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Raden Dewi Sartika or as we know as Dewi Sartika was the leading figure and
pioneer for the women education in Indonesia. She was born on December 4th
1884 at Cicalengka, Bandung, West Java. Dewi Sartika was born into a Sundanese
state. Her father is Raden Somanagara. He was an independence warrior. Because
his punishment, he was sent away to Pulau Ternate until he died. Her mother is
Nyi Raden Rajapermas. Although it was against the culture, her parents still
insisted her education in a Dutch school. After her father passed away, she lived
with her uncle. Her uncle was a prime minister in Cicalengka. She learned about
Sundanese culture from her uncle. And, she learned about Western culture from a
wife of residant assistant. Her nation was Dutch.
Since young, Dewi Sartika already showed her passion in teaching. At the age of
10, she liked to taught the maid's children how to read and wrote and Dutch
In 1899, she moved to Bandung. Her mission was gave a good education for
woman. On January 16th 1904, she build a school named Sekolah Isteri by the
help of her grandfather, R.A.A. Martanegara and Den Harmer, the head of
teaching school. It became the first woman school. Dewi Sartika helped by her
cousins, Poerwa and Nyi Oewid as the teaching staff. The school located at
Bandung Regency's pendopo. It only had 2 classes with 20 students. They learned
how to count, read, write, sew, embroidery, and religion education. Dewi Sartika
taught the girls to be an independent and creative woman. Sekolah Isteri got a
lot of positive reactions. One year later in 1905, because of the increasing amount
of students, the school was moved to Ciguriang street, Kebon Cau. The first class,
graduated in 1909. In 1912, there were already 9 of Sekolah Isteri in Pasundan.
The amount of Sekolah Isteri in Pasundan kept increasing as the time goes by. In
1914, the school got renamed with Sekolah Keutamaan Isteri. In 1920, All the
region in Pasundan had one Sekolah Isteri. At the 25th years anniversary of the
school, On September 1929, Dewi Sartika held a celebration ceremony. Once
again, she changed the school name to Sakola Raden Dewi.
Her name Dewi Sartika is known for the street that was the place of her school.
She was awarded Order of Orange Nassau at the 35th anniversary of Sekolah
Kaoetamaan Isteri as a tribute of her service in education. On 1 December 1966,
she received Heroine of the National Movement title.

In 1906, she married to Raden Kanduruhan Agah Suriawinata, a teacher at Sekolah

Karang Pamulang. He got the same vision and mission as her. Dewi Sartika died
on September 11 1947 in Tasikmalaya while she was evacuating due to
independence war. There was a funeral ceremony for her. She buried at
Cigagadon, Cineam. 3 years later, her grave was moved to Bandung's mayor
cemetery at Karang Anyar, Bandung.

(I Gusti Ayu Aimee Widhiyanti)

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