Jesus in The Temple Part Two Mark 12.28 - 44 NT352 Fall 2016

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Jesus in the Temple, Part Two

Mark 12:28-44


NT352 FALL 2016

Jesus One on One with

a Sincere Scribe 28-34
The Scribe asks for the Single Greatest Command 28
This question does not appear to be a trap for Jesus
Scribes systematically divided the Torah into categories
Similar question but different answer from Hillel (ca. 40 b.c.a.d. 10)

Jesus One on One with

a Sincere Scribe 28-34
Jesus Answers with Two Greatest Commands 29-31
Scribe asked for one but Jesus gave two (Deut 6:5; Lev 19:18) = why?
Remarkably Jesus declared Israels neighbor as EVERYONE (Lk 10:30-37)

Jesus Speaks with

a Scribe 28-34
The Scribe Agrees with Jesus 32-34
Unique occasion when a scribe responds favorably to Jesus
Jesus declares this Scribe is near to the kingdom of God why?
His agreement with the supreme commands indicates intention to obey it
His receptivity to Jesus as a Rabbi and to his teaching indicates he is near

Scribe at work
An orthodox Jewish
scribe in Jerusalem
transcribing the Torah
on parchment (The
Matson Collection, The
Episcopal Home)
Norman L. Geisler and
William E. Nix, A General
Introduction to the Bible,
Rev. and expanded.
(Chicago: Moody Press,
1986), 348.

Jesus Teaches
Again in the Temple 35-44
Christ the Son of David 35-37
Rabbinical teaching technique included questioning active learning!
Jesus quotes Ps 110:1 = the Christ who will govern Israel
Jesus makes them think how can David say my Lord (?)

Jesus Teaches
Again in the Temple 35-44
Scribes and the Praise of Men 38-40
Their ministry was largely self-serving in recognition and special benefits
Jesus makes a condemning list of their character and practices:
Long white robes to be noticed as separate from others, seen from distance
Greetings in market (public exposure) special titles of rabbi, master, father
Best seats in synagogue and feasts seats of honor with rich (special treatment)
Devour widows houses rich from ministry (greatest act to give to a Scribe)
Pretense of long prayers during prayer call to appear spiritual and godly

Jesus Teaches
Again in the Temple 35-44
A Widow as the Figure of Worship 41-44
Jesus strategically chose to sit down opposite the treasury to teach this
The widow gave so little compared to others yet her offering was greater!
She gave freely a spontaneous expression of thanksgiving (true worship)
She gave sacrificially small portion to others but it cost her much
She gave believing nothing left, she trusted God would take care of her

A horde of lepta and

a terra cotta jar in
which they were

Picture from David E.

Garland, Mark, in
Matthew, Mark, Luke (vol. 1
of ZIBBCNT, ed. Clinton E.
Arnold; Accordance
electronic ed. 4 vols.; Grand
Rapids: Zondervan, 2002),

Jesus Teaches
Again in the Temple 35-44

The Lord sits and observes us too in our worship, service and heart of giving
Money is not the only way to give time and resources and heart too!
Attitude gladly or begrudgingly
Quality best or worst
Obedience trusting God even when it is difficult
Consecration God has all of me? Where my treasure is, my heart follows (Mt 6:21)

Jesus in the Temple, Part Two

Mark 12:28-44


NT352 FALL 2016

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