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Let us go inside!

Once upon a time there lived Love with her family

in a small village Sight. Love born three children
namely Wit, Happiness and Sincerity. Loves
husband Passion does an odd job at a pharmacy.
Passion and Love got together through sheer
hardships. The vamp of their story was Jealousy.
One day Hate was passing by the door of Passions
house but Passion was at work and Love was alone
in her house. Hate knocked at the door so gently that
Love opened it in doubt of sweeper.

Love asked Hate being unable to identify him.

I am your very neighbor, look! that orange house is
Hate pretended a house as his own.
Oh! Thats good.
What is your good name?
Love invited him inside her house taking a side.
I am Rejected!
Hate told his Fathers name as his one and closed the
door noiselessly.
So Mr. Rejected what are you doing nowadays?
Love asked without feeling the intentions of Hate.
You are so beautiful.
Said hate coming so close to Love that utensils
slipped out of her hands and she screamed loudly.
Apparently being nervous Hate put his hand on her
mouth and dragged her to the basement.
Why are you doing like this to me? What wrong
have I done with you?
Love shouted in the basement as relieved.
I lost my wife Jealousy due to your existence & now
I will never forgive you.

Today I have found my opportunity for revenge.

Love asked in a defeated voice.
Wit! Today is our mothers 10th death anniversary.
What are your plans for today?
Sincerity asked her brother during her University
I will grow and flourish more than Humor to take
revenge from his father Hate.
Wit Said with determination.
Are we born to do such sins like revenge?
Sincerity closed her file.
No, we are not born for sins but also we are not born
to sit idle and wait for the next attack from Hates
And by the way what about that spying you did to
catch and open Hates daughter Diplomacy? Is
spying not prohibited in Quran?
Wit asked turning from his chair to Sincerity.
It was my duty to save persons from huge cheats
through slight lies.

Sincerity replied.
Oh God! Stop this. My studies are getting disturbed
of your chat. Will you please shut up?
Happiness lost his temper when saw that this debate
has acquired an endless line.
You are just behaving like Compromise, go and be
with Hates family.
Wit harshly pointed out Hates second son
I beg you.please dont try to exploit me!
Love cried.
Chances for any pardon have passed and this
moment only belongs to me!
Hate said laughing and coming closer to Love until
she stopped going back by the wall behind her.
Passion! Passion! Passion!
Love called as louder as she could but there was no
one to save her because there is some moment when
even Passion has to leave Love alone.
Her shouts and cries reached the Town highway
Breathe, where a stout policeman Nervousness was

roaming. He called his station Heart Beat in the town

Heart at once and asked for more police as case
seems complex.
Hate never deceives!
Love tried her last resort.
Hate is deceiving my dear.
Hate said pushing Love on the dusty basement floor.
The mist of dust hid what born Humor.
Police with all its men was at correct location but
they had got late and were sorry for the same.
Standing before such a victim embarrassed police
heavily and they found it moral to go back.
Love stood slowly and got back to work and was
still hopeful for her husband will come back soon.
Late night her husband returned home with sacks of
red blood Corpuscles & kept them in the basement.
There he saw Hates watch fallen on Loves apron.
He ran at the moment to Love who was sleeping
after a tiring day.
Passion shouted holding his arm.

What happened?
Love awake with great nervousness.
Passion could not speak further and fell on the carpet
as dead.
Love got in hyper tension and called her three
children for help one by one. Passion was admitted
in the hospital Silence without any fees or
After a while doctor Smile came out of the ward and
told Passions family that Passion has got
particularly paralyzed which is permanent in nature.
Love slipped parallel to the wall helpless and alone.
She left Passion in the Silence for good monitoring
and picked her children to home.
Corpuscles sacks were emptying by every passing
day and love had no idea to earn a single corpuscle
without any experience, knowledge of work &
customers trust. When last sack got emptied and
love had passed three months bearing humor then
she finally decided to leave Sight and shift in hates
village Eye.

Next day she stood at the city highway Brain for

catching bus headed to Eye. After reaching Eye she
found Hates house and knocked vigorously.
Whos there?
Hate asked lying under a cozy blanket.
Its me Love!
Love felt hard shame to beg in front of the door of
Welcome home my darling!
Hate flirt as opened the door.
I have not come home with you; I just want a job in
your house as a maid.
Love begged properly.
Well, dont you get this job in your village or mine?
Have you got just my house for its sake?
Hate tried to know loops in her ring.
Love said weeping lowly.
Oh! Oh! Oh! dont cry I will do something for you.
Hate enjoyed loves complete surrender before him.
Ok! You can be my second wife, and then I will not
only support you and Diplomacy but also Passions

children as well.
Hate had seen Love bearing Humor so asked
Love nodded and entered Hates house with her
three children.
Hate married Love without her inner consent and
beaten her till dawnnext breathe. She got prepared
to manage her first day at Hates house bleeding and
aching. She did all home chores and looked after
Humor whole day and evening once again bounced
Hate before her torturing and tucking.
She had become habitual of starving and bandages
but was sad on loosing many children before birth in
herself. In spite of this lifestyle of Love were born
Confusion and Compromise. Credit for their births
goes to Doctor Smile who admitted her in Silence on
both births starts.
After Compromises successful delivery when Love
returned home, she saw Hate sitting in the drawing
room aggressive and boiling.

Why are you home on Monday?

Love asked keeping the cradle of Compromise in
front of him in faded hope to soften his heart.
You have not forgotten Passion yet!
Hate stood from sofa and began to walk towards her.
Any proof?
Love asked boldly.
I have noticed you.
Hate answered simply heading to her.
After Compromise there cannot remain any signs of
Passion in me, I dont believe that how you accused
me of.
Its truth, dont mix it with accusation.
Hate said firmly and came closest to her.
Love screamed having a strong push by a grip on her
hair towards hard and cold floor. Then she received
numerous booted kicks and sick roars which gave
her a brutal death.
Hate kept a maid to look after his children and laid
her children off his place in the open sky. Pain lived
next to Hate and saw Loves dead body and her

children in their last darkest night from his window.

He not only buried love in his backyard Tease with
proper protocol but also offered her children his
childrens room. That room was haunting due to full
life in the emptiness of the same.
Pains children namely Fear, Sweating and Feel died
of cancer when once visited Loves home with Hate.
Wit, Sincerity and Happiness were not only grateful
to Pain but also mourned on death of his children
due to them. They started to live with Pain and
continued their education there. They had got pale
due to Urine Corpuscles instead of red bloods.
Although Pains food was white blood corpuscles
but he somehow managed red ones for Loves
Beloveds. Time passed and they reached
I am going to Papa, he will decide better to celebrate
Moms 10th death anniversary.
Wit said standing up from his studys chair.
Hello Papa! You have become so ignorant of us that

you just dont have time for us.

Wit said to Pain who was standing on the same
window which brought these children in this home.
I know what has made you talk after so many days
of your business, oh sorry my ignorance!
Pain said finally blaming himself.
Wit protested.
Ok Mr. I have an idea but will give you on dinner
table where your other siblings may join us.
Pain wanted to enjoy his past years thoroughly at the
Hey! Are you done with your admissions?
Diplomacy said leaving her position in line for
Wit said with frustration of sunlight continuously
heating him.
Diplomacy said disappointedly turning back.
Aan, I want to be your friend and want to know your

Wits dark black hair and blue eyes stopped

Diplomacy from going back to her older position.
Also she was compelled to go against her nature
means straightforwardness.
I am Wit and will wait for you in cafeteria.
Expressionlessly been ordered.
Yes Mr. Handsome, I am here on your disposal.
Diplomacy said sitting in the cafeteria.
Dont you feel ashamed of your boyish behavior?
Does this suit you in such age and era?
Wit spoke what he aimed to say her in cafeteria.
I am fallen in love with you.
Diplomacy again did not care of her reputation and
any expected No from Wit side. And again did not
think of her nature.
Have you gone mad? The more I am trying to defend
your character, more you are making it weaker.
Wit picked his phone up from the table and stood to
go home where his siblings were waiting to welcome
him through some cake and dcor preps.
I will wait for you till next Mondayhereon the
same table!
Diplomacy did not leave a single chance to be in his
mind or unconscious.
Wit was not having her so, but he got irritated that

why a girl is behind him so blindly.

Hey Wit Come!
First day of University Ponder had come and
Diplomacy called Wit from Ponders gate to that
same old promised table.
Wit stepped towards Diplomacy with a clear forceful
Diplomacy! How long would you stretch this one
sided relationship?
Wit sat on the table.
Until my heart gets tired of chasing your love and
gets the ultimate phenomenon of the world, solitude.
Diplomacy exposed her inner self.
When this time will come?
Wit asked taking a sip of coffee.
As I get habitual of being alone, it may be a day,
month or years. I really cant tell you! But I wont
make a lie to you that I will keep waiting for you for
my whole life.
Diplomacy went clear cut.
Ok! If I marry you today then will you be mine
Wit said as if proposing a business deal.
Diplomacy said with all her alertness slept.

Fine! Then we are marrying today after Ponder.

Wit asked with plainer accent.
Diplomacy completely got blank.
Are we doing court marriage?
Diplomacys senses slightly awaken.
Wit said texting someone.
So dont your parents agree on our marriage?
Diplomacy investigated keeping the coffee mug
Wit replied with same business.
Then I can ask my father, he is so cool in such
Diplomacy said hopefully.
If you want so, then be with him. We dont need to
marry at all.
Wit said firmly with close eye contact.
No, just leave this idea. I just wanted to make this
event more happening but as you wish. I dont have
any questions now. Go on your plan, whatever it
may be.
Diplomacy tried her best to make round Wit, as he

was her first love.

Ok! Then see you in parking where I will pick you
for court.
Wit stood as if completed his business meeting.
Accomplishment of dreams so early has totally
curtained Diplomacys wisdom.
Diplomacy, you slept!
Wit patted Diplomacy on his first wedding night.
Oh! Finally you have come to me.
Diplomacy awaken being cheerfully grateful.
There were no explanations, exchange of words or
That night possessed nothing for Diplomacy except
a graceful surrender by her.
You will not go to Ponder from today.
Wit announced his first and last order to Diplomacy.
But why?
Diplomacy was still left with some ability to think
after such a hollow night yesterday.
Else you can be divorced.
Wit picked up his bag and went out.

Days were haunting and nights were owling as if she

was living in a forest instead of her home.
One day after passing such horrible time at Wits
house, Diplomacy burst out.
Diplomacy stopped Wit from packing his luggage
for weekends hangout.
I dont understand that why did you marry me?
Because I wanted my mom Love back on Earth once
Wit continued his packing.
So you took revenge of my father from me!
Diplomacy was crying beside his luggage.
No, your revenge from you.
Wit answered busy in his packing.
What did I do with your mother?
Diplomacy was still crying.
You did nothing.
Wit gave her a sharp gaze and zipped his bag to go.
I was just seven years old that time and did not know
difference between domestic abuse and murder nor
meaning of such terms.
Diplomacy grabbed Wits hand on zip, so he may not
go unheard.

Is this drama over?

Wit got irritated.
Diplomacy said tightening her grip on his hand.
Wit gave sharper gaze to her.
If you want Loves birth then, how can it be possible
through revenge?
Diplomacy had left his hand as she has questioned
his mom.
My father Pain had taught me that dark night, if I
marry a woman who truly loves me then the born
girl in result of our marriage will be Lovemy
Wit hid his tears watching outside the window.
So you lived next to us and I could not see this for
Diplomacy said regretting.
Wit hung his bag on his back and went from
Diplomacys life metaphorically.
Knock! Knock!
Sincerity knocked at Wits house with a bowl of
Hot dogs in her hands.
Who is there?
Diplomacy asked in an irritated way.

Your humble sister in-law.

Sincerity did not mind Diplomacys irritation as it
happens when a girl bears Love of six months.
Sorry sis, I could not recognize you!
Diplomacy said keeping those hotdogs in oven.
Now should I say its ok or can we be a family with
no formalities any further?
Sincerity said sitting on the sofa.
Well as you wish sis!
Diplomacy said with her ever sweet smile.
Where has Wit gone on Sundays morning?
Sincerity asked wondering and looking here and
He is on jog then we will go to Smile. Today is our
appointment around 9 o clock.
Diplomacy deliberately gave such time at 8:30.
Really! Then I have come at wrong time.
I shall come tomorrow, bye!
Sincerity got guilty to arrive there without informing
No you can at least sit for 15 minutes.
Diplomacy pretended courtesy.
Some other time but do remember to have those
hotdogs today.
Sincerity said shutting the door.

Why wont I sis, its only you who kept doing care
of me else I would have been died.
Diplomacy self talked.
Wit! What are you doing with my safe?
Diplomacy said with balloons in her hands for
Loves 11th birthday.
Is this Jealousy?
Wit waved a photo found from Diplomacys safe,
while he was finding some of his documents.
Yes, she is my mom.
Diplomacy tried to say this unfelt.
Then you must know him!
Wit opened his wallet and showed her.
Uncle Passion!
Diplomacy sighed going to her safe to find another
Its there Ponders era photo.
Diplomacy handed over that photo to Wit.
Environment has become so quiet and calm that
both have been lost in it.
Father told me that how he had to deceive Jealousy
when he saw mom and fell in love with her.
He could not marry Jealousy and married by

listening his hearts voice.

Wit said rigorously.
And when I was born Passion uncle did his marriage
ceremony which caused my mother to die with
Diplomacy completed the story.
So you also had a point for revenge!
Wit said as lost.
But I did not do so.
Diplomacy said sitting beside him.
Wit asked childishly.
It was his turn now to go against his nature.
Because I love you.
Diplomacy rounded her arms around him.
What should I do now?
Wit went dependent.
Try to return your wife and child those moments
which we thirsted for!
And teach Love to never take revenge as it harms
life of both worlds.
Diplomacy kept her chin on his shoulder.
Now come on, wipe these tears off and help me to
decorate the hall. Children may join us any time.
Diplomacy had wiped her grudges along with her

Time passed and Wit compensated almost all the
injustices he had done with Diplomacy.
He opened her Ponder where she used to give a
lesson to never take revenge. There all people were
admitted free of cost and then sustained a wave of
peace and harmony.
Sincerity had married Devotion and born Joy who
reached Ponder and proposed Love.
Love married Joy and lived a healthy, happy and
prosperous life.
After marriage, Love heard that her Grandfather
Passion has recovered in Silence.
Love with Joy went to Silence for Passions return
and blessings.
Soon after Passions return to Love Joys home,
Love born eternity.
Mission completed and soul left the body.

When we enter in this world Love gets

one victory and one loss, then gets soul learn to meet
Allah through brain as well. Consequently illusion
of world vanishes forever.

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