Assignment 2 Essay

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Science and Technology in

the Primary School
Assignment 2: Essay
Melisa Edwards

Science and Technology in the Primary School: Assignment 2

Acknowledging and improving student engagement across the various curricular strands has
remained an important issue to effectively inform and modify teaching practices. The issue of
raising student engagement within the science and technology strands has had increasing
attention over the past decade with studies showing that students are more disengaged in
science than ever before. It is important to understand where the disconnect, between the
technologically driven world and lack of student engagement lies to inform and improve
current teaching practices. The role of science and technology within the primary curriculum
will be assessed and effective teaching and assessment strategies will be explored further to
explain the importance of developing scientifically literate students and the importance of
increasing student engagement. As the importance of raising scientifically apt citizens
increases so too does the importance of raising both teacher and students basic scientific
knowledge and understanding.

Exploring and understanding the place of science and technology both the digital and design
applications within the primary environment provides an essential part of developing
effective teaching practices that are authentic, explore inquiry based learning that is capable
of developing students scientific literacy whilst maintaining student engagement. The
ACARA (2012) states Technologies enrich and impact on the lives of people, cultures and
societies globally that is, the ability to use technology and devices such as mobile phones
and laptops. It is important to note that developing scientific literacy is different from
technological literacy. Scientific literacy is the ability to embed a basic understanding of the
fundamentals behind the mechanics and daily functions of complex systems from
communication and construction to food and fibre production and transportation (Centre for
Education in Science and Technology, 2008). The development of such scientific literacy is
supported through the curriculum via its statement It is important that as a nation we make
connections between creativity, technologies and enterprise as a catalyst for twenty-first
century innovation. We depend upon technologies for food and fibre production,
communication, construction, energy and water management, health and wellbeing,
knowledge creation, information management, manufacturing and transportation (ACARA,

Science and Technology in the Primary School: Assignment 2

The Centre for Education in Science and Technology(2008) explains that the development of
scientific literacy allows students to understand new concepts, make informed decisions and
provides them with tactile and visible proof to increase engagement and develop deeper
knowledge. They further elaborate that science within education supports students to explore
and question concepts based on their existing knowledge and knowledge they wish to
acquire; thus developing students ability to develop critical thinking skills (Centre for
Education in Science and Technology, 2008). The role of science and technology within the
classroom is to equip students with the necessary skills to function in a technologically driven
society, where scientific literacy is fundamental to their ability to become productive
members of society. Despite this PISA and TIMSS (Jarvis & Pell, 2002; Royal Society, 2008;
Sturman & Rudduck, 2009; TIMSS, 2008) results highlight the growing disconnect between
science and technology and support Professor Ian Chubb (2011) statement that our
younger generations appear to be disinterested even disengages from science even though
they use its applications every day; from their food, to their pens, to shoes, to clothes, to
smart phones, iPods, televisions and laptops however; research has shown a positive
correlation between improved results and the implementation of computer based technology
within the science and technology strands (Centre for Education in Science and Technology,
2008). The implementation of ICT supports the development and engagement of students as
they are able to interact and visualise tangible concepts previously taught through the
transmission of information where students were unable to make authentic connections to
scientific concepts and their application in reality. Research supports this and highlights the
importance of evolving current teaching practices to shift the focus from the transmission of
information through scientific investigations of topics related to current issues to a learning
model that supports working with scientific concepts using inquiry based learning, where
students are encouraged to explore and investigate concepts and make authentic connections
with the support of ICT and hands on activities to improve and maintain students
engagement(Mrquez Bargall & Prat, 2010).

Assessments provide teachers with evidence of the students depth of knowledge and
understanding of concepts aligned to the curriculum. The role of assessment is to increase
student motivation and development, supported through timely and effective feedback.
Effective assessments do not merely highlight learning deficits; rather they demonstrate
skills, knowledge, attitudes and student progress (Franklin, 2003). Effective and engaging

Science and Technology in the Primary School: Assignment 2

teaching practices are modified and informed by these results using the various assessment
strategies; assessment for learning, assessment as learning and assessment of learning:
Assessment for Learning (Formative): provides the teacher with early evidence of the
students depth of understanding and knowledge to inform future teaching practices and is
used to evaluate the effectiveness of instructional content, sequence and pace. The purpose of
ongoing formative assessments is to monitor student learning, provide feedback, to inform
teaching practices and inform students of their learning. Such assessments include;
observations, quizzes and interviews.
Assessment as Learning: supports active involvement of students to track and reflect
on their learning progress. It enhances their metacognitions and helps students make
informed judgements on their learning, and provides them with information to assist in goal
setting and directing their own learning (Manitoba Education and Training, 2003). These
assessments include scientific journal entries, reflections, performance assessments and peerand self-assessments.
Assessment of Learning (Summative): assesses students against a set of prescribes
criterions. This type of assessment usually occurs at the end of a learning series and can be
used to rank students and plan future learning goals such as; laboratory reports, formal tests
and exams. These assessments include formal rubrics to compare and rank students with

The Australian Curriculum emphasises the role of inquiry based teaching and learning within
the science curriculum (ACARA, 2014). Inquiry based learning supports the development of
critical thinkers and provides context to students to allow them to make sense of ideas and
understand the relevance of concepts through appropriate context, exploration, explanation
and application through open student-led inquiry. Kuhn (1989) argues for inquiry-based
education, as it has shown to increase student attainment and contributes to an increase in
both teacher and student motivation.

Inquiry based learning has emerged from several pedagogical teaching approaches, including;
constructivism, accelerated learning, whole-language, multiple intelligences and Blooms

Science and Technology in the Primary School: Assignment 2

taxonomy of learning (Franklin, 2003). The learning process aims to sequence phases of
cognition, increase student involvement and develop multiple ways of developing knowledge.
Using inquiry based learning, students are able to build on existing knowledge and make
meaningful connections through guided investigations that encourage the active construction
of knowledge rather than acquiring knowledge passively through the transmission of
information. The inquiry based learning model engages students more effectively and
acknowledges multiple intelligences which engage students on a number of levels and results
in greater class participation. Furthermore, it emulates the phases of the Blooms taxonomy
learning model which envelops a holistic cognitive approach to learning through its creation
of authentic connections to prior knowledge and its focus on student collaboration to
reinforce the assimilation of knowledge. The role of the teacher shifts from
director/transmitter to a co-learner and facilitator where student collaboration can be used to
build trust with the teacher to support assessment feedback and the establishment of future
learning goals for students (Franklin, 2003).

A science and technology inquiry based lesson may start with a demonstration or open-ended
question, the teacher would gather responses and raise subsequent questions followed by
student collaboration and allowing students to develop methods for an experiment through
inquiry, students would conduct the experiment and gather information, they would reevaluate their initial methodology based on the new information and revise their methodology
before presenting their findings either as a poster, oral presentation or as an evaluation. This
approach has proven to develop independent and critical thinking skills, positive attitudes and
curiosity toward science and increased achievement (Hall & McCurdy, 1990; W. C. Kyle, Jr.,
Bonnstetter, R.J., & Gadsden, T., Jr.,, 1988; W. C. Kyle, Jr., Shymansky, J.A. & Alport, J.M.,
1982; Shymansky, 1984) thus increasing student engagement and motivation.

In light of Professors Ian Chubbs (2011) statement, it is important that the current science
and technology teaching practices move towards an inquiry based learning model; where the
primary principle of the learning theory is based on a constructivism approach, the role of the
student is to become an active participator with increasing responsibility to direct and inform
their own learning and develop their problem solving skills and critical thinking ability.
While the role of the teacher must change from transmitter to facilitator using the curriculum

Science and Technology in the Primary School: Assignment 2

to develop process oriented rather than product oriented outcomes. Assessments are
supported through this learning model and allow students to; compare information from a
variety of sources, including digital media sources, supports students to select and gather
appropriate information to provide explanations, evaluations and draw conclusions from the
information, develop their knowledge of cause and effect relationships and increase their
ability to select and present data using multimodal texts, digital, oral and written
communication to present ideas and findings in a coherent and succinct style.

Fundamentally outdated teaching practices used within the science and technology
curriculum strands are responsible for the increased disengagement of students; as they are
unable to motivate students of the 21st century within the technologically driven and fast
paced society in which they live. As the need for technologically and scientifically literate
citizens increase, so too does the importance of developing these skills within the primary
school environment; hence emphasising the importance of shifting current teaching practices
to adopt more inquiry based learning systems to more effectively engage students and equip
them with the necessary skills to become productive literate members of society.

Science and Technology in the Primary School: Assignment 2

Australian Curriculum and Assessment and Reporting Authority (ACARA). (2012). The
Shape of the Australian Curriculum: Technologies.
Australian Curriculum and Assessment and Reporting Authority (ACARA). (2014).
Australian Curriculum. Technologies. from
Centre for Education in Science and Technology. (2008). Importance of Science in Schools.
Chubb, I. (2011). Chief Scientist's address to the National Press Club. from
Franklin, W. (2003). Inquiry Based Approaches to Science Education: Theory and Practice.
Hall, D. A., & McCurdy, D. W. (1990). A comparison of a biological science curriculum
study (BSCS) laboratory and a traditional laboratory on student achievment at two
private liberal arts colleges. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 27, 625-636.
Jarvis, T., & Pell, A. (2002). Changes in primary boys and girls attitudes to school and
science during a two-year inservice programme. The Curriculum Journal, 13(1), 4369.
Kuhn, D. (1989). Children and Adults as Intuitive Scientists. Psychological Review, 96(4),
Kyle, W. C., Jr., Bonnstetter, R.J., & Gadsden, T., Jr.,. (1988). An implementationstudy: an
anlysis of elementary students' and teachers' attitudes toward science in processapproach vs. traditional science classes. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 25,
Kyle, W. C., Jr., Shymansky, J.A. & Alport, J.M. (1982). Alphebet soup science: A second
look at the NSF-funded science curriculum. The Science Teacher, 49, 49-53.
Manitoba Education and Training. (2003). Classroom Assessment in Science Senior 2 Science
Retrieved from
Mrquez Bargall, C., & Prat, A. (2010). Stimulating argumentation using Reading of texts.
Alambique, 63, 39-49.
Royal Society. (2008). Exploring the relationship between socioeconomic status and
participation and attainment in science education.
Shymansky, J. A. (1984). BSCS programs: just how effective were they? The American
Biology Teacher, 46, 54-57.
Sturman, L., & Rudduck, G. (2009). Messages from TIMSS 2007. Paper presented at the
Association for Science Education Annual Conference, Reading, U.K.
TIMSS. (2008). Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study. from

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