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Co-Curricular Write Up

Assessment Planning Session- Friday, November 11th (*cant remember if this was the exact date
but it was Friday)
For one of my co-curricular activities this semester, I attended a session of planning with my
cooperating teacher and the other tenth grade Language Arts teachers. This meeting took place
on a Friday that Poudre School students had off. I was able to listen to the tenth grade teachers
propose ideas about a summative assessment for their students. After a session of brainstorming,
the tenth grade teachers then worked together to create a rubric to use to assess their students.
The teachers utilized Google docs in order to collaborate, while discussing logistics of the rubric
criteria. The teachers were working on the assessment of an argumentative essay, which students
will turn in as one of their final grades for the semester.
I found attending this event to be very beneficial as a prepare to student teach. This type of group
planning is not something that I had completely considered before. As I prepare to be actively
involved in planning next semester, I found it interesting to watch one aspect of the process as
different teachers attempted to collaborate on something that would meet the needs of all their
students. I also learned about specific standards that inform assessment at Poudre High School.
In addition to planning, there were some training sessions occurring throughout the day. I did not
attend any of the trainings, but it was interesting to see what sort of skills are being taught to
teachers at the high school level.
Overall, the meeting gave me an insightful look at group planning and my future in the education

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