Abstract N Short Essay

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Social networking sites are among the most popular daily activities of students these days.
Students are mostly using social networking sites for communication and sharing of their experiences. Facebook is an
example of a social networking site, which supports additional features such as creating a profile page, creating group
pages and supports possibility of implementing different integrated application with Facebook. These features improve
the Facebook experience, allowing users to form groups, where they can introduce ideas and concepts, which can be
shared and discussed in a structured style.
For this thesis we have created a new learning management system by implementing an online educational platform
within a Facebook context. This work introduces a new, complementary style of education, where students can
improve their knowledge and sociality outside the university in an innovative way.
The platform takes advantage of gamification, which introduces game-like elements to concepts such as education and
learning management systems, to make them more fun and rewarding.
The goal of this thesis is to extend the educational border to an interesting online environment where students can
learn, communicate, and examine their knowledge globally in different courses within our application platform in

Abstract 2
The ocean provides countless goods and services supporting economic humanactivities. These goods and
services are under threat as a consequence of a continuously increasing human population with limited
knowledge of the ocean. It is important for citizens to take an active responsibility for ocean
conservation, and therefore they need to develop ocean literacy. One challenge is that the knowledge is
mainly held by scientists, often admonished for their lack of ability to communicate with the public.The
online social media have become common resources for learning, sharing ofknowledge and
communicating with others. This constitutes a unique opportunity anda challenge for scientists to
promote ocean literacy. This study takes a socio-culturalperspective of learning and argues that
participation and interest are key componentsof the learning process. This study investigates the
potential of Facebook for scientific communication and develop best practices to maximize its benefits.
Quantitative(Facebook statistics analysis) and qualitative (interviews and discourse analysis)methods
were used to scrutinize the Facebook page from the Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute
(MBARI).From a quantitative point of view, the best strategy to optimize the reach and thefollowers
interactions is to post daily and use picture or movies. From a qualitativepoint of view, MBARIs fans
seem to learn from MBARIs stories to a certain extent,but this study indicates that Facebook pages do
not offer the appropriate socialcontext to foster participation since it has only a few of the features of an
arena wheresuch practices could develop. However, the context might be more favorable forparticipation
when the fans share MBARIs stories with their own friends. Moreover,MBARIs stories hold the potential
to develop peoples personal interest in marine science, supporting the learning process and enhancing
their ocean literacy. In conclusion, social media can facilitate the development of users interest in the
ocean and their ocean literacy. However, it is essential for scientists to increase their social media
literacy in order to manage their pages in a more appropriate and timeefficient way, to benefit from the
potential opportunities offered by online socialmedia

Abstract 3
A social network site such as Facebook has rapidly gained popularity among internet users in recent
years. This technology has extended the capabilities of the Internet and turns it into a highly interactive

communication space where individuals can produce and distribute information as well as express
opinions and experiences to others. This study highlights the use of Facebook in time of crisis by
focusing on communication via Facebook during Thailand floods 2011.In this thesis, the researcher aims
to identify the reasons for Facebook use during Thailand floods using online semi-structured interviews
with the people who experienced the disaster. Further, the thesis describes and analyzes the patterns of
communication on Facebook related to this crisis and the role of Facebook in this context by analyzing
the Wall posts related to Thailand floods using Activity Based Communication analysis.Findings indicate
that Facebook functioned as a citizens mouthpiece during the floods in Thailand last year. Ordinary
people used Facebook to communicate with the public, offer and ask for help, broadcast their views on
certain issues and to disclose suspicious activity in the society. Furthermore, the study reveals that
information generated by citizens shared on Facebook is relatively specific, accurate, updated and easier
to comprehend compared with the messages sent from the authorities or mainstream media.

Social Networking Website

A large number of internet users have joined social networking websites. A social network
service is an online service, platform, or site that focuses on building and reflecting of social
networks or social relations among people. For example is for those who wants to share
interests and, or activities. A social network service essentially consists of a representation of
each user which known often as a profile, his or her social links, and a variety of additional
Most social network services are web based and provide means for users to interact over
the internet, such as e-mail and instant messaging. Online community services are
sometimes considered as a social network service. In a broader sense, social network
service usually means an individual-centered service whereas online community services
are group-centered. Social networking sites allow users to share ideas, activities, events,
and interests within their individual networks.
In the last five years, they have been growing up more and more popular. This increase in
their popularity has led to a large number of members.
One of the many reasons why Yahoo!, MySpace and Facebook social networking websites
have increased in popularity is due to the fact that they cover a wide variety of different
topics, issues and interest. They do not just focus on one particular group of individuals or
one particular issue. Their policy is to invite as many types of internet users to join as
possible. By this, it gives members a wide selection of online friends to choose from.
If you are looking to join a social networking website that is more focused on creating
friendships or partnerships between internet users preferable with the same interests, then
you will want to focus on social networking websites. They have a particular focus. The
prevalent websites focus on important issues, topics and hobbies, such as pet owners,
religion travel and others. So before you join, think of...

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