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Nama : Suharji Mahmud

Kelas : Karyawan

: T2115063

Tugas : Bahasa Inggris

Legend Of Mermaid The Folklore Of Central Sulawesi

In a village in an area of Central Sulawesi, there lived a pair of husband and wife with three
children. To meet the needs of his family his father planted vegetables vegetables and tubers in
the field and looking for fish in the sea. "Yum, this fish is delicious," said the Eldest. The mother
smiled to hear his son's speech. Their family is indeed rarely eat fish. Everyday, her husband only
to plant sweet corn in the fields, and that's what they eat. "Ma'am, can I add the fish again?" asked
the middle. "Okay, son. Eat to satiety, "replied the mother while feeding the youngest. The father
dwells alone. He did not suspect his sons so her catch fish like that. Later he would go again to sea,
who knows he got the fish again. "Mom, I go first Yes. Leave a tail of fish to eat siangku later.
After to the field, I'm going out to sea for a bit. Who knew I could get a fish, "pamitnya on the
mother. Mother nodded mengiyakan head and father to the fields. After Dad was gone, Mom took
care of the House. He kept the rest of the fish and the rice into the larder. Her three children are
engrossed in play. They are berkejar-kejaran and shouting cheerfully. The mother smiled looking at
the behavior of his sons. In my heart she is thankful, today could give a little good food on them.
Yesterday afternoon when the youngest whining. "Mom, I'm hungry. I want to eat rice, don fish like
this morning, "he said. Apparently he was hungry after playing with both of her brother. \ "Son,
you're better off eating a boiled sweet only. Come on, Mom bring me here, "replied mom. "Don't
want to Bu, I want to eat rice and fish," whined the youngest again. This time he is whining all the
while crying. But the mother still insisted. He does not want to give fish it at bungsunga. He knows
the true habits of her husband, if it has been sent, should be implemented. Because his request was
not granted, then the youngest tears rolling around on the ground. While wailing, "Ibuuu, I'm
laparrrr ...." Cried the youngest.Could not bear to look at the situation, finally succumbing to the
mother. He menyuapkan rice and fish at the youngest. The Eldest and the Middle who saw her sister
eat fish, participated in the mother asks. They also eat fish the rest of her youngest. What
happens then? Yes, there are no longer any fish for a bit of Dad. The fish that saved Mother
exhausted is not left. "What can be made, I'll explain it on my husband," said the mother in the
heart. The father came home from the sea. This time he could not get a fish. He is very upset,
especially sweet in his field was also marred a boar. "My wife, I'm very tired and hungry. Please
prepare a packed siangku, "pintanya on the mother. "Why, where the fish the rest of the breakfast
of yesteryear? Am not I told you to leave one for me? "he asked when he saw his wife only serves a
sweet stew. "Iya Bang, I had said already save. But what should make, children hungry and have to

eat again. Finally the fish that devoured them, "replied mom. "What is it? Teganya you do this on
your husband? I work hard all day and you're spending all the fish kutangkap with difficulty? "cried
the husband. Mom just speechless, he understand the true character of her grumpy. He apologized
and promised to obey her husband's message. But repeated kaii mother apologized, the husband is
still ranting and menghardiknya with words that are inappropriate. Mother is very sick, so he
decided to leave the House. Yes, he could not stand again at the treatment her husband. The next
morning, when her three children wake up, they confused looking for his mother. His mengedikkan
shoulders when they ask where her mother. "Maybe to the sea to find fish for you guys. Aren't you
guys really like fish? "replied his father no matter. Then, the third boy went into the sea. They
shouted calling his mother "Ibuuu ... Ibuu ... Mother where? The youngest is hungry, she wants the
milk. " Suddenly, the mother came from the direction of the sea. He brought some of the fish's tail
in her hand. He was soon hugging her three children and breastfeeding the youngest. "Go ye, take
these fish to eat slang you guys," he said after finishing feeding. "The mother did not enter home?"
asked the Eldest. "Later the mother will catch up with you guys," he said. He then returned to the
middle of the ocean. The third boy came home while carrying a few fish. The Eldest grilling fish
side dish for lunch. Already in the afternoon, the mother has not yet returned. The third boy
survived his mother waiting late into the night, but the mother could not also go home. They finally
fell asleep, while the father does not care in the slightest with the State of his wifeThe next day,
three children were returned to the sea. They are calling out to her mother. " The mother here
come here son, y'all. " Mother's voice call answering them. The third boy was surprised to see his
mother. His face is indeed their mother but her face is truly horrible. Full Badannnya scales and do
not have legs. The mother has the exact same tail like a fish. The youngest cried hard looking at
her mother, she even refused to in susui. The first born angry. " You're not our mother, you're
definitely a fish that harm our mother. Mother mother where the mother? "cried the Firstborn.
"Trust me son, I am your mother. Mom turns like this because it is determined to stay at sea.
Mother can't stand with the father's treatment of you. " The mother tried to explain. But her
three children flinch. They instead left her mother and returned home. The hearts of women who
are currently in human half fish very devastated. He never thought his decision would exclude them
with children who are very loved. He could only cry and go back to the sea. From then on he was
known by the name of the mermaid. Because her beauty is also a lot of people who call a mermaid.
The moral message of the folklore of Central Sulawesi is thou shalt not offend other people. Be
careful in taking decisions so as not to regret later on. the fairy tale story of the mermaid gave
birth to a folk story about giving birth to a collection of pregnant Mermaid folklore folklore of
Central sulawesi Mermaid Mermaid story in sulawesi www web id/legend of fairy-princessmermaids-stories-people-html-Central sulawesi folklore gave birth to the legend of mermaid
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Central sulawesi Mermaid Legend Dr. Central sulawesi collection folk tales short story central
sulawesi Mermaid fairy tale folklore collection pregnant Central kalimantan moral message legend
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