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Mediation Part One


Time: 30 minutes
Answer all the questions
Write all your answers on the separate answer sheet
You must not speak to the other candidates

Page 6

Mediation Part One

Task One: English into Hungarian A Text (15 minutes)

Translate the English text into Hungarian.

In America is a wistful drama that marks a change of tone for writerdirector Jim Sheridan, the man behind heavyweight hitters My Left
Foot and In The Name Of The Father.
This surprise box-office hit is about an Irish family who emigrate to
America. Hanging over them is the unspoken tragedy that prompted
them to up sticks and move to the land of the free: the death of their
youngest son.
Part life-affirming comedy, part grief-stricken tale of bereavement,
In America is an impressive film. Where it struggles, though, is in
its moments of mysticism, where the film slowly leans towards the
wrong side of sugary. The closing scenes are particularly risible but somehow thats not
quite enough to stop you from being enveloped in the films warm afterglow.

Task Two: Hungarian into English A Text (15 minutes)

Translate the Hungarian text into English.

Tiszteljk a dikok anyanyelvt

Nyelvtanrknt gyakran megkrdezem a dikjaimat, hogyan hasznljk pldul a mlt idt
az anyanyelvkn. Nem is gondolnk mennyire szeretik az ilyen krdseket, mert ilyenkor
idegen nyelvvel kszkd dikok helyett hirtelen anyanyelvk szakrtiv vlnak.
Arra is gyakran megkrem ket, hogy tantsk meg nekem nyelvk egyik nehezen
kiejthet hangjt. Ez a technika nagyban nveli az emptis kpessget s a dikok
lthatjk, hogy nem csak nekik kell megkzdenik a hangokkal.
rdekes beszlgetseim voltak japn dikokkal a zngtlen th kiejtsnek gytrelmeirl.
Nluk ez nemcsak fizikai megprbltatst jelent, hanem a nyilvnos nyelvnyjtogats
ltal kivltott ellenrzs legyzst is. Az eszttikai meggondolsok s a trsadalmi
normkhoz val alkalmazkods ugyangy rszei egy hang megtanulsnak mint a
kiejtsvel jr fintorok elviselse.

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