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Senior Research Project Report



Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine

Agricultural Economics and Extension
Rural Development and Agricultural Extension
Akalu.Dafissa (MSc)

May, 2015



A Senior Research Project Report

Submitted to College of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine Department of Agricultural
Economics and Extension in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for B.Sc. Degree in



Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine


Agricultural Economics and Extension


Rural Development and Agricultural Extension


Akalu Dafissa (MSc)

May, 2015
Jimma, Ethiopia


First of all, I would like to thank the almighty God for his miraculous time to let me accomplish
everything I start and also for His help to go through every event successfully up to this minute. I
convey my deepest thanks to my previous proposal advisor, who left for my current advisor:
Akalu Dafisa (MSc). The completion of this work may not have been possible without their
generous support. Thus, I thank them for theirgenuine and energetic encouragement, suggestion;
comments, advice insight and guidance to complete this proposal. I further extend my gratitude
to Jimma University College of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine in providing computer
services and other facilities for the accomplishment of my research proposal preparation. Last
but not least my special thanks go to my family and my friends for being with me and providing
me a moral support and encouragement as well as financial support.




ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ......................................................................................................................... iii

TABLE CONTENTS ................................................................................................................................. iv
ABSTRACT ................................................................................................................................................. vi
1. INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................................................... 1
1.1 .Back ground of the study ................................................................................................................... 1
1.2. Statement of the problem ................................................................................................................... 2
1.3 Objective of the study ......................................................................................................................... 3
1.3.1. General Objective ....................................................................................................................... 3
1.3.2 Specific objectives ....................................................................................................................... 3
1.5 Significance of the study ................................................................................................................. 3
1.6 Scope of the study ............................................................................................................................... 3

Limitation of the study .................................................................................................................. 4

2. LITERATURE REVIEW ...................................................................................................................... 5

2.1. Definition of Communication ............................................................................................................ 5
2.2. Importance of communication ........................................................................................................... 5
2.3. Types of communication in organization........................................................................................... 6
2.3.1. Formal communication ............................................................................................................... 6
2.3.2. Informal communication ............................................................................................................. 6
2.3.3. Upward communication .............................................................................................................. 7
2.3.4. Downward communication ......................................................................................................... 7
2.3.5. Lateral communication ............................................................................................................... 7
2.3.6. Diagonal communication ............................................................................................................ 7
2.4. Factors that affect communication ................................................................................................. 7
2.4.1. Mis interpretation of communication .......................................................................................... 8
2.5. Functions of communication.............................................................................................................. 9
2.5.1. Control ........................................................................................................................................ 9
2.5.2. Motivation ................................................................................................................................. 10
2.5.3. Emotional express ..................................................................................................................... 10
2.6. Definition of conflict........................................................................................................................ 10

2.7. Types of conflict with organization ................................................................................................. 10

2.8. Effects of conflict in organizations .................................................................................................. 12
2.8.1Causes of conflict in organization ............................................................................................... 12
2.8.1. Structural factors ....................................................................................................................... 13
2.8.2. Personal factors ......................................................................................................................... 14
2.9. Conflict Management or Resolution Techniques ............................................................................. 15
2.9.1. Resolution techniques ............................................................................................................... 15
3. RESEARCH METHOD AND METHODOLOGY............................................................................ 18
3.1. Description of The study Area ......................................................................................................... 18
3.1.2. Climate .......................................................................................................................................... 18
3.2. Research Design............................................................................................................................... 19
3.3. Sampling Technique and Procedure............................................................................................. 19
3.4. Source and types of data .................................................................................................................. 21
3.5. Method of data collection ................................................................................................................ 21
3.6. Data processing and analysis ........................................................................................................... 22
3.7. Data presentation and Interpretation ................................................................................................ 22
4. RESULT AND DISCUSSION.............................................................................................................. 23
4.1. Personal information of respondents................................................................................................ 23
4.2.1. Conflict conditions and reasons for conflict ............................................................................. 24
4.2.1. Assessment of factors affecting communication....................................................................... 25
4.2.3. Contributions of effective communication to resolve conflict .................................................. 26
4.2.4. Conflict management / resolution techniques ........................................................................... 27
5. SUMMARY, CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION ........................................................... 30
5.1. Summary of Findings ....................................................................................................................... 30
5.2. Conclusion ....................................................................................................................................... 31
5.3. Recommendation ............................................................................................................................. 31
6. REFERENCES ...................................................................................................................................... 32


The study is designed to assess the Role of effective communication in resolving conflict in
JimmaArjowereda. The main objective of conducting this study is to deal with the role of
effective communication in the process of conflict resolution. The relevant data was collected
from primary and secondary sources. Secondary data was collected from published and
unpublished materials which are available in organization. The study population was50
respondents was selected as a sample. The data collected through questionnaire and interview
was processed through descriptive analysis and was presented with tabulation and percentage.
Finally, the conclusion was made and possible recommendation was forwarded. From the total
population,66% of respondents in study area

were male while only 34% were females. As

observed from table 1 of item 2, the largest 42%) proportion of the study population lied between
age group of 20-40.Table 1 of item 3 shows that out of the total population/respondents, 26%
hold as a maximum of diploma. Regarding the information in study area

the most of the

respondents believed that scarcity of resource use and communication gap were the major
reasons for conflict. As item 1 of Table 3 shows, 58% of respondents put difference in attitude
towards communication was the most constraint that prohibits communication not to achieve its
objectives. The major reasons for conflict are scarcity of resource use and communication gap
among people. The largest number of people faced conflict with other people of the society.
There were conflict in the society and it is from structural factors .Majority of the respondents
put attitudinal difference is the most constraint of communication not to achieve its objectives.
Almost all of the respondents believed that communication can play a great role in resolving
conflict but there is lack of communication in the society. Majority of people think that conflict
in their society can be avoided through discussion that they valued most from conflict resolution


1.1 .Back ground of the study
The art communication is as old as humankind. The relation of human being is established by
communication (Madhukar, 2001). Sociologist describes human being as <<social animal>>. As
a member of a society, they have to interact with each other consistently. They have to build
links and establish relationships. The need for communication arises from their desire to express
themselves in meaningful manner (Madhukar, 2001),

Different scholars define communication in different ways. But, the common consensus is that
communication is a two way process of exchanging ideas and information between human
beings. Communication is considered effective when it achieves the desired reaction or response
from the receiver (Madhukar, 2001).

In organizations, communication takes place in two ways, through verbal and nonverbal
communication. Verbal communication is the ability to communicate by using words that
separates human beings from other animals. Nonverbal communication is the process of
communication through sending and receiver of communication should be in a position to clearly
see the face, hear, and even feet communication (L. Hitler, 2008).

Effective communication between managers and employees will provide management with
feedback about carrent organization issues and problems and information about any today
operation. It relieves employes tensions by allowing lower level organization members to share
relevant information with their manager. It encourages employes participation and involvement,
thereby enhancing organizational cohesiveness (Raymond, 2008).

Poor or in accurate communication can head to conflict that negatively affect the workplace. It
could even lead to the cancellation of deal or loss of good will (Mcullinan, 1996). Conflict is the
process in which one party perceives that its interests are being opposed or negatively affected
by another party. This may be a mild disagreement between two people regarding best choice in
decision (Marry Ann and Steven L. mcshane, 1976).

Considering points about effective communication, conflict and their relation, the researcher is
motivated to see the role of effective communication in the process of conflict resolution in

1.2. Statement of the problem

Effective communication is lifeblood of every organization on its internal messages with
employees as well as external contacts with customers, suppliers and public. So, effective
communication is a fascinating journey both for employees and organization (Murphy, 2008).
On the other hand, there are always unlimited human needs and wants. The struggle of satisfying
this needs and wants head to conflict in the organization. In addition to this, the potential; for
conflict depends on how in compatible the goal area, the extent to which required resources are
scare and shared, the degree of interdependence of task activities (Many cullinan, 1996).
To reduce the above inevitable conditions, effective communication has a vital role. Many
researchers have been tried to study the role of effective communication in achieving
organizational objectives and in passing a sound decision.
However, up to the knowledge of the researcher, the very important role of effective
communication in resolving conflict was overlooked by some researchers. JimmArjo weeds,
complaints and conflicts are frequently observed. The services provided by the employees of this
municipality are poor and insufficient. The researcher think is that those poor and insufficient
services could be from lack of effective communication in resolving conflict.
Therefore, the researcher is motivated to explore the role that the effective communication has in
the process of conflict resolution. During the actual research, the study will try to answer the
following basic questions.

1.3 Objective of the study

1.3.1. General Objective
The general objective of this study is to assess the role of effective communication in resolving
conflict in JimmaArjowereda.
1.3.2 Specific objectives
This study has the following specific objectives.
To identify the major causes of conflict in JimmaArjoworeda
To explain the conflict management/resolving techniques.

1.4. Basic research questions

1. What are the major causes of conflict in JimmaArjoworeda?
2. What are conflict management/ resolving techniques?

1.5 Significance of the study

The study focuses on the role of effective communication in resolving conflict in
JimmaArjoworeda. Conducting this study will have much more importance for the following

It will serve as a base for other researchers who are interested to conduct a research on
this area in depth.

It can also be used for other that they can evaluate and identify them against this study
and can take corrective action if they are experiencing same problems.

1.6 Scope of the study

Among the many roles of communication in one organization, the study is restricted to the role
of effective communication in resolving conflict so as to make the study manageable. This
Municipality is selected because it is among others which lacks proper communication and is
being frequently affected with conflict.

In addition to this, the study is limited only to Oromia special East wellega zone, particularly on
JimmaArjowereda. This specific area limit helps to investigate the study in depth than trying to
do too much in a superficial way.
The research was also be done from 1st July to 30th August. During this time, the researcher was
collect data, analyze data and interpreted data, report writing and make presentation.
1.7 Limitation of the study

The research was focused only on effective communication from the varies extraneous variables
such as reward, performance appraisal, employee motivation etc. that need to be assessed.
Another limitation is the time allotted for research, which is necessary limited. This was hindered
the researcher to investigate the ins and outs of the issue under question. This study is restricted
only on JimmaArjowereda for the sake of feasibility in terms of area or scope. This can also
prohibit the study not to be undertaking in other different organizations which is experiencing the
same problem. Due to large number of respondents, the researcher was used sample rather than
census so that the sampling error cannot be avoided. In the time of data collection from
respondents, the real data which is hundred percent accurate wasnot obtained due to leads that
lead to subjectivity than purely objective.

2.1. Definition of Communication
Communication is the process of transmitting or sharing meaning (idea, feeling, knowledge,
experience etc. for some purpose through the transmission of symbolic messages. This means, if
no information or ideas have been conveyed, communication has not take place. For
communication to be successful, the meaning must imported and understood. Communication in
organization is the process of transmitting decisions and other information from one member of
one part of an organization to another. In fact, there cannot be organization without
communication (Robbins, 1994).
2.2. Importance of communication
Success in organization is dependent to a great degree up on the ability of the manager to
understand the organization can understand their employees through proper communication.
Endalkachew, Yasichelal and Tadiwos (2006) state that the importance of communication in
organization through the following points.
1. Communication is the basis for decision making: The quality of decision in an organization
depends on the amount and quality of information which is affected, available to the
managers. Effective communication is also important to proper implementation of plans.
2. Communication binds people together it introduces the sense of cooperation and produces the
will to work very hard. It helps to establish and disseminate the goal of an organization that
brings people together for common case.
3. Communication is the lifeblood of organization: because organization by definition is the
group of people working together to achieve a common goal. It is effectiveness requires a
great deal of interaction and without communication an organization cannot function.
4. The art of communication is extremely important managers: Because He/she must achieve
result through other people in the organization. It has been observed that those person occupy
critical point within an organizations communications network tend to strengthen their
positions as a leaders who make decision that affect others.

2.3. Types of communication in organization

People communicate with each other in a number of ways that depend up on the message and its
context in which it is being sent. Choice of communication channel and your style of
communicating also affect communication.
According to H.G Field and Robert J.House (1995, there are two types of communication (verbal
and non-verbal communication).
1. Verbal communication: - written and oral communication media have favorable and
unfavorable nature. Consequently, they have often used to gather so that the favorable
qualities of each can complement the other.
2. Nonverbal communication: - we communicate in many different ways what easy can be
reinforced or contradicted by nonverbal communication. Nonverbal communication is
any message the sender communicates without using words. This types of
communication, sometimes reffered to as body language such as gesture, eye contact,
facial expression, and voice in to nations as well as physical appearance.
As said by P.Robbins (1993,) communication can be classified based on their channels,
formal and informal communication.
2.3.1. Formal communication
Formal communication follows the chain of command and is recognized as official transfer of
messages. It operates according to the hierarchical system of the organization through channels
clearly identified by the organizations.

2.3.2. Informal communication

In addition to formal channels, organizations also have informal channel of communication.
Informal communication arises from the social relationship that involve in the organization and
they are not available feasible through normal channels. The some authors classified
communication based on its direction as upward, down ward, lateral and diagonal

2.3.3. Upward communication

Upward communication flows to a higher level in the group or organization. It is used to provide
feedback to higher. Ups inform them of progress toward goals and relay current problems.
Upward communication keeps managers aware of how employees feed about their jobs, coworkers, and the organization in general. Managers relay on upward communication for ideas on
how thing can be improved.
2.3.4. Downward communication
Communication that flows from one level of group or organization to a lowest level is down
word communication. When we think of managers communicating with subordinates, the down
ward pattern is that we usually think of. It is used by group leaders and managers to assign goals,
provide job instruction, inform underlines of policies and procedures, point out problems that
need attention and offer feedback about performance.
2.3.5. Lateral communication
When communications take place among members of the same work group, among members of
work groups at the same level, among managers at the same level, or among any horizontally
equivalent personnel, this all are described as lateral communications.
2.3.6. Diagonal communication
While it is probability the least used direction of communication in organization, diagonal
communication is important institutions where member cannot communicate effectively
through other directions. For example, the controller of a large organization may wish to
conduct a distribution cost benefit analysis. One pert of task may involve having the sale force
send a special report directly to the controller rather than going through the tradition way.
2.4. Factors that affect communication
Almost all conflict involve communication problem, as bota a cause and an effect Miss
Understandings, resulting from poor communication, can easily cause a conflict or make it
worse. Further, once a conflict has stated, communication problems often develop because
people in conflict do not communicate with each others as frequently, as openly, and as

accurately as they do when relationship are not strained. Thus communication is central to most
conflict situations (Stewart and Sylvia, 2006,).
The same authors said that there are eight main factors that affect communication
2.4.1. Mis interpretation of communication
Even in ordinary circumstances, people often say things that are not interpreted in the way
statement was intended. When people are angry with each other, the likelihood of mis
interpreting, communication is greatly increased to the point where it is almost inevitable.
Failure to understand an opponents perspective
People often view from very different perspectives depending up on such things as cultural
background, economic position, and religious beliefs. In order for the parties to communicate
effectively, they need to understand (though not necessarily agree with) the perspective of other
parties to a conflict. Language differences
When conflict involve people who speak different language (or even different dialects), it is very
easy for misunderstanding to arise even when skilled translators are used it is difficult for
translators to transmit complex feelings and emotions as clearly as they are originally spoken. Minister prated Motives
Motives can be misinterpreted as easily as statements can be misunderstood. When parties are in
conflict, there is tendency to assume the opponents motives are malign, even when they are not. Inaccurate and overly hostile stereotypes.
Often, communication difficulties arise because people think they know all they need to know
about their opponent and that further communication is unnecessary. Yeass images and
opponents tend to be o0verly hostile and exaggerated opponents are seeing to be more extreme
and out rigorous than they really are. Lack of communication channel /Avoided communication

Often disputant do not have reliable methods for communicating with opposing parties. This may
be because they do not want to communicate or it may be because they are afraid to contact their
opponents or have no way to do so. Sometimes the parties will break-off communication a form
of protest after particular disagree incident. However, the lack of communication can
significantly increase the risk future incidents. Not listens actively
When someone talks, we hear. But too often we do not listen. Listening is an active search for
meaning, whereas hearing is passive. In listening two people are engaged in thinking: the sender
and the receiver. Status differences
It is related to power and the organizational hierarchies poise another barrier to communication
among people at work, especially with in meager employee pairs. Because the employee is
dependent up on the manager as the primary link to the organization, the employee is more likely
to distort upward communication than either horizontal or down ward communication.
2.5. Functions of communication
Function of communication serves many types of functions. Among these function, Stephen. P,
Robbins (1996, 1, pit four basic categories:
2.5.1. Control
Communication acts to control member behavior in several ways. Organizations have authority,
hierarchies, and formal guidelines that employees are required to follow. When employees for
instance, are required to first communicate any job related grievance to their immediate boss to
follow their job description or to comply with company policies, communication is performing a
control function.
But informal communication also controls behavior when work groups faze of harass a member
who produces too much (and makes the rest of group look bad), they are informally
communicating with, and controlling, the members behavior.

2.5.2. Motivation
Communication fosters motivation by clarifying to employees what is be done how well they are
doing, and what can be done to improve performance if its supper. The formation of specific
goals and reinforcement of desired behavior all stimulate motivation and require communication
and also feedback as process towards the goals is the one which stimulate motivation and require
2.5.3. Emotional express
For many employees, their group is a primary source for social interaction. The communication
that takes place within the group is the fundamental mechanism by which members shows their
frustration and feeling of satisfaction. Communication, therefore, provides are lease for the
emotional expression of feelings and for fulfillment of social needs.
1. Information
The other functions that communication performs relates to its role in facilitating decision
making is by transmitting the data identify and evaluate alternatives.
In addition to the above functions, communication involves on the resolution process of conflict,
poorly navigated can damage and even destroy relationship. However, using effective
communication we can resolve conflict situation.
2.6. Definition of conflict
Communication can be defined as any situation in which incompatible goals, attitudes, emotion
or behavior to disagreement or opposition between two or more organizational members or
groups. That is, conflict occurs because people do not always agree on goal, issue perception and
because people inevitably complete (Robbins; 1983).
2.7. Types of conflict with organization
Conflict in organization is the disard that arises when the goals, interest of value of different
individuals or groups are in compatible and those individual or groups black one anothers
attempts to achieve their objective (Mary Abb&steveve.Lmcshane, 1976).


Not all conflict is bad. In fact, some types of conflict encourage new solution to problem should
stimulate functional conflict and dysfunctional conflict.
According to Debral L. Nelson (1994) conflict is classified into functional and dysfunctional.
1. Functional conflict is a healthy, constrictive disagreement between two or more people.
Functional conflict can produce new ideas, learning, and growth among individuals.
When individual engage in constructive conflict, they develop a better awareness of
themselves and others.
2. Dysfunctional conflict:- is un healthy, destructive disagreement between two or more
people. Its danger is that it takes the focus away from the work to be done and places the
focus or the conflict itself and the parties in volved. Excessive conflict drains energy that
could be used more productively. A key for recognizing a dysfunctional conflict is that its
origin is often emotional or behavioral. Individuals involve in dysfunctional conflict tend
to act before thinking, and they often rely on threats, deception, and verbal abuse to
communicate. In dysfunctional conflict, the losses to both parties may exceed any
potential gain from the conflict.
1. Conflict within individual:- occurs when an individual is uncertain about what work he or
she is expected to perform, when some demand of the work conflict with other demands,
or when the individual is expected to do more than the or she feels capable of doing. This
type of conflict often influences how individual responds to other types of organizational
2. Conflict among individual:- In the same organization is frequently seen as being caused
by personally difference. More often, such conflicts erupt from role related pressure as
between manager and subordinates) or from the manager in which people personalize
conflict between groups.
3. Conflict among individual and groups:- is frequently related to the way individuals deals
with the pressure for conformity imposed on them by their work group. An example of
these individuals may be punished by his or her work group for exceeding or failing
behind the groups productivity norms.
4. Conflict among groups in the came organization:- is the type of conflict with in which
line staff and labor-management conflicts.

5. Conflict among organizations: - In the economic sphere has been considered on inherent
and desirable form of conflict in many countries companies.
6. Conflict among individuals in different organization
This is also the conflict that occurs between people that work indifferent organizations.
2.8. Effects of conflict in organizations
Both function and dysfunction al conflicts have their own effect in organizational performance
and productivity.
Functional conflict:- It can produce new ideas, learning and grown among individuals.
Functional conflict can improve working relationship, because when two parties work
through their disagreements they feel they have accomplished something together. By
releasing tension and solving problems in working together. Moral is improved.
Functional conflict can head to innovation and positive charge for the organization.
Because it tends to encourage creativity among individuals, this positive form of conflict
can translate in to increased productivity.
Dysfunctional; conflict: is a conflict that heads to decline in communication or
performance of a group. It can be an overabundance of conflict or lack of sufficient
motivating conflict.
Dysfunction conflict with in organization is motivated by ego s of employees with
competing ambition. It often leads to higher stress and a like hood that employees will
burn out. Employees will also likely feet less satisfaction and less loyalty to the
2.8.1Causes of conflict in organization
Conflict is pervasive in organizations. To manager it effectively, managers should understand the
many source of conflict.
According to Debra L.Nelson (1994) the source of conflict can be classified into two broad
categories: structural factors, which stem from the nature of the organization and the way in
which work is organized and personal factors, which rise from differences among individuals.


2.8.1. Structural factors

The cause of conflict related to the organization structure include specialization,
interdependence, common resource, goal difference, authority relationships, status inconsistence,
jurisdiction ambiguities, work over load and communication gap.

Specification: when jobs are highly specialized, employees become exports at certain
tasks. Highly specialized jobs can lead to conflicts, because people have little awareness
of the tasks that others perform.

Interdependence: work that is interdependence requires groups or individuals to depend

one another to accomplish goals. Depending on other people to get work done is fine
when the process works smoothly. However, when there is a problem, it becomes easy to
blame the other party, and conflict escalates.

Common resource: any time multiple parties must share resource, there 25 potential for
conflict. This potential is enhanced when the shared resource become scarce. One
resource often shared by managers is sectorial support. It is not uncommon for a
secretory to support ten or more managers, each of whom believes his or her work is
most important. This puts pressure on the secretaries and leads to potential conflict in
prioritizing and scheduling work.

Goal difference: - when work groups have different these goals may be in compatible.
Often these types of conflict occur because individuals do not have knowledge of another
departments objectives.

Authority relationships: The nature of a traditional boss-employees relationship brings to

mind a vision of hierarchy or of a boss who is superior to the employee. For many
employees, this relationship is not a comfortable one, because another individual has the
right to tell them what to do. Same people resent authority more than others, and
obviously other, this compounds the potential for conflict in the relationship. As
organization move toward team approach and empowerment, there are should be less
potential for conflict from authority relationship.

Status in consistences:- some organizations have as strong status difference between

management and non-management coorkers. Managers may enjoy privileges such as


flexible schedules, personal telephone call at work, and longer lunch hours that are not
available to non-management employees. This may result in resentment and conflict.

Jurisdictional ambiguities: that is under lines of responsibility within an organization.

When a problem occurs for which there is no definite source of responsibility, workers
tends, to pass the buck or avoid dealing with the problem. Conflicts emerge over
responsibility for the problems.

Work overload: there are two types of work overload being asked to do too much and
being asked to do work that is too difficult. Too much work can arise because of
organizational constraints that prevent efficiency, insufficient number of staff member to
shore the loads, or inequitable distribution of work, were some individuals have heavier
workloads than others. Work that is too difficult can arise because the job is poorly
designed, making difficult for any to perform, or because the individual does not have the
necessary skills.

Communication gap: is state occurs when what is being said is not been communicated to
the addressee properly and completely. Actually communication gap is the biggest hurdle
in achieving the organizational goal and does not help at all in achievement of
organizational goal.

2.8.2. Personal factors

The causes of conflict that arise from individuals differences include skills and abilities,
personalities, perception, values and ethics, emotion and communication barriers.

Skills and abilitites: The work force is composed of individuals with varying level of
skills and ability. Diversity in skills and abilities may be positive for the organization, but
it also holds potential for conflict especially when jobs are interdependent. Experienced,
competent workers can become resent full when their new boss, fresh from college,
knows a lot about managing people but is unfamiliar with the technology with which they
are working.

Personalities: Individuals do not leave their personalities at the door step when they enter
the work place. Personality conflict is realities in organization. To expect that you will


like all of your co-workers may be a nave expectation, as would be the expectation they
will all like you.

Perception: Differences in perception can also lead to conflict one area in which
perception can differ is the perception of what motives employees. If managers and
workers do not have a shared perception of what motives people, the reward system can
create conflicts. Managers usually provide what they think employees want rather than
what employees really want.

Values and ethics:- Difference in value and ethics can be source of disagreement. Most
people have their own sets of values and ethics. The extent to which they apply these
ethics in the work place varies. Some people are relatively unconcerned with approval
from others and strongly apply their own ethical standards.

Emotions:- the moods of others can be a source of conflict in the work place problems at
home often spill over in to the work area, and the related moods can be hard for others to
deal with.

Communication barriers:- communication barriers such as physical separation and

language can create distortions in message, and these can lead to conflict. Another
communication barrier is value, judgment, in which a listener as signs a worth to a
message before it is received.

2.9. Conflict Management or Resolution Techniques

Conflict management skills are major predictor of managerial success. All conflict requires skills
on the part of the manager. The managers task is to stimulate functional conflict and prevent or
resolve dysfunctional conflict (Derbal. Nelson and James Campbell quicks 1994).
2.9.1. Resolution techniques
When conflicts have negative contribution the situation calls for resolution. The following
strategies are applied to resolve these conflicts.
1. Withdrawal or Avoidance:- this strategy calls a party to withdraw or ignore the conflict
situation. It is the best response when the conflicts are trivial, potential losses from an


open conflict resolution out weights possible gains and when there is no insufficient time
to work through the issue adequately.
2. Compromise:- In the case of compromise, each party is required to give up something of
value in order to get another thing. Each party moves to find a middle ground. There is no
clear winner or loser, rather there is a willingness to short the object of the conflict and
accept a solution that provides in complete satisfaction for both parties concerns. The
main advantage of compromise is that it allows a solution to major conflicts. It may be
the best solution to conflict when parties stand to gain, and time is short.
3. Collaboration: - is trying to find a mutually beneficial solution of bota parties through,
problem solving. It promotes mutual problem solving by both conflict parties. It is a
situation where each conflicting party desires to satisfy fully the concerns of all parties. It
is important feature is information sharing so that both parties can identify common
ground and potential solution that satisfies both of them
4. Confrontation:- In this strategy, the conflict parties are forced to verbalize their position
and disagreements. The objective is to identify a reason to favor one solution or another
and thus resolve the conflict with skilled leadership and willingness to accept the
associated stress by all sides, a rationale solution can frequently be found.
5. Arbitration:- Is a conflict resolution strategy where a neutral third party acts as judge and
issuer a biding decision affecting parties in the negotiation process. However, the
authority of the arbitration may also vary according to the rules set by the negotiators.
6. Negotiation:-Negotiation occurs when two or more parties-either individuals or groupsdiscuss specific proposal in order to find out a mutually acceptable agreement. It is
common way of setting conflicts in business. For example, organizations use it to solve
internal disputes (between labor, and management or between units competing for scarce
resource such as money or personnel) and external conflict (deals with supplien or
7. Mediating conflict: the mediator is the person who participates in resolving a conflict
between the two principal parties by helping them reach a mutually acceptable
agreement. It is neutral third party that facilitates a negotiation solution by using
reasoning and persuasion, suggesting alternatives etc.


8. Punishment:- is the act of punishing that is application of unpleasant stimulus or penalty

for the purpose of eliminating or correcting undesirable behavior.
9. Court of judgment:- in common law system, the interpretation of that law, that is to say,
any question as to what the law actually is in a particular case decided by judge: in rare
case jury mollification of law may act to contravene or complement the instructions or
orders of the judge, or other officers of the court. A fact finder has to decide what the
facts are and the law.Discussion- is extended communication often interactive) dealing
with some particular topic. It is the act of discussing or exchanging reasons; examination
by argument; depate; disputation; agitation.



3.1. Description of The study Area
3.1.1 Geographical Location
East wellega is found in western Ethiopia. It is one of the 18 zones of Oromia region state.
Farmers in the area practices mixed crop-livestock agriculture. The zone is one of the major
cereals growing areas of western Ethiopia;

It has suitable climatic condition for agricultural

production mainly cereals cropslike teff, barely, maize, wheat and legumes grains.JimmaArjo is
one of East wollega zone woreda which is located at 381 km west of Addis Ababa and 48 km
west of Nekemte town. It has an area of about 800 km2 and one urban center, i.e., Arjo town,
capital of the district. The district has common boundaries with LekaDullacha, NunnuKumba, Ilu
Abba Bora and BilloBoshee districts.

3.1.2. Climate

The district is classified in to dega (12%), woinadega (63%), and kola (24%) agro- climatic
zones. Nit sols and orthicacrisols are dominant soil types found in JimmaArjo. High forest,
woodland, reveries and plantation forests are available in the district. But there is no wild life
conservation area. However, ape, warthog, pig tiger, lion, civet cat and antelope are found in the
district. The rainy season extends from may to September with highest rain fall usually recorded
in august .the mean annual rain fall varies between 800-2000 millimeters .the mean temperature
of study area is 16 degree Celsius.(http;\\en.wikpedia\wikjimmaArjoworeda)


3.1.3. Demography
JimmaArjo had about 123,100 populations of which 119,659 were rural (59,836 males) and
3,425 were urban (1,759 females) populations. Young, economically working and old age
populations accounted for 43.0%, 54.0% and 3.0% respectively. Average family size for rural
and urban areas was 5.3 and 4.4 persons respectively. The districts crude population density is
estimated at 308 persons per km2. It is the most populated district from the East Wollega Zone.
In the year understudy, about 89.1%, 2.7% and 2.8% of the districts total area were arable
(86.1% was under cultivation), grazing and forest lands respectively, while the remaining was
attributed to swampy and marshland, degraded and build up areas. There were 22 farmers
associations and 12 service cooperatives, with 20,434(3,304 females) and 16,256(1,322 males)
members respectively in the district. Maize, teff, sorghum, barely, wheat, coffee, and horse bean
are most widely cultivated crops in the district.
3.2. Research Design
The research design is descriptive type of study because it describes the state of nature or affairs,
as it exists at present. This type of research aims to provide a verbal or numerical picture about a
phenomenon. It describes and to provide a verbal or numerical picture about phenomenon. It
describes and reports only what has happened or what is happening (C.RKothan; 1990).
3.3. Sampling Technique and Procedure
For the achievement of the objective of the research purposive sampling techniques were used to
select east wollega zone from Oromia region and JimmaArjoworeda (two kebeles) we was
interviewed the respondents who live in two kebeles in the woreda, namely 01 and 02.The
questionnaire was prepared in English and translated into Afan Oromo. This translation was done
to minimize the problem of understanding the items when responding due to language barriers.
After preparing the items the questioners can be organized to select the household who are living
in both kebele by using probabilities proportional to sample size (PPS), Interview was done for
3 days. We take two kebeles Population size of kebele01 is1230 and kebele02 is 1030 .Finally,
as the households are considered as basic sampling unit, 50 households was selected using
probability proportional to sample size (PPS) -sampling techniques .This is as follow:
Kebele 01 =1230 No. Of population

kebele 02 =1030 No. of population


Then at the second step, a total of two Kebeles namely: 01and02were selected by using simple
random sampling among the total Kebeles.
Then Slovins sampling formula with 90 percent confidence level was used to determine sample
size for this study.
Slovin Formula:
n = N__
1+N (E)
Where: n = sample size
N = total number of household from two kebeles
E = margin of error
Numbers of households in 01 =1230
Numbers of households in 02


N =1230+1030
N =2260 households
: n=

1+2260 (0.1)

= 96

The above formula shows that the actual sample size for this study is 96, due to time and budget;
I reduced the sample size into 50.

Proportional sample size based on household was used to determine the number of respondent
from two kebeles.
From 01 kebele

From 02 kebele

2260 =50

2260 =50

1230 = n1

1030 = n2

n1 = 50*1230




Oromia a region


East wollega Zone


K 02 23

K 01

Simple Random Sampling



Figure 1 Sampling Technique and Procedure

3.4. Source and types of data

In this, both primary and secondary sources of data were used. Primary data was obtained from
the primary sources making the community target respondents Secondary data wasalso collected
from the secondary data using the books, Journals, articles and the reports of organization with
related literatures.
3.5. Method of data collection

In this study, primary data was collected by distributed semi-structured questionnaires. The
rational for using this type of questionnaire is that employees are expected to read and

understand the question and write down the answer. Another reason is that it is feasible in terms
of cost even for larger size and free from bias of the interviewer. It is supposed to give
respondents adequate time to give well thought answers (Jill Hessey and Roger Hussey, 1997).
Structured interview was employed to collect data from the manager of municipality because he
is supposed to be too busy to fill the questionnaire.
3.6. Data processing and analysis
After the data was collected, it was processed through activities which involve editing, coding,
and classifying data to make it suitable for further analysis. The common descriptive analyses
that were employed are tools such as tabulation, percentage and pie chart.
3.7. Data presentation and Interpretation
After the data is well processed and analyzed, it was presented using tables, charts, graphs with
their figures and interpreted in a convenient manner.



As it was explained in the methodology section, the information mentioned here under was
gathered by distributing 50 questionnaires to the people of JimmaArjoworeda on the role of
effective communication in resolving conflict. Among these questionnaires, two of them were
not returned and one did not provide consistent information and the remaining 50 were used for
analysis and interpretation of data.
4.1. Personal information of respondents
The personal information includes data sex, age, and educational status the respondents that were
used to appropriately know the respondents characteristics background information before going
to the basic parts of the study
Table 1: shows sex, age, and educational status respondents


Percent (%)





Above 60




Educational status
10 complete
12 complete
BA degre
masters and above
Source: Questionnaire gathered, primary data (2015)


As indicated in table of item 1 above, among the total of 50 respondents, 66% were males and
the remaining 34% were females. This shows that the participation of females were less than
males in all activity of the society and in communication process.
According to item 2 of table 1, the age out of the total respondents, 20% of them were between
20-30 years age, 42%of them were 31-40 years age,28%)of them were between 41-50 years
ageand the remaining 9%)of them were between 51-60 age group . it can be observed from the
finding that the largest proportion of the study population lied between age group of 31-40.
Item 3 of table 1 shows that out of total respondents, 10 complete them there16%, 12 complete
were 20%, 14% of them were degree holders, 26% of them were diploma holders, masters and
above 2%and the remaining 22 % were illiterate.
4.2. General information regarding effective communication in resolving conflict
This section deals about information gathered from society JimmaArjoworedaregarding the basic
research question of the study.
4.2.1. Conflict conditions and reasons for conflict
Conflict occurs because people do not agree on goals, issues, perception and also it is pervasive
in community so that to manage it effectively, stakeholders should understand many sources of
conflict (Debral. L. Nelson, 1994).
Table 2: shows conflict conditions and the reasons behind conflict


Main reasons for conflict

Border between people
Lack of information
Communication gap to solve conflict
Any other
Weather you face conflict with society of your village
and/or other village or not
Source: Questionnaire gathered, primary data (2015)

Percent (%)




Item 1 of table 2 the above indicates that 32%of total respondents answered that the main cause
of conflict was borders between peopleand 26% of them stated reason of conflict as lack of
information and still, 32% of the respondents believed that communication gap to resolve
conflict was the main cause of prevalence of conflict. The remaining10%of them answered that
the main reasons for conflict were other than those mentioned as options.
This shows that even if there are many reasons for conflict, borders between people, common
resource use not fairly distributed and communication gap were the major reasons conflict
among members of this society.
4.2.1. Assessment of factors affecting communication
Almost all conflict involve communication problem, as both cause and effect and
misunderstandings resulting from poor communication, can easily cause a conflict or make it
worse. Further, once a conflict started, communication problem often develop because people in
conflict do not communicate with each other as frequently, as openly, and as accurately as they
do when relationships are not strained (stewart and Sylvia, 2006)
Table 3: shows factors effecting communication in resolving conflict


Percent (%)

Constraints that prohibit communication not to

Achieve the desired objectives
Cultural difference
Aggressiveness (emotionality)
Difference in attitude towards communication
Source: Questionnaire gathered, primary data (2015)





Information regarding table 3 of the above shows that, 58% of the respondents replied that
attitude differences in communication is the most constraint for communication not to achieve its
objectives, 34%of the respondents replied that aggressiveness was among the constraints of
communication and the remaining 8 % were answered cultural difference . From this, it can be
observe that majority of the respondents put attitudinal difference towards communication as a
major constraint. This implies that some community tends to interpret things negatively and
precedes their own interest before the common goal society.

4.2.3. Contributions of effective communication to resolve conflict

Success in society is dependent a great degree up on the ability of the people to understand other
people. People can understand their community through proper communication. Your ability to
clearly write, listen, and speak determine also your success in life wherever and whoever you
will be. Getting acceptance of rule, winning cooperation of others, getting ideas and instruction
clearly understood, and bring about desire changes in performance are also dependent up on
efficient communication in an society(P. Robbins, 1990).
Table 4: shows contributions of effective communication in resolving conflict.


Whether communication plays a key role in

Resolving conflict or not.
Attitude towards communication that takes
place in the society
Not sufficient
Communication roles, which have move

Percent (%)





value to respondent







Giving command





Source: Questionnaire gathered, primary data (2015)

Item 1 in table 4 indicates that, 98% of the respondent believed that communication plays a great
role resolving conflict that occurs in the society. On the other hand,2% of the respondents were
not though that the role of communication in resolving conflict. This shows that almost all of the
respondents had recognized the role of communication in resolving conflict within the society.
The implication is that only knowing the role of communication and not utilizing it practically
affects the society by expanding conflict among people.


Regarding item 2 of table 4, 78%of the respondents replied that the communication in the society
is not sufficient and the remaining 22% of them were replied that the communication existing in
the societyis sufficient. This shows that the largest number of respondents believed that there is
lack of communication in thesociety that can be one factor for the existence of conflict among
the people.
According to item 3 of table 4, 56% of the respondents gave more value to discussion, 32 % of
them were valued negotiation and 12%of the respondents gave more value to giving command.
This shows that of the most respondents believed in discussion benefits of the communication. In
addition to this, people also gave emphases to discussion.
4.2.4. Conflict management / resolution techniques
To avoid any dysfunctional conflict and stimulated functional conflict, management is advisable
to have conflict management skills and they can use stimulated and resolution techniques
9derbal, Nesson and James Campbell quick, 1994).
Table 5: Shows conflict management techniques



Whether the conflict between or among members of

a community can be avoidable or not
Techniques by which conflict can beavoided
Source: Questionnaire gathered, primary data (2015)

Percent (%)


Item 1 table 5 above, 76% of the respondents believed that conflict occurring between or among
people in society can be avoidable and 24% of them were believed that conflict could not
avoided. This implies that nearly all people think that conflict can be avoided within their


society. The implication is that community leaders may not face obstacle towards people attitude
on conflict resolution through effective communication.
Item 2 of table 5 above shows that 64%of the respondents believed that conflict could be
avoided through discussion,8%of them responded that conflict could be avoided through
negotiation, 12%of the respondents also believed that conflict could be avoided through
compromise and the remaining 16%of them believed in avoidance technique of conflict
resolution. This shows that the peoplegive more values to discussion for resolving conflict and
this can paved the way for the community leaders to give attention for discussion.
Data Obtained from Interviewing Manager
The manager of JimmaArjoworeda municipality was asked what effective communication means
to him. He replied that effective communication is all about understanding each other. When two
or move people share ideas, agree up on and get feedback, it can be effective communication as
to him. He was also asked to list the roles of effective communication and he answered as
It is used to implement the goals and objectives of the society
It is useful to pass a sound decision
It is used to resolve conflict
It is useful to have good relationship
For the question, is it being practiced in your society?, he replied that it is really poorly
practiced and we didnt give due attention for effective communication. He also interviewed to
list factors that affect communication in their society and he answered as follows:
Poor communication in the society
Misinterpretation of perception and emotions
Difference in authority of some people
Attitudinal difference towards effective communication
The manager asked to explain what conflict is to him. He answered that conflict is the
disagreement between or among two or more parties on some issues. It occurs when the interest
of people oppose each other. The manager replied that conflict is there in society and mostly it

occurs between the community leader and people as well as among people of in the society based
resource use. The manager also asked the major causes of conflict and answered that scarce
resources used commonly, work overload interdependence and the like. He replied that the
management has been also resolving the conflict using discussion, negotiation and compromise.



In this chapter, the researcher tried to summarize and draw a conclusion about the outcome of the
study, and gave some recommendation which could be important for the society future
communication role resolving conflict.
5.1. Summary of Findings
Based on the result of the study, summary of findings were presented as follows:
From the total population,66% of respondents in jimmaarjoworedawere male while only
34% were females.
As observed from table 1 of item 2, the largest 42%) proportion of the study population
lied between age group of 31-40.
Table 1 of item 3 shows that out of the total population/respondents, 26% hold as a
maximum of diploma.
Regarding the information in study areathe most of the respondents believed that scarcity
of resource use and communication gap were the major reasons for conflict.
As item 1 of Table 3 shows, 58% of respondents put difference in attitude towards
communication was the most constraint that prohibits communication not to achieve its
Item 1 in table 4 indicates that 98% of respondents believed that communication plays a
great role in resolving conflict.
As per table 4 of item 2 shows, 78%of respondents believed that communication in their
society is not sufficient.
Item 1 of table 5 indicates that 76%of the respondents believed that conflict in their
society can be avoidable.
As observed from item 2 of table 5, 64% of respondents believed that conflict can mostly
be solved by discussion.


5.2. Conclusion
Based on the analysis of the community of JimmaArjoweroda condition and application of
communication in resolving in resolving conflict, the following important conclusion can be
The major reasons for conflict are scarcity of resource use and communication gap
among people.
The largest number of people faced conflict with other people of the society. There were
conflict in the society and it is from structural factors
Majority of the respondents put attitudinal difference is the most constraint of
communication not to achieve its objectives.
Almost all of the respondents believed that communication can play a great role in
resolving conflict but there is lack of communication in the society.
Majority of people think that conflict in their society can be avoided through discussion
that they valued most from conflict resolution techniques.
5.3. Recommendation
Based on the findings obtained and the conclusion, to address the problem identified, the
researcher has forwarded the following recommendations as possible solutions to be considered
by the concerned body.
The manger has to equitability distributed commonresource use among people
To manage or reduce conflict in the organization, management should understand the
sources of conflict, whether it is structural or personal factors and use conflict resolution
techniques such as compromise, collaboration, arbitration and in a very rare case,
The management of woreda is also advised to encourage peoples attitude on positive
thinking of communication in conflict resolution by discussion
It is also advisable that the management part should give due attention for effective
communication because it plays a great role in achieving society objectives by reducing



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Jimma University
College of agriculture and veterinary medicine
Department of Rural development Agricultural Extension
Questionnaire to be filled by residents
Dear respondent,
I would like to express my sincerely appreciation for your generous time and honest and prompt
This questioner is designed to collect information and underline research on the Role of Effective
communication in Resolving conflict by a prospective graduate of Jimma University as a partial
fulfillment for the requirements of Bachelor of Science Degree in rural development and
agricultural extension.
Therefore, I kindly request you to cooperate for the success of the study by giving relevant
information on the questionnaire. I want to assure you that the information provided by you will
be kept confidentially.
1. You can put mark for the correct answer inside the box
2. No need of writing your name
Thank you Again!!!
Part I personal information
1. Sex



2. Age






3. Marital status 1) married 2)unmarried 3)divorced 4)widowed

4. Religion 1) orthodox 2) muslim 3) protestant 4)others
5. Educational level

A, 10 complete

D,BA degree

B, grade 12 complete

c, diploma

E, Masters and above

6. Work experience

Less them 5 years

5-10 years

11-15 years

16-30 years

Above 30 years

Part II organizational information

7. Did you face a conflict with residents of your kebele and/or other kebele? 1) yes


8. If your answer for question number (5) is yes, what were the reasons for conflict?


Do you think that the conflict between or among residents of the kebele is avoidable?



If your answer for question number (7) is yes, by what techniques?

1) Discussion

2 )Negotiation

4) Avoidance

5) other (specify

3) compromise

11. Is there any discussion in your kebele concerning conflicts?

1) yes


12. If your answer for question number (9( is yes How many times?
1) once a month

2) Twice a month

3)once a year

4) other (specify)
13. Do you think that communication plays a key role in resolving conflict that occure between the
residents of the kebele?
1) yes

2) No

14. How do you see the communication that takes place in your kebele?
1) Sufficient

2) Not sufficient

15. If your answer for question number (12 is not sufficient what are the reasons?

16. Among the following communication Roles, to which do you give more value?
1) discussion

2) Negotiation

3 )Giving command

4), other

17 What constraints do you think prohibit communication not to achieve the desired objective
(resolving conflict)?
1) Cultural difference

2) Difference in attitudes towards communication

3) Language difference

4) other

18 With whom do you have high relationship in your day to day activities in your kebele?
A, Superior

B, co-workers

C, subordinates

The following interview question will be prepared to be answered by the manager of Arjo town
kebele 01 and 02 to collect relevant data.
1. How do you explain effective communication..........................................?


What do you think are the roles that effective communications can play?

3. How









4. Are











5. How do you explain conflict?

6. Is there conflict in your kebele and kebeles between who and who?.......................................
7. What do you think are the major causes of this conflict..

8. In what ways you have solving this conflict?


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