadets conforms to the HCTM. The CW/CC will implement an efficient command structure
within the cadet wing. The CW/CC will meet with the OFC and/or provide a status report on
the 842d AFROTC Cadet Wing at least once per week.
b. Cadet wing positions will be chosen by the CW/CC, and all positions will be approved by
the OFC. The cadet wing will be structured to ensure an effective use of the chain of
command. All cadet positions are detailed in Attachment 2, Job Descriptions.
(1) Refer to Attachment 3, the 842d AFROTC Cadet Wing Organizational Chart for a
detailed view of the cadet wing organizational layout.
(2) Refer to Attachment 6, Unit Manning Document (UMD), for a list of all cadet wing
positions holding the rank of Cadet 2nd Lt or higher, their office symbols and the number
of cadets authorized to hold those positions.
2. Wing Structure
The Cadet Wing Leadership consists of the Cadet Wing Commander (CW/CC), the Vice
Cadet Wing Commander (CW/CV), the Maintenance Group Commander (MG/CC), the
Operations Group Commander (OG/CC), the Mission Support Group Commander
(MSG/CC), and the Cadet Wing Director of Staff (DOS/CC). The Cadet Wing Commander
will also have Command Support including the Inspector General (CW/IG), the General
Military Course Cadet Advisor (CW/GMCA) and the Command Post (CW/CP). The
CW/CC is responsible for the overall planning, organizing, and supervising of the CW in

accordance with AFROTCI 36-2010. The Cadet Wing Staff is comprised of the following:
(1) The CW/CC is responsible for the leadership training and active duty preparation for
the entire corps.
(2) The MG/CC is responsible for the 842d AFROTC Cadet Wing Maintenance Group.
(3) The OG/CC is responsible for the 842d AFROTC Cadet Wing Operations Group.
(4) The MSG/CC is responsible for the 842d AFROTC Cadet Wing Mission Support
(5) The DOS/CC is responsible for the 842d AFROTC Director of Staff and associated
(6) The CW/IG is responsible for ensuring all operations are in accordance with
published regulations.
(7) The CW/GMCA is responsible for advocating for GMC cadets to the wing
(8) The CW/CP is responsible for maintaining accurate attendance records and individual
cadet LLAB training objective completion in conjunction with the OFC.
3. Cadet Appointments and Rotations
a. The following cadet appointment and rotation system will be implemented in accordance
with AFROTCI 36-2010.
(1) Cadet positions will rotate at the end of each semester and the semester OPLAN will
contain the new Cadet Wing Organizational Chart.
(a) All POC Cadets must hold at least one designated leadership position before they
(b) Extended Cadet Leaders (ECL) can be put in leadership positions provided there
are no other ICL or SCL cadets in need of one and with approval from the OFC.
(c) All cadet positions held in the wing organization will be tracked in the Cadet
Wing Leadership Tracker, Attachment 5.
(2) No cadet will hold the same position for two consecutive semesters unless authorized
by the Detachment Commander.
(3) POC cadet rank is based on position held or as stated below. Any former Cadet

Colonel will wear Cadet Colonel rank in honor of their past position as Wing
Commander, but their authority is limited to their current position.
(4) POC cadets will not hold any rank lower than Cadet Second Lieutenant.
(5) Non-POC and GMC cadets will not hold any rank higher than Cadet Third Class.
(a) AS100 and first term AS250 cadets will assume the rank of Cadet Fourth Class.
(b) AS200, second term AS250, AS500 cadets and non-POC cadets will assume the
rank of Cadet Third Class.
b. Academically completed AS200s that have not successfully completed Field Training are
fully integrated into the CW as Technical Assistants (if the cadet has completed four
semesters as a GMC) or into operations group flights with other AS100's and AS200's. They
are classified as AS500 cadets.
c. A written job description for each position on the 842d AFROTC Cadet Wing
Organizational Chart will be provided to the OFC (see Attachment 2).
d. Continuity in an electronic medium will record the duties performed during the semester
and will assist cadets in subsequent semesters. Each cadet holding a position is responsible
to update or create a continuity source and to turn it in to the Continuity Assurance Officer on
the second to last LLAB of the semester. All cadets will brief the next cadet to obtain their
position in the last week of the fall 2014 semester on the continuity they prepared. A format
will be provided by the CW/CA.
e. Cadets who hold group level positions are required to brief their expectations and plans for
the Fall 2014 semester to the CW/CC. Cadets who hold squadron level positions are required
to brief their expectations and plans for the Fall 2014 semester to their respective group
commanders. All other staff positions are encouraged to list their expectations and plans and
brief to their squadron commanders. This should take place within the first week of classes.
4. PMT Events
a. In accordance with the Mission Directive 14-15, subsequent OPLANs will be generated in
the Fall 2014 semester for all mandatory events. If our schedule does not permit them to
occur during the Fall 14 term they will be addressed in the Spring 15 term.
(1) New Student Orientation Program
(2) Reveille/Retreat Ceremony
(3) Veterans Day Parade and Retreat Ceremony
(4) Leadership Reaction Course

(5) Warrior Day and/or Field Training Exercise

(6) Combat Dining In
(7) Change of Command Ceremony
(8) Commissioning Ceremony
(9) Career Day
(10) Picture Day
b. OPLANs will be generated for any other activities that arise during the course of the
Section CControl and Administration
1. Key Responsibilities
a. The CW Staff will:
(1) Meet for no less than one session per week.
(2) Brief the CW/CC no less than once per week on wing activities.
(3) The CW/CP will insure mandatory PMT attendance is recorded. These records will
include cadet attendance at scheduled LLAB and PT sessions and/or approved make-up
sessions. The CW/CP will also be responsible for recording completed LLAB lesson
objectives using the Fall 2014 Cadet LLAB & PT Tracker document. The OFC will have
access to this document also via dropbox. However, weekly LLAB and PT attendance
must still be reported to the OFC by the CW/CV.
b. The CW/CC will submit LLAB and PT Operations Orders (OPORDs) for review by the
OFC two weeks prior to the date of execution. The final version will be submitted to the
OFC NLT one week prior to the date of execution.
(1) Operations Orders will be posted on bulletin boards in the cadet area and on the 842d
AFROTC Cadet Wing website (
(2) Operations Orders must be approved and signed by the CW/CC and the OFC.
c. The LLAB schedule will be posted and updated throughout the semester by the MG/CC.
The calendar will contain the LLAB activities and their respective objectives.
d. The MG/CC will follow the proceeding schedule:

(1) OPORDs are due to the CW/CC the Monday three weeks prior to the week of their
assigned LLAB.
(2) Necessary revisions after review by the OFC must be completed by the Wednesday
one week prior to the assigned LLAB.
(3) Sunday the week of the LLAB the OPORDs will be posted on the 842d AFROTC
Cadet Wing website.
(4) Monday the week of the LLAB the OPORDs will be posted on the detachment
bulletin board
e. The Operations Group Commander will hold an orientation meeting with all his/her
personnel after the beginning of the semester, but prior to LLAB 1. The meeting will cover
semester expectations and ensure strict adherence to the HCTM.
f. The 1 & 2 OS/CCs will hold a Flight Commander training session after the semester
begins, but before LLAB 1, to ensure they are prepared for the semester.
g. Flight Commanders may hold flight meetings. They will ensure that these meetings and
planned flight activities do not exceed one hour weekly or interfere with academics. If they
will exceed one hour per week, the OFC must be notified.
h. The MG/CC and his/her personnel are responsible for tracking the physical fitness of the
wing. He/she will brief on standards for evaluating physical fitness by the third LLAB. The
Physical Fitness Officers will track and report PFA scores and trend data. They will also
organize and run wing PT sessions and joint runs with the Army ROTC Battalion.
2. Information Management
a. The CW/CC is responsible for posting the Cadet Wing Organization Chart in the cadet area
by LLAB 1. The Cadet Wing Organization Chart will visually indicate the OFC designated
leadership positions, and show the name of the cadet holding the position, the rank associated
and the office symbol for each position.
b. The CW/CP will compile a cadet phone list to be put in alphabetical order and include at
least one phone number, an e-mail address, and flight for each cadet NLT LLAB 2.
c. CW personnel will consult the detachment staff before establishing administrative
d. Cadet publications may be issued for information management regulations, officer
instruction and policy letters. Cadet publications must be purged at the end of each semester
to remove obsolete/outdated material. All official cadet publications must be approved by

the OFC and CW/CC before posting, reproduction or distribution. Furthermore, official
Air Force letterhead must not be used for cadet publications or correspondence.
e. Cadet Records will be taken through the Operations Group and maintained by the CW/CP.
Cadet records may be placed under one structure for each main topic (i.e. Attendance list).
(1) Cadet records will include:
(a) Attendance at scheduled LLAB sessions.
(b) Attendance at scheduled Makeup LLAB sessions. LLAB make-up attendance is
also collect by the OFC.
(c) Updated Make-up LLAB session form. All cadets attending Make-Up LLAB
attendance credit must have OFC approval.
(d) All evaluation forms submitted. (The CW/IG will forward all evaluation
records to the CW/CC).
(2) The CW/CC will submit the updated Fall 2014 attendance spreadsheet reflecting
cadet attendance to the OFC NLT COB on the Tuesday following LLAB.
(a) The CW/CP will notify the OFC when a cadets attendance to PMT events drops
below 80%. This is precautionary only as the OFC will also monitor attendance.
Section DLLAB Organization
1. Goals. The goals of LLAB are to:
a. Provide GMC cadets an informative and motivational program designed to familiarize
them with the Air Force way-oflife while fostering leadership, followership, teamwork and
esprit de corps. (IAW LLAB Handbook)
b. Ensure cadet development through position broadening; seek to give POC cadets a broad
range of experience in leading the corps through serving in different groups. (MG, MSG, etc)
c. Provide AS300, AS400, AS700 and AS800 cadets opportunities to demonstrate and
develop the leadership and management skills needed to successfully function as an active
duty Second Lieutenant and to adequately prepare them to transition from the ROTC
environment to active duty. (IAW LLAB Handbook)
2. Execution. Cadets, excluding Special Student Status individuals in accordance with
AFROTCI 36-2011, para 4.15; enrolled in Aerospace Studies courses must also be enrolled
in LLAB courses. Each LLAB will:

a. In accordance with AFROTCI 36-2010, Para 4.3.1, all LLAB lessons will be presented
throughout the academic year utilizing the lesson plans in the Holms Center Training
Manual T-508 for Objectives 1-35. Reference Attachment 5 (Fall 2014 Master Calendar)
for when each objective will be presented during the Fall 2014 Academic Term.
a. Be planned and executed by cadets.
b. Be presented in accordance with AFROTC Guidance and Instruction.
c. Have an Operations Order describing execution and objectives presented during that
d. Have an inclement weather alternative that meets required objectives.
e. Have an Operation Risk Management section outlining all risk involved with the LLAB
f. Be approved by the OFC and supervised by a Cadre member
3. Deployment
a. LLAB will be conducted on Thursdays, with exception to Veterans Day which will be held
on a Tuesday, at the time and location specified in that week's Operations Order. Every
LLAB will be recorded by the CS/HO onto a DVD. Cadets with LLAB Conflicts are required
to make up LLAB by watching the DVD which will be made available the week following
the missed LLAB. The cadets who missed a LLAB will check out the DVD from the OFC
the week after the missed LLAB but no more than two weeks after the missed LLAB. Cadets
who have missed a LLAB for other reasons are encouraged to make up LLAB in the same
manner. Exceptions can be made to this timeline, but cadets should make every effort to
make up the LLAB as quickly as possible. Due to space on the DVDs, the CS/HO might not
be able to fit LLAB in its entirety. If that is the case, he/she should focus on capturing the
LLAB objectives. The MTS/LLO will be able to provide guidance as to what should be
captured or not.
b. The CW/CC will ensure that the LLAB Lesson Plans provided by HQ AFROTC are used
in preparing and conducting LLAB unless otherwise authorized by the OFC
(1) The MG/CC will produce an OPORD for each LLAB
(2) Each LLAB will be organized by the MG/CC with input from his/her staff
(a) The D&C Officer is responsible for planning and executing the D&C training
(b) The 1 OS/CC and 2 OS/CC are responsible for planning IMT and FTP training
(c) The OG/CC is responsible for planning Active Duty Prep for all POC cadets

(3) After each LLAB the MG/CC will produce an After Action Report.
c. DOS/SAD will plan a Dining Out towards the end of the semester in coordination with the
DOS/CC. This will take place outside of LLAB hours and will be executed by members of
the special activities team.
d. MTS/DC will plan a formal change of command ceremony at the end of the semester. The
D&C Officer will be the mission commander and execute the ceremony.
e. Cadets should not invite guest speakers to cadet events without prior approval from the
cadre. Notify cadre well in advance when considering extending an invitation to a
distinguished visitor (O-6 and above, elected public officials etc.) to attend a training event.
4. Employment
a. Mandatory PMT training will be conducted during LLAB and PT and will be limited to 5
hours per week for GMC cadets and 6 hours per week for POC cadets. For LLAB, each
cadet will attend no more than 2 hours of activities that count toward numbered LLAB
objectives per week (Monday through Sunday) for IMT cadets and no more than 3 hours per
week for ICL, SCL and ECL cadets. For PT, each cadet will attend a minimum requirement
of two PT activities per week, but cannot be required to attend in excess of 3 hours of PT per
week (Monday through Sunday). These weekly limits on mandatory PMT training hours are
in accordance with the Mission Directive 14-15 and AFROTCI 36-2010.
b. Each cadet must attend 80 percent of LLABs and PT sessions. This will be tracked by the
Command Post officer and by the OFC.
c. No other mandatory training will be scheduled outside of LLAB unless approved by the
OFC with the exception of one retreat and reveille ceremony, PT, and one Dining Out.
d. Deviations from the mandatory PMT time limits must be approved by the detachment
commander and must be reasonable and justifiable (AFROTCI 36-2010, para 3.2.2).
Section EPhysical Training
1. PMT-Physical Training
a. Physical Fitness sessions are used to maintain high physical fitness standards and promote
esprit de corps. The purpose of the AFROTC physical fitness program is to promote a
healthy and active lifestyle and ensure the cadet corps meets the fitness standard for active
duty service. This purpose warrants the emphasis placed upon the program by the Cadre and
the cadet leadership.
(1) Weekly physical fitness is mandatory and will be conducted IAW with current
AFROTC requirements. Cadets not reaching attendance standards will face escalatory
corrective action, with the possibility of involving the OFC.

(2) Each cadet must attend 80 percent of PT sessions.

(3) Make-up PT sessions can only be made up that Friday of the same week as the missed
PT session.
(4) Each cadet must attempt a Physical Fitness Assessment during the Fall 2014
Semester. Contracted Cadets must pass the Physical Fitness Assessment during the Fall
2014 Semester.
b. The MG/CC will:
(1) Conduct Physical Fitness sessions IAW an approved OPLAN and weekly OPORDs.
(2) Sessions should look to accomplish an objective based on cadet fitness needs. They
should focus on the three areas of the physical fitness assessment: upper body and core
strength, and cardiovascular fitness.
Section FOutside Activities
1. PMT or voluntary PMT, or other activities or events that require planning, such as the
Commissioning Ceremony, will be tasked to cadets determined by the CW/CC and overseen by
the DOS/SAO. An OPLAN must be produced for the assigned activity to detail how the event
will be executed.
2. Non-PMT or Non AFROTC Sponsored Activities: Extracurricular activities may be
planned and carried out throughout the semester. These activities are not Practical Military
Training (PMT) and therefore make-up credit will not be awarded in the case that the event
interferes with a PMT activity, unless otherwise authorized by the OFC.
a. Activities may include, but are not limited to, social gatherings, outdoor recreational
visits, and intramural sports.
b. Arnold Air Society (AAS) is a voluntary program whose activities are not sponsored by the
CW. Arnold Air Society is a Non-Federal Entity and is not sponsored by the 842d AFROTC
Cadet Wing. The DOS/AAS must ensure that their program does not interfere with 842d
AFROTC Cadet Wing sponsored events.
Section GAwards Criteria
1) Awards will be issued at the last LLAB. They will be decided amongst the Cadet Wing Staff
through information provided by the cadre.
2) Honor Flight and Warrior Flight: The Project Warrior Officer will develop Honor and Warrior
Flight competition criteria that is completely non-subjective.

a. The competition criteria will be made public before the second LLAB and posted on the
detachment bulletin board.
b. The Project Warrior officer will develop a plan that provides for the evaluation of at least
one criterion per LLAB that will factor into the determination of the Honor and Warrior
3) The list of awards to be given out at the end of each semester can be found in AFROTCI 362011, para 10.10. The cadet wing staff will utilize this information in conjunction with a list of
eligible cadets provided by the cadre to make their selections. This list must then be approved by
the OFC prior to the awards ceremony at the end of each term.
Section HEvaluation and Discipline
1. Evaluation
a. Evaluation forms will be accomplished for GMC cadets by their flight commander and for
POC cadets by their respective commander. The forms are provided in T-508.
(1) Evaluations will be completed at three intervals: initial, midterm, and final.
(2) Completed forms for the midterm and final will be reviewed by the CW/IG.
(3) All evaluation forms must be available to the cadet being evaluated and signed by the
cadet and his/her evaluator.
b. All cadets must meet the weight standards and attempt the PFA outlined in AFI 36-2905
and the AFROTC supplement. Contracted cadets must pass the PFA each semester. If a
contracted cadet does not pass on the first attempt, they must be rescheduled for a future date,
in conjunction with direction from the OFC. All cadets will have an official height and
weight check each semester. The schedule for each semester ht/wt check will be provided by
the OFC, but is typically done in the first week of the semester.
2. Discipline
a. Cadets will adhere to mutual respect principles established in the T-700 Holm Center
Training Manual and AFROTCI 36-2010 to include the following standards:
(1) Cadets are prohibited from administering physical discipline.
(2) Prohibition of inappropriate training, hazing, discrimination, harassment or other
(3) Prohibition from using rank or position to take or be perceived as taking un-due
advantage of subordinates.

(4) Prohibition from using a cadet merit/demerit system.

(5) Prohibition from requiring hard work when temperatures exceed 80 degrees F (due to
the lack of proper measuring equipment, if this is in question at all, refer to the direction
from cadre).
(6) Use Field Training unique military decorum rules only during LLAB hours.
(7) Cadets in a relationship will not serve in the same chain-of-command. Cadet
relationships must not detract from the good order and discipline of the cadet wing.
b. POC cadets will use formal administrative discipline to address poor performance,
behavior, and attitudes failing to meet military retention standards.
(1) First occurrence. Address with verbal counseling from the individuals supervisor.
This is a formal meeting to ensure the cadet understands the policy and supervisors
(2) Second occurrence. Issue a letter of counseling in writing from the cadets
supervisor, meeting with the group level commander and forward a copy to the
Command Post for record.
(3) Third occurrence. Issue a letter of counseling from the individuals group level
commander, Meeting with command staff and forward a copy to the Command Post for
(4) Further occurrences. If required, escalate the matter to the OFC.
The OFC must be notified of any serious disciplinary issue that violates the instructions
within the Holm Center Training Manual or Honor Code.

Cadet Wing Commander

1. 842d AFROTC Cadet Wing Organization Chart, Fall 2014
2. Cadet Duty Descriptions
3. Unit Manning Document
4. LLAB Master Calendar, Fall 2014

5. Fall 2014 Master Calendar

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