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In conclusion, this essay attempts to explore the use of technology and how has
increased day after day in India. As has already been mentioned various economic
sectors (farmers, labors, etc) of India are growing much faster with help of
technology. Today, more people in India has a mobile phone in their hands to pay
any service until tracking their fields , and it has made India the second country
with more Internet users worldwide and it gives the boost energy to the mobile
banking. All these points impact and provide opportunities for the growth of mobile
banking and also the economy of India, by this reason India has projected obtain
GDP 8.2% in 2020.
Companies in India to be better connected can play a key role in job creation and
higher economic growth, but this growth must be more inclusive and that the
factors that can contribute to this are increasing: employment and productivity.
Technology has an important role in the country's development.

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