By The Power of The Holy Ghost, We May Know The Truth of All Things

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4th Week Sharing Time for June

By the power of the Holy Ghost, we may know the truth of all things.
From: Little LDS Ideas

For this Sharing Time you will need:

5 chairs: set up in the front of the Primary Room
A whistle, bell, something that makes a noise
Sandpaper, soap, stuffed animal, etc
Lemon, orange, soap, something that smells
Popcorn, chocolate, something that they can taste
Scripture Wordstrips/pictures-explained below

What do you know? Do you know your name and where you live? Do you know colors and shapes?
Do you know how to count, read, and spell? Do you know how to write,cook or drive?
Knowing things/knowledge is very important.
Today I am going to test your knowledge. I need 5 helpers. Choose 5 children to come up to the front
of the room and sit in a chair.
Child #1: Ask the child, How many children are in the class on the first row? (or another question
related to something he can see).
Child #2: Stand behind the second child and blow a whistle or ring a bell without letting him/her see.
Ask her what she heard and why she thinks thats what it is.
Child #3: Blindfold the third child and ask him/her to touch a piece of sandpaper or soap. Ask what he
Child #4: Have the fourth close his/her eyes tightly and smell a lemon or other recognizable smell.
Ask her to identify it.
Child #5: Have the fifth child close his eyes and taste a chocolate chip or salty popcorn. Ask what it
Explain that our senses are important tools that help us learn/know things. There are other important
ways we can know things.
Ask if any of the children believe that their families love them. How do we know this? (by the things
they do, by the feelings we have).
Ask if any of the children have a good feeling about reading the Book of Mormon by themselves or
with their families. Ask how they feel when they help or are nice to others. Explain that those good
feelings are the Holy Ghost. Another way we can know something is through the power of the Holy
Ghost. (This idea came from a past issue of The Friend.)

Read Moroni 10:5.

Make some posters to help the children learn this scripture. Some ideas:
-Split the scripture up into small phrases: By the power below this phrase have a picture of some
muscular arms. of the Holy Ghost have a picture of the Holy Ghost/Godhead. ye may know, show a
picture of a head with an arrow pointing at your brain. the truth of all things. You could have True or
False boxes at the bottom, with the True box checked.
-Split the scriptures into small phrases: Have each phrase typed onto a piece of paper and have each
phrase a different color. By the power, have a child wearing green come up and hold the sign. of
the Holy Ghost, a child wearing Red. ye may know, a child wearing purple. the truth of all
things, a child wearing blue. Say it 2 or 3 times picking new children to help hold the signs each
- Split the scripture into small phrases and have the scripture scrambled. Have the children put it in
order. You can have it on small pieces of paper and choose one child to come up and do it. Or type it
one larger pieces of paper and have a few children come up and hold each piece of paper. Then
have the children sitting down move the phrases/children around so the scripture is in the correct
-Make several cards with a picture on the front, i.e.- sunshines, butterflies, flowers, etc. Split the
scripture into phrases. On the back attach the phrases onto several cards. Have some extra cards
with a frowny face, or a bumblebee (tell them that they get stung when they pick the bee), something
that represents something bad. Have the children take turns coming up to choose a card. If they
choose a card with a phrase they get to try to put it where it goes. If they get a bad card make them
do something silly or the children lose a turn and the teachers get a try, etc.

Once youve gone over the scripture explain to the children that by the power of the Holy Ghost we
may know the truth of all things.
When the Holy Ghost testifies to us, we can know the truth even more surely than when we rely on
our senses. You can Sing The Holy Ghost (CS, p. 105).
What are some of the important things that the Holy Ghost will witness to us as we pray, keep the
commandments, and continue to grow in the gospel?
Have different wordstrips or pictures for the following: Heavenly Father lives. Jesus Christ is the
Savior. Joseph Smith is a prophet. The Book of Mormon is the word of God. The Church of
Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is the only true church. There is a living prophet today [name
him]. Have the children pick one and post it onto a board. Talk a little bit about each one. (These
could be posted around the room or in a bag).
All knowledge is important, but to know that the gospel of Jesus Christ is true is the most important
truth that you can ever learn. Go over
Through the Holy Ghost, you can know that: (go over the picture/wordstrips).
1. Heavenly Father lives.
2. Jesus Christ is the Savior
3. Joseph Smith is a prophet.
4. The Book of Mormon is the word of God.
3. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is the only true church.
4. We are led by a living prophet today, President Monson.
When you study the scriptures, obey the commandments, and pray in faith to know the truth, the Holy
Ghost gives you a calm, peaceful feeling in your mind and heart that tells you that the all of this is
true. (From

Bear your own testimony briefly on the Holy Ghost and that we can know the truth of all things
through the Holy Ghost.

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