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No. 2

Logo Design
Creative path to effective branding

The book describing types of logos, creative

stages and basic features of efficient branding
design. Packed with various cases by Tubik
Studio designers.


Copyright 2016 by Tubik Studio.

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Logo Design

About Authors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Chapter one. Definition and Types of Logos . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Chapter two. Creative Stages of Logo Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Chapter three. Practical Cases of Logo Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
Recommended reading . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45

Logo Design


Sergii Valiukh

Marina Yalanska

Founder, CEO and Art-Di-

Content manager for Tubik Stu-

rector of Tubik Studio.

dio. Tech/design blogger, high-

Award-winning UI/UX design-

lighting diverse issues of design

er, one of the opinion leaders

processes and strategies. Con-

in the field of functional UI

tent writer for Tubik Blog and

animation, the head of inter-

Design4Users with background

national design and software

in education, journalism and

company, worldwide recog-


nized expert in the domain.

Ernest Asanov

Polina Makarevych

UI/UX designer for Tubik Studio

Lead UI/UX designer for Tubik

with considerable background

Studio experienced in manage-

in problem-solving design for

ment of complex goal-centered

various business spheres and

design projects.


Logo Design

It is not a secret that people are mostly visual creatures. They are
often driven by what they see faster than by any other way of perception. That is why an efficient visual sign is so important to make
a company, brand or service recognized quickly and remembered
for a long time. Investigations of the way to prosperity and fame of
the most successful businesses will inevitably prove how vital it is to
choose the good representative sign which is well-known as logo
and which is always the basis of the whole branding strategy.
Branding, in general terms, is never about just visual perception
or verbal message. Branding is about the whole image people get
hearing the name of a company or seeing its brand identity signs.
So, designing the signs and symbols which make a brand original,
easily seen and transferring the appropriate message is a job of a
great responsibility. In Tubik Blog, we have already published numerous case studies showing the process of logo creation in details
and also provided deeper considerations on correlations of branding and user interface design.
The previous book Design for Business, which we recently presented, was devoted to the topic of problem-solving and goal-centered
design. Grounded on the ideas, strategies and tips, offered in it, this
issue will add more practice and unveil the creative process for logo
design productively applied here in Tubik Studio.
Hopefully, it will be useful to build successful and productive strategies both for designers working in the field of branding and business
people wishing to get more about design techniques and their impact on business processes.

Tubik Team

Logo Design


Definition and Types

of Logos

Logo Design

What is logo?
According to Merriam-Webster dictionary, logo is a symbol that
is used to identify a company and that appears on its products.
Even this quite broad definition contains the obvious message:
logo somehow becomes the first visual association that is brought
out when people think over or hear the name of the brand. As
any other visual element, logo itself can contain and transfer the
message about the nature of goods or services presented by the
brand, the tone and voice of companys communication with the
customers, the general brand image.
Logo design usually becomes the basis for the whole brand strategy
which is often fixed in a special set of rules and guidelines called a

Logo Design

brandbook. Efficiently designed logo can definitely increase recognizability of the brand or company which enables the business to
achieve its goals, be it selling more goods, involving more customers, getting more subscribers or obtaining wider awareness. In addition, logo is the sign that makes the product or service different
from its competitors which is also an important pre-condition of the
companys fast and successful development.
Most logos look like a simple sign and that makes people think the
process of its creation is fast and simple, not needing too much effort or special skills. And that is quite a mistake. Efficient logo design
is a complex strategy that includes all the stages of design process
and marketing such as:

user research

marketing research

creative search

choice of style direction

choice of color palette

testing in different sizes and environments

creating a style guide setting right and wrong cases of logo use etc.

That is why a great deal of companies including startups, which only

start their way in the sphere of business, prefer to trust this essential
task to professional designers. Practice shows that the logo thoughtout to the slightest details is the worthy investment.

Types of logos
Historically companies tried different variations of visual elements to
stregthen their branding: some of them preferred images or mascots
as the central element drawing attention while others favored the
idea of nice lettering immediately showing the name of the brand.
Through the decades, designers outlined five basic types of logos.

Logo Design

ICON / SYMBOL: logo represented with the visual element of a

high symbolic potential. The image can feature the name of the
company, perhaps its mascot or the sign that symbolically shows
the nature of the product or service.


Lion browser

Logo Design

LOGOTYPE / WORDMARK. This is a widely used type of corporate identity mark represented by artistic lettering featuring the
full name of the brand. It is a well-know fact that different sorts of
types and fonts can immediately transfer the messages and whole
stories to their readers and this trick is frequently applied by logo
designers and marketers.




Logo Design

LETTERMARK. This type of logo uses the technology close to the

previous type but features only the first letter of the brand name presented in artistic manner. This sort of logos are often effective in small
sizes, for example app icons, when reading the full word is difficult.
However, they need special attention in the aspect of originality and
recognizability as it can be a complex task to make this one letter different from the other same letters representing other brands.




Logo Design

COMBINATION MARK. Combination mark is usually the logo

applying two techniques simultaneously: symbol or lettermark and
wordmark. In this case observers obtain two different sources of information, being able to see the image and read the word representing the brand identity.




Logo Design

EMBLEM. This is also a sort of visual elements combination. The difference of this logo kind is that it inscribes the wordmark or lettermark
presenting the name of the brand into the symbolic image instead of
placing it over, under or beside the symbol as it is done in the previous case. The logos of this sort when created thougthfully feature the
integral and compact identity sign.


Features of an effective logo

Whatever is the choice of the creative direction in the logo design
for a particular brand, any logo should include the basic number of
efficiency features:






consistency of use

appeal to the target audience




Logo Design

The provided set of logo design features doesnt really look simple to
be combined in one sign. That is why this job is advised to be done
by professional designers. Even tiny disharmony, inappropriate color
combinations, lettering illegible in small sizes and tons of other invisible mistakes can considerably reduce the profits and customer trust
to the brand. Logo is the sign able to connect or disconnect customers and sellers in split seconds so its creation definitely is the food for
thought and object of thorough attention.


Logo Design


Creative Stages of
Logo Design


Logo Design

Showing personality in

Logos are perhaps as vital and crucial for marketing success of a

your app, website, or

brand or company as appearance is important for the first meeting

brand can be a very

powerful way for your

with a client or employer. Its much easier to get a job you want,

audience to identify

make friends or partnerships if you are a person of substance and

and empathize with

have something memorable in your identity. The same happens

you. People want to

with brands: it takes seconds for them to lose in the ocean of com-

connect with real people

and too often we forget
that businesses are just

petitors if they dont build up strong image and character via which
clients, buyers or users can get the chance to recognize them.

collections of people.
Aaron Walter

Logo is the basic mark of brand identity, the most prominent symbol
of brand image and the foundation of effective marketing strategy
enabling its connection with target audience. One of the misperceptions in the world of business is that if the product or service
is good, it doesnt need additional investments of time and money
into its promotion. However, it doesnt work like that: without brand
identity, even the high-quality product can get lost just because users or buyers wont get even a slim chance to learn about it or try it.
In the contrary, strong branding strategy sets the immediate connection of the product or company and its essential benefits with
the sign that represents it. Brands, products and companies need
their own personalities that will attract people in the way it often
happens with personal relationship.


Logo Design

Worldwide famous designer and artist Karl Lagerfeld once said Logos and branding are so important. In a big part of the world, people cannot read French or English but are great in remembering
signs. Knowing how far he went in the sphere of design, its really
easy to believe hes right, considering that plenty of big and small
companies proved that via their marketing experience.

Continuing the topic, we suggest going deeper into the stages of

creative process in logo design on the basis of extensive studio experience in the sphere.

Logo design flow

One of the key characteristics of the most efficient logos is their
simplicity. On the one hand, it becomes a challenge for a designer
to create a sign which is both simple and at the same time recognizable. On the other hand, it can give clients the illusion that logo


Logo Design

creation is a sort of simple operation that needs a couple of hours

and doesnt require special skills, too much time or effort. Such an
approach can bring branding to nowhere.
Efficient logo design is a complex strategy that includes all the stages of design and marketing process such as:

setting the task

user research

marketing research

creative search

choice of style direction

choice of color palette

testing in different sizes and environments

creating a style guide setting right and wrong cases of logo use etc.

Lets look a bit closer at each stage.

Setting the task

Thats the first step to

This stage is the foundation of all the design process. This is the time

designing anything: ask

when the designer should get as much information as possible from

Why are we doing this? If

the answer isnt clear, or
isnt clear to you, or just

the client to mark the right way to the goal. It is well-known that the
one who walks without a destination in mind, will possibly come no-

doesnt exist, you cant

where. In design (not only logo and branding direction) it works the

design anything. Stop

same way: to get the result, you should clearly set the goals from

working. Can you help

set those goals? If so, do
it. (Yes, it is part of your
job. Anything that helps
you do your job is part

the very starting point. It doesnt mean that the goals will stay totally
the same at the end of the journey: they can modify more or less
in the creative process. Still, if the goals are not set at the start, the
creative process can get easily transformed in a mess.

of your job.)
Mike Monteiro
Design Is a Job

Designers should always be ready that clients often dont know in

details what they want. They just want a beautiful logo that will bring
success to their business. That is natural and that is the reason why
they hire a designer. In our post devoted to stereotypes about de-


Logo Design

signers, we mentioned: your customer doesnt have to know all the

nuances and peculiarities of the design process. That is why THEY
are customers and YOU are a designer.

Moreover, the thing, which we have checked in practice, is that

communicating with clients you should get not only their wishes
but also try to get the ideas and reasons behind these wishes. If
you understand why your customer wants to see particular colors,
shapes or transitions, it will be easier for you (if necessary) to justify
other methods of realization for these ideas which would give the
result desired by the customer.
The more information you get from the client, the better it is for setting the right direction. Design briefs, calls and Skype-conferences,
chat in Slack, brainstorming sessions, moodboards can all form the
good starting line for productive work.
At this stage, it is highly advisable for designer to get the data about:


the nature of the product

Logo Design

the target audience

geographical targeting (if available)

the keywords with which the company represents its identity

preferred color palette

potential carriers and surfaces at which logo will be used

need of consistency with existing corporate identity (if available)

preferred type of logo

the necessity of mascot design.

Obviously, the list is not totally full, still it contains the most important positions needed for setting a general design goal.

This is the stage when being based on the established task and aims,
the designer has to get deeper into the environment in which the future branding sign will function. The research stage usually moves on in
two directions simultaneously: user research and marketing research.


Logo Design

User research means getting deeper into details of core target audience, to know their preferences and psychological peculiarities,
the influence of color and data carrier on their emotions and experience, the sources of information and creative performance ways
which encourage them and make them active.
Marketing research means exploring the market segment, primarily
in the perspective of creative solutions used by competitors. Logo
design presumes creating a unique sign that will make the company or brand stand out of the crowd and draw potential customers
attention. Neglecting the research stage and relying only on their
creative intuition and talent, designers risk failing this task as they
will not know the conditions of the logo functioning and will not be
able to make it efficient and original.

Creative search
This is the stage, when armed with loads of data and seeing the path,
the designer sets off in creation process. The aim of this stage is to
develop one or several stylistic directions which will allow to fulfill
the branding goal and marketing needs. In all fairness it has to be
added that branding design process like every single personalization activity is very individual in each particular case. Sometimes it
happens that the requirements from the customer are so clear and
details are collected so carefully at the previous stages that logo direction is set during the first iteration and needs only to get polished.
In other cases, especially in cases when requirements are blur or
competition at the market segment is really high, various directions
should be analyzed and different variants have to be tested to get
the one which will be effective and original.
This stage can include creative outcome of different fidelity levels,
from rough pencil sketches to sophisticated digital samples. Any of
them can work efficiently, the choice of strategy depends on de-


Logo Design

signers expert decision of more effective presentation way according to the clients requirements and specific type of logo. Speed and
urgency of project as well as its interconnection with other design
processes like, for example, interface design can also influence the
choice of presentation format. You can observe the variety of creative stages in our case studies on branding.

Early sketches of
creative search for
Passfold logo design

Early sketches of
creative search for
SwiftyBeaver logo

Early sketches of
creative search for
Tubik logo design


Logo Design

The outcome of creative search is the selected style and type

direction (for example, flat or skeuomorphic, colorful or monochrome, featuring the mascot or not and hundreds of other
general stylistic details), color palette, basic shaping and placement of the logo (say, round, square, triangular; using landscape
or portrait placement; perhaps setting several variants of shapes
and logo elements placement etc.)

Polishing the details and

finalizing the concept
At this stage, designer develops the chosen direction and works over
the slightest details. People staying far from design process can be
stunned by the level of fidelity and sophistication over the image
presenting future branding sign. Sometimes, it takes hours of work
to develop the variants with tiny changes set in millimetres which
still influence the general harmony. This is the time when designers
can experiment with forms and lines, hues and shades, still at this
stage they work within already set general stylistic concept.

Shades and shaping

variations for
SwiftyBeaver logo


Logo Design

color options for

Mascot variations for

Andre logo

The outcome of this stage is the finalized version of a logo visual


Designers believing that preparation of final high-resolution graphic
assets for a logo is the finish of the journey for them make a big mistake. As well as for any design task, post-design testing of the created
result is the must-do. For the logo, it is a vital condition of efficiency


Logo Design

and success. It should be tested on different surfaces and devices, in

the wide diversity of settings and environments, sizes and resolutions,
alone and surrounded by other logos. If such an option is available, it
should be tested by people directly representing core target audience.
The results of the testing should be thoroughly analyzed and sometimes they can significantly influence the final logo alterations.
Visual perception and mental associations are deep and vital human
element making great impact on any design element effectiveness
and attractiveness. There are loads of factors, some of them so slight
and deep that its impossible for designer to predict them. Among
those factors we could mention:

geographic location

color perception



religion and beliefs

level of education

minor and major disabilities

psychological peculiarities

technology awareness.

PassFold logo testing


Logo Design

The list can be continued longer and longer and amaze designers
and customers by its diversity level. To avoid the issues of misundestanding or misperception, as well as risk getting lost in the environment of other logos and icons, testing becomes the integral design
process stage.

tested as a game

Toonie App mascot

tested on the app


Logo Design

Creating a style guide

The last but not least is the stage when the designer accomplishes
style guide for the approved and finalized logo. The guide should
include clear and informative instruction of correct and incorrect
variations of the logo use. It becomes the basis for a brandbook and
enables customer to inform any sides involved into creative process
in the future like print shops, for example, to keep the rules of harmonic presentation of the logo.



Logo Design


Practical Cases of
Logo Design


Logo Design

For brands and companies, logo often becomes the sign of destiny, the instant visual connector of buyers or customers with offered
products or services. The importance of a logo as the center of
branding strategy is obvious and proved by practice.
Efficient logo is the result of thorough analysis and creative search,
designers ability to not only produce attractive visual sign, but also
keep in mind all the variety of factors influencing design solutions
making logo work properly and support general branding strategy.
Earlier we have read about the creative stages of logo design process in detail, and now we want to continue the theme presenting
the collection of logos created by Tubik Studio designers. Here you
will see the logos made for the wide variety of design tasks and target
audience, some of them are already implemented in real branding
strategies while others feature logo design concepts showing various
styles and approaches. So, lets get started!


Logo Design

Logo for the app managing

tickets and passes
PassFold logo presents the combination mark: the sign and the lettering for the full brand name, which can present the brand separately or in combination. The sign is actually the image of letter-and-ticket combination featuring legible and clear capital letter
P as an initial letter of the brand name but at the same time it distinctly echoes with the ticket form. It works successfully in different
color combinations as well as in the clean stroke version.

Read the full case on

logo design here


Logo Design

This design case showed the importance of the tight connection between logo and the other elements of user interface as well as general concept of the product. High attention to all the details provides
the result which makes pleasant-looking and efficient design.

Logo for a game application

The logo was accomplished for the game app called Snake Battle. The
image is based on the concept of the initial letter S woven as a long
slick snake. It seems to be quite natural as snake is the main active element of the game and also the part of the brand name. The presented
combination features the logo icon with the emblem and the variant of
lettering for full game title. The color palette chosen by the designer for
the game logo also looks natural: snakes are often associated with different shades of green, while a little gradient and neon effect added
to the basic color makes it trendy and catchy.

Check the
presentation here


Logo Design


Logo Design

Logo for a Mac app for

SwiftyBeaver is a native Mac application presenting the integrated
logging platform for Apples Swift programming language. The target audience as well as the nature of the product is quite specific
so among different stylistic approaches abstract version of the logo
could show more flexibility in its expressive potential. The variant
with stripes was chosen because it made a logo meaningful as logs
the app is based on like the logs of trees are stripes so it presented
a strong visual metaphor. Moreover, this version got closer to the
general visual design of user interface for the application. Different
versions of curves and length of the lines were tried and discussed
in search of the most harmonic variant.

Read the full case on

logo design here

The original version of the logo was colorful, but monochrome version was also accomplished and tested to provide branding solutions with high level of flexibility.


Logo Design

Logo for B2B online service

The logo is designed for a startup based on the idea of enhanced marketing and business growth: Referanza helps
businesses improve customer satisfaction and turn happy
customers into referrals. The
version with bold and massive
R was chosen as a basis. The
clients wanted to see a prominent and clear sign of communication setting the link with the
startup activity and philosophy,
so the designer offered an option combining the letter with a
bubble speech easily associated
with communication.

Read the full case on

logo design here


Logo Design

Logo for a C2C e-commerce app

Saily is a local community app allowing neighbors to buy and sell
their used stuff. Therefore, it is a kind of e-commerce app but with
solid communication feature. The first part of design process included creating lettering which would be highly readable and legible
as well as flexible for developing further design solutions.
The second element was a mascot, a friendly ghost helping users to
interact with the app. There were many iterations which ended up
with a flat and rounded image of mascot that looked nice and stylish
both inscribed inside the icon form and as the separate element of
any environment. This solution was accepted as the most universal
and flexible for different aims.

Read the full case on

logo design here


Logo Design

Logo for a horse care service

This case is the logo for Horsy, the company delivering the highest
class of horse riding activities. Main brand idea is providing luxury service with love and care of horses. The logo design expresses brand
nobility with smooth shapes and soft color scheme. Added logo animation makes it more lively but still elegant when its used in digital products. Logo style guide presents the details about applying the
logo on different surfaces and colors with branding aims.

Check the
presentation on logo
design here


Logo Design

Logo for a landscape

The design task was set as redesign of a logo for a commercial and
holistic landscape firm Andre operating in landscape maintenance,
tree care and design. The customers wanted a new logo to be quite
classic, memorable, enduring and setting the strong association with
land care. So, it was important to provide the visual sign that will instantly inform observers about the nature of the business and create
positive vibes via harmonic combination of shapes and colors. The
new logo also featured a mascot so a new shape grown through the
set of creative iterations gave the visual concept of a bird and a leaf
in one image. This logo became a basis for a broad branding strategy
and was applied in many different branded items, you can see some
of them in the detailed brand presentation.

Read the full case on

logo design here


Logo Design

Logo for the tea brand

This is a logo design concept, which presents one of the iterations
of the previous creative search for Andre. It wasnt chosen by the
client, still it looked nice so creative team didnt want to leave it die
in the drawer and decided to keep it for portfolio. The idea was to
transform it into logo concept for a tea brand called Amber. This
creative direction is supported both with color palette, the image of
the leaf and the shape of letter A inscribed into the figure.

Check the
presentation on logo
design here


Logo Design

Logo for a mobile alarm app

Toonie Alarm is a simple and bright alarm app rewarding users with
cute stickers for waking up. The basic brand image was set as fun,
cute, bright and cheerful. Logo design keeps style of lettering associated with fun and entertainment and creating harmonic link to the
fonts typical for cute cartoons.

Read the full case on

app design here


Logo Design

Logo for a design blog

Design4Users is a blog devoted to diverse design issues solving users problems. Its mission is establishing a solid highly informative
platform for designers, customers, managers, product creators and
marketers focused on the aspects of user-friendly design trends,
process, organization, collaboration, resources and tips.

The logo emblem transfers the basic message: the design resource
is simple and easy-to-use. It is done via sophisticated combination
of the basic geometric shapes circle and square with the letter
U in the center reflecting users as a center of design solutions.

Read the full

description here


Logo Design

Logo for an online music

Here is the logo concept for OrBeat, the online platform for sharing digitized sound material like music, speech and specific sound
sets in the Internet. In addition, the service has the functionality of
a social network: users can create their unique playlists, leave comments, listen to the tracks online and share their sound collection
with friends from other social networks. The logo is accomplished
on the basis of rounded shapes and features the variety of shades
associated with diverse content on the platform.


Logo Design

Logo for events

arrangement app
This is the logo concept for an application called Elephun which is
used for arrangement and holding kids events like birthday celebrations, babyshowers and other parties around children. The logo
echoes the basic idea behind the name and combines visual elements representing the image of an elephant and some details symbolizing fun, joy, parties and bright moments of life.


Logo Design

Logo for an app for making

This is a logo designed for Pickitout, an application which allows
users to involve their friends in the process of making decisions and
choosing the best options. The image of a logo reflects the tick sign
symbolizing successful making the choice while the variety of colors
features the nature of the app as dynamic, cool, fun and trendy.


Logo Design

Logo for a music app

Its a branding sign concept for a music app SwitchUp with broad
functionality on generating and sharing playlists. The keywords behind its branding are bright, dynamic, fun and positive. So, the
logo is accomplished in the stylistic direction aimed at creating this
sort of image instantly. It features the form of play button to set the
link with the nature of the application while animated version enables breathing life and rhythm into the visual sign.

All the cases prove that logo is the object of thorough creative
search and analysis of various factors, both objective and subjective.
Logo obviously presents the key element establishing the foundation for efficient branding and marketing. Its design, taken seriously
and based on user research, analysis, talent and design laws can become a solid basis for successful communication of the brand with
its buyers, customers and users, that is why it needs careful professional approach.


Logo Design


Here are some more articles and books we could recommend for
those who would like to get deeper into the topic:

Get started with logo design: 10-step guide

Zero to Logo: The Creative Process in 7 Steps

The Logo Design Process From Start To Finish

12 Essential Rules to Follow When Designing a Logo

Remember Me. Basic Types of Efficient Logos

Logo design: Creative Stages

Brand Bible: The Complete Guide to Building, Designing and Sustaining



Designing Brand Identity

How Brands Become Icons


Feel free to share this book with your friends and colleagues
and keep up with new updates. New issue of Tubik Magazine
is coming soon!

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