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TLED 430 Module 3

Collaborative Assignment
Web 2.0 Tools to Support Collaborative learning
Remember to write the ODU honor pledge at the end of this table.

Read the directions in Blackboard on how to complete this sheet.

My name:
Name of the tool
Where to access
this tool (web
Brief instructions
of how to use the
Ideas for how the
tool can be used
in PK-12
Positives and
challenges of
using the tool

Kelsy Murphy
Scoot & Doodle
You can connect over google hangouts and everyone shares the same
screen and can create at the same time on the same document. While
creating on the document together you can video chat and share your
screen with others. You can also upload files and pictures to your
Story boarding in 8th grade english.
Creating a food chain in 5th grade science.
Creating a poster in 12th grade for government.
Can be used on an ipad or laptop.
You can video chat at the same time that you are creating your
document or pictures.
The teacher can upload worksheet templates for the students to
complete together
In addition to writing words you can draw your own pictures.
Requires a Google hangouts account.
If students dont have a webcam they cant live video chat.
Teacher cant spy on the chat unless invited to the chat.

Name of the tool
Where to access
this tool (web
Brief instructions
of how to use the
Ideas for how the
tool can be used
in PK-12
Positives and
challenges of
using the tool

Google Docs
You make a google account and use it like a word document and share it
with your classmates and teacher. They have google slides, docs, and
High School Brainstorm Presentations 8th grade drama
Reading response journal, 6th grade English
Writing assignment for 10th grade history
Easy to use and access
Allows students who dont like talking to have a voice online
Students and teachers can have discussions in a safe learning
Teacher can access the google doc
You can use it from your phone

TLED 430 Module 3

Collaborative Assignment
More for middle and high school
Have to have access to Google and computers in the classroom
You cant draw pictures
Name of the tool
Where to access
this tool (web
Brief instructions
of how to use the
Ideas for how the
tool can be used
in PK-12
Positives and
challenges of
using the tool

Someone signs in and creates a board and can invite other people to
view and edit. You can add sticky notes and pictures by clicking on the
board and cloud button. You can also chat.
1. Long term blogging project 9th grade English
2. Can brainstorm story ideas 7th grade English
3. You can organize thoughts and ideas and categorize projects 6th
grade English
Can have password and link so only specific people can add
You can add pictures
You can have discussions, chat and create a pin board/collage\
Easy to use and simple
Easy way to organize thoughts and ideas
Very plain
Click a link and download the pictures, cant view them by themselves
Have to use a computer
Cant draw

From this ODU webpage copy the

Honor Pledge below to make the promise that you have met online as instructed in a face-toface virtual environment (e.g. Skype or Google Hangouts) to complete this assignment.

I pledge to support the Honor System of Old Dominion University. I

will refrain from any form of academic dishonesty or deception, such
as cheating or plagiarism. I am aware that as a member of the
academic community it is my responsibility to turn in all suspected
violations of the Honor Code. I will report to a hearing if summoned.

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