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(Alyx is sleeping but awaken by his fathers noise)

Alyx: Father? Where are you going?
Father: I will be out to buy ingredients for breakfast
Alyx: This early? And why do you have your sword with you?
Father: * long pause * I will be hunting, so that it would be fresh
Alyx: *fast talk* but you never hunted, you could even buy it at the marketFather: Alyx, calm down, I would be back soon go back to your sleep now and
(*mumble* never forget me) take care
(Alyx went back to sleep)
(Alyx was once awaken again by the noise outside)
*goes outside the house and went to the crowd*
Alyx: Excuse me sir, what is the commotion all about?
TP 1 (Townpeople): Didnt your father told you he went to war?
Alyx: He havent told me such things. Sir what do you me*interrupted by the catapole*
Soldier: INCOMING!!!!! *bomb sound*
TP 2: *sigh* What does the spartans want this time?
TP 3: I think they want slaves
TP 4: Then why did they declare war if they can just get the women here?
Alyx: *over heard conversation* Sir, that would beTP 2: Dont you have manners? Never bump in to adults talk!
TP 3: Thats enough, look *points to the white cloth (shadows of soldiers)* I
think its starting
Narrator: Alyx looked everywhere for his father, at last, she had seen the face
of his father, rejoicing that their eyes meet,her father smiled for the last
time, not long after that, he was brutally stabbed right on his chest. She saw
with her own eyes her father dying. She suddenly felt her heart trobbed and the
constant ringing of a voice, his fathers voice, saying sorry for the last time.
She was speechless, and one thing thats in her mind is to shout everything,
shout her pain away, but she didnt want anyone to hear her. So she went to a
place where there are no one to bother, a place, where she could feel invisible

THIS WORLD EVER CHANGE? *sobs* please I need answers
*Chronus heard her protests*
Chronus: My child, why do you have such anger?
Narrator: Alyx explained her sufferings from the very beginning. What, when and
where. Chronus did not mind because he felt pity for Alyx. He knew she lacks
something important She lacks Love. He also wanted Alyx to experience what its
like to have freedom, for she had indured such pain.
Chronus: Do you want to taste freedom?
Alyx: What do you mean by that, god Chronus?
Chronus: here, Ill show you *mist in* Heres the door to the world you wish to
have, a world where there is peace and freedom. But before you enter, I have
some conditions. You can go back here whenever you want, just call my name, and
if you find true loves kiss, you will be forced to go back.
Alyx: God Chronus! If I enter, will I get punished?
Chronus: Of course you wouldnt be, this based on my own command. I will deal
with him later. Choose now your descision
Alyx: *hesitates at first* Okay, I will go
Chronus: Heh, of course. This portal can only fit for little kids like you, be
careful, you might hit your head, and might die.
Alyx: Okay god Chronus! And thank you so much for your generosity *crawls in the
Chronus: *fast talk* If you ever hit your head and then die, not even arriving at
the other world, it wont be my problem and I have to deal with that stubborn kid
who keeps zapping lighting on my butt so byeeeee

(Alyx comes out)
NARRATOR: Alyx is then sent to the year 2016. Still in Greece but another city
called Volos, she is stunned by the major difference. The tall trees became tall
buildings. Cars drive up and down the street. People busy on their phones and
modern architecture surround the city. Although, the traditional temple is still
on top of the hill. Everyone is wearing very different clothes compared to Alyxs
toga. She explores the city and examines the women. They seem free but it isnt
clear to her. Yet. While roaming around, people give her puzzled looks due to

what she was wearing, but it didnt bother her at all. The only thing was, whilst
walking, a man grabbed her and covered her mouth and pulled her into a dark
ROBBER: Give me all your money and you wont get hurt.
ALYX: Im sorry! I dont have any!
ROBBER: Dont lie to me, kid!
ALYX: I really dont have any! *cries*
(Robber hits Alyx but before the third punch is thrown, someone yells from
ATHENA: Hey! Get away from her!
ROBBER: *smirks* just leave. Youll just get hurt.
ATHENA: Iris, go get him!
(Iris picks up a metal rod on the side and starts to sword fight the robber
with the robber using his crowbar and he gets defeated and runs away)
*Athena and Iris run towards Alyx and helps her up*
ALYX: Thank you so much!
ATHENA: No prob. Just tell us, are you okay? Did he hurt you?
ALYX: Im... fine. Thanks.
IRIS: Youre not from here, are you?
ALYX: Im from Athens...
IRIS: Well, welcome to the city of Volos.
ALYX: May I know the date?
ATHENA: Did that guy hit you that hard? Its 2016 *laughs*
ALYX: *widens eyes in realization* Oh... Yeah... *faintly laughs trying to blend
in* May I know your names?
ATHENA: Im Athena and this is my friend Iris.
ALYX: Athena, goddess of wisdom? Iris, goddess of rainbows and servant to the
gods? Oh my... *bows*
(Iris and Athena laugh)
IRIS: I like your humour,.. uh... Whats your name?
ALYX: Alyx
ATHENA: Well, nice to meet you Alice.

ALYX: Its Al--IRIS: Dont you have anything with you? A bag maybe?
ALYX: No...
ATHENA: Oh no, that crook took all your belongings! Just look at what youre
wearing... It looks like you just jumped out of ancient Greece. We gotta get you
ALYX: Its not necessary--ATHENA: We insist. Cmon. Well even take you around town. We love showing people
NARRATOR: Alyx is mistakenly called Alice but she doesnt mind. Her new two
friends take her to a local store that sells different clothes compared to the
clothes sold in her era. Alyx changed to decent clothes and the 2 girls continued
on their tour.

ALYX: So... are there any wars nowadays?---in this town I mean...
IRIS: Wars? The only wars around here is trying to get the latest iPhone.
Believe me. The Apple Stores are always hectic when a new gadget comes out.
ATHENA: Besides, the last war in Greece was in 1944. The Greek civil war.
ALYX: Oh... so nothing?
IRIS: Nope.
ALYX: When was the last time that girls were just homeschooled by their mothers?
ATHENA: Wow, what era are you from? *laughs* Honey, this is the 21st century.
Everyone gets an equal amount of quality education. Male AND female.
IRIS: Dude, women can join politics already. Ever heard of Hilary Clinton? Shes
a girl and she used to be president.
ALYX: Cant their husbands stop them from doing that?
ATHENA: What do you mean? Men dont have jurisdiction over us anymore.
IRIS: Women nowadays are independent. They know how to fend for themselves.
ALYX: Even fight?
ATHENA: Ronda Rousey. Best MMA fighter in the world---in my opinion.
ALYX: So, what youre saying is... Women are free to do anything now?
IRIS: Yeah. How do you not know that? Where were you raised?
ALYX: Uh... My parents are really old fashioned. Like really really old

ATHENA: Explains why you dont know about Female Rights.

ALYX: Female Rights?
IRIS: We have a lot to talk about.
ATHENA: Women are so independent that they can put up businesses of their own.
Whether it be on the internet or not. No more female slaves. Theyre not looked
down on anymore.
IRIS: Women showed their toughness through the years. Yes, they might be weak
alone but when we unite, the guy that tried to mess with us would wish he never
even had the courage to even talk to us.
(enter a girl being bullied by boys in a nearby school then her older sister
comes with her friends and scares them away. Women police are seen catching the
crook that assaulted Alyx earlier. A girl finally stands up to her abusive
boyfriend and slaps him across the face and leaves. Then a husband fearing his
IRIS: Well, that was conveniently entertaining. See what we mean? Of course we
threaten guys for mostly valid reasons. Were not dictators. Everyone is equal.
ATHENA: Fun fact, 55 percent of the population of Greece is female. So you could
say that women practically rule Greece.
ALYX: Cool
ATHENA: Well take you to some more places then you can have dinner with my
family. Im sure they wont find one friend over. Besides, Iris is always there.
Practically our long lost cousin.
ALYX: Oh... I might be intruding.
IRIS: No. Cmon. Her mom makes the best olive salad.
ALYX: Well, okay.

- ( meanwhile )
NARRATOR: Beneath the earths surface, there is the underworld, ruled by Hades
with his wife, Persephone. Persephone is the Queen of the underworld but yet,
forced to marry Hades. She felt a disturbance as if someone is trying to change
the future. She knows this is beyond her control so she consulted Hades about
this but he was too busy so she went to check it out herself. She went out of the
underworld and saw Chronos open up a portal for a mortal.
PERSEPHONE: What are you doing?!

CHRONOS: Persephone? What are you doing here?

PERSEPHONE: Dont play dumb with me, Chronos. I saw what you did. You just broke
our holy laws!
CHRONOS: Persephone, calm down. I know what Im doing.
PERSEPHONE: Really, Chronos? Really? From what Im seeing right now, Zeus is
going to lightning struck your butt!
CHRONOS: Ugh, youre such a drama queen!
PERSEPHONE: Tell, Zeus what youve done. Or else. I tell him. *crosses arms*
just let
did. And

What? You just expect me to barge into Mt. Olympus and say hey dad, I
a mortal travel through time because I saw how wounded her life is, so I
yes, I did it with no permission from you but yolo right? And most
the whole universe is doomed. Oopsie. Wont happen again. *does

PERSEPHONE: For a hundred thousand year old god, you are so childish.
CHRONOS: Excuse me. Im just a ten thousand years old. Youre the wrinkly old
thousand year old goddess. Plus, Im father time. I could make myself look young
if I wanted to.
PERSEPHONE: Wow, all those years of mastering your abilities and all that magic
within you and your stuck with that. I may be a thousand years old but I will
always look this good.
CHRONOS: Seriously? Thats your comeback?
PERSEPHONE: What do you mean?---Wait! Off topic! Just fix this. Now!
CHRONOS: Sorry. The spells on her now. And if you tell Zeus about my grave
mistake, hell punish you too for escaping the underworld without his consent and
being an accomplice in this thing.
(Persephone glares at Chronos walking away with pride but she wont let this
slip. She knew if she put an end to this, shell get the recognition she
deserves. The gods and goddesses will know her as the queen goddess that single
handedly saved the galaxy. She ran after the time god and called his attention)
NARRATOR: Persephone used one of hypnotizing truth tricks on Chronos into telling
her everything she needed to know about the spell he cast on Alyx. How a true
loves kiss will forcibly bring her back. That made Persephone think of a plan.
She knew what she was supposed to do. She took one of Chronos portal orbs and
left him there unconscious but when he wakes up, he does not recall talking to
Persephone. She used the orb to set a opening to the era which Alyx went into and
entered with her evil thoughts in mind. Persephone entered the 21st century as a
normal girl with normal clothes but still had her powers with her. She can still
turn invisible and shapeshift that can be used on her mission. And it was to make
Alyx fall deeply in love with a boy and that boy has to return the affection. She
knows she cant hypnotize a person into falling in love because she knows that is

not pure love. Thats just being forced to love. So she has to put in extra effot
into this. She first looked all around town for Alyx and finally found her
walking into a house with 2 other girls. She followed them in as she was being

ATHENA: Mom! Im home1 Iris is with me and a new friend with me.
NARRATOR: Then a male voice neither Alyx and Persephone knows. Yelled mom and
dad are out. Im cooking dinner tonight. A charming boy came out of the kitchen.
IRIS: Chris! Hey! *hugs*
NARRATOR: Chris and Alyx meet eyes and feel an intrigued attraction at once.
Persephone notices and smiles. This is all too easy for her. She just continued
to spy
CHRIS: Whos this?
ATHENA: This is a friend we just met her earlier. This is my brother
CHRIS: Call me, Chris.
ALYX: Call me, Alice.
IRIS: Call me a cab. Im hungry. Im going for pizza!
CHRIS: Hey! Im cooking tonight.
IRIS: Like I said. Im going for pizza.
CHRIS: Cmon, guys. Im better now. Dont let the past haunt you...
ATHENA: The past isnt just haunting me. The awful taste of your fried chicken or
whatever you call it is still stuck on my tongue.
CHRIS: Trust me on this, okay?
ATHENA AND IRIS: Fine. *sighs*
(Chris walks back into the kitchen)
*the three girls walk into the living room*
ALYX: Why arent your parents here?
ATHENA: Business trip. My parents owns a some company.
ALYX: Like merchants?
ATHENA: ...Uh... something like that, I guess.---Anyway, can we talk about how
dreamy eyed you were on my brother?
ALYX: What?

ATHENA: Oh cmon, I saw how you looked at him and how he looked at you.
ALYX: I just met him.
IRIS: Uh huh... *smirks*
CHRIS: *from the kitchen* Just a few more minutes!
ATHENA: Until what? You melt the pot or until we call the fire department?!
(Chris walks in)
CHRIS: *glares at Athena* Lets just sit down and have a nice dinner.
IRIS: We can sit down but having a nice dinner aint just gonna happen.
(Chris and Athena start to bicker on their way to the dining room leaving Iris
and Alice)
ALYX: Are they always like this?
IRIS: Yup. But their mostly childish fights.
ALYX: Chris doesnt punish Athena for talking back?
IRIS: God, no! Why would you think that?---do they do that where you come from?
ALYX: Men and women arent exactly equal where I come from...
IRIS: Well, thats sad... What do they do?
ALYX: The exact opposite of society here.
IRIS: Well, ever considering moving here?
ALYX: Well, I dont know... Maybe?
IRIS: You know what, lets just eat, yeah?
ALYX: Sounds good.
(Alyx and Iris go to the dining room to find the table empty and Chris is on the
CHRIS: Yeah, um... I would like to order a large pepperoni pizza please?
IRIS: What--ATHENA: Dont ask. Just dont.

NARRATOR: *enter montage
to know each other. Alyx
everything and the sound
good. But she thought of
dad wouldve want her to

here* As the pizza came, the 4 started to bond and got

knew this world was better than hers. Freedom was
of laughter filled the air. She wanted to stay here. For
her mother. How worried and lonely she must be... Her
leave her responsibilities. Her no good fianc... All

that awaits her in her old life are burdens waiting to consume her until all the
light in her is drained. The wars. The disrespect. The hoplites. The suffering.
She doesnt want to come back. Besides, she has a new family here and they are
good people. Plus, a cute boy. Win win, right? But then. She remembered. She
cant fall in love. But put that aside. She just thought that would just make her
think that would scare her. She and Chris had a talk and instantly liked each
other. They had a special bond. Athena and Iris knew that and even Persephone who
helped Chris courting Alice. But the bad thing was that Persephone was just
pairing them up so she can break them up... On the 13th day of Alyxs experience
in the 21st century, she hung out with Chris watching TV shows---which amazes Alyx
just by watching people act in a flat screen---at their house while Athena and
Iris were washing the dishes. Chris was going to ask Alyx on a date. Which was
what Persephone was waiting the whole time she was here.
CHRIS: Hey, Alice?
ALYX: Yeah?
CHRIS: Um... *takes a breath* Would you... Would you want to have dinner tomorrow
ALYX: *smiles* yes!
ATHENA AND IRIS: About time. *smirks*
PERSEPHONE: *whisper-yells* yes! Yes! Yes!
ATHENA: What was that?
ALL: Huh?
CHRIS: Youre probably just hearing things. Youre weird.
ATHENA: Look, whos talking... *rolls eyes*

NARRATOR: As, Alice was getting prepped up by Athena and Iris for her dinner date
with Chris. Persephone was over-joyed that she started to evilly hide her laugh
behind the curtain. Her evil intention in breaking up a happy young couple for
her own benefit... Shes about to break the heart of a girl who already had her
heart too bruised and burnt. But all the things that come into her mind is fame
and fortune rather than being a heart breaker.
ATHENA: Ready?
ALYX: Yeah...
IRIS: Chris has got something special for you up his sleeve.
ATHENA: Now, go. Dont be late.
(*MONTAGE* [song: Wildest Dreams] Alyx goes to Chris and they have dinner. They
have a nice chat and have a conversation. Then they walk to the park *music keeps
playing but softer*)---

CHRIS: So how was the night?
ALYX: Amazing...
NARRATOR: Her heart breaks everytime she feels shes falling in love because that
will be the way she will go back to her old life.
CHRIS: I dont want to be clich or anything but... Wanna dance?
ALYX: Under the moonlight while no one is watching? Not clich at all. *sarcasm*
(both chuckle)
(*put music back on full volume*)
Persephone: *Faraway watching from the bushes* [smiling evilly]--[A PORTAL OPENS AND CHRONOS COMES OUT]
CHRONOS: Persephone! *enraged*
PERSEPHONE: Chronos! So glad to see you. *smiles*
CHRONOS: I thought I told you to not interfere with my doing! Now you have
violated the holy laws!
PERSEPHONE: Youre violating them too. You know that, right?
CHRONOS: I came here under Zeus commands. *smirks*
PERSEPHONE: *smiles fades away* W-what?
CHRONOS: I told Zeus everything. How I sent Alyx into the future. He understood
and let me be. But you hypnotizing me and stealing my secrets and my portal orbs
and sneaking into the future to chase after Alyx? Hes going to punish you.
PERSEPHONE: I just wanted to look like a hero!
CHRONOS: Looks isnt everything Persephone. *notices Alyx dancing with Chris*
What did you do to Alyx?!?
PERSEPHONE: *smile comes back* I didnt do anything. I thought I had to do
something but turns out I didnt. She fell in love, Chronos. Truly. Madly. Deeply
in love. That was all on her. Theres nothing you can do but watch as two lovers
be torn apart by YOUR spell.
CHRONOS: *enraged once again and looks at the couple and slowly they lean in...*
CHRONOS: Oh no...

CHRONOS: No, no, no, no, no--(The portal opens and starts to drag Alyx in. Alyx holds onto Chris tightly.)
CHRIS: Whats happening?!
ALYX: Help! *start crying*
CHRIS: Dont let go!
ALYX: *realizing this cant be undone* I... I cant... Im sorry! You cant pull
both of us back...
CHRIS: What do you mean?---no! No, dont let go!
ALYX: Sorry... *lets go and gets sucked into the portal and it closes*
CHRIS: Alice!
CHRONOS: See what youve done, woman!
PERSEPHONE: And dont forget what will happen to the people Alyx knew after she
get back into the past...
(Chronos widens his eyes and looks again)
CHRIS: *looks confused* (brings out phone) Athena? Where are you?.. Where am I?..
How come I dont remember anything?.. Im in the park... I dont know. I really
dont remember anything at all...
NARRATOR: After, the portal closed. The spell had to be complete but no. There
was one more thing. The people who knew and even just saw--let alone glance--at
Alyx will forget about her. Yes. Even Chris. They all forgot about Alyx. As if
the past 2 weeks were nothing. Chris forgot all about the first girl that he ever
loved. The first he has ever kissed.

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