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eventually- in the end , after long delay

vital- important

impact- the action of one object coming forcibly into

contact with another
comprise (v)- make of
pertain (v)-related to something
imitate(v)- follow as model
plunge (v)-dive quickly
murky- dark or bloomy due to mist.
bothered(v)-take trouble to do something.
Aficionado- Person who is very knowledgeable.
assimilate(v) -take in

Consensus-General Agreements
twiddle(v) - twisting

live in or at a specified place: groups of

gypsies still dwell in these caves.

incision,notch- incision on an edge or surface: there

was a notch in the end of the arrow for the bowstring.
ACCUSING-indicating a belief in someone's guilt or culpability

the anxiety- feeling of worry
banter-the playful and friendly exchange of teasing remarks
Kudos-praise and honor received for an achievement.
obscure - not discovered

Delegated-a person sent or authorized to represent others

punitive-intended as punishment

accuse- (v)- charge (someone) with an offense or crime

Ambiguity- uncertainly- not known
feasible-possible to do easily
wisdom (N)- the quality of having experience, knowledge,

and good judgment

veteran-(N)- a person who has had long experience in a

particular field.

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