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Tannika Winston

Annotated Bibliography
"Title IX Requires Schools to Address Sexual Violence - NWLC." NWLC. N.p., 23 June 2016.
Web. 20 Sept. 2016.<

This title requires schools to address sexual violence immediately and fair. It states that even if
the crime happened off campus the school should still make sure that it is in no way get in the
way of a student receiving the proper education. It goes through a process that they call a
grievance process. It goes on the state the training, complaint procedures, and how the school
needs to have a Title IX coordinator.
"Training for Schools." Stop Sexual Assault in Schools. N.p., n.d. Web. 20
Sept. 2016. <> this
article talks about how the faculty schools are not trained properly to deal with cases of sexual
assault. How they should be able to be there for the victim and the proper steps that should be
taken. Title IX provides examples of certain situations that could cause and assault to happen.
That way they would know what to do if it comes to their school and have the training for the

Adams, Jane Meredith. "Schools failing to Protect Students from

Sexual Abuse by School Personnel, Federal Report Says." Edsource. N.p., 5 Feb. 2014.
Web. 20 Sept. 2016. <>
The article that talks about the failure of U.S. schools to protect students from sexual abuse by
school personnel. cover-ups , lack of training and teachers not having complete background
checks. The efforts that are being made are not enough to accommodate the steady rise in the
issue. It goes on to talk about how there should be annual training for teachers to be able to tell

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if there is abuse going on between students and other employees. In the state of California these
actions are being worked towards. Sweeping it Under the Rug was another topic that was
discussed in the article. How when school eventually find out that the staff member is a child
predator they just let the member resign instead of just reporting it to the police.
"Sexual Assault Policy." Dean of Students, n.d. Web. 20 Sept. 2016
The Secxual Assault policy at UALR clearly says that sexual assault is going against a persons
civil rights as being a human being. The policy vividly says that sexual assault is unlawful and
whosoever participate in it will face civil and criminal penalties. The policy goes on to define
what sexual assault is so that way if they think they were assaulted they could know. One thing
that I liked about the page was that it had a section that talked about a support system for anyone
that was sexually assaulted. I would like to use this as an example of what more Universities
could add to their policies.
Lebioda, Katie. "State Policy Proposals to Combat Campus Sexual Assault." American
Association of State Colleges and Universities. Policy Matters, Dec. 2015. Web. 21 Sept.


This document informs us about the statistics of sexual assaults on campuses. Lebioday Aalso
discusses of what the universities should have available to students on campus. There is are a list
of states who have started to make a change in their schools. I did not find Arkansas on any of
the list.
This a website that started a national movement to prevent assaults from happening on college
campuses. It is full of student documentaries on situations that they have experienced assault or
they know of someone who has. It was started by students and faculty in 5 different universities.

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They would like for other universities to join the movement. I believe this is something that
UALR should do to have more awareness on campus about the topic.

Tannika Winston

Sexual Harassment and Assault in Schools

What do you think is the rising issue in schools today? Grading systems, policies, or not
leaving a child behind? Yes I agree those are all important issues but they are also being
improved. An issue that I believe is growing to be more each school year is Sexual Harassment
and Assault. Its a topic that isnt discussed everyday in schools, some dont even require it to
be made known of.
The Rape, Abuse, and Incest National Network (RAINN) defines sexual assault as
sexual contact or behavior that happens without consent of the victim. Even though there are
many ways to put the term sexual assault in different ways. It still is defined as unwanted sexual
acts. When trying to see if a person was sexually assaulted there shouldnt be
misunderstandings of what it means to be sexually assaulted. This is a reason everyone that
has to do with the functioning of a school system should be able to clarify if a student was
The American Association of State Colleges and Universities (AASCU) published an
article titled State Policy Proposals to Combat Campus Suexual Assault.According to this in
2007 one in five women experienced sexual assault since beginning college. When the survey
was given again in 2015, 23.1% of women experienced non-voluntary contact by physical force
since going to the university that they attended. That is a growing number and the violence is
becoming more violent as the years go on.
The Campus Accountability and Safety Act of 2015 requires colleges to have certain
things available to students that were sexually assaulted. There were a few of these
requirements that stuck out to me. For instance how they should work with the Department of
Education to ensure a good sample of population of students should complete the campus
climate survey. Ive never heard of a college having a survey that students had to take. Ive
never taken one myself since attending college. Since this is something that can be given by the
Board of Education shouldnt it be a requirement of all campuses down to grade school. To
make sure that the students to feel safe in the school environment.
The second requirement that stuck out to me was how the college should have a support
system for the students that have been assaulted. Also that the staff should have atleast
minimum training on how to support someone who was assaulted. This is something I believe is
important. When certain situations go on there is an appropriate way to make sure that the
problem is solved and that the victim is taken care of in the proper way. This article opened my
eyes to what colleges should have in their policy and the requirements that should be met.
At the University of Arkansas Little Rock (UALR) there is a sexaul assault policy. The first
sentence states UALR explicitly condemns sexual assault as a violation of an individuals
human rights and dignity, as well as a violation of Title IX.. Which I commend because it is put

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upfront that it will not be tolerated at the university. As I looked over the policy I didnt see that
the faculty faulty meaning all of the people that work at the university was properly trained on
how to deal with a sexually assaulted victim.
Yes I see that there are designated people to go to but what if the first responder or
person they reach out to is a teacher or janitor. Will they know how to help the victim? Will they
know the right things to say to the victim to comfort them? This is something that is important
because it is more likely to happen. Another thing that stuck out was the survey that students
could take through the Board of Education on the environment of the campus. Thats something
that could be helpful to the people that are over the university to make sure that students do feel
comfortable and safe while learning. It gives statistics on how it could improve over the years.
Sexual harassment and assault does not just take place in or on college campuses. It
has also taken place in K-12. It has been stated in the article Schools failing to protect students
from sexual abuse by school personnel, federal report says that K-12 has lacked reporting and
preventing sexual abuse of students taking place. Statistics state that one in ten students are
vulnerable in getting sexually abused. The ratio is only one person less that the college statistic.
Which isnt a good no matter what it is. The possibility of the ratios getting greater should be
scary to the school system and to parents with children in any school system.
Sweeping it under the rug was a phrase that I have came across often while
researching. It is expressed in saying that when the school finds out that a staff member has
been found out to be a child predator. The school just lets them quietly resign without reporting it
to authorities that the staff member was working at the school. This is something that should be
first looked at before anyone that wants to work at a school steps in the classroom or even
building. Schools should if they dont get in trouble for letting a predator slip through the doors. It
is considered to be child endangerment. That alone could get the school itself in big trouble.
Is sexual harassment and assault really an increasing issue in schools? Yes it really is,
this is why I have chosen this topic to write about. To inform you of the things that are be
overlooked or not being made known of. We never really acknowledge anything until it actually
happens to someone that we love or it happens to us.Thats when it is too late for us to be
informed about it. If we make it a big issue now and get things right. It will be one less issue to
go on in the school system.
In the article Training for Schools The U.S. Department of Education Office for Civil
Rights (OCR) stated that in 2014 it received more reports than in the 40 years of it being
established. That was just two years ago! Now do you understand why we need to make a
improvement in making this known so it can come to a stop. With the increasing numbers more
schools are being investigated.
Families are suing school districts for not taking care of sexual harassment and violence
issues. It doesnt help when the school system seeing sexual violence as a legal and public

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relations issue when it begins in the school. The school is the primarily the one to blame
because they are the ones who let the predator in the doors of the school. They open the doors
for each child to be endangered. What does any of that have to do with the public? It becomes a
legal problem when the predator is allowed in the school.
If just a few students would take a stand against sexual harassment/ sexual violence in
each school or university. We have no idea how much of an impact it would make on the school
systems. It could also open up the doors for other students that have been assaulted to be
brave and get the help that they need. This shows that we will not stand for our civil rights to be
violated nor stand for not being protected from the predators. I came across an organization
called PACT5, it is a national movement to prohibit sexual assaults and rapes in college.
PACT5 was started by 5 universities, four of them are in Massachusetts and one in New
Jersey. They are asking more universities to take a stand with them. Make the PACT on
becoming a safe and preventative campus. The organization believes that documentaries made
by students can turn into stories that could possibly change behavior patterns.
Students are the ones who can make a difference in the minds of other students this is
a true statement. When someone is sexually assaulted another student might be the only
person that the victim can trust. The other student could be the only one to convince them to
report the assault also. This proves a point again about how everyone needs to be informed
about Sexual Harassment and Assault it will not just go away unless we take a stand against it.
So will you today take a stand against your civil rights being violated? Make a PACT on
how you will no longer be on the sideline of sexual assault. Just watching become a typical thing
in college. All it takes is one step, and one group of students who will not allow it to go on in their

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