Oral Health 2

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11.16 p46-53 dentists.

qxp_Fall04 p054-57 garden 10/24/16 2:50 PM Page 53

Leandro R. Britto
Thomas A. Brown, Jr.
Frank J. Cervone
Thomas P. Currie
Christopher M. Geric
Geric Endodontics
4788 Hodges Blvd., Ste. 208, Jacksonville

John P. Lundgren
Gary R. Manasse
Joseph C. Mavec
William B. Nipper, Jr.
Robert Radel
Michael R. Smith
Barry H. Stevens
First Coast Endodontics
2365 Park St., Jacksonville, 388-1220

John M. Sullivan
Robert R. Thousand III
Claudio Varella
Varella Endodontics
8810 Goodbys Executive Dr., Ste. B,
Jacksonville, 739-2422

Oral & Maxillofacial

Gregory J. Groshan

You Better Straighten Up

Braces arent just kid stuff these days
According to the American Association of Orthodontists, one in ve orthodontic
patients is an adult.if you missed out on braces as a kid, or your teeth have shifted over
the years, crooked teeth are not necessarily something you have to live with. the deciding
factor for orthodontic treatment is the health of the mouth, not ageand there are benets to straightening up.
improving the alignment of crowded or crooked teeth can improve access for brushing and ossing, which will improve your overall dental hygiene, says dr. john Lazzara of
Lazzara Orthodontics.furthermore, correction of certain bite problems can signicantly
reduce stress on your teeth, which will to help ensure they stay strong and healthy for a
fixing your teeth doesnt have to mean enduring pre-teen brace face, either. there are
alternative options available, including clear or colorless braces, those that are applied to
the back side of teeth or clear aligners.
Perhaps most important, remember that you are not alone. the need for orthodontic
work is just as common in adults as it is in children, whether you had braces earlier or not.

Smile When
You Say That
Before whitening your teeth, make sure
you already have a healthy mouth

Gregory W. Hartley
Stephanie R. Henley
Richard W. Joseph
Zane Khan
Michael L. Middlebrooks
David A. O'Brien
Timothy J. Parker
Clive Rayner
Oral-Facial Surgery of Orange Park
2301 Park Ave., Ste. 101, Orange Park,

Edward B. Sevetz, Jr.

Andrew L. Skigen
Scott R. Sklenicka
Thomas E. Stakem
Vanni R Strenta
David D. Woods

Teeth whitening in all its various forms

may seem harmless, especially with
over-the-counter kits in every drug and
grocery store. But real danger can come
from choosing a quick x over long-term
Chemicals contained in both storebought and dentist-prescribed gel treatments can sink into cracks and cavities
in an unhealthy mouth and result in pain
and irritation.
I see people who try to whiten when
they have a lot of cavities or decay which
causes a lot of sensitivity, says Dr. Scott
Wagner of Eccella Smiles. Theyre not

going to get the results that they want

because the decay is causing stains. Start
by getting your gums healthy and [teeth]
cavity free. Then you can start talking
about whitening.
Whitening can also become obsessive.
This overuse of treatment can cause
teeth to have an uneven coloration,
translucence or blueish tint.
Yellow or discolored teeth are not necessarily a sign of an unhealthy mouth. It
can simply be the natural breakdown of
enamel over time and stains from dark
food and drinks. Whitening is harmless
if done correctly, but it doesnt improve
the health of your teeth.


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