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Lethbridge ‘i oO Faculty of Education 2 PROFESSIONAL SEMESTER ONE SUMMATIVE REPORT ‘Student Teacher: Miranda MacKonzio School: Magrath Elementary Schoo! Grades/Subjects Taught: Grade 2 (Math, Language Af, Ai ote) Teacher Associate: ticholle Oborg University Consultant: et Fetchor Dates of Practicum: Nov, 3.0ec. 9 Tnstructions: + This is @ surnmative report of the student teacher's performance at the end of the PSI practicum, based on expectations for that ‘stage of teacher development, * For each practicum outcome below, place a check mark in the appropriate box fo indicate the student teacher's level of performance: either Not Meeting Expectations for the PSI level, Meeting Expectations, or Exceeding Expeciations. (Most students, \ill falinto the Meeting Expectations category, unless there is clear evidence for Not Meeting Expectations or Exceeding Expectations.) For students within the Meeting Expectations category, please indicate level of performance. + Some outcomes may not be applicable to your particular educational situation. if you wish to indicate this, please put N/A in the middle of the rating scale + Atthe end of each section ofthe form, please provide comments in reference to the relevant KSAs and practicum outcomes. 4. PLANNING AND PREPARATION KSA#1__Teachors make reasoned decisions about teaching end leering besed on their ongoing analysis of contextual variobes. KSA33_Teachors use the programs of study to rform ard direct planning instruction and assessment. KSA #6_ Teachers plan for instruction, rensisting curiculum and outcomes info mesninatalleaming activites. KSA39_ Teachers use a tvoad range of insiructiona stategies. KSA #13 Teachers Kenly and use relevant learning resources. ere etee 28 a u ge OEE ga _ 20) a a Planning and Preparation 4. Demonstrates knowledge and in the subject matter of the lesson. t Vv 2, Incorporates a varely of appropriate resources and instructional and assessment v States info lesson planing | 3. Translates leaming outcomes from the Alberta Program of Studies into relevant and 1 v appropiate learning objectives forthe lessons beh aus 4, Takes into account students’ prior learning, leaning needs, inferesis, and backgrounds. | v 3, Organizes content ino appropriate components and sequences for ineiruction v [[6. Plane relevant content and actives sufcient forthe time alloted v 7. Prepares lesson plans for all lessons taught, using a well-defined structure which Vv includes learning objective(s), an introduction and closure, detailed procedures and instructions, key questions, teaching strategies and student activites, and assessment of lesson objectives 3 ltegses information and communicators technology int asraction where v | approotata. [[9._ Obtains and organizes equipment and materials for instruction. Comments: Miranda spent a lot of time preparing and planning lessons. She gathered various resources and used them effectively to enhance her lessons. Manda ty comfortable using technology. She successfully used the ymart board tv several of her lessons. December 2014--Summative Assessment Pst Miranda MacKenzie 2. INSTRUCTION KSA #4 Teashers demonsrate knowiedge of the content thoy teach KSA#S Teachers dently and respond o lamer aferences KSA #9. Teachers use a brosd range of instructonal strategies. KSA #10 Teachers apply a varely of lacinologes 10 meet students leaning needs. | 3 i i i i 3 i 3 = oe | Communication = fe = ia 1. Uses clear, fluent, and grammatically correct spoken and writen language. v 2. Uses vocabulary appropriate to students’ age, background and interests. lv 3._ Modulates hisiher voice for audbilty and expression [Vv | Lesson Introduction | “4. Establishes sot: reviews prior learning, identifies leséon objectve(@) and expectations, v uses motivating attention getters, provides an overview, and relates the lesson to previous earning as appropriate [ General Lesson Development 1 %. Incorporetes srstegis for motivating students using relevant and interesting subject v matter and activites | ‘6. Explains and proceeds in small steps at an appropriate pace to sult the ectivly and v | student response. [7 Demenstrates subject matter competence during instucton, v 3. Organizes and directs learning for individuals, small groups, and whole classes Vv 9, Provides dear direction, neructons and explanations v 10. Directs efficient transitions between lessons and from one activity to the next during v lessons 17. Uses a varioly of instructional strategies to address desired outcomes, subject matter, v varied learing styles and individual needs 72, Uses appropriate matoriats and resources. v 13. Demonstrates flexbilty and adaptability | v ‘@ilestioning and Discussion | 14 Aske clearly phrased, well-sequenced questions at a variety of cognitive levels, Vv 15, Provides appropriate “wattime" ater posing questions v 16, Seeks clarification and elaboration of student responses, where aporopriale v 17, Leads and directs sludant participation in class dsamssion effecively and diatbules v questions appropriately Focus on Student Learning 18. Girculaos in the classroom, intervening when necessary. checking on individual and v group understanding of actvty/content J 18. Recognizes and responds appropriately to Indlvidual dferences and group learring im needs | 20. Reinforces student learning, building on previous earning, reviewing, and reteaching Haw, Closure 21. AeHieves closure for each lesson, consolidating concep tough summaries, reviews, Vv ete. | 22. Proves homework wine appropiate and explains zosignments fly ie : Excellent. No concerny in thix area. December 2014—Summalive Assessment Pst Comment Miranda Mackenzie 3. CLASSROOM LEADERSHIP AND MANAGEMENT. KSA #7 Teachers create and maliain environments thal are conducive fo student leaming and understand student neds for physical, social, cultural and peychological secur. KSA #3 Eslablshos relationships wi students that respect human don et| of | ee] 3% £8 Be 2% 23 8a BS ro ge oe Bh] 7B [a] [RS Hips mt dss ny ape oom TOS 7 Sour scanner er eh ah opao 7 pete 3. Demonstrates initiative, enthusiasm and a commitment to the students and subject, a Deore i, of 4. Establishes positive relationships and a classroom climate based on mutual trust and v — Sa asia 5. Clearly defines and reinforces classroom procedures and routines. ve a 7 7. Monitors student behaviour and is aware of student behaviour at all times. v a ee 7] Ree eee aa Comments: Miranda war very comfortable observing and, teaching in the clawsroom. She took tS te develop rapport with the students. She learned the namey of the tudenty quickly. Miranda tw w with t teacher. She clearly vated expectationy and knew if the studenty were following them or not: 4, ASSESSMENT KSA ‘11 Teachers gather and use information about studens'leamng needs a progress and assess the range of leaming objectives, [Assessment ee ? ~2 | | £8 ee gs| i =3 ae ae 58 2 : 2a & ag] 7. _ Assesses student leaming using a varity of appropriate assessment lechriques and ] Vv instruments (e.g, observations, conversations, questioning, pefarmance-based and | wllen assessment). | | 2, _ Provides timely and effective feedback on leaming to students v 3, Modifies and adapts teaching based on assessment dats (6.9., uses alternative v teaching strategies to re-teach vere reauied) Explains to students how leaming wil be assessed v Maintains accurate records of sudent progress v Comments: Miranda came at w good time of year, She way able to see first hand our student led conferencer and report card. She sccersfully incorporated axsesrmenty into her levsor plans. She monitored student to check for understanding. She has gone back and retaught when necessary. December 2014—Summative Assessment Psi Miranda Mackenzie 4 5. PROFESSIONAL ATTRIBUTES AND RESPONSIBILITIES KSA4#2__Teachera understand he leistod, moral ar etic! ramework win which hey work KSA#iS Teachers engage h aszessng te qualyof Pek lenclng KSA#I6 Teachers are able fo conmuneate persona sion ore own teaching, gia 3 |e Professionalism 5 . 1. _ Presents professional appearance and manner, Vv 2. Fulfis professional obligations (.e., punctuality, routine administrative dues). _ lv 3._ Demonstrates maturity and professional judgment Lv “4, Demonstrates an interest in and a commitment to the teaching profession. lv '5_ Establishes professional relationships withthe school communi v Professional Growth 6. Accurately assesses and documents the effectiveness of lessons, idenifies strengths and weaknesses and || makes appropriate suggestions for imprevernents 7. Uses he reculs of tutertasessmont and foaback oro leading races ard eld rossonal v re '._ Responds appropviataly fo feedback fom others by stoning, intrpreting, and implementing suggestions. v 9, Develops and communicates personal vision of teaching, i Vv 10. Demonstrates wilingness to ake “informed risks to boneft student learning v 11. Develops and presents a professional portfolio and/or growth plan including goals, evidence of progress v nical Conduct toward goals, reflections on growth, and future goal. Respects the dignity and rights of all persone without prejudice as to race, religious belies, colour, gender, v sexual orientation, gender dently, physical characteristics, disability, marital status, age, ancestry, place of coigin, place of residence, socioeconomic background of linguistic background, 13, Treats students with dignity and respect and is considerate of thei circumstances, v 14. Does not divulge information about a student received in confidence or in the coutse of professional duties v ‘except as required by law or where to do 80 is inthe best interest ofthe student. 415. Does not undermine the confidence of students in teachers or other student teachers. v 16. Does not eitcize the professional competence or professional reputation of teachers or other student v teachers unless the ctiticism is communicated in confidence to proper officals after first informing the indvidual concerned of te criticism. 17. Acts in a manner that maintains the honour and dignity of the profession. Vv 18. Does not speak on behalf of the Faculty of Education, the University of Lethbridge, the school, or the vi profession unless authorized to do so. Comments: Miranda demonstrated excellent people skis. She clearly stated what she was thinking and asked questions for clarification She accepted feedback and continuously strived ter do better and be better. She actively participated irvour schoov and divistonal PLC (profeusconal learning community) meetings. It wax truly a pleasure to work with Meranda. December 2014--Summative Assessment Psi Miranda Mackenzie ‘SUMMARY: Areas for further growth: At the beginning of the practicum there were w few areay that Miranda and identified ax areas for potential growth. I do-not think it tr four to mention themvhere because she has shown progress and mastered each of these areas. Overall comments (Strongest aspects of student's performance): Miranda already iw asvexceptional teacher. Shehas the skilly she needs to-be successfuland iy dedicated to becoming the best teacher she- canbe. Miranda interacted positively with the studenty and staff ot Magrath Elementary. Sheadapteday necewary and way willing to-try new thingy avher teaching. She clearly tuted expectations for student behaviour fromday one. Sheivorganiged. Miranda ts wiling to put inthe time and effort it takes tobe extraordinary teacher, Recommendation: @ Pass Q Fail Q Incomplete* “If an Incomplete grade is recommended, please attach a signed document providing reasons and recommendations {for additional practicum experience. : The Teacher Associate is responsible for completing this document, in consultation with the Student Teacher and ‘the University Consultant. WM tacksages Da. 4 faoi4 “Student Teacher (Mirandy Macken: read. Dee. 4 20/4 ‘eacher Nesocile (miclflig Obera) Bate Pf, I? Sec ¥ 20/ ‘University Consultant (Me¥F letcher) Date Ploase submit the completed original signed report to Field Experiences, Room TH429, Facity of Education, the University of Letiintdge, and prove sighed copies forthe Student Teacher and fr the University Consultant. December 2014—Summative Assessment Pst Miranda Mackensie

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