Lesson Plan English1

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Grade Level: 3rd grade

Subject: English
Strand: Writing text types.
Learning Outcome (ADEC code and words): 3WTT1: write recount with well sequenced events using a range of descriptive
Resources (what materials/equipment will you and the
students use? Be specific)

Preparation (what do you need to make or check before



Prepare the projector


Prepare the levels worksheet


Key vocabulary


First-then-after that-finally.


Time: 10 min


Opening (warmer activity + teacher introduction/demonstration of small group activities)

Firstly, I will start the same routine that students follow every day. Which are attendance, asking questions. The
questions could be anything that mainly focus on past and present, and teacher can add any question that students
suggests. My preparing questions will be: What did you eat for breakfast, what is your hobbies, what is your favorite
pit. After that, I will share with students a video of my pit. Secondly, I will introduce the subject and the topic I will
teach for today, which is reading a story. I will move the students from the center to the carpet area to read the
story. then, I will do the activity. I will laminate pictures and sentences of story sequencing, and they be mixed. I will
ask some students to come up to the board and put the pictures and the sentences in the correct order. I will pass
the worksheet for the students by starting with the high levels students
Guided and Independent Experience (group working with the teacher)

Time: 20 min


- Low and Middle level:

Students will have a worksheet with pictures of the correct sequence of story. Students have to write a sentence
that explain what is happening in each picture.
- High level:
High level students will have to draw their own pictures of the story sequencing and write small sentence to explain
their drawing.
- Extra activity:
This activity will be for all the levels, any student who finish with the worksheet, will have an extra activity which is
drawing the charters of the story.

Time: 5


Teacher will give each students slash cards. In the flash cards there will be picture of story events, student should be
standing in order to make picture order of the story.

Teacher will ask students to do acting for next class, so they will be practising in groups.

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