CEY AmbersWrap

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Amber's Wrap

designed by Edith Murphy

Silky Alpaca Lace

Silky Alpaca Lace is a beautiful

blend of fibers spun into a
gossamer yarn that creates an
lightweight fabric. The alpaca in
this yarn provides warmth and
a soft halo, while the silk adds a
subtle sheen to the knitted stitches.
Worked with larger needles,
Silky Alpaca Lace makes lovely,
light-as-air shawls, garments and

Skill Level

Finished Measurements
Approx 17 wide and 67 long

Silky Alpaca Lace by Classic Elite Yarns
(70% alpaca, 30% silk;
50 g = approx 440 yards)
4 balls 2404 Rosy

Knitting needles in size US 7 (4.5 mm)
or size to obtain gauge.

Other Materials
Waste yarn for st holder or spare
needle in same size as main needle

16 sts and 22 rows = 4 in Leaf Lace
patt using two strands of yarn held
together, blocked. Take time to save
time, check your gauge.

Amber's Wrap 2016 Edith Murphy & Classic Elite Yarns

originally published in Issue 441 of the CEY Web-Letter www.classiceliteyarns.com blog.classiceliteyarns.com @CEYarns
This pattern is specifically for private use only. All commercial uses involving reproduction of this pattern or duplication of this piece are
prohibited unless specifically licensed in writing by copyright owner. For more information, visit classiceliteyarns.com/newsletter.php.

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Pattern Stitches
Leaf Lace Pattern (multiple of 8 sts +1)
Row 1 (RS): K1, *yo, k2, sk2p, k2, yo, k1; rep from * to end.
Row 2 and all WS rows: Purl.
Row 3: K1, *k1, yo, k1, sk2p, k1, yo, k2; rep from * to end.
Row 5: K1, *k2, yo, sk2p, yo, k3; rep from * to end.
Row 7: K2tog, *k2, yo, k1, yo, k2, sk2p; rep from *, end k2, yo, k1, yo, k2, ssk.
Row 9: K2tog, *k1, yo, k3, yo, k1, sk2p; rep from *, end k1, yo, k3, yo, k1, ssk.
Row 11: K2tog, *yo, k5, yo, sk2p; rep from *, end yo, k5, yo, ssk.
Row 12: Purl.
Rep rows 1-12 for patt.

approx: approximately
CO: cast on
dec(d): decrease(d)
Garter Stitch (Gtr st): Knit all sts,
every row.
inc(d): increase(d)
k: knit
k2tog: knit 2 sts together (1 st decd)
meas: measure(s)
p: purl
patt(s): pattern(s)
pc(s): piece(s)
rem: remain(ing)
rep: repeat
RS: right side
sk2p: Slip 1 st knitwise, from the LH
needle to the RH needle, k2tog,
pass slipped st over knit st created
by k2tog (2 sts decd)
ssk: (slip, slip, knit) slip 2 sts, 1 at
a time, knitwise to the RH needle;
insert tip of LH needle into the
fronts of the 2 slipped sts and use
RH needle to knit them together
(1 st decd)
st(s): stitch(es)
WS: wrong side
yo: yarn over (1 st incd)

Diamond Lace Pattern (multiple of 16 sts +1)

Row 1 (RS): K1, *k4, yo, ssk, k3, k2tog, yo, k5; rep from * to end.
Row 2 and all WS rows: Purl.
Row 3: K1, *yo, ssk, k3, yo, ssk, k1, k2tog, yo, k3, k2tog, yo, k1; rep from * to end.
Row 5: K1, *k1, yo, ssk, k3, yo, sk2p, yo, k3, k2tog, yo, k2; rep from * to end.
Row 7: K1, *k2, yo, ssk, k7, k2tog, yo, k3; rep from * to end.
Row 9: K1, *k1, k2tog, yo, k9, yo, ssk, k2; rep from * to end.
Row 11: K1, *k2tog, yo, k3, k2tog, yo, k1, yo, ssk, k3, yo, ssk, k1; rep from * to end.
Row 13: K2tog, *yo, k3, k2tog, yo, k3, yo, ssk, k3, yo, sk2p; rep from *, end yo,
k3, k2tog, yo, k3, yo, ssk, k3, yo, ssk.
Row 15: K1, *k3, k2tog, yo, k5, yo, ssk, k4; rep from * to end.
Row 16: Purl.
Rep rows 1-16 for patt.
Garter Kitchener Stitch:
Step 1. Bring threaded tapestry needle through first st on front needle as if to
purl and leave st on needle.
Step 2: Bring threaded tapestry needle through first st on back needle as if
to purl and leave st on needle.
Step 3: Bring threaded tapestry needle through first st on front needle as if to
knit and slip this st off needle. Bring threaded tapestry needle through next
st on front needle as if to purl and leave st on needle.
Step 4: Bring threaded tapestry needle through first st on back needle as
if to knit and slip this st off needle. Bring threaded tapestry needle through
next st on back needle as if to purl and leave st on needle.
Rep Steps 3 and 4 until no sts rem on needles.
Stockinette Kitchener Stitch:
Step 1. Bring threaded tapestry needle through first st on front needle as if to
purl and leave st on needle.
Step 2: Bring threaded tapestry needle through first st on back needle as if
to knit and leave st on needle.
Step 3: Bring threaded tapestry needle through first st on front needle as if to
knit and slip this st off needle. Bring threaded tapestry needle through next
st on front needle as if to purl and leave st on needle.
Step 4: Bring threaded tapestry needle through first st on back needle as
if to purl and slip this st off needle. Bring threaded tapestry needle through
next st on back needle as if to knit and leave st on needle.
Rep Steps 3 and 4 until no sts rem on needles.

Amber's Wrap 2016 Edith Murphy & Classic Elite Yarns

originally published in Issue 441 of the CEY Web-Letter www.classiceliteyarns.com blog.classiceliteyarns.com @CEYarns
This pattern is specifically for private use only. All commercial uses involving reproduction of this pattern or duplication of this piece are
prohibited unless specifically licensed in writing by copyright owner. For more information, visit classiceliteyarns.com/newsletter.php.

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First Section
Using two strands of yarn held together, loosely CO 75 sts.
Knit 10 rows, ending with a RS row; pc meas approx 1.


Next row (WS): K5, p65, k5.

Two strands of yarn are held together


Keeping first and last 5 sts in Gtr st, work Rows 1-12 of Leaf Lace patt across
center 65 sts 12 times, ending with WS Row 12.

This piece is knit in two sections, the

first section includes both the Leaf
Lace and Diamond Lace patterns,
the second section has the Leaf Lace
pattern. Both sections are worked
from the end toward the center and
then the sections are grafted together
in the middle using both Garter and
Stockinette stitch Kitchener.

Knit 3 rows, ending with a RS row.

Next row (WS): K5, p65, k5.
Keeping first and last 5 sts in Gtr st, work Rows 1-16 of Diamond Lace patt
across center 65 sts 4 times, ending with WS Row 16.
Next row (RS): Knit.
Place sts on a holder.

Second Section
Work as for first section until 12 repeats of the Leaf Lace patt are complete,
ending with WS Row 12.
Knit 2 rows, ending with a WS row.

Place each section on separate needles. Hold pcs together with the WS
touching and RS facing out. Use Garter Kitchener st on first and last 5 sts
and St st Kitchener on center 65 sts to graft pcs together.
Weave in ends. Wet block to measurements.

Leaf Lace Chart

(multiple of 8 sts + 1; 12 rows)

Diamond Lace Chart

(multiple of 16 sts + 1; 16 rows)


2 WS

1 RS
8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1








2 WS

1 RS
16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

knit on RS rows, purl on WS rows


pattern repeat

Amber's Wrap 2016 Edith Murphy & Classic Elite Yarns

originally published in Issue 441 of the CEY Web-Letter www.classiceliteyarns.com blog.classiceliteyarns.com @CEYarns
This pattern is specifically for private use only. All commercial uses involving reproduction of this pattern or duplication of this piece are
prohibited unless specifically licensed in writing by copyright owner. For more information, visit classiceliteyarns.com/newsletter.php.

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