Khawla Saeed h00296836 3rd Lesson

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Khawla Saeed Lahha Alshehhi

Grade 1

CCSS Math Strand:

Unit1, Operations and Algebraic
Thinking, lesson 4 (addition).

CCSS Standards:
Know the number names and the count sequence.
Count to tell the number of objects.
Understand addition as putting together and adding to.
Main Lesson Aims (Concepts, Procedures, & Processes):
Students will be able to:
Review numbers from 1-100 through solving the puzzles.
Solve addition equations.
Write an additional equation
Crown of bigger number
Ice cream sticks
Ice creams, cookies and watermelon (cards hanged on sticks).
Students name list (reward and punishment)
Boxes for organize the stuff
teacher books

McGraw-Hill Education

student book(s)

McGraw-Hill Education, (p.277-280)

worksheets/ papers

The worksheet will be in pairs, but each line of pairs will represent a level.
The first worksheets will be a puzzle with numbers and they
have to organize the puzzle (reorder the numbers) to come up
with the shape they will create through the puzzle.
Low: the numbers will be between (18-23).
Middle: the numbers will be between (36-41).
High: the numbers will be between (65-70).
The second worksheets will be gabs with circles so students
must fill them with the number of materials and complete the
Low: students will have two cups of ice-cream on sticks, they
have to count the number of ice cream pieces and write it on
the paper.
Middle: students will have two watermelon on sticks, and
they have to count the number of black spots on it and write
it on the paper.
High: students will have two piece of cookies on sticks, they
have to count the spots of chocolates, write it down and find
the answer of the equation.

teacher materials

Flash Cards
Crown of bigger number

student materials/

Ice cream sticks
Cookies sticks
Watermelon sticks





Key vocabulary with definitions (and pictures if appropriate):


glossary definition



The sign written in mathematical

equation when adding two numbers.


no quantity or number

Equal to

The sign that shows two things are

equal in amount.
The two parts equal the all.

Additional Equation


Students Prior Knowledge:

I think students are familiar with reading numbers and which number comes first.
I think students already know the process of addition but still need more practices to
get the idea of addition and how do we add mentally.
Possible Problems and Misconceptions:
When students add mentally, they put the bigger number on their head (e.g. 5) and the
smaller with their hands (e.g. 2), and instead of continuing after the number 5 and say
6, 7 and the answer is 7. They use their hands with making number 2 and say the answer is 2 without counting.
I should clarify the idea of addition and the process we make, thats why Im going to use
the crown to write the bigger number in by saying (people who are kings are the only
one who wears crown so find the bigger number and put it in your head (crown). And
making the smaller number in their hands then they will know which one to put on their
hand. I will focus on the idea of continue counting not saying the same number.

Lesson Schedule
Targeted teacher questions to promote HOTS
Student communication and use of math language
Engage (warm up, review prior knowledge):
I will mention the classroom rules and the LO of the lesson.
I will put some cars on the board, the cars will have some numbers that students must read, the cars will be racing and students must identify which one
is the slowest car according to the number, then which one is faster and so on
until they build the sequence of the number (first reading numbers then reorder all together under teacher assistance).
Explain the puzzle game and the idea of them organizing numbers to create a
Give each groups of pairs a basket and specify a student to be responsible for
collecting students materials.
Give students the puzzle to create the shapes then check their answers.



Core (introduce and practice new concepts & procedures):

I will explain the process of addition, I will ask a student to come and I will
have hime wear the crown, I will ask students which number is bigger? The
crown is being wear by kings so it looks for bigger numbers. So which number
is bigger in the equation. I will tell them to make the smaller number on their
hands. I will make sure they understand the continuing in counting after the
number they put in the head instead of saying the number on their hands.
The teacher will give student some worksheets that has gab and circles that
they must fill in according to their materials.
- The low level group will be having a paper and ice-creams to count and fill the
gab to find the total number of ice-cream on both.
- The middle level group will be having a paper and two watermelon to count
their black spots (beans) and fill the gab to find the total number of spots on
- The high level group will be having a paper and cookies to count the number
of chocolate spots on both pieces.
And once they finish counting and writing the number on each stick, they have
to write an additional equation on the worksheets I will be giving them.


Close (wrap up, discussion, brief review activity or assessment):

I will review how to write an additional equation.
I will ask them who recognize how we do the addition process.
I will continue solving the book with them and mark once they finish and put
stickers on the one who has all answers correct.


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