Bued 110 Syllabus Fa16

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Course SyllabusBUED 110-03 and -05
Business Computer Applications
Fall 2016
Course Number/Section
Course Title
Days & Times
Office Phone
Email Address
Office Location
Office Hours

BUED 110 sections 03 and 05

Business Computer Applications
Fall 2016
Section 03--T/TH 9:30-10:45 (Craig Hall 316 lab)
Section 05T/TH 1:30-2:45 (Craig Hall 316 lab)
Dr. Sherrie Drye Cannoy
sdcannoy@ncat.edu (best method of contact)
342 Merrick Hall
Tuesday: 10:45-1:30
Wednesday: 8:30-1:00
Thursday: 10:45-1:30
(And other times by appointment)

Course Pre-requisites, Co-requisites, and/or Other Restrictions: none

What Will You Learn In This Class?

This course emphasizes the theory and application of business software, such as word processing,
spreadsheet, database management, presentation and communication software.
Student Learning Objectives/Outcomes: The broad goals are listed below and the specific objectives to
achieve those goals are listed in separate document on Blackboard. After completing this course, you should
be able to:
1. Demonstrate knowledge of microcomputer terminology related to computer essentials (e.g., operating
systems, file management, components of information systems, the Internet, and basic networking).
2. Demonstrate the productive use of microcomputer applications in word processing, spreadsheets,
databases, and presentation software.
3. Create business documents, spreadsheets, databases, and presentations that demonstrate effective
critical thinking and problem-solving skills.
4. Understand the use of microcomputer applications in the broader context of ethical and social

Learning Goals (School of Business and Economics and Department of Business Education): The
following are learning goals for the School of Business and Economics and the Department of Business
Education. Activities are listed which are utilized to measure your learning of the goals.
BUED 210 Learning Goal




Demonstrate knowledge of
microcomputer terminology related to
computer essentials (e.g., operating
systems, file management, components
of information systems, the Internet,
and basic networking).
Demonstrate the productive use of
microcomputer applications in word
processing, spreadsheets, databases,
and presentation software.
Create business documents,
spreadsheets, databases, and
presentations that demonstrate
effective critical thinking and problemsolving skills.
Understand the use of microcomputer
applications in the broader context of
ethical and social implications.

Activity to be Assessed

Associated SOBE and

Departmental Goals

Questions (Multiple Choice,

Matching, True/False, etc.)


Lab assignments
Capstone projects

General Business Skills

Lab assignments
Capstone projects

General Business Skills
Critical Thinking Skills

Discussion Boards

Topics could include Computer

Ethics, Global Issues,
Diversity/Multicultural Issues,
Social Responsibility, or

What Materials and Resources Do You Need?

What is the textbook and is it required?

o The MyITLab Software is Required: This software includes a free copy of the eBook. When
you purchase MyITLab, you will receive an access code to use the website. There is a free 14-day
trial access code that you can use and you can upgrade that to a full version when you pay for
o Ebook: Poatsy (editor), Mulbery, Krebs, Hogan et al. (2017) Microsoft Office 2016 Volume 1
(Exploring Series).
o ISBN: (Includes MyITLab access code and eBook) ISBN: 9780134455877
Optional: You may also need a set of earphones to use with the MyITLab software in class.

What software will be used? Microsoft Office 2016 (Word, Excel, Access, & PowerPoint) Note: Access
2016 is only in the Professional version (not the student/home versions) of Microsoft Office.

Need Microsoft Office??

Microsoft Office 365 (which includes Office 2016) is offered to students

free of charge while you are an enrolled student. You can install up to 5 copies of Microsoft Office for
Macs, PCs, and smart phones free of charge. You also receive unlimited One Drive cloud storage. To
sign up, you must have an active Aggies email account. To learn more and to sign up, visit
http://products.office.com/en-us/student and click on "Find out if you're eligible"

Can you use older versions of the software or the textbook? No. One goal of the class is to learn the
updated version of the software.

Can you use a Mac? Yes, but it is not recommended. Any differences you find in assignments for how to
perform tasks on a Mac vs. a Windows-based PC will be your responsibility to work out since we use the
Windows-based version of Office. There is currently not a Mac version of Access software.

How should you save/backup your work? You can use a USB, One Drive, or sites such as
www.dropbox.com to store and back up your work. You are responsible for backing up your work.

Do we use Blackboard and Email for class communication? Yes. Blackboard is used heavily in this
class. Check Email and Blackboard announcements daily.

Do I check email frequently in case you have questions? I check email throughout the day. I may
check email after 5:00 pm and on weekends, but dont rely on an immediate response if you have
questions during these times. You are ultimately responsible for completing an assignment even if I have
been unable to respond to your email before the assignment is due.

How Will You Be Evaluated On What You Are Expected To Learn?

How will you learn the course material? The instructional format for this class will be through the
following activities:
o Reading
o Simulation
o Creating, storing, printing,
o Lectures
o Discovery
retrieving, and editing files
o Discussions
o Using the Internet
from various applications
o Demonstrations
o Integrating/linking files and applications

What if you have a question about a grade? It is important to recognize that a grade (like an employee
evaluation) reflects anothers judgment of your work. The professor has graded all papers as consistently as
possible, and all items have been graded at the same level of rigor. However, if you have questions about a
grade, you are responsible for asking for clarifications within one week after papers were originally
returned to students in class or the grade has been posted to Blackboard (whichever occurs first). Grade
changes may not be made to assignments or tests after this time period.

*PLEASE NOTE: The professor
reserves the right to modify the
course schedule and
requirements based on student
progress, effective instructional
practices, and student
comprehension of the course
material. Any changes to the
schedule or the requirements will
be announced in class or sent via
email or posted on Blackboard.




What assignments and tests will you need to complete and how much do they count towards
your grade? Note: The Capstone Grader Projects and the Final Comprehensive Objective Questions are
technically your test grades.

Computer Ethics

Operating Systems
and Computer



Computer Ethics Discussion Board (BB)
Operating Systems Discussion Board (BB)
Windows 10 File Explorer Simulation Exam (MyITLab)
Windows 10 System Mgmt. Simulation Exam (MyITLab)
Operating Systems Objective Questions (MyITLab)
Windows 10 Matching (MyITLab)
Concepts Matching Questions (MyITLab)


CH 1

Simulation Training (MyITLab)
Simulation Exam (MyITLab)
Capstone Grader Project (MyITLab)
Objective Questions CH 1-4 (MyITLab)
Simulation Training (MyITLab)
Simulation Exam (MyITLab)
Capstone Grader Project (MyITLab)
Objective Questions CH 1-4 (MyITLab)
Simulation Training (MyITLab)
Simulation Exam (MyITLab)
Capstone Grader Project (MyITLab)
Objective Questions CH 1-3 (MyITLab)
Simulation Training (MyITLab)
Simulation Exam (MyITLab)
Capstone Grader Project (MyITLab)
Objective Questions CH 1-2 (MyITLab)
Final Comprehensive Objective Questions from all above chapters (MyITLab)
Additional Assignments as Needed


Total Points


CH 2 CH 3 CH 4






What are the Course Policies?

What happens if you miss a test or quiz? There are NO makeup tests or quizzes. If your reason for
missing an exam is foreseeable (i.e. athletic events, interviews, court attendance, etc.) then you must ask to
set up a time to take the test BEFORE your event.

Can you submit late work?

o If the MyITLab link has turned off, then your assignment is late.
o There will be a grace period of one day set up in MyITLab for simulation trainings, simulation exams,
and objective questions. However, if you submit an assignment during this grace period, there will
be a large deduction of points, depending on the type of assignment.
o No Grader Projects or Final Comprehensive Objective Questions will be accepted late since those are
technically considered tests.
o There may be non-MyITLab assignments to complete in class and these also cannot be submitted

What if you lose your work or have technological issues? Technological issues are not a reason to ask
for work to be accepted late. My expectation is that if you lose a file you should either have a backup of your
work or you should do the assignment again. Always plan for a backup in case your technology does not

*Absences Due to Religious Observances: A student may request up to two (2) excused absences per academic
term for religious observances required by the faith of a student. The student must provide documentation from a
religious official at least one week prior to an absence from a class period. The documentation must state the
reason for the absence and should include the date the student will be absent, the students name, the course name,
section/time, and the name and contact information of the religious official. Students should also send an email to
me with the request, copying it to his/her advisor since all requests for absences for religious observances and the
supporting documentation must be maintained by the students academic college/school. Any assignments due
on a date the student knows he/she will be absent should be submitted prior to the due date.

What are Expectations for Classroom Citizenship?

What is the University Student Conduct Code? North Carolina A&T State University has rules and
regulations that govern student conduct and discipline meant to ensure the orderly and efficient conduct of
the educational enterprise. It is the responsibility of each student to be knowledgeable about these rules
and regulations. Please consult the undergraduate bulletin:
Refer to the Student Handbook (http://www.ncat.edu/student-affairs/student-services/dean/studenthandbook.html) for detailed information about specific policies such as academic dishonesty, cell phones,
change of grade, disability services, disruptive behavior, general class attendance, grade appeal, incomplete
grades, make up work, student grievance procedures, withdrawal, etc.

Can I video tape or record class lectures? (FOR FACE-TO-FACE CLASSES ONLY):
1. Taking any pictures in class and specifically of any materials from class lectures (for example, what is
displayed on the screen or written on the boards) is prohibited. You will remember the material better
if you write it down.
2. Video recording of class lectures is prohibited.
3. Audio recording is prohibited unless you have the express consent of the professor.
4. Violation of this policy will be considered a violation of the Student Conduct Code and will be handled as

What Other Information Should You Know?

Technical Support: If you experience any problems with your A&T account you may call Aggie Tech
Support (formerly Help Desk) at 336.334.7195.

What if you are registered with the Office of Veterans and Disabilities Services? (Compliance with
the Americans with Disabilities Act) North Carolina A&T State University is committed to complying with
the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 by providing
equal access to the programs, services and benefits to qualified students with disabilities. All reasonable
efforts will be made to accommodate the needs of students with documented disabilities.
If you have a disability that requires an accommodation during the semester, please REGISTER with
the Office of Veterans and Disability Service (OVDSS) located on campus in Murphy Hall (334-7765).

Make sure that you notify OVDSS of any disability accommodation requests prior to the start of classes
or within the first two weeks of classes.
Students should notify the appropriate offices and provide documentation of the disability in order to be
considered eligible for accommodations. Students are encouraged to do this at the beginning of the semester
so that needs can be arranged in a timely fashion. Accommodations are effective as of the date of the
appropriate documentation validation. Please note that accommodations and modifications cannot be
performed retroactively!
NOTE: It is the responsibility of the individual student to provide documentation to the professor as soon as
possible. It is also the responsibility of the student to proactively arrange different testing times or
other accommodations. It is not appropriate to wait until the date an assignment is due/test is given to ask
for accommodations.

What is the Code of Student Conduct for the Department of Business Education?
All students are responsible for conducting themselves in a manner that helps enhance an environment of
learning in which the rights, dignity, worth and freedom of each member of the academic community are
respected (Student Conduct Code in Student Handbook, pg. 32). The department of Business Education
expects professional and ethical behavior of its students. The university Student Conduct Code may be found in
the Student Handbook. The following are additional policies for the Business Education department.

Computer Use Policy

All campus technology, including lab computers, is the property of the State of North Carolina. There is no
expectation of privacy. Computers are to be used for coursework-related activities only. Do not use computers
for entertainment or personal use. If you wish to use a laptop in class to take notes during lectures, you must
first get approval from your instructor.
Activity Monitoring Software: To protect the appropriate use of technology, the University has installed
software in all the computer labs that allows the instructor to interact with students through the lab computers.
The lab computers are controlled by the software. The software allows the instructor to:

See what is on each lab computer monitor at any time during class
Project content on every lab computer monitor
Make screens go blank on all lab computers
Send students files via the lab computer drives
Display material on the lab computer monitors through a whiteboard feature
Disable printing capability
Turn off or reboot all lab computers

Because your instructor is able to view the content of every computer lab screen, all activities in the computer
lab can be monitored at your instructors discretion. Your instructor has the right to take control of any lab
computer if your computer use violates policy.
NOTE: Be aware that according to University policy, students can be dropped from a class for disruptive
behavior, which includes inappropriate use of technology such as computers or cell phones during class.

Academic Integrity Policy

All students are expected to comply with the North Carolina A & T State University Academic Dishonesty Policy.
You should familiarize yourself with this policy, which can be found in the Student Handbook (page 39) at
According to the policy, cheating violations include (but are not restricted to) the following list:
a. Cheating or committing an act of academic dishonesty, including :
discussing answers during a test
utilizing notes or electronic devices during testing
copying from another students exam during testing
discussing exam content with students who havent yet taken a test
turning in assignments that do not represent your own work or ideas, either partially or in full
falsifying documentation such as internship hours, etc.
b. Plagiarism (unauthorized use of another persons words or ideas as ones own) which includes but is
not limited to submitting examinations, theses, reports, drawings, laboratory notes or other materials as
ones own work when such work has been prepared by another person or copied from another person.
(This includes copying and pasting from the Internet or other sources.)
c. Borrowing or sharing copies of assignments or files with another student enrolled either currently
or previously in the class. (This includes storing someone elses files on your USB/drive and includes
possessing edited files from other sections or previous semesters.)
d. Sitting at the same computer to work on an assignment so that one file can be turned in for more than
one person if the assignment is to be turned in for individual credit.
e. Stealing faculty textbooks, exams, or answer sheets
f. Unauthorized changing of grades or marking on an examination or in an instructors grade book, or such
change of any grade record
g. Unauthorized possession of examinations or reserve library materials, destruction or hiding of source
materials, library materials, or laboratory materials or experiments or any other similar action
h. Aiding or abetting in the infraction of any of the provisions anticipated under the general standards of
student conduct
i. Having knowledge of a person cheating and not reporting it to faculty member
j. Assisting another student in any of the above actions.

Sanctions: A student who has committed an act of academic dishonesty has failed to meet a basic requirement
of satisfactory academic performance. Thus, academic dishonesty is not only a basis for disciplinary action but
may also affect the evaluation of the students level of performance. Any student who commits an act of
academic dishonesty is subject to disciplinary action as defined below. Depending on the type of violation and
whether the student has committed previous violations in the same class, the faculty member may:

Give a grade of zero on the assignment

Give a grade of F in the class (if a student cheats more than once)
Require the student to redo an assignment
Report the instance to the students major department chairperson
Require the student to complete educational sanctions to ensure that the student understands the
violation and how to prevent it in the future. Educational sanctions can be given instead of an academic
sanction or in addition to it. Sample educational sanctions could include:
o Writing a reflection paper about the experience and how to prevent it in the future
o Meet with a librarian or attend a library workshop to learn more about how to cite references
o Create handouts that could be used to inform other students about academic integrity and/or
how to properly cite references

For this class, infractions of the policy will be taken seriously and will result in a penalty.
At no time is it appropriate to copy and paste answers to any other assignments from the Internet or from
another person. The work you submit should be your own ideas and own work in full (not partially your
The penalty for cheating may result in a grade of zero on the assignment/test or a grade of F in the class,
depending on the offense. The professor has the discretion to implement other sanctions as appropriate.
The professor reserves the right to retroactively examine assignments or tests for cheating if the need

Student Appeal of an Alleged Violation: A student who has been charged with violating academic

integrity should discuss the matter first with the faculty member and then with the departmental chairperson to
see if it can be resolved. Then, a student who feels unfairly treated as a result of an academic dishonesty matter
may appeal the action in writing to the University Judicial Tribunal. The written notice of appeal must be
submitted within one week (seven calendar days) of the date of the incident. The student should refer to the
section on Appellate Procedures in the Student Handbook.

Helpful Links:
A&T University Academic Dishonesty Policy: http://www.ncat.edu/academics/schoolscolleges1/grad/graduate-catalog/2012-2013/policies-regulations/academic-dishonesty.html
Resource for Citing References Appropriately: http://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/560/01/

Syllabus Contract

Students' continued enrollment in the course indicates that they have read the syllabus in its entirety
and take full responsibility to follow the guidelines described above.

These descriptions and calendar timelines are subject to change at the discretion of the Professor.

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