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November 11, 2016

Brad Kapenga


Standard: 7 W1.2.2 Explain the importance of the natural environment in the


development of agricultural settlements in different locations.

Behavioral Objective:
a. Students in this lesson will explain their topic to the rest of the class based on the
answers from their reading guide.
b. The students progress will be measured in their little mini-lesson to the rest of the


class about their topic.

Anticipatory Set:
a. To make sure that students are prepared, I will remind the students what they need
to be working on, and remind the students of the necessary target for the day.



Also, students will watch CNN student news to learn about current events.
a. I can explain how the environment impacted the Paleolithic and Neolithic
societies when peopling the earth.
a. Task Analysis
i. Students will need to know the Paleolithic and Neolithic peoples and their
ways of living when peopling the earth.
b. Thinking levels:
i. Knowledge: Students will be able to explain their topic about the
approaches to peopling the earth.
c. Methods and Materials
i. This lesson will be mostly done through students working with their
groups to create their mini-lesson for the class. There will be some


demonstration in the process.

ii. Materials:
1. Chromebook
2. Reading Guides
3. Online Textbook
4. Hard Copy of Text
5. Pen/Pencil
Guided Practice
a. Introduction (10 Minutes): Good afternoon class! Today, we are going to
continue our investigation about the Paleolithic and Neolithic societies. Who can

remind me of the big idea for this activity? Awesome thats right we are focusing
on explaining the Paleolithic and Neolithic peoples and their ways of living.
Before we jump back into our activity from yesterday, we are going to watch
CNN student news. Any questions? Alright very good!
b. Group Practice (30 Minutes): Alright, I know that some groups are done with the
reading guide questions, which is good progress. We mentioned this on
Wednesday, and we are going to have you create a way to present this material to
the class. This can be done through a presentation, some sort of activity for the
entire class to participate in or some sort of skit to present the materials from your
reading section. Make sure that your information is accurate when creating your
presentation of the material. If you have any questions just let me know and I will
get there when I can.
c. Closure (5 Minutes): Okay awesome work everyone, before I let you go, I will
remind you that you should be ready to present on Monday. This is again in
preparation for your upcoming project where you will be teaching a lesson to the
sixth grade classes. With that said I hope everyone has a great weekend!

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