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Tell me and I forget, teach me and I may remember, involve me and I learn. - Benjamin
This course is Freshman Spanish and we will be focusing on introductory level Spanish. In this
course, students will be exposed to vocabulary from around the Spanish speaking world and
from scientific forums. They will be using the class supplements and their writing assignments
to understand the scientific realm and latin origins/connections.
The Spanish and Science instructors will be collaborating to ensure that the students are
reading the appropriate material with the corresponding vocabulary. Additionally, students will
be working on projects each quarter that incorporate both their learning in their Spanish course
and their learning in their Science course. Within the Spanish course we will be working the 5
Cs in an effort to pursue world readiness.


Community/Learner Expectations
Students will collectively create a Community/Learner Rules/Self-Expectation
Teacher will facilitate and regulate rules according to professional and ethical standards.

General Overall Class Rules

Get to class on time. NO EXCUSES
It is extremely important for you to attend EVERYDAY
We will use all of our class time; do not pack up early.
Talking occurs only in reference to the current lecture, discussion, or group work. Silent
work periods are just that silent.
Passes will be limited.
Do not use profanity in this class or even think about cheating.
Each student is responsible for his or her desk and desk area.
I reserve the right to move your assigned seat at anytime, and I will do so often.
All other rules are consistent with the Code of Conduct.


(upon teacher request)

A binder for notes and assignments

Index cards 5x8 and 3x5 (upon teacher request)
Personal headphones
Pen and pencils
Spanish/English Dictionary
Lots of college ruled paper
Any additional materials will be upon teacher request

Grade scale:
A = 90% - 100%
B = 80% - 89%
C = 70% - 79%
D = 60% - 69%
F = 59% or below

Late Work
No late work will be accepted unless excused by a doctor or administration. Other cases are
based on acceptance by the teacher.

Excused absences: Require documentation. Otherwise individual discussion.
Unexcused absences: Unexcused work will receive no credit. At my discretion larger
assignments can be made up for partial credit depending on the circumstances. Unresolved
absences (ones not called in) are considered unexcused.

*Absences and missing work will be your worst enemy! Zeros affect your grade tremendously,
and your chances of getting an A or even passing are drastically limited. Quizzes and tests are
the only exceptions to missing work, these quizzes and tests will be available but only after
teacher and student discussion.
Contact Information
Thanks and I look forward to having an outstanding and successful year with all of you!
Bryan Castaeda Spanish Instructor

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