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Kayla Nobles

As the mayors of three great global cities - New York, Paris and London - we urge the world
leaders assembling at the United Nations to take decisive action to provide relief and safe haven
to refugees fleeing conflict and migrants fleeing economic hardship, and to support those who
are already doing this work. (Lines #35-42)
I believe that the authors argument is that world leaders should allow immigrants and
refugees into their countries because they are beneficial to our societies and because most are in
need of life saving services. Why I think this is because of lines #85-93 where the authors
clearly state, Refugees and other foreign-born residents bring needed skills and enhance the
vitality and growth of local economies, and their presence has long benefited our three cities.
Another reason why I believe that is the authors argument is because of lines #101-104, Our
cities are also on the front lines of helping those fleeing violence or persecution connect to
critical, often life saving, services. Finally the last piece of evidence from the text that has led
me to believe that this is the authors argument is because of the lines #121-126, We know that
policies that embrace diversity and promote inclusion are successful. We call on world leaders to
adopt a similar welcoming and collaborative spirit on behalf of refugees all over the world
during the summit meeting this week.
I think that the authors had an okay argument because it lacked concrete evidence to
make it a strong one but the authors did make good points, even though it wasnt all supported by
facts, and they also have the experience of being mayors of great cities. Why I dont think its a
weak argument is because even though most of the authors evidence is opinions rather than facts
the points they did make, even if it was mainly opinions, were pretty strong in my opinion. The
reason why I might think that is because I agree with the authors argument. Why I agree with it
is because I also believe that other countries should provide safety and life saving resources to
the people who need it. But that said, I can also understand people's fears that some of the
refugees coming might be terrorists but instead of completely blocking off borders we should
background check them to make sure there are no terrorists coming through.

Boroughs - An incorporated municipality smaller than a city.
Allocate - To set apart for a particular purpose; assign or allot
Xenophobic - Unreasonably fearful of or hating anyone or anything foreign or strange
Integration - To bring together or incorporate parts into a whole.
Coalition - A combination or alliance, especially a temporary one between persons, factions,
states, etc.
Paramount - More important than anything else; supreme
What I learned from the AAA is a lot of new words that I never knew about like xenophobic and
paramount but I mainly learned about myself. What I learned about myself is my opinions on

things I never would have thought about until doing this AAA such as where I stand on letting
refugees into the country that have the possibility of being terrorists.

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