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os Rizal Biography

Doctor, Activist, Poet, Journalist (18611896)

Jos Rizal
Doctor, Activist, Poet, Journalist
June 19, 1861
December 30, 1896
University of Madrid, University of Heidelberg, University of Santo Tomas
Calamba, Laguna Province, Philippines
Manila, Philippines
Jos Rizal
Jos Protasio Rizal Mercado y Alonso Realonda







Jos Rizal called for peaceful reform of Spain's colonial rule in the Philippines. After his
1896 execution, he became an icon for the nationalist movement.






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[C]reative genius does not manifest itself solely within the borders of a specific country: it
sprouts everywhere; it is like light and air; it belongs to everyone: it is cosmopolitan like
space, life and God.
Jos Rizal


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Jos Rizal was born on June 19, 1861, in Calamba, Philippines. While living in Europe, Rizal
wrote about the discrimination that accompanied Spain's colonial rule of his country. He returned
to the Philippines in 1892, but was exiled due to his desire for reform. Although he supported
peaceful change, Rizal was convicted of sedition and executed on December 30, 1896, at age 35.

Early Life
On June 19, 1861, Jos Protasio Rizal Mercado y Alonso Realonda was born in Calamba in the
Philippines' Laguna Province. A brilliant student who became proficient in multiple languages,
Jos Rizal studied medicine in Manila. In 1882, he traveled to Spain to complete his medical

Writing and Reform

While in Europe, Jos Rizal became part of the Propaganda Movement, connecting with other
Filipinos who wanted reform. He also wrote his first novel, Noli Me Tangere (Touch Me Not/The
Social Cancer), a work that detailed the dark aspects of Spain's colonial rule in the Philippines,
with particular focus on the role of Catholic friars. The book was banned in the Philippines,
though copies were smuggled in. Because of this novel, Rizal's return to the Philippines in 1887
was cut short when he was targeted by police.
Rizal returned to Europe and continued to write, releasing his follow-up novel, El
Filibusterismo (The Reign of Greed) in 1891. He also published articles in La Solidaridad, a
paper aligned with the Propaganda Movement. The reforms Rizal advocated for did not include
independencehe called for equal treatment of Filipinos, limiting the power of Spanish friars
and representation for the Philippines in the Spanish Cortes (Spain's parliament).

Exile in the Philippines

Rizal returned to the Philippines in 1892, feeling he needed to be in the country to effect change.
Although the reform society he founded, the Liga Filipino (Philippine League), supported nonviolent action, Rizal was still exiled to Dapitan, on the island of Mindanao. During the four years
Rizal was in exile, he practiced medicine and took on students.

Execution and Legacy

In 1895, Rizal asked for permission to travel to Cuba as an army doctor. His request was
approved, but in August 1896, Katipunan, a nationalist Filipino society founded by Andres
Bonifacio, revolted. Though he had no ties to the group, and disapproved of its violent methods,
Rizal was arrested shortly thereafter.
After a show trial, Rizal was convicted of sedition and sentenced to death by firing squad. Rizal's
public execution was carried out in Manila on December 30, 1896, when he was 35 years old.
His execution created more opposition to Spanish rule.
Spain's control of the Philippines ended in 1898, though the country did not gain lasting
independence until after World War II. Rizal remains a nationalist icon in the Philippines for
helping the country take its first steps toward independence.

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Jos Protasio Rizal Mercado y Alonso Realonda. (2014). The website.
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Dr. Jose Rizal Controversies

Dr. Jose Rizal, the well-loved Philippine national hero, and the brave known genius
was famous and will remain famous worldwide. I dont know if youve heard bout
him, but of course if youre a Filipino, you surely know him well because hes a big
part of the Philippine history. Jose Rizal is a star and like Ive said genius and every
star and genius is famous. And every famous is controversial.
Before I go direct to Jose Rizals controversies, have a brief information about who
he was

Bits of facts about the genius Jose Rizal

Dr. Jose Rizal was a philosopher, painter, poet, architect, artists,
businessman,cartoonist, educator, economist, ethnologist, scientific farmer,
historian,inventor, journalist, linguist, musician, mythologist, nationalist, naturalist,
novelist, opthalmic surgeon, propagandist, psychologist, scientist, sculptor,
sociologist, swordsman, , theologian hmm seems never-ending. In short Rizal was
a versatile genius.

Amazing Facts about Jose Rizal

Jose Rizal has mastered 22 languages. These include Arabic, Catalan, Chinese,
English, French, German, Greek, Hebrew, Italian, Japanese, Latin, Malayan,

Portuguese, Russian, Sanskrit, Spanish, Tagalog, and other native dialects. Whoa,
how many do you speak?

To have a complete read on how genius Jose Rizal visit his complete biography

Secrets of Dr. Jose Rizal

Who hasnt had secrets? Even ordinary people had, what more the geniusesDa
Vinci had codesEinstein, Newton andGalileo had theoriesShakespeare's real
birthday remains unknownDid Rizal have secrets? What are the mysteries
surrounding the genius Dr. Jose Rizal? Read on and maybe youll solve the puzzle.

Jose Rizal Controversies

His real name

His complete name was Dr. Jos Rizal Protasio Mercado y Alonso
Realonda.Many wonder why he used Rizal while his father was Francisco
Mercado. He should have been Jose Mercado right? So why did Rizals surname
becomeRizal instead of Mercado?
Some of the explanations with this are:
Joses real last name, Mercado, during those times was a hot name, targeted by the
Spaniards. He changed his surname to protect his identity. So he just used his
middle name, Rizal, instead, which was considered as illustrado during the
Spanish time and entails the benefits a Spaniard can get.
Second, there was Spanish law to change the last name of Filipinos those
sounded a common name and there were lots of people having that surname
already who were not really relatives of Rizal.
And so, why why? A big why.

first stanza of Mi Ultimo Adios in Spanish

Another note that he had written before his death was found in his shoe but
because the text could not be read it remains a mystery. What was the text
really all about? Couldnt they decode it till now?

Mi Ultimo Adios

Mi Ultimo Adios (My Last Farewell) this was one of the last notes written by Jose
Rizal before the day of his execution. Read again one of his last notes. On the
eve of his execution, on December 30, 1896, he wrote this 14 five-line stanzas
poem. This poem was unsigned, untitled and undated. Perhaps unfinished?
Perhaps, it really was unfinished. I mean, it was a farewell letter, one who would be

executed wouldnt have enough time writing everything he needs to say especially
someone like Rizal.

Here is a copy of news story taken from The Inquirer dated December 30, 2002:

On the afternoon of Dec. 29, 1896, a day before his execution, Dr. Jose Rizal was
visited by his mother, Teodora Alonzo, sisters Lucia, Josefa, Trinidad, Maria and
Narcisa, and two nephews. When they took their leave, Rizal told Trinidad in English
that there was something in the small alcohol stove (cocinilla), not alcohol lamp
(lamparilla). The stove was given to Narcisa by the guard when the party was about
to board their carriage in the courtyard. At home, the Rizal ladies recovered from the
stove a folded paper. On it was written an unsigned, untitled and undated poem of
14 five-line stanzas. The Rizals reproduced copies of the poem and sent them to
Rizal's friends in the country and abroad. In 1897, Mariano Ponce in Hong Kong had
the poem printed with the title "Mi Ultimo Pensamiento." Fr. Mariano Dacanay, who
received a copy of the poem while a prisoner in Bilibid(jail), published it in the first
issue of La Independencia on Sept. 25, 1898 with the title "Ultimo Adios." N.B. The
stove was not delivered until after the execution. Rizal needed it to light the room
and to be able to write the poem and his other parting words. VGPas 10/21/08.

Noli Me Tangere (Touch Me Not)

Amazon Price: $9.51
List Price: $18.00

Noli me Tangere

Jose Rizals first novel, Noli me Tangere, means don't touch me or touch me
not is the Latin version of words spoken, according to John 20:17,
by Jesus to Mary Magdalene when she recognizes him after his resurrection. The
book was first published in 1887 in Berlin, Germany, originally written in Spanish but
later been translated to different languages and made copies distributed around the

The title was controversial, and the novel itself created so much controversy that
only a few days after his arrival in the Philippines, Jose Rizal was summoned the
greatest enemy of the state in the 19th century. They even called him, afreemason,
a sorcerer, a damned soul and evil. The novel depicted the Spanish abuse
government to the Philippines.

Many characters in the Noli personify Rizal. Like Ibarra, Pilosopong

Tasyo andElias. But the last part portrays Rizal execution as if he already knew
hed be executed

Elias helped Basilio bury his mother and while he lay dying, he instructed Basilio to
continue dreaming about freedom for his motherland with the words: "I shall die
without seeing the dawn break upon my homeland. You, who shall see it,
salute it! Do not forget those who have fallen during the night." He died

Jose Rizal The Movie - Philippine Tagalog

Amazon Price: $16.99

El Filibusterismo

The second novel of Rizal, the continuation of Noli me Tangere, It was first
published in 1891 in Ghent, Belgium, also written in Spanish, and soon been
translated. El Filibusterismo has an English alternate title, The Reign of Greed, is
a deeper depiction of what the first novel has symbolized and is about revenge and
revolution. This novel was dedicated to the three-martyr-priest, GOMBURZA. Rizal
however has written his dedication in memory of the three priests with their age and
the date of their execution all wrongly.

This has been the greatest controversy and most talked about and most debated
about Rizal. Below is Rizals retraction letter originally written in Spanish translated
into English. However the said retraction has some sorts of copy issuesquote
issues and formula issues. Whether Jose Rizal has retracted or not, thats still
not proven.

I declare myself a catholic and in this Religion in which I was born and educated I
wish to live and die.
I retract with all my heart whatever in my words, writings, publications and conduct
has been contrary to my character as son of the Catholic Church. I believe and I
confess whatever she teaches and I submit to whatever she demands. I abominate
Masonry, as the enemy which is of the Church, and as a Society prohibited by the
Church. The Diocesan Prelate may, as the Superior Ecclesiastical Authority, make
public this spontaneous manifestation of mine in order to repair the scandal which
my acts may have caused and so that God and people may pardon me.

Manila 29 of December of 1896

Jose Rizal

Josephine Bracken

Did Jose Rizal really marry Josephine Bracken? Scholars say that there were no
written accounts of the marriage between Rizal and Josephine, but Josephine
claims that Rizal actually married him a day before his execution.

Some even says Josephine was a spy of the Spanish government.

One thing is for sure, Jose Rizal loved Josephine. He wrote some poems about her
and his love for her. I think these controversies about Josephine Bracken are
unreasonable. Every hero deserves a lover that is without a question.

Jose Rizal's Girlfriends

Do you believe Jose Rizal had a real child?

Yes, maybe they just hid it to protect him

No, I believe his only son died

See results without voting

Do you see a resemblance? lol

Jose Rizals Son

Did Jose Rizal have a son? Did the genius hero have an heir?Dr. Jose Rizal was
a freaking genius; he must have an heir so that his special genes and thousand of
talents will continue from generation to generation.

Unfortunately, Rizal and Josephine were not destined to have a child. One day in
early March 1896, Rizal played a practical joke on Josephine, which frightened her
terribly. As a result of her great fright, she gave birth prematurely to an eight-month
baby boy.

The baby was very weak and was gasping for breath. Seeing the babys condition,
Rizal immediately baptized him Francisco in honor of his father. He did everything
he could to save the life of his infant son, but in vain. All his knowledge and skill as a
physician could not save little Francisco. Sorrowfully, Rizal saw his child die three
hours after birth.

With a heavy heart, he drew a sketch of his dead son. Then he buried him under a
shady tree near his home. He prayed": "Oh, God, I give you another tiny angel.
Please bless his soul." from Jose RizalUniversity

Was Adolf Hitler the Son of Jose Rizal?

When Jose Rizal was in Europe, it was noted out that he found a pretty European
girlfriend somewhere in the border of Germany and Austria. So rumored has spread
that Adolf Hitler was the son of Jose Rizal. LOLOL This controversy is NOT true. I
cant see any characteristic of Hitler associated with Rizal. Ok, that was really funny.

Rizal a Prophet?

During his execution, a doctor tried to read Rizals heartbeat and blood pressure, the
result was normal! Did he not feel afraid or frightened?! Or has he really been
preparing for that a long time.

Following Rizals life and writings, it seems Jose Rizal really knew where his fate
would end. He was really an architect, he has drawn where he was going, He was
really an eye-doctor, he kinda saw what was happening.

Rizal, ever since a little child had already dreamed being a martyr for his country.

His anecdote about the time when his mother narrated him a story about a firefly
who go nearer to a flame and killed, Rizal quoted The firefly must be a martyr for
dying for his passions.

Another one was when he was teased by his older sister, Rizal said, one day I will
die for this country and you would see my monument.

Rizalista, a religion who believes Rizal will return

Due to the interesting and moving life of Jose Rizal, there came a sect of people
who have a strong belief in Jose Rizal.

Rizalists - any of numerous ethnic religious groups in the Philippines that believe in
the divinity of Jos Rizal, the national hero martyred by the Spanish in 1896. Among
many peasant cults it is commonly believed that he is still alive and will return to
deliver his followers from poverty and oppression. Rizal has been identified as God,
as the second, or Filipino, Christ, and as the god of the pre-Spanish Malay religion.
Rizalist cults, such as the Iglesia Sagrada ni Lahi (HolyChurch of the Race) and the
Banner of the Race Church (the largest group), synthesize Roman Catholic rituals

Rizals Moral Legacies for Our Daily LifePresentation Transcript




Leading Virtues: Why we need to Love of Parents know Rizals Moral Charity
Legacies? Love of Country Love of God Courage Purity and Will-power Idealism
Honesty Noble Conduct Love of Fellowmen


Devotion to Truth Courtesy andSelf-Sacrifice PolitenessFortitude

ThriftSerenity GratitudeSelf-Control Love for JusticeInitiative Living by


Why we need to know Rizals MoralLegacies? The enduring greatness of

Rizal lies in the richness of his ideas and the nobility of his examples. The validity of
his progressive thoughts and soul-searching teachings is his legacy to humanity.


Rizals prophetic insights and matchless visions on how the Filipinos can
travels the road to progress so that they can enjoy the fullness of nationhood ---economically, politically, educationally, socially and culturally under the mantle of
national solidarity --- are inspiring.


Love of God When he was studying in Madrid, Spain (1882-1885), Rizal

assured his mother of his trust in God. When his sister Olympia died after childbirth
upon his arrival in the Philippines from Europe in August, 1887, Rizal remarked: I
console myself saying that it was the will of God and what He does must be the


Purity and Idealism Pure and Spotless Must the Victim Be. Another virtue of
Rizal worth emulating was his insistence on purity of thoughts and clean behavior.
Perfection in virtue is a condition of our union with God.


In his famous El Filibusterismo, a Decalogue for the Political Redemption

and Human Dignification of the Filipinos, Father Florentino softly pressed the
challenge to perfection of character traits on the dying Simoun who used his illgotten wealth to destroy Philippine society in working woe, distorting justice and
fomenting avarice.


Noble Conduct Do Good Always Purity of thoughts and clean behavior

require that religiousness be shown in good conduct, clean conscience and
upright thinking. Rizal exhorted mothers to awaken the mind of the child and
prepare it for every good desirable idea.


Love of Fellowmen Let Us Think Well of Our Fellowmen. Another great

virtue of Rizal in conformity with what God desires was his love for his fellowmen.

Love of neighbor to be sincere entails involvement in his behalf. Rizals thought on

love our fellowmen are timely in these time.

Love of Parents I Beg My Beloved Parents to Always Bless Their Son

Rizals great love for his parents was very admirable. His concern over their
sacrifices and his thoughtfulness are worth initiating.


Charity I Feel Happy When I Can Give Joy to Somebody Charity is the
greatest of all the virtues because it inclines us to love God above all things for His
own sake, and our neighbors for the sake of God.


Love of Country My Dream Was My Countrys Prosperity Dedication to

ones duty was an admirable virtue of Rizal. In saying that it is mans duty to seek his
own perfection, Rizal set an idea for man to attain. He elaborated on this idealism.


Rizal dedicated his whole life in securing freedom for his country and
happiness for his people, a devotion unparalleled in the history of his country. My
mission, he told his former mentor at the Ateneo, Father Paula de Sanchez, is to
make men worthy.


Courage If Im to Be Condemned for Desiring the Welfare of My Country,

Condemn Me Rizals courage in loving his country is a virtue that is very relevant
today. His moral courage to do only the best for his people is worth imitating by our


Rizal possessed the essential element of responsive leadership, that is

attending to the needs of the people in order to keep their love and affection.


Will-Power Always with Our Gaze Fixed on Our Country Rizals decisions
to give his life for his country demonstrated the perfection of his will to do the duty
assigned to him by God. This was an admirable virtue considering that Spain had
adopted a policy of implanting an inferiority complex on the Filipinos the better to
govern them. Rizal did not accept the belief that his people were irredeemable.


He had a clear vision of what to do to make his people happy and he exerted
his best to accomplish this objective.


Honesty The Greatest Honor that a Son Can Pay to His Parents Is Integrity
and a Good Man Integrity is uprightness or a state of being of sound moral
principle. Rizals honesty was the result of his constant love and search for the truth.
He possessed I to a high degree of excellence which everyone of us should imitate.


Lest we forget, sincerity is a sign of humility, the virtue which makes us know
the truth about ourselves, to accept the truth and live according to it. The basic
element of humility is the acceptance that whatever we possess we owe to God who
has planned a duty for us.


Devotion of Truth It is Not Good to Hide The Truth Rizals constant search
for truth in serving his country was an inspiring virtue that endeared him to his
people. The is the same simple trait our people are looking from our leaders.


Wanting to get at the cause of his peoples backwardness, Rizal made

intensive studies and carried on extensive observations on the progress of nations.


Self-Sacrifice My Ambition Is Not to Win Honors Another admirable virtue

practice by Rizal was abnegation or self-denial. Self-denial means giving up ones
desires for a better cause, as a working for welfare of ones country. Self-denial
implies self-sacrifice, love and humility. Rizal sincerely believed that he was not the
only man capable leading his people.


Fortitude Do Not Fear that Some May Fall Fortitude or perseverance

means strength of mind in meeting or enduring pain, adversity or peril. Rizal
practiced fortitude in serving his country. Fortitude in any undertaking requires faith
and hope according to Rizal.


Serenity It is Necessary that there be Serenity of Spirit A man is serene if

he has an unruffled mind. Serenity of spirit stems from strong personal discipline.
Rizal related a conversation between a school teacher and Crisostomo Ibarra
wanted to know the problems of learning and teaching. When asked by Ibarra about
his problems, the teacher spoke against corporal punishment inflicted on the pupils.


Rizals regard for tranquility of spirit, physical and moral repose and
willingness is never more timely than today.


Self-Control I Have Deprived Myself or Many Pleasure What is self control?

How did Rizal Practice self-control? When a man can check his actions and
feelings, he has self-control. The will acts only in seeking what is good, depending
on the intellect for its data. This is the reason why we must take great care in
presenting only good ideas to the will.


Rizal showed much self control his lifetime. Two important examples are
worth recalling. During his students days in Madrid, he manifested self-control. Once
he visited the house of the Paterno brothers (Antonio, Maximo and Pedro). They
showed him their house and Rizal was thankful for their hospitality. When Pedro
proposed that Rizal exhibit the pictures he had, he refused.


Initiative The Greatness of a Man IS in Guiding the People in Its Forward

Way Initiative or self-direction is a persons readiness to think a line of conduct and
ability to carry it out on his own responsibility. Initiative is a virtue needed in the
progress of society.


Tolerance One Must have a Deep Respect for every Idea Sincerely
Conceived A person who respects the contrary opinions of another is tolerant.
Tolerance is a virtue requiring sympathetic understanding of the differing opinions
and honest mistakes of another. Tolerance challenges us to show the utmost
patience and practice real charity.


Prudence For Reasons of Delicacy I have Suppressed My

Correspondence Prudence is virtue that guides our mind in choosing the best
means of accomplishing a thing. It directs us to the most polite and profitable course
of action.


It guides all other virtues because it points out the mean between excess
and defect in the other virtues. If we do not practice prudence, we are liable to folly
and excesses.


Obedience I Obeyed Parents When a person does what he is told, he is

obedient. Complying with that the authorities require of us is obedience. Obedience
may call for a little sacrifice on our part of the good of the whole group. Rizal was a
model of obedience.


Courtesy and Politeness I Want to be Polite and Nice Politeness and

courtesy are virtues that give harmony and charm in our daily life. Courtesy is
graceful and considerate behavior toward others, It demand attention, politeness,
refinement and affidability. Politeness is a quality of being well-bred.


Thrift I Economize Thrift is virtue of being economical in the use of

material, money, time and energy. Rizal practiced the habit of thrift when he was a
student in Madrid, Spain he would have his shoes repaired instead buying new ones.
Now and then he economized in food expenses.


When Paterno brothers wanted him to join the Ateneo de Madrid, a cultural
society, he turned down the suggestion saying, I find the dues a little exorbitant.


Gratitude I Am Very Grateful When a person shows gratefulness, he has

grateful nature. He that urges gratitude, wrote Seneca, pleads the cause of both
God and men, for without it we can neither be sociable nor religious. There is much
greatness of mind in acknowledging a good turn, as in doing it.


Love for Justice Let Us Be Just Justice is the moral habit by which a man
gives to another what is his due. A man with a good conscience finds joy in being
just. Rizal fought hard for justice not only for himself and his family but also for his


Living By Example Gladly I Depart to Expose Myself to Danger to Confirm

with My Example What I have Always Preached Rizals examples on idealism,
charity and surrender are inspiring. Events showing his love for country and people
and dedication to duty are worth-while imitating.


Instances in which he displayed courage, will-power, leadership and self

abnegation are admirable. Events revealing his honesty, love and faith in God, love
for fellowmen and love parents are shining virtues for everyone.

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