Term Paper Draft

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A reference is the basis in determining the condition of the patient through laboratory analysis,
diagnosis and medical or clinical decision making. This reference is often to be used in most
clinical laboratory as a guide, based on the results from the test conducted to the patient, in
making their diagnosis this reference includes specific values, observations and interpretations
related to what test is performed to the patient whether it falls in the typical range or not,
A reference is important in every medical decision making. When a person is taken to a hospital
for diagnosis, he/she wont get the results of the test as immediately as possible. Doctors will
provide the person first the required test before making the actual diagnosis. These test will
provide results and analytical information regarding the condition of the patient which will then
be interpreted by the doctor who will give the actual state of the patient this is where reference
will take its role. The reference will serve as a guide to interpret the result that will effectively
guide the doctors a correct, accurate and precise diagnosis.
This reference does not come first-handedly. In fact, they came or derive from the series of test,
studies, and trials conducted by several or even numerous institution and/or groups before it will
be used in medical and laboratory purposes. This test has different scope and factors which
primarily depend to the institution, group or individual who conducted the test this is the
reason why some reference values is different from one sources and to the other sources.
Even though, a reference is somewhat a common knowledge when it comes to medical or
laboratory field, there are still some misconceptions surrounding it that mistakenly define what is
a reference actually is. Notice how I minimize the use of the word normal or any related words
to define a reference? This because they are never been the same: in terms of values,

interpretation or on other means other than they are somewhat closely related. Also, according to
Ralph Grasbeck on his paper The Evolution of the Reference Values Concept, he pointed out
that the concept of a reference, from the time it was made, is essentially philosophical
(Grsbeck, 2004).
During the course of this research paper will primarily devoted to explain the mathematical and
statistical definition of a reference; its pivotal and integral importance of the reference in the
event of decision making; how the reference is derived or formulated from a series of test and
studies and finally to clear out any misconception regarding the concept of the reference.
According to Merriam-Webster dictionary, literally a reference defines as the act of mentioning
something in speech or in writing : the act of referring to something or someone; the act of
looking at or in something for information (Reference | Definition of Reference by MerriamWebster, n.d.). Technically, there are two ways to define the concept of the reference: this is
through its mathematical and statistical definitions.

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