Rothwell Osnabruck School: December 2016

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December 2016


From the Principals Desk

Hello Lancers,

As we draw ever closer to Christmas and the Holiday season, we so turn our minds to the peace that comes
with being thankful. We are gearing up for many great learning and community-building activities this month.
The season kicks off each year with our wonderful Ingleside Craft and Trade show, which occurred this past
weekend. Thank you to Kylie Zummach and Jennifer Woodside for leading the planning of this wonderful event,
and thank you to our Parent Council members who ran the canteen- special thanks to the many student
volunteers who made this such a success. Our classes are keenly building towards providing a great donation of
food in support of our wider community: thank you to the Ingleside Fire Department for inviting us to
contribute to their annual food drive. This year, we are excited to see a number of school-wide spirit events
that help celebrate Christmas and the holiday season: thank you to our amazing staff who are leading these
events for all of us to enjoy.

With being thankful also comes the sentiment of giving and supporting those who struggle with less fortunate
circumstances. This season, keep in mind the hope and opportunity that can come from being a good listener,
friend and supporter of those who are facing difficulties. We know that the best learning comes when
students show us their thinking, so that we may know the best next step for our instruction; when we invest
the effort to understand anothers struggle, we not only show our care for their humanity, but show our
commitment to providing the needed support. It is this work that leads us all to a better future.

On behalf of the staff and students, I wish you all a very Merry Christmas and Joyous Holiday season, and I
hope that your celebrations- however and wherever they may be- bring together family, friends and wonderful
lasting memories.

Yours in Education,
Ewen McIntosh

Attendance and Safe Arrival


In order to ensure the safety of our students, your co-operation in following the established attendance
procedures is very important. In the event that your child is unable to attend school on a given day, please
contact the school prior to 9:15 AM on the day of the absence to let us know and provide the reason for the
absence (613-537-2454) or send an email to the Classroom Teacher, Mrs. Tait(, Mrs.
Barclay( ) and Mrs. Thompson( in case one of us is
absent. Safe arrival phone calls will be made to all students who are reported absent from class at the
beginning of the day and we are obligated to continue calling all available numbers (including emergency
contacts) until we have reached someone to verify the absence. When we are unable to verify an absence,
emergency services will be contacted. Your co-operation and support in reporting absences to us is most

The Christmas Shop


Our JK-Gr. 6 students will have the opportunity to purchase gifts for their parents/guardians in our Christmas
Gift Shop December 12th & 13th. All items will be priced under $5 and our WE team will help the younger
students shop & wrap their purchases. We are still seeking donations of small items (new or gently used)
as well as gift bags, tissue & ribbon. If you have items to donate, please bring them in to Mrs. Barclay or
Mrs. Tait, as soon as possible. Thanks to Mrs. Hickman for helping out and allowing us to turn the Learning
Commons into a Winter Wonderland for Christmas Shopping.

Eastern Ontario Health Unit
Healthy Smiles Ontario: Free Dental Care for Qualifying Children and Youth
The Healthy Smiles Ontario (HSO) program provides free preventive, routine, and emergency dental services
to qualifying children and youth aged 17 and under.
The government-funded program includes regular visits to a licensed dental provider and covers the cost of
treatment including check-ups, cleaning, cavity fillings, x-rays, scaling, tooth extraction and urgent or
emergency dental care, such as treatment of a childs toothache or tooth pain.
Children and youth are eligible for the program if theyre aged 17 and under, live in Ontario, and come from a
household that meets the programs income eligibility requirements. Parents can enroll their children and youth
in the program online or by mail.
For more information about Healthy Smiles Ontario, contact the EOHU at 613-933-1375 or at 1 800 267-7120
and ask for Health Line. Visit our website at

Festival of the Arts/Christmas Concert
Our annual Festival of the Arts and Christmas concert will be held on Wednesday December 21, 2016 at 1:30 in
Osnabruck Hall. Classes from Kindergarten to Grade 6 will be performing seasonal selections and individual
and group performances from intermediate and secondary students will be featured. Everyone is welcome to

Skype Call with Japan
Mr. Lamoureux's class is taking part in a cross-cultural art project this year with a class from Nishi
Elementary school in Kanazawa, Japan. Throughout the project, they have been communicating with their
partner class through an internet forum, sharing cultural similarities and differences in their lives and
communities. On December 13th, Mr. Lamoureux's class will be participating in their second Skype call with
their Japanese partner class at 7:30 pm our time due to the 13 hour time difference. The two classes are
collaborating on a 5 foot by 12 foot mural, which will be painted half in Japan, and half in Canada. When it is
completed, it will become part of a mobile children's art exhibit.


Thursday, Dec 1, 2016
6:00pm, Learning Commons
Rothwell-Osnabruck School

Adoption of previous minutes (October and November)
ARC Committee Update
Principal's Update
Staff Rep Update
Student Council Update
Parent Forum
Fundraising Update

Hot Lunch Update

Financial Update
Safe Arrival Program overview
School to Home Communication Committee Update

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