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Chapter IV

The Municipal Council

Sec. 29 (a) The Municipal Council shall prescribe the time and place of holding its
meetings. Regular meetings shall held once in every two weeks and special
meetings as often as any occasion may demand.
Any meeting, regular or special , may in case the amount of business shall require ,
be adjourned from a day to day until the business is completed.
Sec .30 The majority of the council elected shall constitute a quorum to do business,
but a smaller number
May adjourn from time to time and may compel the attendance of absentees under
such penalties as may be prescribed by ordinance.
Sec .31 The regular sessions or meeting of the municipal council shall be public and
the person presiding
Has the authority to exact from all present due respect proper deportment, to
prevent disturbance and to order the room cleared of any and all present who give
reason for for such action by improper behavior.
Sec .32 The municipal council shall determine its own rules procedure, punish its
members for disorderly.
Sec .33 The council shall be taken upon the passage of all ordinances
Sec .34 Every ordinance shall go into effect on the tenth day after its passage ,
unless the ordinance shall
Provide that it shall take effect at an earlier or later date.
Sec .35 At the first regular meeting after the election and qualification of a new
president, the council
Shall pass on his nominations to non- election .
Sec 36 The council shall definitely fix the limits of the barrios of the municipality
Sec .37 (a) If the number of barrios of the municipality is less than or equal to the
number of councilors.
Sec .38 (a) Each councilor shall keep the people of his barrio or barrios informed as
to the acts of the council.

Sec .39 The municipal council shall:

Establish and fix the salaries of the municipal officers and employees , subject to
the limitations expressed in section 22 .
Sec. 40 The municipal council is empowered:
To order the suspension or removal at any time, for cause, of any non-elective
officer, provided that two-thirds vote of all the members shall be required for such
Sec. 41 Question which may arise relative to the constitution or attributes of the
municipal government
shall be admitted to the provincial fiscal for decision.

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