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Nepomuceno, John Jhigger V.


Topic : Words are Powerful

Purpose : To inform the class about what words can do to others

Central Idea : It is important that you be very careful of what words you use

Introduction : I. Trust can be made or broken

II. Words can change someones mind. It can alter someones belief
III. Words can make a difference

Body: I. If you are a role model, anything you say could be believed. If you are a
whos being admired, anything you utter could be taken as truth
II. You have the power to bring someone from the slums of life and make a
successful person out of them or destroy someones happiness using only
your words.
III. A simple choice of word can make a difference. You can have a very
beautiful thing to say, but say it the wrong words and its gone.

Conclusion : I. Now you know that words can do many things.


II. Words have power, words are power, words could be your power. You
can change a life, inspire your nation and make up this world a
III. Your mouth can spit venom or it can mend a broken soul.

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