Life On The Line ... Serving Christ On The Equator

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Graham and Sharon Nichols

US Home Church: Lewis Memorial UMC Evans, GA

Skype: graham.sharon.nichols

November 2016
We know that in all things God works for good with those who love him,
those whom he has called according to his purpose. Romans 8:28
Saludos friends, family and church family,
Grace and peace to you in the name of our Lord, Jesus Christ. We pray this mission
letter finds you well, full of hope, and filled with His Goodness! Please pray with us
as we seek to please God and embrace His fulfillment in us.
November Mission News this past month we left the place we call home in
North America and returned to the place and home God planned far in advance for
us to live and serve in South America we left with many tears knowing we would
not return for a long while, but at the same time with great peace as we know with
all our beings that this is His calling on our lives and His purpose for us. We were
received wonderfully back into the fold of our Santo Domingo EUMC communities we
serve the hearts of our children for us have not missed a beat nor ours for them
as we belong to each other. We are settling back in our normal climate of heat,
humidity and dust and grateful we get the opportunity to settle and cover ourselves
once again in our 2nd among many cultures. God is Good to us we are grateful He
chose us for this place among these incredibly generous people who claim us as
their own.
A wonderful
welcome home
greeting on our first
Sunday back in the
Church we serve in
Santo Domingo. We
were covered in the
love of Jesus,
clothed in little
Upstairs on the
2 floor Childrens
Sunday School and
Worship was filled
with 130, 3-13-year
olds learning more
about Jesus in
community and
singing to heaven
we missed soo much
getting to Worship
in Word and song
together. But our
teachers served
them well while we
were Stateside.

We had a wonderful reunion with our SS Ministry Team our regular gatherings for devotion and
prayer and planning together, eating together too had been far too long we usually meet every 15
days and it had been 98 days since we last were together to share with one another the mission of
Jesus Hes placed on each of our hearts. These teachers blessed this Childrens Ministry Director
beautifully with their faithfulness to be present in the lives of the little people we are called to teach,
serve and love into the Kingdom. I am soo proud of their willingness to serve and to serve with JOY!
And so, dear people we are home and we are tired and we are blessed and we
are happy and we are sad, we are missing our US family and people and Church
back over there on the North American Continent but we are indeed home in the
place we were created to be His purpose for us. Pray for us please there is lots
of Kingdom works happening here and ministry is growing and we have plans to take
the Gospel into another new community the first of the year this means 4
communities plus Church ministry more work but more opportunities to be an
example of Jesus in the lives of the lonely, the abused, the abandoned, left behind
by the World Jesus will not leave them behind He died for them too and He has
sent us back to this place for His purpose it is our calling in Christ and it is a
privilege. May the Creator of the Universe, of ALL things, be Glorified in us and
through us, and heaven help us; in those we are here to help make disciples who will
in turn make disciples its how we each change the World for someone its how
we each change to World, period.
These precious little people
sang us home sweet,
little voices that blessed
these 2 missionaries more
than they will ever fully
understand they teach
us more than they
will ever fully know,
this side of Heaven!

We praise God from Whom ALL blessings flow. We are soo very grateful for the support we have
received and continue to receive in prayers and financial blessings which helps greatly to keep
us going in the direction God is moving in our lives to the places and people He places in our
paths. As ministry continues to grow and spill over into other communities filled with children
nearby GLORY!! we are humbled to be included in the lives of all the people God generously
gives us to love and to be able to help to keep warm and dry, and now cool and dry equator
living!! And along the way the blessing and calling of feeding them spiritually and emotionally
and physically. Please prayerfully consider joining Jesus in His mission alongside us feeding
hungry tummies and sweet little hearts as we be the Gospel for the people as empowered by
His Good and Faithful Spirit. We simply cannot continue in His service here without your prayers
and financial partnership and support. We thank God for you all!
God bless the faithful who have kept us going and continue to be blessings in our lives and in
the lives we are called to serve and love into the Kingdom together. Thank you!! It is an
incredible JOY!!!
Yours in Christ,
Graham and Sharon
Graham and Sharon Nichols

All donations may be made to:

The Mission Society
P.O. Box 922637
Norcross, Georgia 30010
Nichols Support #0368 on the memo line OR Via

The Mission Societys New Website Giving Info:
For giving Missionary support please use the Give to a
Missionary form and specify the 4-digit code 0368 OR you
may just type our names Graham and Sharon Nichols

The thing that makes a missionary is the sight of what Jesus did on
the cross and to have heard Him say, GO. Oswald Chambers

Please feel free to forward, mail-out or print our Newsletter for your
Sunday school class, small group, Church or friends Thank you!!
First Sunday of
Advent in the EUMCJess de Nazaret
Santo Domingo de
los Colorados,
Ecuador, SA. It was
lovely to be back
among our Santo
Domingo family

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