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Muscle N Mind (M`N`M)

Academy of learning
(Think muscle not movement)
My Goal is simple share what I have I learned over the years and
what I am currently learning today. I belive we should always be
pushig ourselves to grow and become better.

What we see !!
Reason to choose M`N`M academy as training organization is that
the technique used for teaching is a very genuine method.
Assesment and its implication should be such a fantastic theory
which should be capable of making any client injury free and fit,
irrespective of their learning capacity. unfortunately this is usually
forgotten in many training programme.

Mission Statement
Delivered indelibly using andragogical (model of evidence based
learning strategies for adult),research validation lesson plans
and support materials in whatever format attracts students to the
learning process. In essence we want to create the education
programme you have been waiting for !!!!

Resource person :
Dr. Jaymin Bhatt ,

Target audience :

Physical therapy educator

Muscle N Mind (M`N`M)

Academy of learning
(Think muscle not movement)
2) MPT, PG student and clinician

Organization plan :
1) It describes relationships among components within
physiotherapist and where the service is part of larger
organization between the service and the other components of
that organization
2) Ensure that the sevice is directed by Physiotherapist
3) Define supervision structure within service

What we do:
We promote the use of systematic approach to assessment and
Under the _______ acedamy we would like to teach the physios
For example..

Muscles of the Scapula

Rotator Cuff (and first exercise graph)
Pectoralis Major, Latissimus Dorsi and Teres Major
Arm Muscles
Functional Anatomy by Joint Action and Exercise: Upper Body
Hip Flexors and Anterior Thigh Muscles
Posterior Hip (Gluteus maximus, medius, minimus & piriformis)
Hamstrings and Adductors
Ankle Joint Actions and Muscles

Muscle N Mind (M`N`M)

Academy of learning
(Think muscle not movement)
Functional Anatomy by Joint Action and Exercise: Lower Body
The Spine and Trunk Muscles
Trunk Muscles Graph, Additional Core Muscles and Core Exercise
Kinesiology by joint action
Kinesiology of the Ankle
Kinesiology of Elbow, hip, knee ,shoulder .


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