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December 2016

The Bible A Framework for Life

Prayerfully prepared for:

A Publication of
St. Pauls Reformed Church

Join us for the Christmas Eve

Service at 7:00 pm

A Publication of
St. Pauls Reformed Church
1070 Park Avenue, Meadville PA 16335

1070 Park Avenue, Meadville, PA 16335

Church Phone: 814-336-5188
Facebook: St. Pauls Reformed Church Meadville
Office Hours: Monday-Friday 8:00-1:00 p.m.
Pastor: Brian Hasenkopf336-5188/573-1576
Consistory President: James Henry336-5188
Consistory Vice-President: Joe Kerr333-2658
Consistory Secretary: Linda Hild382--2059
General Fund Treasurer: Shirley Reeger333-1383
Admin. Assistant: Valerie McCracken336-5188
Music Director: Betsy McClellan814-282-7507

I wrote the following whilst serving the Riverside RP congregation in Newry, Northern Ireland, in
the summer of 2005. Even though our boys are now
24 and 21 yrs. old, the exchange rate is a little better
($1.24 = 1 pound now, $1.50 then) and this is a
throw-back, it remains just as relevant today
Seeking to entertain our two boys this summer
and at the cost of a mere pound, we have converted
our dining room table into a ping pong table. It
seems to be the best use of a pound thus far, because
the entire family has been playing.
Playing against my youngest son is the
greatest challenge. He likes to change
the rules of the game to suit his momentary need. Although funny among
family, taking his kind of play into any
organized sport would not be tolerated.
Once the rules are abandoned, the
game quickly becomes meaningless.
The rules are the framework for playing the game. They define such things
as beginning, scoring, serving, boundaries, faults,
points, and finish. Rather than being seen as something that restricts you and spoils your fun, the rules
bring meaning and direction to the game, and the
same is true in life. The Bible is a bit like that.
Tackling subjects of origin, meaning, morality, and
destiny, the Bible alone answers lifes biggest questions. Many, however, reject the Bible as inaccurate
and irrelevant. Yet, the accuracy of this book, 66
documents compiled over a period of 1500 years in
three languages by some forty-three different authors, has no rival in its category. For example, we
have well over 5000 original Greek manuscripts of
the New Testament and some 20,000 sources to help

us put it all together. By comparison, the closest

ancient work is Homers Iliad, with just 643
sources. Sir Frederic Kenyon, one-time Director
and Principal Librarian of the British Museum, has
said, In no other case is the interval of time between the composition of the book and the date of
the earliest extant manuscript so shortand the last
foundation for any doubt that the Scriptures have
come down to us as they were written has been removed. The Bible is not just for people with University degrees or some other qualification. It has something to say about things
that matter to everyone; matters like marriage, divorce, remarriage, alcoholism,
substance abuse, stress and depression.
The Bible tells us how to deal with difficult emotions like anger, guilt, fear,
doubt, and anxiety. It speaks against such
things as dishonesty, selfishness, immorality, greed, and arrogance, and teaches
us how to cope with such things as poverty, disease, death, and rejection. The Bible shows
us how we can have love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and selfcontrol. Are these things out of touch?
Like my youngest son playing ping pong,
many today live lives without the rule book and
struggle to find meaning to it all. You may know
someone in this situation, or perhaps you are in this
situation. I encourage you today to consider, or reconsider, Gods rule book for life. Rather than seeing it as a book that will restrict you, see it as a book
which can give you meaning and direction in life!
~ Pastor Brian Hasenkopf

Update from the Consistory President

2017 Offering Envelopes: The 2017 offering
envelopes are now available in the narthex.
You can pick them up any time during office
hours or worship. If you cannot find your offering box, please contact the church office
and one will be given to you. Also, if you
would like your box mailed, please call the
church office. Thank you.
Christmas Poinsettias: Its time to place
your orders for Christmas poinsettias. Orders will be taken through Sunday, December 4th. The cost is $5.75 for each 6 pot.
Please call the church office (336-5188)
with your order as soon as possible.
Christmas Party: The
Ladies Group Christmas
Party is Tuesday, December 6th at 6:00 pm
in the Fellowship Hall.
We look forward to a fun time for all! If you
have any questions, please see Susie
Burkhardt or Shirley Reeger.

Movie Night: Mark your

calendars for movie night
on Friday, December 9th at
6:30 pm. We will watch
Narnia: The Lion, the
Witch, and the Wardrobe.

December Birthdays &


Garth Valesky
Larry & Elaine Phillips
Marvin Yetman
Katy Mutlu
Dan Shilling
Damien Granda
Jane Long
Shirley Reeger
If you would like your birthday or anniversary
included, please contact the church office at

December Altar Flowers

Flowers are $30 per set and may be purchased by contacting
the church office at 336-5188
4 Available (Please call the church office to schedule)
11 In loving memory of parents Donald Darr & Anne Lilley and Ernest & Marguerite Hild from
Rick & Linda Hild
18 In loving memory of Rosa Taylors birthday (December 18) from her family & friends
25 In loving memory of parents Mildred & Harold Johnson from Ruth McMaster and Helen (Sindelar)

Over the past few months there have been

numerous projects completed and others initiated.
Maintenance of St. Pauls is ongoing and, at
times, frustrating in view of costs and
issues to be addressed. Recently, as many
of you know, a chain barrier has been
installed to eliminate traffic speeding
through the parking lot to address the
safety of the young people and seniors
that enter the church or walk through the
lot. It is working. You only need to spend
time during the week to realize how
many cars try to bypass the traffic light
by going through our parking lot.
On another note, a video security
camera has been installed in the exterior
entrance to the offices and Henderson
Lounge. It serves to enhance security. Thus far it
has repaid its cost by making it possible to better
screen persons wanting entrance into the church.
Thus far it has been money well spent. Gratitude
must go out to the Friendly Sisters Group who
donated the funding to address this critical need.
As an update, we finally received good news.
We have finally received full certification of the
new boiler system after three years of repetitive
processes to satisfy Commonwealth licensure and
overriding problems with the original contractor.
Several projects are in process but will not be
addressed until spring. These projects include: 1.)
repairs and repainting of the frame work around
the front entrance, 2.) repairing and repainting of
the iron railings at the Park Avenue and Popular
Street exits/entrances, 3.) replacing the concrete
steps into the music directors office which is also
an emergency exit, 4.) repairing and improving
the air circulation and heating in the generator
room that contains the emergency generator and
part of the supporting systems for the pipe organ,
5.) repairs and servicing of the two lift chairs.
There are numerous other repairs, maintenance and service projects that will need to be
addressed in the near future including but not limited to: 1.) repairing and refurbishing the stained
glass windows, 2.)repairs and re-securing the parapet on the bell tower, 3.) resealing the parking

lot, 4.) some renovations to the Fellowship Hall

and 5.) further repairs to the pipe organ. These
projects will come in time and unfortunately will
be accompanied by major costs and
lengthy work.
You may have noticed some changes in the Order of Worship in the Sunday
services. The Benediction comes immediately following the closing hymn and
the Doxology follows the Benediction. It
is planned that with the upcoming new
year, the role of the Liturgist will become part of the services. Possibly rotating that role among several congregational members they will be responsible
for the Welcome and Announcements,
Passing of the Peace, and closing with
the Call to Worship. This will give a wider role of
members in the worship services. It might be possible to re-establish the role of the acolyte.
The Consistory is encouraging the congregational members to attend their meetings on the
second Wednesday of each month at 6:00 pm. It is
important that the congregation, as a group or as
individuals, are actively aware of the activities,
the work and the issues that are addressed or may
impact the Congregation as a whole.
We must not forget the initiatives that have
been undertaken relative to numerous outreach
projects. Members of the congregation have
played an active role in several outreach activities.
These activities include: Game Night at Holland
Towers, door to door engagement with neighborhood families, Youth Game Night, Family Movie
Night, Fellowship Luncheons, and an active participation with Release Time. Needless to say outreach is critical to the maintenance and growth of
St. Pauls Reformed Church. The work is not easy
and can be time consuming but is rewarding. To
each of you who have participated in outreach
thank you on behalf of the congregation and St.
Pauls Reformed Church. There are many ways
one can express their gratitude and thankfulness
for the many ways we each experience Gods
grace. Outreach is one way to begin sharing Gods
unwavering Grace.

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