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NAME: Hiba Shehrin Binte Mahmud

ID: 151013054
SUB: introduction to Poetry
SEC: 1

1. What elements from ballad tradition can you find in the poem of your
Ans: From The Rime of the Ancient Mariner is written by Samuel Taylor
Coleridge. Its a romantic poem. The Romantic poet Samuel Taylor Coleridge
published a little poem called 'The Rime of the Ancient Mariner.' It's a pretty
great poem. It's got awesome adventure, horror, and mystery. It's also got

2. Assess the speaker. What kind of tone is s/he use in telling the
story? Is the technique successful?
Ans: The Ballad of Moll Magee is written by William Butler Yeats. It is a sad
poem. Moll Magee was that lady who killed her baby. But she didnt kill her baby.
It was an accident. Her husband was a poor fisher. They worked so hard. But Moll
Magee was pregnant. When she delivered a child they were so happy. One day
Moll Magee worked hard and she got tired. She went to her bed and her baby
was sleeping in front of her. She was sleeping so deeply and lay upon her baby.
Suddenly she awake and hold her baby. She saw that her baby is dead. She cried
and cried. Her husband got so angry. He gave some money to her and drove her
out and shut the door. She started to cry n walk. She had no place to go. She got
so lonely. She started to miss her baby. But there was no chance to get back her
baby. And then she got mad. And everyone started to call her mad.

3. What is your overall response to the piece (comment on your liking/

disliking, and the reasons behind your reaction)
Ans: : From The Rime of the Ancient Mariner this poem I like the most.
Because its a romantic poem. Its written by Samuel Taylor Coleridge.
Kind of like all the best poetry, I think, it either has a very powerful message or it
kind of might be meaningless. It's sort of ambiguous about what it really
signifies, but it is a great poem.It's pretty Romantic in style and concern. The
Rime of the Ancient Mariner is about a man on a voyage by ship, who in one

impulsive and heinous act, changes the course of his life and death. The
Mariner faces an inner struggle over the crime he has committed, and must
understand his actions and perform his penance. He must also learn to abandon
his negative views and openly accept all of Gods creatures. The voyage now
becomes a journey of learning important lessons in accountability, acceptance,
forgiveness, and repentance.
Imagine that this poem starts out like the Vince Vaughn-Owen Wilson buddy
comedy Wedding Crashers. Three scruffy-looking bachelors are getting ready to
go into this wedding, hoping to party, meet some girls, and generally have a
good time. They're laughing and swaggering as they approach the door to the
party.But standing outside the door you've got this old bearded mariner who
suddenly grabs one of the guys. The other two guys enter the wedding feast, and
they're like, "See ya in there."The Mariner starts to tell a story as if it were
programmed into his brain, and the Wedding Guest is understandably impatient,
but also kind of rude. He says something like, "Gross. You're old and crazy. Let
me go."The Mariner immediately lets go of the guest, but the magnetic draw of
his eyes is even more powerful than his grip.The Wedding Guest has no hope of
escape. He sits on a rock and listens like a little boy at story time. It's going to be
a long night.

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