Flipped Lesson Plan Form: Flip/Infused Video

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Lesson Plan Form

Teacher: Kaila Stassi screencastomatic.com
School: Colorado State University

Grade Level: 9th

Title: Transition to High School and Getting to know YOU

Date: 11/28/2016

Lesson #: 1 of 1

Content Area: Relationships

Content Standard(s) addressed by this flipped/video infused lesson:

RELA.01.01.a Analyze processes for building and maintain interpersonal relationships

RELA.01.01.d Analyze factors that contribute to healthy and unhealthy relationships
RELA.01.02.a Analyze the effects of personal characteristics on relationships
RELA.01.03.a Analyze communication styles and their effects on relationships
RELA.01.03.c Demonstrate effective listening and feedback techniques
Flip/Infused Video
What content do students need to know before or during class to successfully engage in the in-class

Students must have an understanding of what a positive teacher student relationship looks like.
Students must have an understanding of what positive and negative relationships looks like,
both with people close to them and people who are not so close to them.
Students must have a slight understanding of what high school is like, and be prepared for the
transition into high school

What method will you use to deliver your video?

Power Point with my voice recorded. I will introduce myself, their new teacher, and discuss new
relationships they will be building within the first week of school.
Flipped-Set up the class environment:

Power Point with voice over

Advocate for teacher student relationships. I want to get to know my students as best as I can,
so I will do that prior to class beginning.
Students will know in my class I have expectations, but they run the classroom. I believe in
students centered learning, where I am their guide. I must start my class in a manner that sets
up the classroom environment. Showing students that I want to know them, how they learn,
what their abilities are, so I can create the safest, inclusive, and comfortable environment for

Colorado State University College of Health and Human Sciences

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Flipped Lesson Plan Form

Infused-Explain the class environment:

The classroom is inclusive, safe, and comfortable for all students.

I will begin to create the in class environment prior to class beginning.
I will get to know students and students will get to know me before transitioning to high school,
encouraging comfort for them their 1st day.

Evidence Outcomes: (Lesson Objectives: 1-5)

All students will be able to:
1. Students will be able to recognize a positive student/teacher relationship.
2. Students will know and be able to abide by classroom expectations.
3. Students will be bale to formulate questions about their teacher that they feel necessary to
know in order to be successful in the classroom.
4. Students will be well prepared for the transition into high school with an understanding of what
to expect the first week
How will you check for understanding:
What questions/methods will you use to check for understanding following the video?

Who is one teacher from your past who has made a positive impact on your life? Explain this
relationship and why it was positive.
What are expectations you wish to see in the classroom?
What are 2 things you wish to know about me that will help you be successful in the classroom?

Colorado State University College of Health and Human Sciences

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