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Grade Level



K.4 The student will identify, say, segment, and

blend various units of speech sounds
b) Identify and produce words that rhyme.
K.5 The student will understand how print is
organized and read.
a) Identify the front cover, back cover, and title
page of a book.
K.13 The student will use available technology for
reading and writing.
1.) The teacher will review what the front and back
covers and title page of a book are.
2.) The teacher will introduce students to simple
rhyming words.
3.) The teacher will pass out index cards and sheet
of paper with QR code on it to the students.
4.) The students will use an iPad and QR Code
reader to read the QR Code and listen to Hop on
Pop by Dr. Seuss.
5.) While listening to the book, students will write
rhyming words down on their index cards.
6.) The teacher and students will then discuss the
rhyming words that they wrote down and how the
words rhyme. This helps the teacher check for
understanding of rhyming words.
7.) After discussing the rhyming words within Hop
on Pop, the whole class will take part in rhyming
iPads The teacher will say a word such as Hop




logy Techno


TPACK Template


a) use to read QR code with camera on iPad

b) watch video within QR code
QR Code
Add your QR Codes in this
below App
Name of the device and/or
programs being used. (The
description of what the
students will be doing with

QR code


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