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Introduction Letter to Principal:

Friday, September 30th, 2016

Teachers Letter to Principal
Dear Mr. Madrid,
I am contacting to you to request an interview as a first year teacher at Sierra Linda
High School. I have met with many of your staff at professional development events and
we share similar teaching methods and practices. I received my Bachelors of Art at
Arizona State University with a focus on Secondary Education - Spanish. Being that
Spanish is my first language but not the official language of the country I was born in, I
realized it was oppressed and I fought for the passion I had for language and decided to
increase my Spanish skills academically and professionally. During my studies at
Arizona State University I did a summer abroad studying in Spain at La Universidad de
Leon, there I globalized my language skills and culture.
I believe that parents play an active role in the educational success of their children so
that being said effective communication is a must. Students learn best when they are
motivated and engaged in their learning and that is exactly what I am striving for in my
Again, thank you for this considering me for the open position but mostly for the great
opportunity, I will dedicate my best effort for the success of your school. Please feel free
to contact me with any concerns or inquiries via
Best regards,
Bryan Castaneda
Arizona State University
Introduction Letter to a Parent:
Friday, September 30, 2016
Teachers Letter to Parents
Dear Parent or Guardian,
It is with great pleasure that I am taking an opportunity to introduce myself as your
childs Intern teacher and would like to express my excitement in working with your

child this semester. I am currently a senior at Arizona State University, my major is

Secondary Education - Spanish. I believe in motivating and engaging students in their
own education. I expect us to have a strong communicative relationship with your
childs academic, social, and professional stature as the driving force of success.
Please note that if you have any comments, questions, or concerns that arise any time; I
am available for phone calls and meetings (by appointment please) each day before and
after school. To schedule a meeting, you may contact me via
I welcome all questions, comments and concerns, I look forward to a great semester!
Best regards,
Bryan Castaneda
Arizona State University
Letter to Parent(s) addressing specific issue: Speaking out
Saturday, October 1, 2016
Teachers Letter to Parent - Discipline
Dear Parent or Guardian,
I would like to inform you that your child is amongst the most gifted and advanced in
my class, I am very proud of the quality of work and progression. The only problem that
I am facing is several unacceptable classroom disruptions. I am concerned about your
child in the form of behavior. Speaking out of turn and distracting the other students is
not acceptable in my classroom. The reason I am so concerned with your child is
because we had a long history of incident free activities before and I am wondering what
has possibly changed or invoked this behavior.
I am considering rearranging assigned seating in the classroom, possibly having the
student sit closer to the board will help with this spontaneous behavior. The reason for
so many disruptions has not been determined but peers may be influencing their
behavior so that is what we can discuss.
Classroom policy constitutes that three infractures deem principal involvement for
discipline and your student does not need that or deserve that. If this behavior continues
with its negative trajectory the principal will need to get involved. With your help and

the compliance of your child we can actively prevent any other disciplinary actions and
carry on with the learning experience.
Your childs academic, social, and professional development is of highest importance to
me and the school so please contact me with any questions, comments, or concerns via
Bryan Castaneda
Arizona State University

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