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CO2 is the peripheral factor that determines the response of the respiratory system

- system bases central and peripheral responses on CO2

- ventilatory response to increasing conc. of O2 when CO2 is held constant
- if high conc of CO2 there will be high response regardless to O2
- if experiment is reversed and O2 is held constant and CO2 varied, whatever conc of O2, steep
curve (high response) to increase in CO2
- our system is sensitive to CO2 more than O2
Ventilation --> (L/min BTPS)
Paco2 -->(mm Hg)
Air = 80% Nitrogen, 20% O2
O2 is very reactive, flammable and conduct electricity, dissociates
body responds to CO2 so when low O2 it pumps out CO2 --> pass out (1964 story)
O2 low -- () responds^
CO2 low -- () responds^ ventilatory v
spirometry- way to measure the volumes of air you inspire/expire
effect of exercise
Partial pressure in alveoli of co2 and o2 are fairly constant
-to maintain this constant pressure ventilation (Vco2 in L/min) has to be increased as well as
heart rate
- need lot of blood circulating at high rate when increase amount taken into lungs b/c need to
uptake O2
STPD - related to spirometry, Standard temperature pressure, dry air
BTPS - Body temp, pressure, saturated air (max 5% H2O, = 45 mmHg)
Gas Law: PV = nRT
have to use saturated air inside body, have to take into account temp 37 deg.
aerobic exercises, can supply oxygen just from breathing
do high amt of work while exercising, muscles do work then O2 can be zero available in blood,
so muscles obtain ATP and energy from molecules used to stores those. After exercising we
hyperventilate, to restore ATP in our muscles.
CO2 + H2O ---> H2CO3 ---> HCO3- + H+
anaerobic respiration: produce lots of protons when we increase lactic acid --> produces more
carbonic acid --> carbonic anhydrase --> more CO2 and water
b/c removal of CO2 in lung is easy, we will always have a positive gradient to eliminate it no
matter how high the level
if CO2 very low however there is no mechanism to restore so people pass out/die

BTPS - study lung volumes and flows standardized to barometric pressures at sea level, body
temp and pressure saturated with water vapor
ATPS - measure at ambient temperature, pressure, saturated with water vapor (ex. expired gas
which has cooled down)
ATP STPD - like ATPS but not saturated (ex. room air). Oxygen consumption and carbon
dioxide delivery are standardized to standard temp (0 deg) barometric pressure (101.3 kPa) and
dry gas
Restrictive disorders & obstructive disorders (more chronic)
anything that gets in way of air is obstructive, alveoli collapse etc
restrictive involves more of the bioelastic material in lungs (ex. spring, damper)
P vs V graph
when we have elastic material if V ^ then P ^, but material has limit before it breaks, so when we
reach limit have to apply more pressure to get change in volume. So linear then exponential.
- for every volume there is a given pressure need to apply
- perfect elastic material = ideal spring ---> Hookes Law
C (compliance) - dV/dP
tidal volume = 500 mL Hg
inspiration and expiration curves are different
transpulmonary pressure is much greater during inspiration than expiration
need surfactants and high transpulmonary pressure in order to keep alveoli open

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