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: Doctor

2. Maryana: Doctor

3. Dania: Doctor

Akbar: Jim

Ersa: Joanna

Irma: Joanna

Sukriah: Nurse

Hasmirah: Joanna

Nurse : Good morning Mr. And Mrs Kiehl please come in


Zhul: Jim

Joanna and Jim: (Go to the doctors room)

Doctor: Good morning Mr. And Mrs Kiehl. What can i help you ?
Jim and Joanna: Good morning doctor
Joanna: Today is my schedule for routine USG
Doctor: Owh yes. Your gestation is 32 weeks now right ?
Joanna : Yes doctor
Doctor: Ok i will do USG examination to you. Please lay on the bed
Nurse: Mrs Kiehl please lie flat on the bed
Jim: Cmon Honey
Joanna : (Lying on the bed)
Doctor: Please roll up your clothes
Joanna: (Roll up her clothes)
Doctor: (doing the examination)
Doctor: Ok, its finish now. Take back your seat please.
Joanna and Jim: Yes Doctor
Doctor: i have examined you. And your ultrasound was performed at 32 weeks
gestation. But i have bad news for you
Jim: What is that doc ?
Doctor: Im sorry to tell you about this but i have to.
Joanna: Yes?
Doctor: From the examination that i did before, i found that your child has
hydrochepalus and myelomeningocele
Jim: What ? what does it mean?
Doctor: Hydrocephalus is a condition in which there is
an abnormal accumulation of cerebrospinal fluid within the brain and
myomenigocele in which neural tissue of the spinal cord and the investing
meninges protrude from the spinal column forming a sac under the skin
Joana: What ? But how can?
Doctor: Many causes can make that disease. I have told you the truth. So now
its up to you to make decision
Joanna: Doc. I think i should devastate this womb

Doctor: I will give you time to think about this. But if you change your mind. We
are going to do SC at your 38 weeks gestation. We cant do labor normally
because of your childs condition
Jim: Yes Doc. We will think about this. Thank you for your information
Doctor: Youre welcome

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