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Tragic Treasures - Discovering Spoils of
Benefits War in the Midst of Tragedy by Dianne
Expert Authors Rosena Jones
Read Endorsements By Richard R Blake
Editorial Guidelines Article Word Count: 315 [View
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EzineArticles RSS is the story of Dianne Rosena Jones' spiritual journey. It relates many
of her traumatic experiences. It describes her feelings of loss, pain and
disappointment. Dianne tells of working through emotions of denial,
fear, disbelief, and hatred. She tells of a life cluttered with
psychological debris.
Jones relates how she was on the verge of suicide. She talks of being
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overcome by the despair, bitterness and depression. She shares the
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struggles, defeats and victories of spiritual warfare. She alludes to
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spiritual illumination, the process of release, and receiving divine
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guidance. She speaks of the need to surrender her pride. She goes on to
tell how she embraced acknowledgement, acceptance, and forgiveness.
She speaks of repentance and of divine encounters with God as sacred
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She describes her sacred moments in this way: "In those sacred
moments I found myself spiritually naked and unashamed. It was there
in His presence where my broken heart mended, my mind renewed, my
soul restored, and my spirit lifted."

Search I especially appreciated Dianne's heartfelt prayers at the end of each

chapter and of the thought provoking application questions
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accompanying them with suggestions for action steps and journalling.

Dianne's writing is open and transparent. I especially appreciated her

candor when talking of mending relationships and restoring trust with
her son. Dianne expresses how she was able to channel negative
Would you like to be emotions into positive outcomes, transforming anger into passionate
notified when a new support for others, of exchanging fear for giving vigilant care for her
article is added to the loved ones, and of replacing her sorrow to with a sympathetic concern
Spirituality-Religion for the loss and suffering of others.
"Tragic Treasures: Discovering Spoils of War in the Midst of Tragedy"
Email Address: is a remarkable story of empowerment, of victory, and of promise.
Highly readable, relevant, and enlightening.

Your Name: Royal Treasures Publishing, 978-1450703697

As Reviewed for Midwest Book Review.

Richard R. Blake, Christian Education Consultant, Book

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This article has been viewed 18 time(s).
Article Submitted On: June 17, 2010

MLA Style Citation:

Blake, Richard R. "Tragic Treasures - Discovering Spoils of
War in the Midst of Tragedy by Dianne Rosena Jones." Tragic
Treasures - Discovering Spoils of War in the Midst of Tragedy
by Dianne Rosena Jones. 17 Jun. 2010 EzineArticles.com. 19
Jun. 2010 <http://ezinearticles.com/?Tragic-Treasures----

APA Style Citation:

Blake, R. R. (2010, June 17). Tragic Treasures - Discovering
Spoils of War in the Midst of Tragedy by Dianne Rosena Jones.
Retrieved June 19, 2010, from http://ezinearticles.com/?Tragic-

Chicago Style Citation:

Blake, Richard R. "Tragic Treasures - Discovering Spoils of
War in the Midst of Tragedy by Dianne Rosena Jones." Tragic
Treasures - Discovering Spoils of War in the Midst of Tragedy
by Dianne Rosena Jones EzineArticles.com.

EzineArticles.com - All Rights Reserved Worldwide.

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