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Short Essay on Christmas Festival: Significance, Celebration, Message of Christm

On May 27, 2015 By Omna Roy
Category: Essays, Paragraphs and Articles
What is Christmas? Christmas is the great joyous occasion of the annual celebrat
ion of the birth of Jesus Christ, the founder of Christianity. It was on 25th of
December that Lord Jesus was born at Bethlehem.
Significance: Jesus Christ, the most important figure in Christianity, is believ
ed to have founded the Christian religion. Hence, Christmas is a great Christian

The birth of Jesus is considered one of the most significant event in world hist
ory. Jesus Christ took birth on this earth to save humanity from misery and dark
Every year, this sacred day is observed with religious zeal, in great merriment
and with sincere prayers by Christians all over the world. Billions of people ar
ound the world celebrate this day. Throughout the year, they wait for the advent
of Christmas and the preparations for the ceremony start a fortnight before the
actual day.
Celebration: Christmas day is a special day in the Christian world. It is celebr
ated throughout the Christian world with great enthusiasm. This day they go to t
he Church and offer special prayer.
Christmas day is a day of merrymaking and joy. Christians decorate their house,
offices, street, churches beautifully with colorful light.
On this occasion, everybody wishes Merry Christmas to each other. Special Christma
s Carols are sung in churches and abbeys. It is also an occasion for family gettogether. People put on new clothes, present gifts to each other, and decorate t
heir houses.
The two special items of Christmas are the Christmas tree and the Christmas cake
. There are Christmas trees and Christmas candle in every house on this occasion
. They prepare delicious foods, cakes on this occasion.
Gift distribution is one of the most common activity during this festival.
Christmas festival is
t during this period.
the festival season.
In many parts of the
s theme.

very special for retailers. The entire economy gets a boos

People around the world start shopping several days before
Huge crowd can be seen in marketplaces and shopping malls.
world, shopkeepers decorate their shops along the Christma

The figures of Santa Claus and Saint Nicholas are very popular among young child
ren. Children eagerly wait for Santa Claus. They believe that Santa Claus and Sa
int Nicholas would come and distribute them gifts. Santa Claus is a symbol of pr
otector and friend of the children.
Also read: Short Paragraph on Christmas
School, college, office, etc. remain closed for this occasion. All people enjoy
the festival. They exchange greeting cards and sweets.

Message: On this unique occasion of Christmas, even non-Christians remember, wit

h due reverence, the Son of god, who suffered the terribly painful death on the
Cross to deliver humanity and kindness from evil. Wars are temporarily suspended
in honor of Christ on Christmas. An atmosphere of universal goodwill prevails o
n earth. All men and women treat others as brothers and sisters. People forget j
ealousy, hatred and selfishness. The spread of love and peace among mankind is t
he supreme message of Christmas.

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