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8 probanyelyvizsga nyelvbol— Bz) celebrity sz6 hirességet jelent, ami jelen esetben Angelina Jolie. A swap careers ki- fejezés jelentése: karriert valtani, azaz més munkaba fogni. Ezt tamasztja ald a she sees politics as a way she can make an even greater difference mondat, melynek értelmében politikusként is szeretné kiprobalni magat, mert ebben a szerepkrben talén még tébbet tehetne az emberekért. A Hazardous Encounters cim jelentése: veszélyes talélkozdsok. Erre utal a masodik szévegben a Divers have reported unnerving meetings with the creatures mondat, mely- nek jelentése: buvarok nyugtalanito taldlkozdsokrél sz4moltak be, valamint a One diver described how one of the rust-coloured creatures ripped the buoyancy aid from her chest, and grabbed her with its tentacles mondat, mely szintén egy veszélyes talélko- zasra utal, amikor az egyik teremtmény letépte a bivarpalackot a buvar mellkasérdl és megragadta a bivart a csdpjaival. A Job Insecurity cim jelentése: a munkahely bizonytalanséga, azaz elvesztésének le- hetdsége. Erre utal a because he feared he would be laid off in a company restructure tagmondat, melynek jelentése: mivel att6l félt, hogy elveszti dllasat a cég dtszervezése miatt, valamint a The murder of this employer marks the latest in a series of acts carried out by people fearful of losing their employment in the rapidly worsening depression mondat, melynek jelentése: Ennek a munkéltaténak a meggyilkoldsa a legdjabb gyil- kossag egy olyan sorozatban, melyet olyan emberek hajtottak végre, akik att6l tartottak, hogy elvesztik az dllasukat a gyorsan mélyilé gazdasdgi valsag kévetkeztében. A Thirst for Death cim jelentése: vagyédas a halalra. Erre utalnak az I’m going to kill myself. It's the worst tragedy of my life and I don't want to live any more. I don't know why you saved my life, I want to be with him mondatok, melyek az éngyilkosségot meg- kisérlé rajongétél szarmaznak, s melyek jelentése: Megilém magam. Ez.a legborzal- masabb tragédia az életemben és nem akarok tovabb éIni. Nem tudom, miért mentették meg az életemet. Vele akarok lenni (azaz a halott Michael Jacksonnal). Gi A Victim to Back Investigation cim jelentése: az Aldozat segiti a nyomozast. Erre utal a She (the victim) is sedated but working with police to find the suspect, melynek je- lentése: (az dldozat) nyugtatok hatésa alatt dll, de egyiittmiikdik a rendérséggel, hogy megtalaljék a gyanisitottat. Erik Moeller azzal vadolja a Nemzeti Portrégalériat, hogy megsérti a kézbsség érdeke- it. Erre utal a kévetkezé mondata: museums and other cultural institutions should not pursue extra revenue at the expense of limiting public access to their material, melynek jelentése: a mézcumoknak és ms kulturdlis intézményeknek nem kellene extra bevétel- re szert tennitik annak az aran, hogy korlatozzak a nyilvanoss4g hozzdférését az Altaluk 6rzétt javakhoz. c David Gerard szerint az NPG szdmara az étkeztetés (selling food in the café) nagyobb bevételt jelent a web licenceknél, Erre utal a kévetkezé mondat: Another Wikipedia volunteer David Gerard has blogged about the row, claiming that the National Portrait Gallery makes only £10-15,000 a year from web licensing, less than it makes “selling food in the cafe”, melynek értelmében az NPG éves bevétele a web licencekbél csak 10-15,000 font, ami kevesebb, mint a biifé bevétele. B mes azt mondja, hogy gytijteménye online feltoltését a sajat bevételeibél finanszi- rozza. Ez deriil ki az It has worked for the last five years toward the target of getting half of its collection online by 2009. “We will be able to achieve this,” said the gallery's statement, “as a result of our own income.” mondatokbél, melyek szerint a galéria az elmiilt 6t évben azon faradozik, hogy 2009-re gyiijteménye felét feltéltse az internetre. oKépesek lesziink etre, sajét bevételeinkbél” (as a result of our own income). Jasok 8 probanyelvyizsga nyelvbol —B2) a Az NPG ragaszkodik ahhoz a meglataséhoz, hogy a Wikipedia megsértette a szellemi termékre vonatkoz6 angol torvényeket. Ez deriil ki a kévetkezé mondatbél: The gallery has claimed that Wikipedia’s actions have violated English copyright laws, melynek je- lentése: A galéria azt dllitja, hogy a Wikipédia lépései megsértették a szellemi termékek védelmére vonatkoz6 angol torvényeket. 10. B Az NPG egyik szévivéje szerint annak érdekében, hogy az egész portrét nagy felbontis- ban lehessen létni, Mr Coetzee specialis szoftvert hasznilt a nagy felbontisti mozaikok dsszerakdsdra. Ez dertil ki a kovetkez6 mondatbél: It claims Mr Coetzee used special software to “de-scramble” the high-resolution tiles, allowing the whole portrait 10 be seen in high resolution, melynek jelentése: azt allitja, hogy Mr Coetzee specidlis szoftvert hasznilt, hogy dsszeillessze a nagy felbontasit mozaikokat, mellyel lehet6vé tette, hogy a teljes portré nagy felbontasban legyen megtekinthet6. WH Oleso nyaralast keres, hajlandé idegenekkel egyiitt utazni. A h hirdetés bargain holidays kifejezése vonatkozik a nyaralis olessagara, a package holidays kifejezés pedig tarsasutat jelent. Tanacsra van sziiksége, hogy hogyan védheti jobban a természetet a mindennapi élet- ben. Erre utal a kévetkez6 két mondat: Have a question about going green? We'll have a sustainability expert on hand to help you figure out the best options for you, melynek jelentése: Ha kérdése van arrél, hogy hogyan védhetné jobban a természetet (to go green), szakért6nk a rendelkezésére all, hogy testreszabottan segitsen megtaldlni az énnek leg- megfelelébb megoldast. 13.1 Babakocsit szeretne vasarolni ujsziilétt babainak. Az i hirdetés Twin Stroller kifejezése utal az ikerbabakocsira. _ Megoldésok—TELCirasbeli: BC i van biciklis kiegészitékre, de nem bizik az internetes fizetésben. A ¢ hirdetés cycling accessories kifejezése utal a biciklis kiegészitékre, a we do not sell products over the Internet or via mail order tagmondatbél pedig megtudhatjuk, hogy nincs Internetes yasarlasra, illetve rendelésre lehetéség, tehat személyesen kell elmenni a boltba, azaz nem lehet online fizetni. a5) Munkat keres, de nincsenek vezetdi képességei, viszont hajlands tanulni. A d hirdetés- bél kideril, hogy a jelentkezSknek gyorsan kell tanulniuk (applicants must learn fast), viszont semmi nem vonatkozik arra, hogy vezetéi ismeretekkel kell rendelkezniiik, amit viszont megkévetel az e hirdetés: proven track record of business leadership, azaz az.tiz- leti életben szerzett bizonyithaté vezetdi tapasztalat. Szeretné lecsékkenteni a rezsikéltségét. Az f hirdetés Just look for our inexpensive chimney plug that can save heat and money from going up the chimney mondata utal arra, hogy a cég dltal reklamozott olcsé kéménybetéttel csékkentheti a kéményen keresztiil eltévoz6 h6 mennyiségét, ezért kevesebbet kell kéltenie fiitésre, tehat csékken a rezsikiltsége. x 25 000 fontot szeretne kivenni a bankszAmldjarél. Az egyetlen banki szolgiltatasra vo- natkoz6 hirdetés az l, mely megtakaritési szAmlat reklmoz, melynek értelmében hérom hénappal eldre be kell jelenteni, ha valaki pénzt szeretne levenni a szémlarél (subject to 3 months’ notice for withdrawals). On testreszabott aktiv nyaralds irant érdeklédik. A j hirdetés on a tailor made basis ki- fejezése vonatkozik a testreszabott nyaralsra, a golf experience pedig a nyaralés aktiv jellegére. “9. x Extrém sportokat szeretne tizni a Maldiv-szigeteken jutényos aron. Nyaralasi lehetdsége- ket kindl a h és aj hirdetés, amelyekben azonban nines s26 extrém sportokrél, A k hirde- tés megemliti a Maldiv-szigeteket, de nem beszél sem extrém sportokrél, sem jutanyos arakrél. 201 Aggédik az otthon tartott pénze miatt. Az | hirdetés megtakaritasi szamlat ajénl 3,11% kamatlabbal (the interest rate paid is currently 3.11%), mely a piacon talélhat6 ot legma- gasabb kamatlab atlaga (an account that always pays the average of the top five savings rates in the market), tehat ide érdemes betenni az otthon tartott pénzt. = Ceo bs Maras) CY h ee) bm 35° Az NPG ragaszkodik ahhoz a meglatiséhoz, hogy a Wikipedia megsértette a szellemi termékre vonatkozé angol torvényeket. Ez derill ki a kovetkezé mondatbél: The gallery has claimed that Wikipedia's actions have violated English copyright laws, melynek je- lentése: A galéria azt alliija, hogy a Wikipédia lépései megsértették a szellemi termékek védelmére vonatkozé angol térvényeket. Az NPG egyik szévivéje szerint annak érdekében, hogy az egész portrét nagy felbontas- ban lehessen latni, Mr Coetzee specialis szofivert hasznalt a nagy felbontasi: mozaikok sszerakasara. Ez deriil ki a kévetkezé mondatb6l: Jt claims Mr Coetzee used special software to “de-scramble” the high-resolution tiles, allowing the whole portrait to be seen in high resolution, melynek jelentése: azt allitja, hogy Mr Coetzee speciélis szoftvert hasznalt, hogy ésszeillessze a nagy felbontasti mozaikokat, mellyel lehetdvé tette, hogy a teljes portré nagy felbontasban legyen megtekintheté. aS Eng WH Olesé nyaralast keres, hajlandé idegenekkel egyiitt utazni. A h hirdetés bargain holidays kifejezése vonatkozik a nyaralds olesdsdgara, a package holidays kifejezés pedig tarsasutat jelent. Tandcsra van sziksége, hogy hogyan védheti jobban a természetet a mindennapi élet- ben. Erre utal a kévetkez6 két mondat: Have a question ubout going green? We'll have a sustainability expert on hand to help you figure out the best options for you, melynek jelentése: Ha kérdése van arrél, hogy hogyan védhetné jobban a természetet (to go green), szakérténk a rendelkezésére All, hogy testreszabottan segitsen megtaldlni az énnek leg- megfelelébb megoldast. a1 Babakocsit szeretne vasarolni tjsziilétt babAinak. Az i hirdetés Twin Stroller kifejezése utal az ikerbabakocsira. Wegoldasok—TEUGirasbel | Sziiksége van biciklis kiegészitékre, de nem bizik az internetes fizetésben. A ¢ hirdetés cycling accessories kifejezése utal a biciklis kiegészit6kre, a we do not sell products over the Internet or via mail order tagmondatbél pedig megtudhatjuk, hogy nines Internetes vasarlasra, illetve rendelésre lehetdség, tehat személyesen kell elmenni a boltba, azaz nem lehet online fizetni. 5. D Munkat keres, de ninesenek vezetdi képességei, viszont hajlandé tanulni. A d hirdetés- bél kideriil, hogy a jelentkezdknek gyorsan kell tanulniuk (applicants must learn fast), viszont semmi nem vonatkozik arra, hogy vezet6i ismeretekkel kell rendelkeznitik, amit viszont megkvetel az e hirdetés: proven track record of business leadership, tiz~ leti életben szerzett bizonyithaté vezet6i tapasztalat. 16. F Szeretné lecsékkenteni a rezsikéltségét. Az f hirdetés Just look for our inexpensive chimney plug that can save heat and money from going up the chimney mondata utal arra, hogy a cég altal reklamozott olesé kéménybetéttel csékkentheti a kéményen keresztiil eltévoz6 hé mennyiségét, ezért kevesebbet kell kdltenie fiitésre, tehat cskken a rezsikiltsége. x 25 000 fontot szeretne kivenni a bankszémlajarél. Az egyetlen banki szolgéltatésra vo- natkoz6 hirdetés az 1, mely megtakaritasi szamlat reklamoz, melynek értelmében harom hénappal elére be kell jelenteni, ha valaki pénzt szeretne levenni a szdmlardl (subject to 3 months ‘notice for withdrawals). Wes On testreszabott aktiv nyaralas irant érdeklédik. A j hirdetés on a tailor made basis ki- fejezése vonatkozik a testreszabott nyaralasra, a golf experience pedig a nyaralis aktiv jellegére. ex Extrém sportokat szeretne tizni a Maldiv-szigeteken jutanyos éron. Nyaraldsi lehetsége- ket kindl a h és aj hirdetés, amelyekben azonban nines sz6 extrém sportokrél. A k hirde- tés megemliti a Maldiv-szigeteket, de nem beszél sem extrém sportokr6l, sem jutanyos drakrél. (20, Aggédik az otthon tartott pénze miatt. Az I hirdetés megtakaritdsi szamlat ajénl 3,11% kamatlabbal (the interest rate paid is currently 3.11%), mely a piacon talalhat6 6t legma- gasabb kamatlab dtlaga (an account that always pays the average of the top five savings rates in the market), tehat ide érdemes betenni az otthon tartott pénzt. 8 probanyelywizsga ysli5ol = 3 — (2) Eee A has been said to be a liar szenveds szerkezet, jelentése: azt mondtik r6la, hogy hazug. A has been told szerkezet nem illik a mondatba, mivel jelentése: azt montak neki, azt az utasitast kapta. A has been saying szerkezet aktiv és nem szenved6 szerkezet, jelentése: 6 azt mondta. Nem illik a mondatha 22. B A but his military records reveal szerkezet egyszerti jelen idében van, jelentése: katonai dokumentacidjabél kideril. A reveals ige nem haszndlhaté tbbes szamii alany (records) utdn, a revealing ige létige nélkil értelmetlen. 23. C A he said he had served szerkezet befejezett mit igeidejét a fliggd beszéd tette sziiksé- gessé (he said). Mind a has served, mind az is serving szerkezet jelen idében van, tehat hidnyzik az igeidé-egyeztetés. Az1 was wondering what it was going to be like szerkezet a what is it like — milyen ez? kérdé szerkezetre épill. How illetve which kétészavakkal ez a mondat értelmetlen. 25. B Az in the square by the church szerkezetben a by eldljar6sz6 jelentése: a templom mel- lett. A nearby jelentése: kbzcli, a besides jelentése: raadasul, pluszban. Egyik sem illik a mondatba. 26. B A Half of them were killed szerkezetben a Iétige és az ige harmadik alakjat a szenved6 szerkezet tette sziikségessé. A were died szerkezet értelmetlen, mivel a die igét aktiv szer- kezetben hasznéljuk, a dead sz6 pedig melléknéy, jelentése halott, igeként nem haszndl- haté. @ac A he had been hit by German machine gun bullets szenveds szerkezetben a by el6ljar6sz6 jelentése: valami dltal. At eldljardszéval ez a szerkezet értelmetlen. A the hospital where he was recovering szerkezetben a where k8t6 k6rhazra vonatkozik, in el6ljarészéval nem hasznalhaté. A which ki szoval egyiitt lehetne itt hasznalni: in which. (29.4 Az In fact, his only war injuries szerkezetben az in fact jelentése: ami azt illeti. Az All in all kifejezés jelentése: dsszegezve, a moreover kifejezés jelentése: réadasul, tovébba. Egyik szerkezet sem illik a mondatba. 30.4 A The lies came to light szetkezet jelentése: a hazugsdgokra fény derillt. A come true szer- kezet jelentése: valéra valni, a come out szerkezet jelentése: kijénni, megjelenni. Egyik sem illik a mondatba. for personal computers szerkezetben a computer sz6 el6l hidnyz6 s26 egy jelz6, a meg- adott szavak k6zott egy jelz6 talAlhat6, a personal. Jelentése: személyi szamitogép. ic A Google will eventually be used on PCs szerkezet szenved6 szerkezet, ezért az ige har- madik alakjét kell haszndlni. A megadott szavak kézdtt ketté harmadik alakot talilhatunk: used és launched. A use jelentése: haszndlni, a launch jelentése: piacra dobni, bevezetni. A Google programot a szdmitégépen haszndlni és nem piacra dobni lehet. 33, M A Speed, simplicity and security szerkezetbél a felsorolis utolsé eleme hidnyzik, egy f6- néy, amely a Google egy fé szempontija (key aspects of Google). A megadott szavak k6zétt 7 lehetséges fénév szerepel: network, system, browser, version, share, click és security. Ezek kéziil értelmét tekintve a biztonsag (security) jellemezheti a Google programot. BAN A Microsoft launches the latest version of szerkezetben a targy hianyzik, amely egy fonév. A megadott szavak kézétt 7 lehetséges fonév szerepel: network, system, browser, version, avs 8 probanyelyvizsga yeh yee) 3) share, click és security. Ezek kéziil értelmét tekintve a verzié (version) jellemezheti az operaciés rendszert. L Se a which can also be used to run on netbooks szerkezetben a to run szerkezet célhatérozés fénévi igenév, tehét a to utin ige kell, hogy dlljon. A megadott szavak kéziitt 4 lehetséges ige szerepel: eliminate, share, run és click, Ertelmét tekintve az operdciés rendszer a run (futni, futtatni) igével haszndlhaté. 36. K ‘A The announcement could dramatically change the market szerkezetben egy médhaté- roz6 hidnyzik (dramatically), mivel ez csak extra informaciét nydjt, a szerkezet ¢ nélkill is értelmes lenne. A megadott szavak kéziil az egyetlen hatarozész6 a dramatically (dré- maian). B71 A the biggest player with around 90% share szerkezetben a share sz6 jelentése: részese- dés, Fénév hidnyzik a szerkezetbél. A megadott szavak kézbtt 7 lehetséges fnév szerepel: network, system, browser, version, share, click és security. Ezek kziil értelmét tekintve a share illik a mondatba, mely a Microsoft 90%-os piaci részesedésérél sé. 38. F A Last year Google launched the Chrome browser szerkezetb6l az allitmany hianyzik, melynek a /ast year iddhatéroz6 miatt egyszerii vagy folyamatos milt igeidében kell len- nie. A lehetséges igék: used és launched. Ertelmét tekintve a launch (piacra dobni) ige illik a mondatba. 39. G A searching for information, checking e-mail, catching up on the news szerkezetben a fel- sorolas egyik eleme hidnyzik, egy tevékenység (fonév), amelyet a hirekkel lehet végezni. Azegyetlen lehetdség a catching up on news, jelentése: informacist szerezni a legfrissebb hirekrél. ‘A Google wants to eliminate Microsoft szerkezetben egy ige hidnyzik fonévi igenéy alak- ban (a want ige vonzataként), melyb6l a to mar szerepel a szSvegben. A megadott szavak k6zitt 4 lehetséges ilyen ige szerepel: eliminate, share, run és click. Ertelmét tekintve a Google ki akarja kiiszébéIni (eliminate) a Microsoftot. ao Megoidesok=TEUGirasbe: Cu ees aus A Precipitation Problems cim jelentése: csapadékproblémak, Erre utal a szévegben az India faces one of the worst droughts in its history mondat, melynek jelentése: India tOrténelmének egyik legstilyosabb szérazsigival néz szembe, valamint a Rainfall figures are alarming compared with last year since the area has only received 25% of the rainfall received by this time last year, melynek értelmében: A lehullott esé mennyisége ijeszté a milt évi adatokkal dsszehasonlitva, mivel idén ezen a teriileten a tavalyi mennyiségnek csak a 25 szazaléka esett. G cana Disaster cim jelentése: pusztité katasztr6fa. Erre utal a floods kifejezés, melynek jelentése dradis, amely lerombolta az észak-kelet indiai tartoményt (ruined the north-eastern Indian state), Réadasul a helyzet tovabb romlik, mivel az dllam tb folyéja tovabb arad (the situation was worsening because most of the rivers in the state were still rising.) A Death Put off cim jelentése: Késleltetett halal., azaz hosszabb élet. A széveg értelmében a csbkkentett kalériabevitel (cutting calories, reducing calorie intake) meghosszabbitja az életet (Jengthen life). A eo. Find cim jelentése: Ertékes lelet. A hir az Amerikai Fiiggetlenségi Nyilatkozat (America’s Declaration of Independence) egy ritka eredeti példanydnak a felfedezésér6l sz6l. A példany hihetetlentil izgalmas (incredibly exciting) és kiilonésen ritka (extremely rare), mivel val6sziniinek tlinik (it is likely) hogy mindéssze 200 példényt nyomtattak beldle (200 of these were ever printed). E A Fatal Collision cim jelentése: Végzetes, (azaz haldlos) titkézés. Erre utal a kévetkez6 mondat: 4 Wisconsin mother and her 16-month-old son were killed in a head-on crash, melynek jelentése: Egy wisconsini anya és 16 hénapos kisfia vesztette életét egy fron lis titk6zésben, valamint: they were pronounced dead at the scene, melynek értelmében: A helyszinen életiiket vesztették. Oe l dasok 8 probanyelyvizsga Yah |= ed — ‘Az Allités jelentése: Néhény ember véleménye szerint a graffiti idész4mitésunk utén 30 000 évre nytilik vissza. A szdvegben elhangz6 kifejezés: 30,000 B.C. melynek je- lentése: idészAmitésunk eldtt, és nem utén. a7 - Az Allitds jelentése: Széles kérékben vitatjak, hogy az éskori barlangrajzok azzal a cél- lal keletkeztek, hogy fokozzak a spiritudlis ritudlékat. Ez az allitas hamis, mert a széveg szerint; Most academics agree that they were created either to enhance spiritual rituals or to show daily life, melynek értelmében a legtdbb tudés egyetért azzal, hogy vagy azzal a céllal jéttek létre, hogy fokozzdk a spiritudlis ritudlékat, vagy azzal, hogy bepillantast engedjenek a mindennapi életbe. 48. + Az Allitas jelentése: Néhényan nem tekintik az éskori véseteket és barlangrajzokat graffi- tinak, mert azok nem voltak illegdlisak. Ez az allitas igaz a kévetkezé mondat értelmében: Because these carvings and paintings were most likely permitted by other members of the society, some argue that this form of prehistoric art cannot be called graffiti, melynek jelentése: Mivel ezek a vésetek és barlangrajzok nagy valdszintiséggel ,engedélyezettek” (permitted) voltak a kézésség tagiai Altal, néhdnyan azzal érvelnek, hogy ez az dskori miivészeti forma nem nevezhet6 (cannot be called) graffitinak. 7 Az Allitas jelentése: A ,,Kilroy itt volt” egy katonai jelsz6. Az llitas hamis, mivel ez a 20. szAzad legelterjedtebh graffitija (the mast ubiquitous graffiti of the 20" century was the ‘Kilroy Was Here!) Amerikai katonak talaltak ki a II. vilaghaboriban (was created by U.S. servicemen during the Second World War). Késébb mindenhol feltiint, amerre az amerikai hadsereg jart (began to appear at home and wherever the American military traveled abroad). 50, + Az Allités jelentése: A modern graffiti eldszér a new york-i tomegkizlekedési jarmiiveken jelent meg, Az dllitas igaz a kovetkezé mondat alapjan: People first recognized graffiti as art during the 1970 and 80 when graffiti artists began coloring the NYC subway trains, mely szerint A graffitit a hetvenes és a nyolcvanas években kezdték miivészetként elis- meri, amikor a graffiti miivészek a new yorki metrékocsikat kezdték el telefesteni, ef miivésszé, Az dllitas igaz, mivel a The New York Times published an article about the mysterious TAKI 183 tag, making him the first graffiti writer to be recognized mondat jelentése: A New York Times megjelentetett egy cikket a rejtélyes !AKI 183 alairasrol, melynek kivetkeztében 6 lett az els6 elismert graffitimtivész. Az Allitas jelentése: Mindig ugyanolyan fontossagot tulajdonitottak a mennyiségnek és a minéségnek. Az dllitas hamis, mivel: the emphasis shifted from quantity to quality, azaz a hangstily a mennyiségrél a minéségre tolddott. 33. Az allitas jelentése: A griffitisok a névjegyiik mellett diszité elemeket is elkezdtek haszndl- ni, hogy ne kapjak el bket. Az dllitds els6 fele igaz: Writers also began to add design ele- ments to their names, including arrows, stars, clouds, and crowns, mely szerint: A grif- fitisok a névjegyiik mellett diszité elemeket is elkezdtek haszndlni, viszont ez nem azzal a céllal tértént, hogy ne kapjak el dket, mivel erre semmi utalds nincs a sz6vegben. 54, + Az Allitas jelentése: A New Yorki Metré Hatésdg megprébilta eltiintetni a graffitit a vonatokrdl. Az allitas igaz a kévetkezé mondat alapjan: The NYC Metro Transit Authori- ties (MTA) launched a campaign to rid the subway system of graffiti, melynek jelentése: A New Yorki Metré Hatésdg kampényt inditott, hogy megszabaduljon a graffitikt6l a vonatain. + Az Allités jelentése: A graffiti miivészet nem maradt helyi jelenség, Az dllitas igaz a kévetkezé mondat alapjan: Jn many ways, graffiti art has become a global phenomenon, melynek jelentése: Sok szempontbél a graffiti globalis jelenséggé valt. si kortilmények kockézata az elkévetkezend6 par napon beliil 65% lesz, a BBC korai figyelmeztetést (early warning) fog kiadni. Erre SN Sessa ayias fl nyelybo) = Be a utal a kévetkez6 mondat: Early Warning when the overall risk is above 60% is issued, melynek jelentése: korai figyelmeztetést adunk ki, ha a kockézat mértéke 60% felett van. 57. B Ha orvosi ellatasra van sziiksége Derby-ben, azt a tandcsot kapja, hogy menjen az Open Access Kézpontba. Erre utal a kovetkezé mondat: Patients are now advised that they should use the Open Access Centre on St Thomas Road instead. A betegeknek azt ajanl- juk, hogy vegyék igénybe az Open Access Kézpont szolgaltatésait, mivel az Osmaston Road Gyégyaszati Kézpontot ki kellett tiriteni (was evacuated) az ers esézések miatt (afier heavy rain fell). A Wilkinson and Staples pedig nem egészségiigyi intézmény, hanem druhéz: The bad weather has also caused several shops in the city centre, in- cluding Wilkinson and Staples, to close, azaz a rossz idéjaras miatt szamos éruhézat, beleértve a Wilkinson and Staples-t is, be kellett zArni. 58. B Ha meglatogatja a Radid és Televizid Allasexpét, média szakemberekkel beszélgethet. Ez deriil ki a kévetkezé mondatbél: You'll meet Radio and TV people, azaz talalkozhat ridids és tévés személyiségekkel. A ¢ megoldasban szerepl6 promotion 526 elhangzik a szivegben, de itt nem eldléptetést jelent, hanem televizids reklamozast. Televizi6 be- mondéi munkakért (TV announcer) pedig nem ajan! a hirdetés. 59, C A Ramsgate-be utazé utasoknak a 4. vagdnynal kell maradniuk. Erre utal a kivetkez6 mondat: Customers for stations to Folkestone, Dover; Deal and Ramsgate, please remain on this platform, azaz. a Folkestone-ba, Doverbe, Dealbe és Ramsgate-be tart6 utasokat arra kérjiik, hogy maradjanak ezen a peronon. Ez a peron pedig a 4., ami a kivetkez6 mondatbél deriil ki: Ashford, this is Ashford. The train at platform 4 terminates here, azaz Ashford, Ashford dllomas. A vonat a 4. vagényon nem kézlekedik tovabb. 60, A ‘Az A2 Aut6pilyaval kapesolatos kézlekedési informéciékat szeretne hallani, Ehhez a telefonjan az egyes gombot kell lenyomnia, Erre utal a kovetkez6 mondat: For motor- way information, live traffic and incident news choose 1, azaz autopalyakkal kapesola- tos informéciokért, él6 kézlekedési és baleseti hirekért nyomja meg az egyes gombot. ‘A kettes gombbal szdveges tizeneteket lehet kérni (for text alerts choose option 2). A harmas gombot akkor kell hasznalni, ha én szeretne kzlekedési problémakkal kape- solatos informaciéval szolgalni (Choose option 3 to tell us about traffic problems you see). Lowa Kiss EC Londow English Language Schoo’ 23 Fo utcw 24 West HOV Road Budapest Londow 1840 BH 5PG Hungary Great Britain 10" August 2009 Dear Sir/Madam, Ref.: letter of explanation IL am writing to explaiw why I left your language school before the endbof the-courtes : The reasowwhy I chose your school to improve my language skilly Cav En gla A Wed eae aa are ot ities your advertisement offered. Moreover, I had had enough of boring teachery and Prussian teaching methods iv Hungary. However, I left your 3- week course at the end of the first week because: your school failed to meet my expectations: First, it w situated in the outrkirty of London, although your ad said it was ivthe centre. I felt deceived when it took me about 50 minutey to get downtown ow Sunday morning, not to: mentiow the rush hours ow weekdays. It way a waste of time and money. Second, the classrooms, which yow promised to- be well-equipped, turned out to-havehardly any teaching facilities. There were no- audiovisual facilitier, making listening comprehension - which tw my weak point - impossible. Moreover, the lack of computers way outrageous. Finally, most of your teachers were not native speakers, which w surely w basic requirement. AOA ET ite ane board, AShD OR eachEn eee trouble to- use it. I suppose reparation would have been time~ them. I hope you understand that I had no alternative but to- leave and look for another school. I do not expect any compensation for the inconvenience caused. However, will yow please look into- the matter and refund the deposit which I had to pay at the: of the course? Tam waiting for your quick reply. Yours faithfully, Laura Kisy aN Ped cuba auras) a ste55 AFS Head office Strawberry Hilly Budapest Nsw 2012 1810 PO Bow 5 Hungary Australio 23rd April 2009 Dear Mr. Blisk, Ref:: applicattow for voluntary work: Your advertisement ow the Internet hay aroused my interest because I ees Cie paralysed: wher I hear about poverty could offer to-help these people iv my labour. Since I am w qualified doctor, I cawhelp to- boost the quality of healthcare. I have worked ax w gynacologist for 10 years, so I could help womew give birth to their babies. I would willingly organize regular cancer check ups and genetic screening for expectant mothers. Lalsohavesometeaching experience inthe field of sexeducation. Hence, I could deliver lectureyto teenagervabout safe methods of contraception. Or I would be happy to-organize public awareness campaigns about AIDS prevention. However, I am also willing to do manual work. I anv ready to- work ax w nurse and look after patienty after serious operations. In fact, I am not against working ever iw the laundry of the hospital. Wa yow please inform me how long I anv supposed to work ay w volunteer? I am free all the summer. I an also- interested iw what accommodation you could provide. Please also inform me in which part of the world my expertise iy needed. I look forward to your early reply. Yours sincerely, Jénoy Nagy — iss] syokraoernereei | | TELC Test 2 . tO uh yaar ase yahy sol 3) ) SE ss ee ae / 7 Peo sey Yah auras) Nyelvbol = Bz) o eas x COIR 8 probanyelywizsga nyelvybol=B2 — ECL Test 1 ar) ; hy 24 GeECiur ecu eueurstk t ‘A hidnyz6 rész mellékmondat, vessz6vel elvalasztva, ez utalhat a “which” sziiksé- gességére, illetve a hidnyz6 rész. utani mellékmondat (...the most extensive urban complex of the pre-industrial world...) azt sugallja, hogy a hiényz6 rész a birodalom méretérél ad informaciét. 5 a long list of suspected causes” a kihagyés eldtti rész okok sokasdgara utal — az F tartalmaz olyan elemeket, amelyek a listéhoz tartozhatnak (invaders, a religious change of heart, and a shift to maritime trade). A “recent” sz6 utal arra, hogy valami a jelenben torténik, ehhez j6l illik az M folya- matos jelen idében levé dllitmanyaval. "BP Az eldz6 mondatban szereplé 13. szazadi diplomatér6! kell valami plusz informéci6t betenni — egyszerti miltban, amelynek a tartalma illeszkedik az el6z mondatéhoz — plusz.informécié az illeté életmédjardl. 5) Az “apsaras” sz6t a szBveg kiemelten (idegen szként) kezeli, a vessz6 utal arra, hogy valami magyardzat k6vetkezik, valamint elétte kiderill, hogy tobbes sz4mu a sz6 (creatures), ezért a G tokéletes valasztés, mivel magyarizat tbbes szim 3. sze- mélyben van. A kihagyés helyére a kép Icirdsa kivankozik, clétte a “trouble” sz6 utal arra, hogy valami “bajos” dolog keriilhet ide — példaul harcosok... — ezt megerésiti a kivetkez6 mondat is: “because the Khmer were successful in battle”. Olyan mellékmondat kell, ami béviti az eléz6 tagmondatok értelmét (non-defining clause — bovité mellékmondat), a két tagmondat e nélkiil is értelmes — a “which”-es tagmondat kivaléan alkalmas erre. Tudomanyos cikkekben gyakori, hogy a kutaté/szerz6 neve utan megadjak az. intéz- mény (egyetem, kutatdintézet, szervezet stb.) nevét, ahol az illeté tevékenykedik — itt is ez torténik. Magulkisuk= Zeb igisysh | BD) Az l6z6 mondatrészben a “the way” utal arra, hogy valamilyen médszer keriil ide, arra yonatkoz6an, ahogy a birodalom elpusztul — kard ltal. (GO! Allitmany kell az alany mellé, amely utal a kévetkezé mondatban kérilirt gazdag- sdgra — “would have been rich”. “HD Csak arra torténik utalds, hogy az adott elefant éppen a csaladjaval boklaszik. (2D. Hamilton is ennek a segitségével taldlta meg Anne-t. 1B) “as source of research data” utal arra, hogy kutatdsi adatok nyerheték. (@) A félelmet, idegességet a masodikként megjelené elefiint okozza. “B) Nines informécié arra vonatkozéan, hogy mindig tarsaséggal megy-e, ezen a tiran igen, de nem deriil ki, hogy ez alland6 szokés-e. “6. A széveg csak arra utal, hogy Daballen, az egyik résztvevi megprobalja kikalkulalni, hogy milyen gyors lehet a szdvegben szereplé masodik elefant. 1H) Csak a szerzének ttinik gy, hogy az elefant gy All, mintha pézolna, de nem ezért készill a felvétel. "B) “no danger” — nem veszélyezteti fulladés Anne-t. (BD) Csak az deriil ki r6la, hogy vildghiri és 40 éve foglalkozik elefantkutatassal, de nem kertil szdba, hogy milyen szaktekintélynek szamit az adott teriileten. (WO! “field study” and “love” szerepel a szdvegben a kutatoval kapesolatban, ezekkel sze- rezte a tudasét. A ee Dear Joe, LThavereadasurvey about Hungariawpeople’yshoppinghabityiw awell-known magazine and I decided to share the information with you. Last time we met we talked about some aspecty of shopping, do-yow remember that? I said that Hungorian people did not use the Internet for shopping. Thix survey containy some surprising figures about e-commerce and I thought you might Accordingtothesurvey mostH ungariansbuyfoodimhypermarkety and supermarkets, not iv small corner shops, ax they used to- do- before. The survey shows that the reasons for this change are that hypermarketyhavelong opening hours, freeparkingand regular discounts. Ay for books, the general opinion iy that people buy fewer books, but they often choose the internet for buying books. Electric goody are usually bought tw spetalist shops. The last thing the survey examined way clothes. It hay turned out that people buy clothes ivplagas, specialist shopyand more and more people buy clothes iw second hand shops. If I compare these findings with my shopping habits, I caw say that it reflecty my own shopping habity except for books. I prefer buying booky iw bookshops. I think the future wil definitely be the internet. E-commerce wil take over normal shops, people will buy everything including food online, ay many people already do: Thaveno idea ifa similar survey haybeewmade ivyour country, but maybe yow could give me some information about shopping trendy in your country. It would be so- interesting to compare: different party of the world © Thanks iv adwance for the information. Megoidasok=EGiirasvell on Seen ii is tee | a ou oss GO “The most common-sense explanation” kezdetii mondat utal arra, hogy ez a legalta- lénosabb magyarazat. "BD Az Gj kutatas pontosan az elllenkez6jét bizonyitja — “the cause is just the opposite”. (BD) A rizik6vallalassal kapesolatban két dolog meriil fel: “Having unsafe sex and driving too fast’ — fegyverekhez és drogokhoz kapcsolédé balesetekrél nincs informaci6. 1B) A szévegben az all, hogy a sziirkedllomany és a fehérallomany szorosan egyiitt- miikédik: “white matter. which works along with gray matter to produce deci- sions”. 15) A sziveg utal arra, hogy a gyerekek kényelmetleniil érzik magukat ettdl. 1G) Csak 91 gyerek vett részt a kisérletben — “Berns and his colleagues gathered 91 kids aged 12 10 18”. (Wo “kids who take more risks turn out to have more adult-like white matter” — ez a mondatrész utal arra, hogy a fehérallomany kapcsolhaté a kockézatvallalé maga- tartéshoz. "BD Lasd elézé Allités — ahol a fehérallomany érettebb/jobban hasonlit a felndttekéhez, ott inkdbb vallalnak rizikot. 9) A normék athdgasdnak az oka az, hogy felnéttnek litszanak és felndttszerepeket probaljanak. §WO) A szoveg csak arra utal, hogy a puzzle egy darabja meglett ezzel a vizsgélattal, és nincs meg a tdbbi, de tovabbi vizsgalatrél nines sz6: “We have a new piece to the puzzle here”. wae a Yahy sol 324 8 probanyeliizsga 2. launched its first electric car affordable ‘% 30,000 usD (1B) 90 mph (62) All up their cars "J. find the most appropriate car (that suits the person’s conditions) | they do not want to plug them in at home 198) win over the market (FO) the price of gas A szbveg szerint az a kocsi ,,pasimagnes”. A szbveg szerint mult hénapban dobtdk piacra az elsé elektromos autot, a Nissan Leafet. “B.A vilag els6 zér6 kibocsatasti kocsijanak elérhet6/megfizetheté drat jésolnak. dA becslések szerint $30.000 alatt marad az ar. A széveg szerint a max. sebesség elérheti a 90 mérfold/6rat. §. Normal esetben nines sziikség ilyen jellegii képzésre, ennél a kocsinal ezt kell elészér megtanitani. Példanak hoz kérdéseket arra vonatkozéan, hogy mennyit ingézik az illeté, ill. van-e garazs a “tankolashoz” — a valaszoknak megfeleléen emlit kocsitipusokat. BY A vasarlok 21%-a nem akar otthon toltendé kocsit venni. Szerintiik minden vj technol6gia nyertes lesz, de a legnagyobb nyertes a hibridauté lesz. 40) A “depend on” kifejezés nyilvanvaléan utal az dsszeftigaésre. Meoreooeseheaii | pigs are killed 2. meat/sausages and bacon 1B) obesity “@) itkills fish Tipu eoe desu fa innras fe) nyelvybol = Bz — 5) tell the truth about American meat production uses 19% of U.S. fossil fuels/ more energy than any other sector of the economy salmonella poisoning (from peanuts) | $147 billion a year growing organic food in the White House Garden higher than that of traditional food ECL Test 3 iy 4] Reading Comprehension DO eeoteevescenire yt He is happy with it. "B) It was a press conference for his new film, the Informant. 1B) 4, his wife and 3 daughters. She walks and she has started talking and making sounds. Walking. Yes, 1 of them (the eldest). He has put on weight for the sake of a character in a film. 30 Ibs weight gain, wig, moustache, fake nose, and _wardrobe/different clothes. Positively. She likes it, she says she has more to love. ECL Test 4 GeeClur hed eae faraway destinations a kind of holiday, when people stay in their normal environment and explore it as a tourist you need to adopt a different perspective/see things from a different point of view “4, many Britons who spend their holidays in their home country |B) a change of scene and hot weather “6 been hit by the global recession "7% losing their jobs or being unsure about their disposable incomes "BD travel less far, less long and less expensively 19.) to stay at home in 2009 seems to be even harder/worse hE 4. transportation systems, including motor vehicle noise, aircraft noise and rail noise "2. industrial and residential buildings built side by side 13), humans and animals can also be a source of annoying noise “4 annoyance, aggression, hypertension, high stress levels, hearing loss, sleep distur- bances, severe depression and at times panic attacks, as well "5. even moderate levels of environmental noise can cause hearing loss 6.) people are willing to pay in Spain for noise reduction “7. even lead to death the loss of / reduction in usable habitat “9. the death of some species of whale species it ensures that noise levels comply with EU standards. eins rE Megoldasok—sEUCszobelr Test 1 Sez Candidate A: My favourite traditional Hungarian food is called goulash. This thick, hearty dish was a very popular dish among herdsmen in Hungary. They made it in a cast-iron kettle hung above open fire, out in the fields. Herdsman is gu/yds in Hungarian, so that’s where the name of the dish comes from. Hungarian goulash is a beef dish cooked with onions, Hungarian paprika powder, tomatoes and some green pepper. Potato and noodles are also added according to some recipes. Hun- garian goulash is neither a soup nor a stew, it’s somewhere in between. Now let’s see a classical Hungarian goulash recipe: The ingredients for 4 people are the following: © 600 g beef shin or shoulder, or any tender part of the beef cut into cubes ® 2 tablespoons oil or lard » 2 medium onions, chopped ® 2 cloves of garlic © 1-2 diced carrots ® 1 diced parsley root ® 1-2 celery leaves ® 2 medium tomatoes peeled and chopped ® 2 fresh green peppers ® 2-3 sliced medium potatoes ® 1 tablespoon Hungarian paprika powder ® | teaspoon ground caraway seed * 1 bayleaf ® ground black pepper and salt according to taste ¥ water Instructions First, I heat up the oil or lard in a pot and braise the chopped onions in it until they get a nice golden brown colour. Second, I sprinkle the braised onions with paprika powder while strirring them to prevent the paprika from burning. Third, I add the beef cubes and simmer them till they turn a brownish colour. The meat will let out its own juice. I let the beef-cubes simmer in it while adding the grated or crushed and chopped garlic, the ground caraway seed, some salt and ground black pepper and the bayleaf. Then I add ave) oldasok Ey deo sub yah auras: fe) UYU | eyed water enough to cover the content of the pan and let it simmer on low heat for a while. When the meat is half-cooked, I add the diced carrots, parsley root and the potatoes, the celery leaf and some more salt if necessary. When the vegetables and the meat are almost done, I add the tomato cubes and the sliced green peppers. I let it cook on low heat for another few minutes. I bring the soup to the boil and add the noodles, they need about 5 more minutes to get cooked. Candidate B: How often do you eat goulash? Candidate A: | don’t eat it too often because it is said to be full of saturated fat, so it is quite fattening. We have it at home about once a month. It is healthy if you don’t eat it too often. Anyway, it is a fatty dish so I wouldn’t recommend it to people who have digestion prob- lems. es ee Candidate B: My favourite piece of artwork is a painting called Mona Lisa. I saw this paint- ing in a French museum called the Louvre 2 years ago when I was in Paris on holiday with my parents. This painting made a deep impression on me because I found it very mysterious. Itis displayed in a purpose-built, climate-controlled room behind bullet-proof security glass. About 6 million people view the painting at the Louvre each year. Mona Lisa is a 16" century portrait painted in oil by Leonardo da Vinci during the Italian Renaissance. The work is owned by the Government of France. The painting is a half-length portrait and depicts a woman whose expression is often de- scribed as enigmatic, The painting is world famous for the smile of the woman it depicts. Leonardo da Vinci began painting it in 1503, during the Italian Renaissance and after he had worked on it for four years, he left it unfinished. He continued to work on it three years after he moved to France and finished it shortly before he died in 1519. After his death the French king, Francois I bought the painting. After the French Revolution, it was moved to the Lou- vre. Napoleon I had it moved to his bedroom. Later it was returned to the Louvre. Mona Lisa was not well-known until the mid-19" century when artists of the emerging Symbolist movement began to appreciate it, and associated it with their ideas about eternal fermi Leonardo used a pyramid design to place the woman simply and calmly in the space of the painting. The woman sits upright with her arms folded, which is also a sign of her reserved posture. Only her gaze is fixed on the observer and seems to welcome them to this silent communication. Thus, we are attracted to this mysterious woman but have to stay at a dis- tance as if she were a divine creature. Mona Lisa has no visible facial hair-including eyebrows and eyelashes. Some researchers claim that it was common at this time for genteel women to pluck them out, since they were considered to be unsightly. For modern viewers the missing eyebrows add to the slightly semi-abstract quality of the face. Candidate A: Have you seen any other paintings by Leonardo da Vinci? _ | 80] Candidate B: 1 have also seen another painting called The Last Supper, which he painted in Milan, The painting represents the last meal shared by Jesus with his disciples before his capture and death. I also saw it with my parents when we were on holiday in Italy. Candidate A: | have read a newspaper article about fitness concerns. The article is about a recent survey about the rate of obese teenagers which is already very high and getting even higher. It seems fewer and fewer young people are interested in doing sports or getting in- volved in other physical activities That is why the government aims at providing teenagers with more effective PE lessons at least twice a week. As for me, I think fitness is a serious problem in Hungary. PE lessons provided by schools are of low quality due to the lack of sports facilities. There are some schools where there is not even a gym. However, we must admit that it is also the fault of teenagers. They are lazy and prefer playing computer games or chatting on the Net to doing exercise. When they realize their mistake, it is often too late because they are already overweight. Do you agree with me? Candidate B: don’t agree with you completely because | think although it is true that there are obese teenagers, the majority of them are in good health and they do everything to keep fit. Just think of the fitness clubs. They are so popular nowadays. Teenagers attend the gym several times a week to do aerobics, step, spinning or simply use the fitness machines. I think it isa good way of keeping fit. Teenagers also like bullgames which they can play at school. I think the problem is that two PE lessons a week aren’t enough. So I welcome the govern- ment’s plan to equip schools with more sports facilities and provide more PE lessons. Candidate A: | agree with you on that. And what about you? How do you keep fit? Candidate B: Fitness is very important for me. I used to be chubby when I was about 10 years old but thanks to taking exercise I have lost weight. I attend Fitworld, which is my fa- Vourite fitness club, three times a week. | don’t like the fitness machines there because I find them boring, but I enjoy aerobics and spinning very much. Unfortunately, I can’t go jogging regularly because of some joint problems. I also enjoy swimming and I am a member of the school basketball team. I think teenagers especially like ballgames and they would be more enthusiastic about PE lessons if there were better facilities. By facilities I mean gyms, sports fields and sports equipment as well as modern changing rooms. What about you? How do you keep fit? Candidate A; Unfortunately, | am not as fit as you because I am a bit lazy. I prefer read- ing and talking to my friends. I sometimes go to the gym but not too often. It is very tiring for me because I am not used to exercising. I hate PE lessons because they are boring, we don’t do anything except for running around the school building and it is not enjoy- able at all, To tell the truth, I would enjoy PF lessons much more if we didn’t get grades. I think your physical performance is based on your abilities, [ mean you can’t study for PE lessons. But of course I don’t want to get obese so I must do my best to keep fit. It is my responsibility. ae 8 probanyelvvizsga nyelybol= be Candidate A: Don’t you think it is a good idea to help Mark while his wife, Linda is staying in hospital with the newborn baby? Candidate B: It is a good idea. I think he will need help with the housework and looking after Melanie, his daughter. What tasks shall we do? Candidate A: 1 can do the shopping in a hypermarket because I have a car. What about you? Candidate B: \ don’t want to help you with the shopping because I can’t stand the crowd in big shopping centres. But I can cook quite well. I know Italian cuisine quite a lot because I worked in an Italian restaurant last summer. Do you think they like pasta and pizza? Candidate A: Everybody likes pizza. It will be great. Can we do the cleaning together? Candidate B: Yes, that sounds good. But you know, I am not too good at dusting the furni- ture and hoovering. Candidate A: Never mind, when Linda comes home she can do it again if she isn’t satisfied. But I think she will have enough work with the baby. Candidate B: You are right. But | won’t iron the clothes. I can’t iron. Candidate A: Neither can I. Let’s leave it to somebody else. Who else could we ask to help? Candidate B: What do you think of Linda’s girlfriend, Margaret. She likes housework, any- way. Candidate A: Great. Could you call her? Candidate B: Why not? lam sure she could give us a hand. By the way, how long and how often can you stay at Mark’s house? Candidate A: Let me see... 1am free on Monday morning, Tuesday afternoon and Wednes- day the whole day. And if I am not mistaken, Linda will go home on Thursday. And you? Candidate B: | will visit Mark on Monday afternoon and Tuesday morning then. But wait a minute, we have nearly forgotten about the most important thing, looking after Melanie. How shall we take care of her? Candidate A: Let’s take her to the playground on Wednesday. I am sure she will enjoy play- ing with other kids. Candidate B: Sure. And while we take her there, Mark will have a little time to relax. Candidate A: Yes, or to visit his wife in the hospital. By the way, shall we visit Linda? Candidate B: don’t think it is a good idea. Why don’t we visit her at home when she comes home with the baby? Candidate A: L agree. Candidate B: OK. So you will do the shopping on Monday morning and I will cook in the afiernoon. Then, we can tidy the house on Tuesday... Candidate A: Yes, and we will take Melanie to the playground on Wednesday together. Candidate B: | think we have agreed upon everything. Candidate A: Yes. See you on Monday then. Candidate B: See you. @ Bees ® Hello, let me introduce myself, my name is Kiss Emese. * Hello, my name’s Nagy Mark, What do you do? Are you a student? * Yes, I attend X grammar school. I’m in my final year. I am going to take the school- leaving exam next May. And you? Tam a student, too. I’m 17, I am in my third year at Y secondary vocational school of economics. What are your plans for the future? Tam planning to study architecture, I would like to study at the Budapest Technical University. And what about you? What are you interested in? Tam interested in Mathematics and Economics, but I haven’t decided what university or college to apply for. I am also interested in sports, so I might want to study at the University of Physical Education. What sports do you do? Are you a professional sportsman? Yes, I am a long-distance runner. I have been doing athletics for 12 years, and I am also a football fan, I play and watch football as a hobby in my free time. Do you like sports? Actually, I prefer watching sports to doing sports. I used to play basketball for some years, but I gave it up as I had a knee injury and later an operation. I really enjoy watch- ing Formula One races on TV. My dream is to go to the Hungaroring and see a race there, Tell me something about your family. Do you come from a big family? * Lcome from a small family, am an only child, unfortunately. My parents are quite old, they are retired. Do you have any sisters and brothers? Yes, I have a brother and a sister. They are both younger than me. I am the oldest child in my family. My parents are active. My father is an engineer and my mother is a teacher. My grandparents are alive and we meet them quite often. I also have a lot of cousins, They are basically my age, so we have a lot in common. | like spending time with them. When we meet, we usually play games and we have a lot of fun. a * I think Hungary has been a member state of the European Union since 2004, so we have a history in the European Union. I remember the debates on TV and radio about the ac- cession. Sume people were for, others were against the accession. ee 8 probanyelyvizsga nyelybol= Bz — ® Yes, I also remember my parents talking about it a lot. They always said that being a citizen of an EU member state would be more important for our generation rather than theirs. » Yes, now we have freedom of movement. We can travel freely in the European Union, but for us, the biggest change is that we can choose to live and work in any EU member state. ® Yes, that is something many Hungarian people have already done, as the working condi- tions are better in most EU states. People can earn more money for the same amount of work and I think it attracts a lot of people. ® Studying abroad is also easier. There are more student exchange programmes than be- fore. Each university or college has a partner institution in one or more EU countries and students can apply for a scholarship to study there for a couple of months or a term. I think this is a unique opportunity. You can practise the language and see your field of study from a different point of view, and also you can make friends with foreign students. It is also an advantage that these young people who take part in student exchange pro- grammes can learn independence, to make decisions and learn about themselves. It also looks good on your CV if you have spent some time abroad and have studied or worked there. Would you like to spend some time abroad either to work or to study there, or maybe both? Yes, sure... Iam planning to study in the Netherlands. My cousin has spent a term there, he was an Erasmus exchange student at the University of Utrecht, He had a great time there and wants to go back. I know that most people want to go to Britain, but I would prefer to stay on the continent and another reason is that I hate English weather. And you? I would rather go to Britain, there are so many opportunities to have a part- time job, I could work and earn some money and I would spend that money on travelling and looking around. Do you think that the standard of living has improved since we joined the EU? I do not have any comprehensive information about it, but it seems to me that some areas have improved a lot. For example, the choice of goods. It seems to me that there is no difference between shops across the EU and in Hungary. You can buy whatever you want and there is no difference in prices, but I think there is a huge difference in salaries. 1 fully agree with you. Salaries are much lower in Hungary than in other EU countries. I have just read a survey in HVG and it says that we have to work more hours for the same product than people in any other EU member state. Do you think the situation is going to change if we adopt the euro as an official currency? I hope so. But I cannot say. Trade will be definitely easier and we don’t have to bother with exchanging money when we travel... I don’t know how it will affect the Hungarian economy. Maybe it will be good for people who have a bank loan... * * * * 8 a4 * * WMajolksol Fel 526i) ® Yes, maybe... but we won’t join the euro-zone in the near future, politicians say that it won’t happen before 2015, if I remember well... I think all these pictures are related to weather. In the past the weather was a popular topic to start a conversation with and also people enjoyed talking about it because it was an impersonal topic, but these days we talk about the weather because there are so many problems with it. In the first picture I can see a summer scene, a beach. Summers are extremely hot these days, I think most summers go into record books because the temperature is so high. It is not unusual to have temperatures over 40 degrees. It is really bad for the human body and also for nature, as droughts destroy crops. People usually go on holiday in summer, but they often choose new destinations because Mediterranean countries are too hot, the heat is unbearable and they cannot spend too much time outside during the day. In the second picture I can see the sea again, this picture reminds me of rising sea lev- els, which is the result of global warming. Global warming melts polar ice and as it melts, the sea levels rise. It affects people who live in coastal areas as there are more floods and some settlements will be covered in water. The third picture shows some kind ofa natural disaster, a flood, or maybe a tornado ora tsunami. These natural disasters are becoming more and more common. Fortunately there aren’t too many of them in Hungary, but global warming and the climate change affects Hungary, as well. We have had floods on the river Tisza recently and we have had some extremely hot summers, too. The weather and the climate are popular topics in the media since more and more peo- ple realise that something should be done to improve the situation. Ordinary people can do a lot to protect the environment, but global measures are necessary to reduce climate change. It is difficult to say how serious the problem is, problems are often exaggerated in the media... BS ago eunyaluyresf| Dysty5s)— 34 — WElec dia peasl ¢ eee ebesde emt she 1. feladatsor 2. feladatsor 3.feladatsor 4. feladatsor .. «(Geir . 1. feladatsor ... 2. feladatsor ... 3. feladatsor ... 4. feladatsor ... Ra) RE lets et ane eS 1, feladatsor 2. feladatsor wsesessees 112, 3. feladatsor 114 4. feladatsor Sz6beli feladatsorok — ECL 1. feladatsor 2. feladatsor 3. feladatsor ... 4, feladatsor ... NEUE esau tele ual 1. feladatsor 2. feladatsor 3. feladatsor .... 4. feladatsor .... A hanganyag szévegatirata — ECL : 1. feladatsor 2. feladatsor 3. feladatsor 4. feladatsor 9 Megoldasok - TELC irasbeli 1. feladatsor mintamegoldasa .... 2. feladatsor megoldasa.... 3. feladatsor megoldasa.... 4, feladatsor megoldasa... Wepre ee ea 1. feladatsor mintamegoldasa 2. feladatsor megoldasa.... 3. feladatsor megoldasa.... 4, feladatsor megoldasa... Megoldasok - TELC sz6beli 1. feladatsor mintamegoldasa .... §] Megoldasok — ECL sz6beli i, 1. feladatsor mintamegoldasa .... el \ Kiadja: Maxim Kényvkiad6 Kft., 6726 Szeged, Fiirj u. 92/b \ E-mail: \ Telefon: (62) 548 444 \ Fax: (62) 548 443 \ Felelés kiad6: Puskas Norbert \ Maszaki szerkeszt6: Szuperak Attila, Sztics Jozsef \ Nyomda: General Nyomda Kft, felelds vezeté: Hunya Agnes

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