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Submitted by: Heather Robertson___________________________CWID__50139402_________

Grade Level: _KG____

Mentor Teacher __Carole Greer______

Subject/Topic:_Social Studies/Making Rules___

How Rules are Made

Rationale: The purpose of this lesson is to engage
students and introduce how rules are made.

Materials/Equipment: Kindergarten Cop (4/10) Movie

CLIP [Video File] Retrieved from
v=tO4X8_c80kg, Leaders Paper with sentence
stem, pencils, crayons, laptops, stations powerpoint,
chart paper, chart marker, McDonalds logo.

TEKS Achieved:
SS 113.11 9 (B) explain how authority figures make
and enforce rules.
ELPS C.2.E (E)use visual, contextual, and linguistic
support to enhance and confirm understanding of
increasingly complex and elaborated spoken language.

Blooms Taxonomy:





For a special needs student, I will allow more

time to finish their work than the allotted
time for rotations.
For an ELL student, I will use a more
complex sentence stem to aid in their
writing: If I was principal, I would make a
rule that ______ to ______.

Classroom Strategies:
Independent Activities

Social Studies

TSW explain how rules are made.
TSW use visual support to enhance their understanding.

Lesson Plan:
Engage: There is a teacher named Mr. Kimble from another school that teaches a kindergarten
class just like our class, except there is problem! Do you want to find out what the problem is?
Maybe we can figure out a way to help. We are going to watch a short movie clip of the class. I want
you to pay close attention to the students and what they are doing! Play Video: *Make sure to stop the video at 35 seconds.
Explore: Were the students following rules in his class? What are the rules in our class? (Take
care of yourself, take care of this place, and take care of each other) What rules do you think
should be added to that class? Do you think the students were safe? Why not? (No, standing on
chairs, throwing toys at each other, pouring flour on each other, etc.) Who should help the students
decide on rules that will keep them safe? (teacher) Would our class rules help them stay safe?
Sing-Come into a circle, come into a circle, until I say stop. Go over expectations for circle:
Attentive listening, Mutual Respect, Appreciations and no put downs. So, we just came up with
rules for Mr. Kimbles class. How did we do that? (we saw a problem and we established rules to
solve the problem and keep the children safe) Thats exactly how rules are made. Our goal today is
to explain how rules are made. Repeat after me: I can (I can) explain how rules are made (explain
how rules are made) We just figured out how rules are made. How are they made again? (to solve a
problem to keep people safe) Now, lets practice. We are going to be problem solvers today. One of
the McDonalds by my house is having a problem. (hold up McDonalds symbol) People are running in
their restaurant and hurting themselves by running into tables or other people. They dont say
sorry afterwards. There is no line to order their food, they just yell from the back what they want.
Do you think we can come up with some rules to help them? Alright, I will go first. My name is Miss
Robertson and one rule they can have is to walk inside the restaurant instead of run. Pass it to the
child next to you and allow them ample wait time to come up with a rule.
Explain: Thank you all for sharing. We just figured out how rules are made and some rules to help
McDonalds. I will definitely share these with them and let them know what great problem solvers
you all are. Now, your job is to think like the principal. Lets think: Do principals make rules? (yes of
course; rules for the school) You can think like Mr. Moeller or you can be the principal of another
school that needs your help. Can I get my helpers to get me green tub 3 and floor tub C. Hold up
Leader sheet from the floor tub. This says, If I were principal.. Think in your head of a rule you
would make if you were the principal. After you write your sentence, draw your picture to match. I
want to see WOW pictures like we talked about. Point to where you can look if you forgot how to
make a WOW picture. (students should point to the chart paper on the board) Does anyone have any
questions about that? If you know what to do for this tub give me a thumbs up in your TV screen. If
you dont, give me a thumbs down. Remember, the first thing you do .. (students should finish the
sentence with: is always the same. I pick up my pencil and write my name) In the green tub, we are
going to be making our sight words. Who remembers what are sight words are this week? (I and
can) You all are going to get to create the words with playdoh. First, you say it out loud. Next you
stamp it with the stamp letters. Finally, you roll the playdoh to make the word can. What letters
are in the word again? (c-a-n) Does anyone have any questions? (pause for questions)
*Other stations include computer/iPad and Reading center.
Lets see how quietly you can walk to your station. Press slideshow of the MWF LA stations
powerpoint. Students should know where to go. *Rotations switch every 15 minutes.

Closure / Culminating Activity: After all the rotations have finished, Alright, I will see everyone
on the carpet in 10 seconds (countdown from 10). How are rules made? Who can tell me why our
classroom rules are so important? What are some of the rules that you all came up with if you were
president? Now that we know how rules are made, tomorrow we will talk about who enforces rules.
Elaborate: After students finish their activity, have them start thinking about who enforces rules.
Give them pictures of people that make rules and have them write one rule they may have for each
person. (police officer, parent, teacher)
Evaluate/ Assessment: The students will be assessed based on their responses during whole group,
and their writing assignment. I will look to see if the students are able to explain how rules are
made and if their rule they chose for the if I was principal activity correlates to our discussion.
Reteach: If I were to need to reteach this lesson, I would do it at teacher table with small groups.
I would pull the picture of the teacher in the classroom from the Pearson Social Studies book and
start by asking them what the picture is of. Then move into talking about the rules listed and why
they are there. I would then give them scenarios such as the one we did in whole group and have
them come up with a rule.
Self-Assessment I will Self Assess based upon the students responses and how engaged they were
during the lesson. I will pay close attention to whether their answers make sense and whether they
understood and applied the concept of making rules.

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