Canadas Food Guide Assignment Abdul

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Canadas Food Guide Worksheet

Name: abdul
1) Using the Eating Well with Canadas Food Guide you will answer the questions.

1. Canadas Food Guide gives you information on the amount and types of foods you
should eat. What three things will this information help you with?

Better overall health

Lower risk of disease
A healthy body weight
Feeling and looking better
More energy
Stronger muscles and bone

2. What are two tips for eating healthy from each of the four food groups?

(8 tips

Eat at least vegetables

Make at least half of your grain products whole grain each day.
Eat a variety of whole grains such as barley, brown rice, oats, and quinoa and wild

Drink at least 500ml of almonds milk

Eat meat and tofu

o for dark green vegetables such as broccoli, romaine lettuce, and spinach

Have 500 mL (2 cups) of milk every day for adequate vitamin D.

eat chicken and tuna

3. Why is water so important in your diet?

It's a calorie-free way to quench your thirst.
Drink more water in hot weather or when you are active.
Young children and older adults are at higher risk of becoming dehydrated and
need to be reminded to drink fluids throughout the day.

4. For a specific age and gender (pick one), what are the recommended servings from
each food group for you?
If you are a 35 year old woman you should aim to have:

7-8 vegetables and fruit

6-7 grain products
2 milk and alternatives
2 meat and alternatives
30 - 45 mL (2 to 3 Tbsp.) of unsaturated oils and fats
5. Should people eliminate oils and fats from their diets completely? Why or why not?
What is recommended by Canadas Food Guide?
There are different types of fats in foods including saturated, unsaturated and Trans fats. Choosing the
right amount and types of oils and fats can lower your risk of developing certain diseases such as heart
disease. For good health, include a small amount of unsaturated fat and limit the amount of saturated
and Trans fat in your day.

6. What are three tips regarding oils and fats in the guide?
Include a small amount - 30 to 45 mL
1. Limit butter, hard margarine, lard and shortening.
2. When buying margarine, use the Nutrition Facts table to compare how
much saturated and Trans fats it contains
7. What are 5 benefits of eating healthy and being active?
1. Better overall health
2. Lower risk of disease
3. A healthy body weight
4. Feeling and looking better
5. More energy
6. Stronger muscles and bone

8. The food guide recommends changes for certain groups of individuals children,
pregnant women and people over 50. List 2 changes for each group. (6 in total)

Whole wheat grains
They have to cut down eating

5) Eat at least 2 servings of vegetable

6) And eat a lot of carbs

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