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Foreign Trade Activities in Bank Asia Ltd.

Submitted To
Ms. Tasneema Afrin Lectuere, BRAC Business School BRAC University
Submitted By Mr. Md. Tawfi ue !ossain Bu id"#$%#&#'& (e)ertment BBS

January 19, 2012 Ms. Tasneema Afrin Lecturer, BRAC Business School BRAC ni!ersit
y Sub ect! Su"mission of #nternshi$ re$ort. %ear Ma&am, 'ith the (reat $leasure
# su"mit the internshi$ re$ort as a $artial fulfillment of BBA )ro(ram. # trie&
to (i!e a "est effort to $re$are this re$ort on Foreign Trade activities in Bank As
ia Ltd. accor&in( to your (ui&eline. # also trie& to focus my "est *or+ sincerely t
o co!er all as$ects re(ar&in( the matter. )ractical e,$osure is !ery essential f
or orientation *ith the real *orl&- *or+in( area. # ha!e learne& a soun& +no*le&
(e an& un&erstan& on the "asic o$eration of the "an+. # ha!e thorou(hly en.oye&
in $re$arin( this internshi$ re$ort *hich has contri"ute& si(nificantly to my un
&erstan&in( on the essentials an& im$ortance $ractical +no*le&(e. # e,$ress my s
$ecial (ratitu&e to you for &e&icatin( your !alua"le time an& hel$in( me *hene!e
r nee&e&.
At the time of $re$arin( re$ort, some fla*s may emer(e/ ho$e that you *ill consi
&er these fla*s fa!ora"ly. Sincerely 0ours,
Mr. M&. Ta*fi2ue 3ossain B #& 4 05607027.

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