English - Amharic Dictionary - A To D PDF

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E-nglish-A mharic Dictionary Amsalu Akjilu, Ph. D. (Tubingen) Assistant Professor, Department of Ethiopian Languages and Literature, Addis Ababa University G. P. Mosback, M.A. (Cantab), M.A. (Essex) Associate Professor of English, Addis Ababa University OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS LONDON @ NEW YORK Oxford University Press Oxford London Glasgow New York Torante Melbourne Sydney Wellington ( ape Town Delhi Bombay Calcutta Madras Karachi Dacca ‘Kuala Lumpur Singapore Jakarta Hong Kong Toksw Nairobi Dar Es Salaam Lusaka Accra Beirut COPYRIGHT OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS 1973 ‘ Reprinted in 1974 (twice), 1975, 1976, 1977 a Reprinted in 1978,1979 by the Ethiopia Book Cent re by permission of the Oxford University Press All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be re- Produced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior permission of Oxford University Press. 4 ANC AAP MELE LE btm = ‘ : i , nan PAM AeA # oni LAT AP AA ANA My it nF 4. rend) CAP FORAGE PATEKL LILPES 19 RdeE AAD AND exch BE PAU tar. a. say Aw. be. (RHA) PATON BIR PAGE TEAC + AAD ANG OLiCdt: ANNECS exch ‘PAN! WA, ) a ATIVAN -A7CE ! INTRODUCTION The aim of this dictionary is to provide a handy guide to, the most common meanings of approximately 10,000. everyday English words. It is hoped it will be most useful to the secondary school student or the Ethiopian learning English by himself. Technical, uncommon and metapho- tical meanings have been avoided since it is felt that by the time a student feels the néed for these he will be of a sufficient standard to be able to use an English-English dictionary. Lit tA : NV, yy te Hite NOTE ON THE SELECTION OF THE ENGLISH VOCABULARY This dictionary is intended mainly to serve junior secondary and secondary school students, and throughout the constant revision over the eight years the work has taken, this group has been kept in mind. G.P. Mosback’s experience of teach- ing English in Ethiopia has been a great help in anticipating students’ needs, In addition, standard works on English word frequency were consulted = notably Michael West’s A General Service List of English Words (Longmans, Green, New York, 1965), Thorndike and Lorge The Teacher's Word Book of 30,000 Words (Columbia University Press), The Teacher's Handbook of Technical Vocabulary, (Luetia Cole, Public Schools Publishing Company, Bloomington Illinois, 1940.) Work with the Language Study Group of Ethiopia has also helped, particularly ESLC marking and analysis and the Dale Otto, Alison Andrews, Grover Hudson sample survey of spoken English wsed in secondary schools in Addis Ababa. For example, a deliberate policy hus been to include words which are particular sources of difficulty for Ethiopian students becauae of spelling, stress of meaning confustons caused by interference from Amharic. An eye has been kept on ordinary avery day needs and aison certain number of more literary words have been tnoluded which students tight come actoss in set books for literature courses or general reading, Words for foreign coricepte which have been taken over from Engilsh were omitted in cases where (a) the Bagilsh word has been totally accepted in common suse and (6) to Amharic equivatent has yet been devived, Grammatical variations of basic words have sotnetimes been omitted where the different parts of hate a quention of grammar rather than added manning. For unample, genuine ls not followed by genuineness, genuinely, 1 the nounadver! structure iu completely regular end the students will have learnt the rules for the formation of parts of speech in theif grammar lessons, This has given us room for sany more head words in the space available, The approximecsly 10,000 enteles are dosignad to give the students # basic working va ering ich thay will be able to ute subsequently tn understanding « basic ny, ShyBhgilth dlelidniity (vay The Advanced Learners Dtetionary rent Bngiiak) when they come on 1 the twelfth grade and first yeu univers To this extent, althobgy 1} will always be a useful work of reference for pronurelation tnd speliitg, Ag o not designed as a complete and definitive correlation of the two lunguaged, Gut in aimed specifically at the intermediate level learner, . ” , (a) “fy py NOTES ON THE USE OF THE DICTIONARY GRAMMAR 1, Verb roots. In the case of verbs, the infinitive is given, followed in square brackets by the third person singular of the perfect tense which gives the root of the verb and is the form in which an Ambaric verb is usually presented. Where compound verbs are given, both parts of the verb must be used to form the perfect tense, although only the main verb itself is repeated in the square brackets: 6g PAP NE -to molest perfect tense [AA] :2. Negative verbs, The positive root is given in square brackets for negative verbs Because of the grammatical difficulties involved with the Amharic negative prefix. For example, the verb AAeP®RAN Mmiscarry le given in the infinitive form with the negative prefix AA. But the perfect tense in square brackets ia given in the sitive form, dd with b dash (.) before it to indicate that a negative prefix required. PRONUNCIATION After each English word, an approximate indication of how the word 1s pro- nounced is given in Ambaric script, An international phonerle wlphabe would undoubtedly have been more accurate, but very few people can red) ly understand such # aystet without special training and this dictionary has been prepared with the ordinary reader very much ia und, Of courses no system of English pronunciation using Amharic letters can give tw eaact sounds of English, All that can be done is to give an approximate rendering of the English sourda that can be immediately understood by ati Amberle speaker, The ssrlous student should lletwn exrefully to English speukers or English radio Proxdcasts as much wa possible to find out exactly how the English rounds corresporid to the approximations in the guide. Consouanta: The only English sonsonante that present real difficulty to the Am: pe upaaker are the English 7A sourida, To allow for this, we have introduced wo modifications of exiating Amharic letters: fh for the shin words like thin (0,7) A for the sh in words like fazer (1g) (ii) To make these sounds the student simply says or H with the tongue resting lightly between the teeth, A few minutes’ practice, preferably with the help of a native English speaker, will be cnough to get the idea. Sixth form consonants in the Guide; It is most important that sixth form conso nants in the pronunciation guide should always be pronounced without any vowel sound followingthem. If we consider the Amharic word yf we notice that the fv and the 4} are pure consonant sounds without any noise in the throat, unlike AAG where, there is a slight sound in the throat following the 9 All the sixth form consonants in the pronunciation guide should be pronounced like the A and the 4 in yf} without any sound in the throat following them. This means that in certain places where the sixth form is normally used to represent an English sound we have been unable to use it. Bole, for example, is usually represented in Amharic script as, (A, but since it is not permitted to use a sixth form with a throat sound after it in this guide, we have substituted a first form for such sounds as -bie, -ck/e, -tle. The actual sound for these combinations of letters is something between the first and second Ambaric forms and pronou- ned very lightly, but a few minutes with a native English speaker should be enough to get this sound correctly. Vowels; There are some sounds in English for which there is no really suitable Amharic equivalent. In order to indicate the difference between long and short vowel sounds, we have introduced the symbol (;) for the longer sounds: loa amb, rer pat part 2000 aw vb pot port 3. u 00 Hey FA full fool 4 e er NAA, 129 believe burn To some extent there is a distinction between these sounds in spoken Amharic, though there is no indication in the written forms. If we consider the following pairs of words: 1 Por | TCA 2,0 ferent 3. dee BA 4 Why are we will notice that in spoken Amharic the sounds indicated in the second of each pair are longer and of a different quality from those indicated by the same form of letter in the first. It would appear that a ¢ following a letter draws out its sound to some extent. However, we realize that many people will be unable to perceive this (i) difference and many Amharic speakers will indignantly deny that it exists. Perhaps" spectographic analysis will decide the question. In any case, readers to whom the above paragraph is no help, should, again, consult a native English speaker if possible. Even if this is not possible, no serious confusion should arise if the basic Amharic sound is used in both cases, though. it is obviously much better to make the difference. Diphthongs: These are indicated by the addition of a a or a g to the basic ‘Amharic sound: load Ams: (British English) pain TL scene ALLY _ but thew and the g should be pronounced very lightly, not as an entirely separate Jeter. Stress: In English words there is always one sound which is pronounced more strongly than the others. Unlike Amharic, this stress comes on the vowel sound, the sound in the throat. The syllable on which this stress comes is indicated by an apostrophe (’) before the syllable. Readers will note also that in a word with more than one syllable, the strong sound is often the only one which is given the pronunciation a foreign speaker would expect from the spelling. Other vowel sounds in the word tend to be reduced to as a sound rather like Amharic R. Thus the word objectionable is re- ndered as RAENTIAA in the pronunciation guide. This emphasis and the change jn unstressed vowels is very important in English and will amply repay careful study. SIGNS AND ABBREVIATIONS* ou English th (pronunciation guide) “; long vowel (pronunciation guide) >» stress (pronunciation guide) [.] encloses perfect tense of verbs [-] indicates root of negative verbs [] Separates related meanings [x] Separates unrelated meanings * indicates gemination of Amharic consonant () encloses elaboration of Amharic meaning Note: The stress (or gemination) in Amharic is indicated by a vertical stroke C) before the letter which must be held on to. * For the abbreviations sce page (fi) () Pons uma wah 9ae7 1 PEAR NLOAT 07 eet 10,000 goz,pveeh? PRITATT oar anit FCT PEM RAPD PMD? Aunts 22% PRUCT Lt DICE BMP Thi FFAN YO # RY NTT FPL IAT PGE DiiL OLED SNE ATO NLL ON ROH MACA ONT REINS CONT PAP 2-007 0.24 DACLEA oe © (v) r DARTIANY Er FAP heed-ce TWINS Ly ol FAT LNAM? PIAA Phe FAhNo- AerAnte oAtT SEAS NNSA KT RCH PUP E Oe 8 PEO ANIE Ob Rero- PAP” gt Foe} LAREM NAAT NAA AbMEEE MTPT NIRFINIA NENAT PFHODLA 8 LOAHIP SIR FO- ANIA LOLNTC #. PA OFC FPF SUA RII OATCRE OE Th erret? FACT FART ALF Arloe RET C&RA # PAV THY PeLtebeh anne PAY ASH howdcT KEW ELTPA * (Michael West A general Service List of English Words (Longmans, Green, New York 1965), Thorondike and Lorge The Teacher’s Word Boak of 30,000 Words (Columbia University Press), The Teacher's Hand-book of Technical Vocabulary, . (Luella Cole, Public School, Publishing Company, Bloomington, Illinois, 1940.) Nem CRATERS PRIX PTH IVI PEA Fo- SEE AP dO OTE ACHE UTOTA 1 APA OALARRS PUNT RCH OATES abt ORPIAAT PAA OLEH ACTH CARCI] Poh FF It FIG NAA ALNUHND FAA © MEALP MAAN AAT RPUCE LE TPE HIS HAT FILO NYUME PPLCIGe CAA ot RDANT AILGHT CICAC VLAI TH EE ANP CEPA 8 APA AAAPKIOL) PCP F OARS AEE t ALNT ! AECTP PATI Pho COLSON FOr PAD MEPA © NER CLEA FATT NAOT TTP H OY KG FIT O” OAT LITREPA TOAD CFME IV NALA TIFE TECHUETA # REICH DAPIAAY ASRS PONTO PAT MELA # LF CUNT U/EKT FANON ATCT orter TEE AALS FO- A/ AF CLV F ar CA ICE HAE IT AAT TTAFO- YO 9 CHIL PEG SA NCEE CUE FAT PISS PA 4 LUE CUNT AIRTA PA CPAO MAL AIE TOME FOP NATIPAL tor & AMAL I genuine hehe HA baie 1 genuineness, genuinely PLATE PAT RATOAREP FHI LUI oa PAT SAH? LA CLAN td Hew AWK Ee TPF FD MLL Poehiek NFA ASO HATED TO # LITT WILEI $9 are-Fa- 04 PA AP AR TOPE PATO Sit ATIVE FATA # ORY orn SA Pog 10.000 geLeuat PAT OFLA borer OP UATENGA BCH OF CRACK NOLIN Th APIA Or? ANT, (a) WF NLA COMME PAE GAR NIL NILOLSL OPE AGH GAT # (arin Advanced Learner’s Dictionary of Current English) PIP? Nis BY oar SA APAT ATANNT ARAE WHPAHS! US ALS NICOL FA Coot LU Cui LIP EF om ies PoPaLA TePANSS UT NIA LIATA NEU AoA EEG AVATY PLE PUCK LP TIPE NIACA PS AN Or # (a) Crriml PAk oahis wPPre?s AP ia BR tae ret Die 01" LoUrceT hus Rods Ch teh ATR (ACKOT) BAMA » hie ole PHICT PY HC CU F478 NIK (+06 4”) ONE ONT BIE. oriee PeeAHLA « ‘ . bee LCN IY AAU IT “Lib Poms so: FA 1 hactferant Conder FA PAE NICK AF Ahe-t TH? FIG TANTA * PAW i FAR TWAT bo molest . PAIL ATER [AL MOUPANOT TH PAD AA’ Pie F4, fil IAT ym * aad Ft | 4 Da . ; Coe TOT MAAK 1 CLEC harh ta wo ALMATY 2 AST AA HEE PIE PC AF ANS TONY HIE NIA AWE we | NIAPEw TEOY TRANTA * 7” PAR | KARA wise carry ene ATER (-£20) APN NEADS EATINT FA brie Foe NILE NLOLIIA nny aka POANtAS PIAIE AIS IGALY APT TE LTT ELIE HARE OFF IE MLV AL. 1.20 ARM>F ALEC LUGA * TIC Th NY mn Sat head int flldar' ft) FI NTA RIL Fee HAT EMEC Bur he Fa 41ATPA . . perth IO CHIMMTO-T LPS VENA ANICY AceAMt FIP GE Pe PNAY 871 ATF AVEAT 2 LUT ATA TIE ANTICS $9.96 Nate ATO FLEA? ANN ATESA # AiLw AL PPyeh2o KF 178@ mae ALC PHAN TIE LTC CNPIAUT LH NT NIL UT AMEE NEUUNT F596P 69 NEAL UP OLTP 1.57% Ut ite AT Foe RCT NIAANY 1O-# LUT Dime eMPCF OC Pho} bccn ACA BEAR 8 FFU PF ANICT T9596 Oo ALNFIde CoLtA CHAN F700. ‘dh’ yo. 2 £UP 9S MAIC AtTePALE NIA UAT OVE LTLIA © LTO Mh ICT FATE AND SIO SLA LETT LPLE Nora Ak 10 & PA (a. (4:0) Aw a th thin’ ‘father’ (#) NIE nd lz i> DUMMY Pho Ee? LPF MHA ATIAR PICO ATE HD PT NPAL PAL NECHE OHA NACE HALE 8 PTET AR APPS § OTP NLNAT HIS ONPMAE F996 Nor 26 APH INC AAT NRTIT AMAT PUPA # ALA tO PE AASINN PE Sa- AL ProrANET ALA FFOUNLF ATAN, LPS AIA APTATOR Ur FIN AANTar AP AN MATIC vat fetAa-d 2A MIAN “OAS PATNA CANTO LP PF UO AVIFAT «© OA OA LIP ONIC LOL AGrs SA NICOANE NT Herts ATL ATID NIA OPAL PEAY NEARY © OAD NATIN OPs for OAT PT ASD PEALE F tet 1 PN NILES PRO a TF PARTI INN AANTO: TAF FO 2 hiLY NAL IATL OSPF AL ALD ATAN, ANTS PNTUMAET BIO AT AOR NANI Li AY SPR AGNIAG AAFAIP #8 APA ‘bottle’ PLA FA NAIC ITAPA OTA’ ERE LUGAR © 19017 eer eST? AZ O20 $900, NATAL, 26 NALIN DAMAY? Ny 445 1 ATOM, NIA THAT FRCAA * LRO-P AILOLETAAD AA LOPE oo — - able, - ckie,-tle hor huey OAT PinY SPE AMON ANT Aho ghha 992,75 SIH YO 2 BUI NICE PAM PFA # ASULPT . ONVMAUT AA AIFTLS LFF Thay CAICT LIM 4 TITY PASAT AZEPS NAPC AGULEF OHHA £A0-7 ALT ATIOANT hE AON, MAA OAT ITN (:) ALCIGA # APA ACEP Lv PF i loa @ r+ at pat, part 2. 0 aw m7 rab pot, port 3. uw 00.) $A A full, fool . 4 eer NAL n:3 believe, bura OR AICTO- 077 PVLT AIAN NIMC HAL Ctmti-t PEPE LPC AGIA LF AGTFAD 8, : AP 4A | 1, oT ya Fcar 2. bebe TPA 3° RA Arh 4 Viv arc DAL Prema EhD ARLET MPIC HT POPC PE AEC) HATE CEP ASMP NAD FOr coca BFAN 9 timPAaw AGE “Co WATE SPbELP ATIC LPO LHP NILA TVEPA LFA * LUFT BUT TAL (»} At CHIC FE ICPF ANd ALT 8 TATE CNTHEIE ot NELLIE i LU PAL AF LAL LUEA # RAR Cm bAO- PALA TEMPTED: PAA ALT ET APULPE KF S09 NENT FE22PF7 AN ALC AT TS NE Vor 9 pur 1207 APcPOre Phat ho ANIL hath AL NIRTEORD ho TE 7 2 PCN ATOLPE PF onsale 20 ASIP E NAIC Noone NLA NF ‘OFS load Nar £: (PNEFTS NTUMF) i pain RY % scene ra) ; jf xar Ctmbtet (O'S 2 ANF Nata heerndtosr NAL EATON, NRF LFF comet CANTor # : PP Anptnayt FA TTNE! OAT UAT NAME LPF LAT mie te PALI LPO HA 8 LUT ceTeNES PANT | NIL ATCT ALT * hh GLO: $29 Tie LOLFA # AUP PLFIAIAG PANT ind PRA PA PE) pot OL OLIATT LIS MP Ate LOA KANT # AIS FANE HEA FA AG CPN AIRY PITNLLO PANT ANF TA Ado NEA FA AL AE coor 24 WIPE Nhat OAL ET LAM & EP ASIN, PE FE OLR FE tho-mPA # AFAR ‘objectionable’ for AG? FA A A CAEN TMA Prgae NAIM LP) TTAES TANT AME Aner HIE AAS LUT OTE TTPH AMP Lea Pankt : 2 ATH ONTIA TT th (PAA PCE) ve + €BP RIND. (Rhy opgre?) . > eMPnes PANT (PAIANN 099768) & [] CPATB ATER PIE : ~ PR IY PC TANF 1 YVEDE INF ON) SAT COMP 4 TYEE ChAT ard FAT OPAL pPAdP(ANICT 247) . () PNEES TOTP OPAL wy © ANC¥a FAT Ohe PITNeLO PANT FL eet oPherc ( jue NLMASar UY ME TREAD # (e) -o9p- -a=4- -or-b)- soma a0} >. -Ph- Pat PAt PATPEE PATITC menE> +o-Am he mne> boa a” PLP PRA 4A PRA a PAT ara term he te-Ah 9" hemaht team he he@mant ora ANTE tAm AP AIH, to-Am hy 1 hat bo-am ay PPONY PHMPC fAton: PAhMPC errs. (a) > preposition - conjunction - interrogative pronoun + interrogative adverb - intercogative adjective - present participle -noun + interjection - adjective - pronoun adverb . - demonstrative pronoun - demonstrative adjective - relative pronoun + possessive pronoun -verb + reflexive pronoun - definite article - indefinite article etcetera RPA ofbew AIL abandon Rsk? -7- NOE ACD owtor [rey eongt (h'A) abandoned Rawk A tere immoral “BAP 10'S (Ama) abasament PALA SE -D GCLE abate Rage -1 xin tar [Aa] (aev0ne owl) 1 eth (ha eee [fhe] abbey AN, -- WAP LAC abbreviate a aii 1 TA'e [hae] (04 4% abbreviation Race enya Tale FA4) abdicate "AARED eee NFR ombar (tal abdomen aRAILOry -te UE abduct Kavene - ras [m'ad)] | oe TA [24'24] (Ade) abet Rar ae rab Av EEE [N Raided) | ome 4t [04-6] abetter Rat -t- novne ee teonie'ee tt s'24/80 abeyance RAC -f- Nee AL NABER Ob Ser a4 abhor. Rare 1 eae [n'a (Are) 1 ate [ta't2)] abide Rae -- tc [84] § MF Pee om'genn [rt on) 1 ear [a 'n] abiding | Wagaya + Ad Ke wt cews's ability . Raat che Flee abject RAENT -- eeTenre'd's ahlaze vy Raraen = CLs ma eA OA (at ont) able . "MENA -® Fie singe | tun‘ * ny abnormal PVT -e FAtA RR. | RIM (AP ac) : aboard Rak -F deecht | Adee | dae! “TAT AL (bree) abods KNOL -t tes 0s abolish Riaah oneran [Rom Aa) we! én [went . abolition VATE he SRON abominable . Rena A Nelse se ceasna’at NRSe abomination Roevneny -a- Aw’ st 11C aboriginal . AVERSA -B- TIFT HPS (FFE MC fowwet ane) aborigine AVERL “De SUE MIC TIPE HPS he abortion Ready -h AE tha'ee abound abusive! abound absolve Rae.e 4 wrcece (rres'ed] FUAN Ab TIRe [ASR] Ok tee about m> [h@'m) (hes EA nc) Rawr -t- 127) fun 1 war's | absorb wnu (#¥h) above Rat he agi nag abrasion . Rave? fe ange abreast Raene <0 AP's abridge Favee 4 9A'me [AA'nd) (nD) Baekeoth te onh'ne i f'me wan abroad Rete ee hep hat ne A abrupt Raver en's acs fh (ADN ache ae) Pas marian ote wen aioe PA (AY 99) 1 Reeve (Ana) TAA fs NEP NIE (emma Pi ( ma) Rate ott wan Wace (444 Sane TS RY'ABAG TRAM ty hawt | soba absent . “aaa se Paa'T Chea AB) | ea ionee : > han fite'? abventes Atay hs he Reed Port abel “wane eae pee’ (Am aboolution Magid ah A (HA) er: Faroe erm [nm] WIE #9) absorbent AVON Pomp + na, (4A anh) absorbing FAQ ome rhage eh, abstain BAN4A? A ot) haha that NDE Hic WIRE bh “11'e (NAR abstemious Ran’arth beer tte eat won't CR abstinence *rORIA fe hewn ote: abstract ‘hahah me enpsalin Pa ‘Aft 1 eile o surnmery oft RNR Rete abetract RANE ae tem [no'm] | hy By apy Pha Ayn) eos (NA) abatruse Bane Eh “en ne'ad pet's teas eet abourd ‘Reh i FT AOORA TEFEN abundance ROTA ote Nh Perea ee abundant Wiarton abuee Att ee AmeR na men (hen) AND | OMA cuit) ourse oe on'nna (waar) abuslve RAR PAAR Reet AE (e'fan) abyemal accordingly en Ra.n3ce 2 aor re: Ariche-Tt) Ran - bath fas raeh t dvac ht Bie FARA scademio AWacth -b tear (PPC ont) + treed (0c) not practical 2: 1s 4B PATA (Oe?) RRA ote NRE Se. brut nb + coe hisee'e euch oe accede An bh onetet te [hnaT'eD) fine lt oa oepit LPH} accelerate Rhianent + enh oma [a 6) acceleration haa edith te wrt waa! og sei ment aecont Y ' ANE ta air ene iene Pe ie No Ll accept ! . ana my ena tee'nal bie : : Ravina ob tte aad eneten eoceas : ‘ahaa ah ASAGH PRENIA eryaset eeceseery RWnd Ne tele aA * ote tiie oma 'enons, Jewellery she thn a P TRAD ote ele unpienrent ‘fh: AAD ARAVRItA Be 8904'F acoidentally AnIVRPA ~ anne acclaim veer ONAAe ena [ne na acolamation AnaReitD fe PR NPA accommodate Rrreepth a eae NORE Ia'e a'r mone | [e'a] scoommodation Brew AT? te eae (ed) accompaniment ape ste nate ela (om scsompaniot Reta ot tid ett accompany Bh ANE ome wegeyed ae go with: > tie ob IBA) acsomplise cn she fg a'a tb Md ih i a ae ta Ep at, aie saconvplished here ohn Peon aceompllahment Aaeratoth on nee er fight pamutt aeserd Athi oe AM” accordingly RiaAgA, ope wat hake aocost accost Rpt 7 Prone [Asoc] (CaF one ho) eae hor eet [m's) account . Fert fe att credit tr AD story + 7m accountable Rnereaa -3- e (te e'8 A Cote) accountant Reset te CAA om Fie accumulate Fwereae® + monen [aa'aa] | er hewes [nner el] And’ te [Tn Rwersace tr anARDEH Le ants accuracy PAREGAL te RE A accurate heat - AER Rha 2: thelr oe Nore ' ath'ar anenem -ir hit accusative Knewew 3 140, (fehe) | ecouse Rrra <7 onan [h'an}) enka lor'za) secustom Wee 7 onek [a'ek] | oho mar (na'ek) ace The te AND GH NIE er STC very good > gar te) tea'm (Ae'C aT NEEL RP OHS ID tr eheet Ree SR TTT [ary] * ened mn ween [ec] achievement Rregwert ctr ted Hyer Ne rnc eR acid "RA “te RAE NER 2 amarpra'an NAAR te SCIEATR TY mee | me rae acknowledge RTA A #2 eam [a'n) (0 Gt AASE EE) 1 Sn eer ye APS har [Am] © etAh oF Rete? avcove (a'co'1a} ee Ryeakert tf Pe Ae LCN AMS Ob TCA greeting tr mre acousties « Rivtnn fe tke THT EMS aD 2 wT PSPS TAT INy OCH acquaint Reet 7 fe THtTOd [Ant eee] | Taree [s'ae7 ee) OL vet 2c} intense RHE eT -te LF eet heed oo te bret NReeh ee eoeterh LNT”) (FA mem) acquiescence 5 adhere acquiescence actual ANerena -t AEeST (1LFk FY) ANBA BAR'S | ROTTH (ate acquire PP AGH Maer Ub Pia Ree teh [A7'5) actually acquisition REA, -t- Now NAHE? -f A'AN WIT acumen acquit TAMPORY D+ Pel 9198. CoPUTT Bard Red ra Ath AFF] (SCE mental acuteness at) he PAtPA acquittal acute RWeta -d- 50 toradh cat Bnet 2 ea (meer)! ANF 26 acre (rae) The st FAL REC he (Fore a4 adamant &'h) "pReoyh -F- KEN (PomD-'AB) acrid Adem’s apple Shhet -2- e'onas'er (TS) ALOU ATA “te OTPECT acrimonious adapt nhevooarren pe 1 1En'F Ch WATE 1 WTANT TIS CUAR C1} c'ne) (neraPes) | ANAND OSE ATA OOF across AoA t MAL COs amT [A'am) Bred tr ate na Te adaptability act RATE MAE AMIS IANS {7A'1m) affected Wants - tralam i certo exaggerated Fy 9R hee? ea'am affection Randy -0- Sec rws'aa te R2bee 1. 9K Tee AL ‘en affinity Week -d- ¢4'20 Aye se 1 towaa S49 affirm Rae 1 steoie [h'2o'1ml affirmation ago affirmation against AVL -- 91'C907 RLM -g- (tear? OMNIA... affirmative Amit th... 20 (mye) Wacopa -F- rhos age affix THEE -f- 8k 6 tower Wann “1 oa'ms [alma] (NILA aged ag) ARERR -F-) MOLL WH YAS Tera afflict . oo agency Ke’ ‘Ant 7 we Pey [Awe e] REET -O- OAS PER OhA wet affliction Le ei Beant she DNS ROOF EH'AK of agenda affluent *REAOTE -2- UNST 1 NAR 2 afford REk FA [Fal (drhearat RT! AMAY) affray RVR ctr TAT tT aT affront Ree -b- ALA 1 Aw? Petras! BP Pe aflame Ree 2 e'oLPnAna afloat Rea REE PARE afore-said WERE RF Mie Frac (AR de®) afraid RRGES 1 99GGT [de] afresh Rees te ARIS (F' orc) atter Eb -opp- .. . 044 aftermath eRtTh Ne PIS ARI! cmbwoget t war oO mt (CAST | AMT ant) afternoon hiet’y: -h- hAGh there AA afterwards "WiETOLA oI AAA again RU te NIRS WEIR -t- WCNC (NAAT Ag eit'@ FEV Ta 7 REF) agent "hRETE -t- wha agglomeration Reo" erty -tr an aggravate "ANY br “TAA [HN] aggregate AMID -b- Ke Lm>a‘a) aggression RVOny -- (mats NL 6 TA (Farhy 2+) aggressive Rada 2 TAT ae F aggressor RVan te TA Se + mt Ame out agile RIL =P Lieve eam'4 agility RHA ce eTTt agitate NEALE <1 oor de> [et be) (Acer ant) oo 'Nerey 1 win * make trouble a irae [mie $41 oh [A'oh] aglow AVA -F- Cor Proon ete! hhh (haa #444) ago i agony agony ar 1-H AD) eee agrarian Raacty -®- eacw agree Re: te nee rae Tt agreeabla RPA -F- agreement Recep A APP agriculture HALNAT ahead Re ob what aid AER - MERE [2'5) ait RRA -F ailment RAO fe eee UT aim AB 9 PME [Ad ne) ee +heT, ong. allotment alimentary Retest te wary snag | ME ANI. > 9908's Pao Amtf ¢'94'2% ag alive allow Wael nator s'arvec We wets [A #R] all allowance RA Fe ue Rae -a- eh TH At oe allright alloy Ane tt RAS TARR - PA'HA (96'R5) te allude VO I eno [h'20'2) (rome! ROPER -- Tarnt [Ao'al! soren FLht) [m'4A] y altegation . ' \ alluring navne m Ae Wd (90 Tne'H fate Ravriera -@ Atebeed teh, allusion 5 . 1 Rew te tars * mre ‘ak a ea (4912) (patic ally allegiance ROLE -0- ANk'> ofr ame! YR Li AMIDA OAD emgne 1 4'2,3- omar allegory "NAA -d- PAALE +é% (Aho + 0r PANT KNor'ate C's 90) alleviate WAL 1 d87 ot'sh (+'r0] hoery 14's (49 'f] alley AA, “Oe mA Hk her nse alllance Wath -& tec a'e NICH 1 to'cr Ab FO DAY (NITE hha) allied RARE -2- alfigator JANIS -f- o'n ACHES allocate "AML -9- ovhmi- [A'm) | or8'47 [#591 ) t'nga [ana] | earn (sa'ra] Phen ays erate, *AAR -n- A'S) bang (nmc'st 2A) almighty RATE Fb O'AD eV A (AN Aflac) (arm almond PROF R -h- Aart almost ~ TRACOM Pe AIA... SE alms PN Ne FREELY BLOF Olay! fn TH aloft Kirst -r1- nag. alone Ray -t a F along Re? -t- he. oc en... alongside RRPPALR te + pee aloof Week ee aaat's (nae pon oP OWF) ING Tee ce aloud amiabie aloud Waek -r Meh Oh ets KO alphabot PRALAE -a- LRA alphabetical AALTENA -®- OLA be slready RAGA ht FET Aer (ato'ny -t- 2IP 88 “He. PERS altar CMAT cr mcEre TO alter WAT <1 hor [A'om) alteration RAT CLNT -f- AarT altercation MAPRLT? -A- We'HC alternate PRATEET -1- TAPROOT [AAPM] alternate heater =P NIE D'S Ad CeLeom eange'An alternative tate fe eo (heat 910) although A:O7HOF -007- 9y'F? AID altitude TRALTES -fe heh eb eh eh altogether MATIN 1 ORR ARP ne ‘et aluminium ALTER -a- Aone always PWAEEN -h oA BE NOTC Ewch amalgamate RMU PAS [N'the] amass Ren 9 awenodl (an'An) + other pr [a'ner F] + rranan (Ama'n) amateur thom -% een Aho mies + arct's ont amaze Ree 1 o0'see [47'cer} ambassador APPANR -O- teeta want's (o BAA copa C'aT ah)» AP AARC amber aE -d- om'eg (Ret) E mec sn TA PAPA OAT (A'T-AAT) TA: PURA'ST ANCE fh ambidextrous AFM’ RHN TEA F- 16'%'s 4'% tr NAO OFF 'F coped F'OLUT AT ambiguity APOLTVEEE -t- A memie POE 197 AR FACTS NONE OTIS ALS O97, FAO) Oe ambiguous Arriatean -* Ae AK reurr (torr) ambition APPR -f 190 Art AN AR ‘Sharer ambulance TAT NEATA -f- AT oh ambush APT 4m] amelioration APLAR LETY -1- amenabie Renna -t- te'ag CEM) th 41) PU Ces Or amend Rk 1 adthha [Abth'ha] amendment Revert -a- amenity Wersd -0- OL ea v'42'2% mea’ 4 fant AAT amiable *REPULNA -P- Paeop en HF oy an AZ Aowmad obese [bP VATA [A'NMAl TATA (WI Ont) PO'RE 1 AD OSE amicable annihilate amicable "ALNA -%- 40'RE | har ORE + to PES Abt . amid (st) Weise (at) -t- deen’ ha amiss RE BORAT | A date tres ammunition APE RTY “A T'kT amnesty "AP HE -D- Pend (ANNE %) among (st) Rroera (at) -t4- Qowh'nA amorous thewch -2- PRPC'S CORE NT fPie (AStO+ 2) amount RAO -d- cone 1 eedn (2'20] 1 TNA (AHA] (aewmn? § Anat) amphibious AP LLeh -3- Adin’ Ney one OTe CFA Ene ample APTA -3- amplify MAF TAEE - TDA [AP'Aal amplifier TAP TAGE tf INE amputate TAPTRERD -- onder [e'em]Q'E! aac} amuse ROP] be eT} [ANE Ae} en "ND fhe NOR analogy RAN, -a- townag'st (47'S vse gua > 910% awh'ha) § MhAA hernA 7 neran ‘analyse PAYAL Ae Oho [bt] analysis RAR -ae eT anatomy Reel che ASL (to's hee Fh TET) INA he'9 encesiors "AMANTH -f- Tora'e + At eee Fh nC THIC anchor "AM TIFE anecdote "ashRe-t -f- 079'9C ear NEF An CoE n'od Heh (Cens' >) and tRIR -e- NG - Ge angel "hETEA -te or AAn anger "nt? ie a'm angle "ATA -h- TONS angry "IIe > 4’ anguish "ANA -d- a *AYARA Pe tPT om7en's (ade) t PerdHD o'r ds FTA F'Ae hw tad PE TARA ie ADA A@DE animosity AVPOE -t mated rA'H ankle "NINA “Re COP PLT annex *hahh 7 fae MC hw ac ee | annexe Wann -t P' ef (A) annihilate REALE 2 mEP th [R'nN] Ie +> fam'¢] anniversary anxiety anniversary antagonist AVIENE -f- 400 NOA thn AOA annotate WIELD - POEK chm [n'a] (A RAS) | mmaR [1'AR] | Tet [nfle'e] announce Ree A thse? [Add 'os} 47 mE fa'ny} announcement Reewmest -t swerve annoy RTL - Ins’ [Ads'q] + 7'NA war [A'04'a] annual "NAR 2 Ore Avent -f- Al fern tr 'h' ca tte’ a) 2900 annul RA Ae WT wwe [w'cu] annunciation Rewer -a- ae anoint REL -b MHL? cbt ont'nt [4'9} (ta'f AhUYE! ATE 4 AnCoOtA) ‘anomaly Rees, -h hare's bec o's uy a's hATTHAC anonymous Reveh -F AP thant areas ' SARL Ee | OnE another Ry -P ta fa enswer TRI eran ovat [A'm) she vA) ewan (ft' 74) ant CAME ote PAD Cad Py'AD eee anteater Net antagoniem RP PRHP th MARC nan OAL APSTRAE + +P NAT TRITA@T -t RINT TAR wf PL SPA font ATNAY antennae AVOT te NETH ECADS CaAICT NA o'+0F APRCl 3 th Ate toon anthem "RIO fe C+ HCNES eter + ornene, (F2E AIC) anthology AVOAR -te FOr PINE FEMA orn. antic ONTEH -fe AEH AA mH t con’ > 6 BARA anticipate RYROTRE 1 L0GA fie oem'N> [av] * ALU ALEC'P tthe 82.2 [oa] antidote "NIELOD -- CCH TChT antipathy APEtTA -b TF antique aPEeh PTFE! Hehe antiquity AVehet -0- CPE TH (Arce ta o't) antiseptic AeATEN antler TRETA ote POLARIS SPR aE Fi ee anus "RETA -A- PAI comm, F451 (ChOmt PRION Oh) t 29m,'a1 toed anvil TATRA fe EE E'oL' ember Ne Nett ne anxiety AVPHER [met] any apology he PNP NTR WAR te LCS anybody apostle AUDA ta T's'Har' No Rran - Rt nee! ATC anyhow apostrophe Re -t- T'S Fo? oes Fe Wrnted -b Per (eer 424) (’) wr gv appal . NR RTA 1 WNIT [Ad ten] 1 TR! anyone Pe [A'R PA) *MLery tae T's Hare far appalling anything Worn -F Ane oe a a fe heh -th P's For 1c apparatus anyway Le NTSEEA =the oo'bands o's? (04 eRe OTS FOr UTE 9h ANG-e) * anywhere apparel REECE br OF Wren -t- ath apart . apparent REb a PARE AE Wrert -F tan Cops meee apartment apparently Raber at NICHT A Aten Rreyha, appear AA VIC TY Beet te'Aom Rue 1. A tat (0'F Aa] 1 or aperiont OA [oo NA] 1 o'er [FE] Rretr be CUP KT ESET appease aperitif WuRW -7- one at [ANLih] 1 #70 Wrets -b heen det ¢'e2'n'n Of @aat [A'm] ! 31 # [ADS aon’? (NTALOCH) there hoe ww) oe aera [ract'oom) 4porture appellant NTE -0- FTN ERA OD Weave -p- aga: ea ae. apex append ‘METH -1 AE Ree + ot'ma [4'mA] aplary appendicitis *ALTRG -tr Th eer As ATIANMEEN te CECE ATED heer” apologetic appertain RrV Eth -P LACH m' Pet tet ATED te on a5 [49M] appetite 15 arbiter appetite apprentice TATA RAE =e LOAN GANT ATV2IbA -t- PP 1°16 (FH'E) applaud approach Riek - Taatean [Aman] RV oF -4- ben [4'cn] applause tat (e'bacn) Rv -f- ema approbation appte ATOURTY -P- oonepett 1 yoeney : ATA -D- 7P (PELEL 4ESF) Ad'Ku -1At appliance approve Rrary -t- o'ee RV GT ae cmactert [raet'en) 1 ae applicable R> [ARS] Brana FAR on hte approximate applicant RVehhet -P- APSE § tua + * ' 18 ATAND sa- Pe (2) | KOA 1 meen [+'c0] application @ppurtenance " _ RUT te LTA be i POH ara heat “te Toman 5 herd. AR ne he ted apply April AVAL -3- oom't? [m'te] (He) + ALTA -h- “EPHg tant [hema'ht] apron appoint METED -t- Wer RELI robe [4'md] 1 wae tor] aet appointment ATH -e- PTIAhA Aen's Rrevreyt a ee. men aptitude apportion nk eT Rey ws'ys [4's] etare tr apposite aquarium "ATA bhp? (ANT'9C) RRP t-te om 944 (Ao sppraise wat) RTL 1 evercore, [ovg enc] 1 aquatic ony (1'oet) ANT th ->- gary (077) appreciate aqueduct TWELELT -1- cporee [o's] F'h *ANTENY -0- fomm' :. at wanes ne mS OY FRE R IT apprehend aquiline ATCT -1- osu [en] TANOAL? -%- FC o'AA i o'ET's understand ae (NET) “te! CR [404] arable apprehension TAEDA -P- ART APT, (ome) ATEN -D- owgee.2 1 ov ay} (Aco arbiter DR. vee) TAM fhe Tet At set arbitrary 16 arms esbitrary ardour Aree > Nar sos'an'ar 10% "hk he KRCHTS AE TA ALT ia erR'cr (oan) | sa ne PHIST arduous . ay (@'aa) -beo9"S fafa (1 *ReRON-P AAFIDE tAMAE! KPH, : (we) : me. . 1, area ° nase eine [ion'na] (70 het - Ot (tO) 1 wee measure arbitration whe AG ALP SRY -a- Ti 14 arena anglers “he Nata nneek Res -d- Ad hn Os (ear ce wt) argue arbour : ines A fae Ab oe'hehe [theshd] AA “fe TANT AS (KAR OK wt) argument orc ART -fe CNC "hh ie &' > (Fa) arid arch RE -P- LE OF a Bet arise archalc Repent [+4 et] APREN TIPE rene aristocracy archangel nenPhed, -t 4408 "RAIA fe At mann arithmetic archbishop Reneerh he hl ae ne KR a wey hohe Oe hi AJOAR, “te Meee one ete‘ ship tren $ca"F 1or che fh chal archer arm she bbb ents HEA's eer! hin th We 92 armament archipelago PiemooaD -0- FE CLP Ph AETAI® -f- PERLE LAE armchair architect Aree ae Maen’ 29L8 orac (th'® Ahh -a- Achat (t+ -TA4 + ov'$1a$ S'har) 4a} amnistice archives TRL “Ne mC'S> ALO ATES "AMET -h- ALA (hed) ooqerrt office armour te het oon ent *Rico =D MET ANE POL ardent armpit NLT 1 AR AME COTE ONT AT he Ae deeb AT AR EPPA dA TAR Nett arms f'Aar (MANTS +48) Pt -n- Fee oe! tee army ascribe army TAL De MC eR t's EC aroma Hiterary Weace -h- oon he RAEN) aromatic grammatical Aerth -- von sine he nthe (athe) around articulate Weare -ter ana, AVERGALE -9- AAR ARC? oo'TIC arouse tre'te] Reon Ths tt [Ads'*t] articulate arrange . Avaheat -F- re Pd 1G Ot Reeve 1 ono ee [Ai zl) array . Wak - arrow "hier -ii- arsenal TALQdA 0 Cane an'eiee OF Wit 1 PoP" MGS Sieh arsenic Thitkh -f- KALA ORAS oe) arson meen [8'20] HAL EL 6O ENMEtE AT Ne? TC "WAY -be hoe 1 ema art *Hst vt FMM EAR 11 PNR Fie | APL FIG LEME TAPP creative “t- hy rat arterial APECEA -De OP'T hae PA OE oy artery Ake Ne AAR EP artful TEA MATE TN ETA *hrENT tr ONE od borh> twa’ artist TREN -D- wAALE eh PO he as AW ane NSE as... as --9- het ascend WAIk -- eam (o'm] (wrAL) ascendancy ROI, te SA AMMAR Tt! emt | Pom BA (A717) ascendant RAI -F- om. (LAL) ascension Wavds -- O01 ascent RAFh -t erway ascertain AMEE -9- Zor [A'da'9m) ascetic ween -F- dare ascribe Rane ee vane [WANN] FAIS FIC EAA ome? CP-AK [1'AR] ash 18 assimilate assist 19 avcachment — aah . ass assist asylum ' . "AN De NOPE CHR GEE "An -a- AU'P Waar [R94] *Wrah -f- WPAN eSAg? HC EST "OTHE -O- HEM ATM's HE assent : astonishment PLAT hee Rae 9 oonera [40-77] Rarernoryy te een + oe Rae atmosphere aepersion a a astound "Rhonae -fe Attn Rvrediy -A- ASR i fart facia | assert i ° ‘em [er gen] tow Po UPL We at NIA 'NP AD oy : RYO 1 OT atone oo , asphalt 3G [49"24) are [PR 44] Rtory a oo seke chm [i'm] + TANEAY -h- f27%'S Same KAP say astray hy her] copart (P'I] (A@Py1e eZ 9) “1 NF [ha] RAMEE ba hemegt # flooirtlad atrocious asphyxia oss astride : Breath -- ae Pe RVLHAE “te 20489 (Po0'a7 FI) FAA -4- -ovcecom, [oec'onc] + am Races Wh NIE (PERM | city aspirant 4H [h'o°q'Hy) ‘*) RPenA -h he Pe OR OF'e" *ANTAIT -4- NR O44 $1007 AoE sets astrology we eh t'ey ‘00% ARTA -0- Pte oom TH te PA RAP CAR -f- bh Bme- ara Fo Tce F astronomy attach . “aq! “ aspiration assignment Rove, -A- en 1 Rat a ove [a'v'ae] © ee AOTICRTT -h- b's FA -hat RA oe Pe (CORE Re) astute tn'seu] aspire assimilate Raver Ftv attachment . AWTt O'S AA CVOET FFT RAFAL -- oO ae [PAP] (he asunder Ratert -a- cope mc vy Ae Reh ew Ft [4005] (R'm dhe ar) ‘ ROK Hh ASK TASER PHAN Rie auspicious attack Reh -b AR ema [ma] t wane” fr'mer] (c's) of sickness be ats Fn Len) ate ARO Lm pat (00H) attain Paes ween (e'enh (eh) attempt Reet oe orn [eine] attend Rate a keine ern [a‘nn] be present a ee 8S [eT] waitfor 1 oom'at [n'dt] function ) 1 a'ag {An Ad) (A | *F) attendance Rese -t annan ¢7'ne (mit) attendant WRTE ctr RA'AL ROL attention Reavy te btitees 1'o0 b tmte> (PR | Aes SC) attentive Rar -F Tah te attenuated Weaeeeets Fyre 1 en's (ad “Ae rhist) attest Rent 1 o'c wim [0'ml (ns ce ar attic Reh -A- ¥'F DEH (hme NF"F) attire Ret ct Ath attitude "WETES te Hhe'tt NAP INNTS th Anand attorney Ran te oA (RPC R RL ORAEF) ms attract Front -b ht (an) dat eee wank [e'he]) eeteh [-t' cn] attribute RENEE -te oO rmMeS EMAL credit RPE 7 ohm [hen] (8's & rr? eT) auction NNT ft Ue auctioneer phat -h- OF OU'ZE Cae audacious ARAMA PLEO ERI audacity AYA che See ens audible WANA -* feL'ad audience WALT he bean (ai) audit A a én [t4a'nd] audition APART “Re onda (LETC woot" F7) auditor Wah te A EMME auditorium RACER -D- AAD A Se-T (Fm ert) augment : REE TNE [AG] Ths IS 27 [k'er] (her § AeTC) august “RYan 2 August TR -e eh aunt *nshd -th- ANAT auspices ANTAN -te PMANE PE oma DR HCA at auspicious AMET A -- tAtnt erh'de | ANIC alt ere't +8 reo 14s Fo oh austere austere avenge aveY -F PALM Te Rare -— 'nta (tn'ea) authentic avenue avyrih -t Rose's Aa tA REIL she RAT aor average author AHCE fr oh'hay + ATH | AR hity ote Rot authori AP0Crt FP PAT Chore tent NAA RTE On ANT authority AMeek -t- MAM? authorize *AQekd mak site beby-eltter ‘ * " fob -he ITH mide (wax Mo bachelor Sara sn £a7' | w>RA'e back ‘ah -h- at jn PAA HOTS LAUD 1 ORIA reciente backbite ohne backbone nhhe-? -d- RIALS rodeo mitt Ak he ese hea Se awry Ree 2 axe awning TRAD tr AnthAs mace Jann -te rest r'a's ttn AAA te tbatre’t teeta ak 1s ler santa - ame background ANA IS -D- NNTAA FA HIG (ee BAHAI) LL | ANTAL Ont backward hae -P- fSAwa'md + akan CHC backwards nner -tt backwater ANP ob -be NOTH AmTh C89 fe ‘2 bee (OP C'LACH'OD) BRAN PAA she OATH Ree Pet ammst st a's tet serny 18"? wrath bad ne ee ere i ht IN -te cow'ag Fant 1 eae (00 MIN AZ NACI AL ot) badger NE 4 membad [are mare] + owt o> (etter) batfie aaa ate tnt ac [Ant re) + oT'eh [n'ont omy [a'49) ste hna'at acad beg beg 209 -a- Hem hDeIA baggage ULE -- OHH DS bail MEA = Non'en emna's? [Aha'te) (aha'S4) -a- oe pepoe tt a bait 70R+ -tr (648) bake "Eh baker AEN rte AR OUNIER 296 bakery RENE -n- AN 921? (he? HF) balance FO4 TOR PAN 1 orerse: -1 eaic [2'1d] NASH -4- omow'H> [ow' Hy) mH balcony anahe -h- An's} bald TUAR -P AMEE ah! oN Ne baldness MARI “be Amy ne a baletul TMLAGA -B- REA'H ebee'y bautk MAN TRCHR [ART OL] fe tpe em FIR ball TRA he Bh ballad "NAR - Acees (ENC) a%net ~i Acer yt barbarous . Aen > SRwA Ms 1 Dh barbecue 70:08 -t- EF Ph (nt o> fed barrel barber 70:0 “Ne RS 424 | mG hatHhE # OP ae bare TRE At beer te PAdT' LS t wat att sua Cony barely 7A, te Meh NED 1 MIAT aft bargain 13 A 2 o'hehe [rhe"hé] * RED OM EE At [HA] -t- ppo he'nc 1 tP2 own ee barge UR - bark van be coe [TN] (Aw'T) “O- Pon’ Th oftree on barley aa, “fe barn "4 -ir barometer Weert -t- acre (etc oa'hy o'téf) baron 74L9 ote enerpe (e+ Ft cm or he) barrack "ach -h- to's £0'F res ti te ‘S80 whe heckie iene [im'dm) + en tho] (099'9e 2.1) barrage : "MEE -d- ttteor then (Of ATE Abe's oon t'ha) tiver -h- En (for) barrel "1A -D- ACTA (AFA CIM) 1 Adem (merry) PHD T cocht Ae (fae) vn ate barricade . NREL -A- NLL hans town cha (Amc'st) barrier "aoe te TOK barrister "echt -h- ta'4 my barter "Ah i oo'ame [tA'am) (ATIL + ra oF 012) base TREN te ELC LES OF OAL low ee baseless "ASAD -F- owdtiLh | wet te ‘A basement Ener -h- hee WF SF a TA baseness rapa te od Ast bashtui WEED -B- PACT KEL basic AEAH -t moere basin READ -D- 4894 Aad! Od (Te hey sv basis PA A omrdt bask "ahh 2 oe'nce brn'cc) (nae At) basket ANA ote POM bass LRA -P- W'S S (ASHE)! WRT PL ra nar 48 bastard "Rb De APA colloquial a ¢e''h baste "ENT Fat IGAh [As'A0] (OF 1A 712 AR) ar -t- 1's (ames) animal vt PAA OF ann | Aa hose 20's att all) te amie PRA ae 7 we mf [h'mi] 1 or + [Py] REN OPE PEF bathroom Age fe tor’ eMAS NRA + of’ as at baton "an -n- battalion wera -t batter 1b - mete [4c'8c] | morse ('#] (an'c) fe COTRAA'S PLOT CHAD battery ME -h- thahtch 2A eeher'F'nt OF | ONE LIVE battle Ata -t- mc'sbi wap baw! 70 “2 ool [Ti] ¢ TA+H [AAS 4] (ah's-r"F 9-8) Ac 0+ thay mc AL 1 emt [eT] (ANAT) geographical -d- POAC @Tiore bayoner before bayonet . beat Ant ~~ y ALF meee [ows] bazaar at sport WE te SUA EE Con HAE ee OL thier nea 1 fat AR AE 097"F | beautiful be ent Wee WREEA -F- FY ON rte 70k roy [09] Wet te e78'S because eee The PARC PAE AC APN OFF ANIA... hI 70LNY -he Obed ME AL FA AAT . rent) fa na "ANY 2 eoebn [n't] (ANE? Reh) bead vw Whe ers fs] "ALE te BS SICK (NADINE) ms ( " becoming beak Wns 2 st on 70H fe foe Ae bed beaker aE -t- had 70th -f + 'Ar Mice's ine AL WE eT) Om SA NIL Phe) beam "LP -h NIE the, | weer AG ONT FA DD bean TAL -N- AeA bear var -h- f'n carry toothy [either] re en Ee -h- eP bearer . "he fe TR a eR het bearing "RETA -t- NRE Tae Fine. er thes + (f-s) "LENT =f Aare beastly "OLhtA, > rec'se mas Paw 5 nae’ sen, bedding TAIT -t- FAD ATA bedeck WRN I ATP [ALM] bedroom ARP te mb 12 -- 70 beef ALE -O- Petra Yo beehive LALA -l- TH Oe beer ne -t- m‘AT Le beeswax *ALNTHA -N- PTC ALE beetle . *OSetA Ate FD AEE benign WSR -F- CISTI TC benzine FUL THD AE bequeathe AWeLy 2 oth [Aw'2A] bequest Leen? -f och by 7h bereaved WERE -- antes he hit berry Me te NING 7N:Q -0- oe NF (Lectern AL) beseech WALT A ovA'ory [A ews) co 'Artoey (raet' on) beside WARE -*- 1... Amit -me a Amat “i RIT he 04k WALK -1- han (Amc's+) "Ant -%- PM'Am | FORK. CA A bestial *RNEPA -F- Adorn) Mn | OME MEDD CATLLEACED OOD bestow Nite -2- hm? [A'm) (nnag) bet At <2 o'medk [tod 2h) fe oe'ce betray OER - ohAt [h'4]! Ad‘aAR ot m? [A'm] (amid) betrayal . OMerA -f NAT AAAS oonmt biceps betroth ar cory 1 Teer [p's] betrothal AP LOYA -D- TRY 1 FANT LET (anc's) better "At ->- ebTA between ORL) -oFP- 1... ooh'HA bevel AMA -h- fA’ PE PEF em FIC beverage *Miice -f- om’ (o-4) bevy i -f- fen (era's PATH) bewail ~ ainen AR taba [ha en)! we TAT beware Wet A th [tms'44] bewilder O2BAR - thant (Anar's+] | ot! eae [A'29'92) bewitch Ole 7 ANN ore (ART ee] beyond AE -oe- AAR t AA bias . ath -d- AMA | ORI OTF Ie APL tet ECR EAP bib AA -t- NATH NIT AL eH OE BN ORF oh EF Bible AERA -t- RAT PAL biblical AAA -2- forKde 40 bibliographicat’ AMAPVERNA -- CoPRAS CHC bibliography ANAT -h- fora WCNC biceps MEaTH -h- avtF (en EK) bicker bicker ah 7 C0 IC wom’ sD> [ror aa} bicycle NEANA -f- LOLA bid ME 1 P2976 [t'1¢] a wr F2 bier "Le oh OH big i ie a a bigamy Aaet -0 oA AE tat + NORA AS OAT AE PTI OTEA bigoted Mate - oPe yh net mat Aah seh snow i F'p bilateral QP Ata -P heat Od > OAT 77 fensh bile AED he APE TaD bilingual OL RTIPOR =F A FORPUF AT hee ¢'on #96 bill NA ate RCN a billet nat -h- to's 20 Let eer billion PLATT -te CLARY (LAME Lib AEA, ro) billow hao -n- “TOA bilty-goat Arr “NOTE Ste bin 704 -te ENTE S| Pree OMe Tne oer CEA bind 7ARIR -9- Me [h'dd] bitter binder "AE -t- mde | RAN 1 towm'oor nd binding *RRIRVD De Te biography Weis -b- taeor Fch biology RAK -t- ator salto save't PEFR birch at te Ae bird "UE ft OF birth 70: tr ART birthday . MARR he CARP AIA birthmark "AQT “te Acer then te ra'nt (fAo's Af) birthplace *RYFALH -t- to's 1d AIC biscuit "att -f- fate bisect meant -— AeA tA Net nga (h' La} (deeaer) bishop ROT -f- RAN bit mt een hors ar bitch UR <0 a oe bite E> 1 owt [ha] cores (s'R4] biting VERY -% ACAP ith of comment ee clensa'ny tas bitter Nt aed. x0 blockhead black bleed Wah + Tee WALL -- oogeny [g'ay) black-bestie blemish WALPA -f- POC mid WATT -2 TE PA'Nt 1 (Ah blackboard f-urms) AARNE -te TAC AK bland blackmail WAI 1 TRAE [v'20' 04] WahAtA -7- tmene an | bless 7a 466% [Atidd- é] (he Amt'avet Pa mC hOM' Av. RIAA) blackamith Wahnety - ner we 1 +noqes na'e biadder WAR -t 28 blade WAL -- DAT PA ep blame WaEr br rent rece [Ag ca} t Tent [noh'y] blank wath blanket ATH -f- WAR NEE ann WANKEL -- ONDA AR ore RIC RANT OA blast WAT ie TEAS 94n 1 fone aD sre blatant WALID -P ACE LD blaze ween “NANA [+7NA'NA] (Ad bleach DALAT (hem) tT Reh bleak WACK -B AM 64st BCd (Art) bleat wash Fmt [= N] (1097's as An = blessed WAAL - eta'ech ach ere'eA blight WALT -h- PATHAT NAS 4m ‘at f'enpect) blind wae “F489 seenche [nene' < magn [aan] + vor he mney blindfold WALILEAR -4- the 927 nact Ont N'2y [025] blink WAIN -- 989 ACHAT [ACTh'1N} WAN te HA% ROS -blister WHAT -f- OY FR, eHA blithe WAH 8d Faw FER At bilzzard WARE -D- 4LA'S ren (nee PFE) lob Ween -t- P90 F009 n'a block Ween a t'ae [h'28] ch PT ETE PLIES CFE blockade MOREL 1 AIL OF nan [h'na] (mat? TFS Aslam ey) + tae (Aa) (1789 Acehaha) WONEL -f- RR doe blonde bell blonde bluster . Wee > wct'es mre S'Aos'at Want ewe he lene) ont [et]: Ret [f4'4] : blood on ste RAED On a Wat -t boar bloodthirsty mn: te ony (FAPDA'H) UhCoT WVALYNE -- LIP ATEON OLE AL Oa or (area) ant boerd fae 1 ‘an! "et -t Mmen'4ener eR ins wer 7 o1'nt [h'on ship, train ote. ee 1 -7'0n [A'nn) 7 mmm (ain) ovine: ter - Be te han -and lodging blot . “a ferece's f4'A PD wt -) rear Aen, -card Wit -t- 188 AP PA OTe FA hE boa ch meee . . blouse tenet tr 702 De Ale AP'S AT CLe bio Aeon te ates mH Rehan tenses e'nat's - . ; ' boarding-house . wae atts CATT ed ote Mbt to's Re bl r saline echo! AN -0- CHT AINE Te boarding- > flim (ane bludgeon WARD -0- 414 (Cet 1 Tr) blue Mie: bluff WAS -F TAA [AMAA] (FA0F fet) blunder WAI 7 ee Aten og [w'a) + ee. e'etA?d [bP AF] blunt here AAT 2B RIM ABAR REC blur . WA: -fr mee tepals blurt WAT Os OR NEE o'GIC [46 ‘t] blush WAR - HUET Cts Lt eodar (e'a] DATTA te AAG 1G LT boast ett br mmm'he (end)! te. oF wh (yg) t oe! eeh? [roe'h] boat et -te KA bobbin 700% -d- Ae. ¢ tay den NIL AT net 70 -f- he's hha ‘@ 7 4 ADR vie etic aa'S eta mate athe ~ é bog - 0 te ACTS bogus ' ein -*- tan boll 70RD -- t'ba [4'44] tHE bold bold OAR > RCE BS bolster ANT - meine [R'1a) + cat lea} pillow he teh bott At 9 oC [R5'N2] food A Mehra [ea'e A] (a0) lock he beter mnrtce bomb 70 -h- OF' NN LOR bombastic frvaath ->- POOF 1 e'ee's'4. + wart : bombard ne: 3 AEA come [mA] (ha' fo)? 19 RnR [Fn'eN} bomber "Qe -f 1 ME heme'ray bond 7k -h- hoe arses nAe'nAt THAN PLOT OCT FAN BCH tying rope “he Wwos bondage *OVAR -fe 00") 0 a bone Oy -f- OTT bonfire "OVEE de Rome 1 HTN mie bonnet Ot -f fa Ace bonus Rerh -t- Pen (An) Ik th te rag “Fee eNLA ANE od ems [Fn] (NC Ahor~c’rad ¢ deste ant) : 2 borough ] weoking 70099 -O- hit Or NeneeNene OF $2 PH (LE Stc AAC wt) bookish "1 2 Ree anny feng sn PRATT CNN mPeD C'o7 ‘en's book-keaper "ONT -h- omiatt fir (ere) booklet OMAE -- PT ORAS . boom ter ae S'F Ay [ha] (ADH 490 Awrr) -t- thbTeE ReH ran ee (S98) 1 RP re boon 1 -d- GeR tant ic 4 eeslab rots tomar boot er fo my booth 9 -f- Lah booty *tevk -h- enc'sF AL ttit'ce. OF + On Aiercm + rech yer booze eH We ommt [n'a] (Anne onan") Ae oom'D 1 KARA border 70:2 ON 70: Fr ceeAEA [£A'LA] | omatae {0'4] t omsaere [442414] 1 ome Ft (AA'F} boredom ‘ A PFTEIR | Ona 03637 - AAT ATED. born 707 + Praag borough 02 +f wed) thhe neA borrow brain ' a ge I one [+0 RE] oe 7 R'E yen [F'e1] bosom of ship oh 7H fe Let) arb Ane, f- fosch 2% boss bow 0h -A- KAS! EEL oN her -h- NAGA RAC (4-024) both weapon Ney > va'er “fee bowel ag te em ac (ANE '1¢] | rae ee Taney] © 1'@h [A‘oh] bottie A De NCE Mc bottom eee he OC 1 oe boomn (er) t 5A ee bough ae -d- FCPAE (FHF) boulder AR -tr HARRY bounce aman eT [Ay'me] (an) bound Mare -- K'ee'c n'oe'r 1At [AA]! "Tac [hy'm2) fimit “te 07 forced FFE on the way to ewe (newer) tied up > ed's (eee tna ant) boundary "ORE -h- Merc) bountiful Mother -% Alpi! Fo bounty 9erk -t A'an'yh Foyt bout net ptr thha's tA Te oe ‘REL Choy LI (ATE oe Od Ree ‘a+) god tr 2878's (hen f'n ne'er 'A% eATED hea) bowl OA te AL OAD box ANN 7 das erst [co's] container “hE boxer "ohn -a- aha’ boxing anh -f- ehh Aer boy 70R -t- AR (aE) brace Ween - (aterm he [amine strat [Am'at} tool “he erncnes ("te s) bracelet WeLNAT -O AP 'AC bracket . Wehr -d- PE 1 KOS 1 TN UES (Co ooLerce ait) brackish Ven hae (asr7 mor) brag Ver mene [one] braid Wess -a- eactsen'c Tas brain Wet -D- ATTRA ANE bridesmaid ETE brake ween Sb wart (1's) 1829 orn . te Fehler branch VET a FOIA brand WIS A PMH Meer AS ce PA NCT + Anvnar) ahimals che PAH (PRPOAY) wade mark “i PA'ht (F998) brandish Werat - amr [%'m] (4's) ih te tht isf WOE > anni yng ea be AF'aKe TY [Ay] WO -D- thu's ant i mH -t on'ee (n'te] breach aR osmn (na) (nna) bread ; Wek “fe A'n breadth a oh: Gb break Waeeh -% eenne [a‘te) bed news “1 ICAY [he'A) rent sh bem im VeshAwed a w'ane (HAA) | Ame [eag'ha) (aren ent) retefthee Tele me Re breakfast WAnLnt -tr ach breast Wear te mt bosom oe Ret breath Wed ce PAH ANIGA breathe WeRY - tien its 'Zal breaches Wéetn -r man t's breed WEER - cat f2'n) (arrnar) breeder WERE -h- Dnt ACO, breeze WEEN =f 14N (P'AA) on ee Wenn, ->- ( th deo (4604 Te Feta) brethren ) 7 ot. OS'S oar Qere brevity Welle -t n'ec's? (A999) brew NG: A coped (m'e=e] (em'e) NOE fh opones (a bring (ar) WPA A. v'0 ont (i'm) “he Pa bribery WeAne -t +0 nme briok a’eh -h- eft tha bridle TERRA te An bridegroom WELLE “fe OFF T's. bridesmald WEREWALE -D- A> on ¥ Hy “ Fl = i WEE + SALE Het (v's) tr LALL Were ->- h'ee (11'10) egal fe ‘Cece (en'h) briefcase WeheREN tr t'K cA brigade MOIER -te 11k brigand METIS tr deencs's ner arias Gemgn wren f'7r7's ern, Weer > Avi samian sears brilliant VEATIT > fess 1 COLLIN CH nar brim WEP -t- POF FEO Ae brine ens he Gee SAND OF fw wing” VE IPMD [how'm] brink “eh -h 40 briek aéth 2 4'n bristle Wenn - wren [1'sh] (Na'm) he seer'te mre enh » Tamret 1629 FE brittle Warn - Hn'nd 1¢'ae eR Ane broach Wiehe be had [h'det] (nce Horta) en Be Ac mein me ~~ broad Vee » wa Meehnt -- Aas m'ore [45'2¢) = OARS Peere I, WER? —r hd tnn't] brocade RENEE -t- TAS (ATID) Week? + een'ne t Ween te saa AD stock- ote PARAM AT i Wem -f- tht { Wewk -d- tanh 2cr (a7) i Ce ob omt'int [t'ha) ate ae nF i eh -t wer broom WEP te ones (ED) broth i brothel “ee fe tab AAs a (ecm o'r Font ence 7 Ve tr o'er gee i ‘oie a te a's n'a + brother-in-law Tage: - Tb rent mee brow Ube AC brown Wawr + gin brulee ent -h- apne (hee Aa ated Patel ” bunch Pbundie butterfty 3% ** bundle . bugler ra a. (o's'80) 4OTRA ie hee ean . > . wen a rer [m'e7] * neh are te Pe 6 (e'27) build ‘ ATE -h- het me hee te 16% as Ae ore [r9'a} bungel: brutal builder ey MPA Baan Ncerkt hore (am SAR che RT wd | PR (ar ne bungie tf 1% o%) “ ° ‘ brut outta? THA AF ARNE et [We] ert te hee a hy he LAAT ct TT aT bunk bubble bulb * ONS -t- (E> AAD (lercheh + Aa tana te mearAe (4eat'At] (6 nan -f- APF ire Ap) at) plant bunting she ChEH Wt -b- oc (Sanat) "MTEL te AR O'R Ar fine a7 bulge . BY 007 CoD o's 0F 197 CF I ‘Gh -f @F% AoI MAK F ttamc (ra'me] rset, AIRE 9A Ie ATF bucket ‘ [44'4] . 4490 ' buoy raha ) | bughear . ay tr n'anh burr 4“ ayae ote Peta He buneh Bea -te Teed (Fes 'RC) a: ~ ae ote NPS (QEA'E THOM) bh tet (AND Feet) burrow ee AP TEAS ona'er [8'42) che FLAS (Pera Ter) burat he i oek PAT [497A] a 214TH (mek oat) bury Ne - bac [+'Nd) bus 7A -f- AoOMPIKA bush TR -t- arhe bushel TTA -- RUA ees bushy rn, -2- F's'9 £'A business A = PILL RC EE businesslike WAR -F- ‘ae Ne bustle OA + oF tea (+ Fie'A] t-PA fee) wes th busy i, -P- w deb FA A ee FOES tA but 0 -o9- butcher 2 butler 707A -fh- butt + -t- toy NCBA of gun -t- ALS (merry) of goat 1 wast (o'r) (At7e bat) butter "Ab -a- butterfly *AESAL Tne Tt bat AGE n'a y'3K8 ftae’s ATC on se ER, buttock buttock "ath -1- «e'pammy (en)? 8's button . 1h -te 4As (fann) buttonhole 70tWa-r -t- PRAT (MTS) 444 oA aN O1eer ta'aw ' galiow *hhe- -- saws’ Ark th'ne | enter 1 ge oat eee tte get tt eatumny Mar -te CONT net | Ont hh She te 8A (pamera VRE he CAR OT Omega -t TAA (tmatt oR i OF) rner'ag vr neces to 'eoe [t't2] 1 ome A'Re) (arc) che PERI'I0 AP REC (arc) ‘bed PTA -f- tent has "ELI -f- MAIL OF AR owprde campus RETO -n- FeRticnt: 40. "a> -h- 4C4'C a Ka [Fal canal WSA -h-e OR) ae Se ne a RI Pn mn 8 3 canon cancel NIA = mdb [44] 1 E> [am ‘6 cancer "IA -f- 1404 condid IAS ->- AApihert's (ane) candidate WALLET -t- how candied HIRE -@- NOC Cbs candle "HIE -h- TP candlestick *ATAAdth -h- show candour IR -O- DAT'sD newt eee candy HA -O- heeE'A cane EY -h- AIA walking stick fr a'%c+ roche canine WLLY %- toe'T ics oT tite ha tooth te teh hea tome canker anh fh AMS C+hA 079) canned MH -b- te'T2 (S08'C) cannibal MRNA -h “Po cannon YY 0 OR cannon-ball PUA -D- faRe vf canoe Wet te Fo canon YD fe CE CAE ai cot fl+ nett canopy canopy "hit +h canteen SPELT “te CW AGT (A4Nch + hexticht out) AN TAA APOC canter NI A RYIAD OP d> [oo] -)- gyn canvas wn Te cap "WT -t #0 capable METAR -2- OF EOLA capacious wrena 2 049-1 02 sre capacity Wort: fr AIK ne tLe em? ability te Fes cape ET -t hn geographical “he ch PEC caper WET trick oh oT rar “fe THITt MOE Aer (ene sotH) tom HAA capital HLTA -F- Art Ecce rote’ (wD Fa) city ste eS hT AT money tebe OTe TIL ed TD (t2.t t991E ant) very good OME Te capitulate WEITAL -— FA fee's PHT ft nanee AIC NaH The he [AN en ote Lenin «0 T cardigan caprice RPE -t AP Et (TF'>9'S Clore ca eat + fcr 14) capricious breath -t AAte'e7 IC ATOF A ‘Atl, capsize HTARW - Ale [tA am) (Aw cht + azaa) capsule "ATA -f Fe APO 1 fe kort HAA LAST captain "EThD -0- TINA caption *aTH? -f- bevod 09C2 C61 AG oot Aha NST etera'ht Tae (024% on) captive NTE -f- Poh sy captivity ATi -a- rch capture TF - cmerch [t'ch) | omen (en) car i: -fe PhS 1 APPA carbon JUN? -f- PAT PATE chan (Prat) carbon-paper HO CET -h- carbuncle _ MOMMA -D- ANT (FAR) 1 O'R CME Fier’ c® oe carcass Tha -h- ra (189 | ATA) card PHEOY Oct "hE “he ACK acer cardboard MURR te ACAD cardigan WATT “Ae fhe be (Me ANE tt wd) E wre at castigate care cart-horse Me em I4> [tms'ee} ad at a a 2) Tet carton career Wet -t He (fata mtr) Me? ete PHORD ITT ns cartoon corerul 2 742, heb -h- fee's fonM wen careless ON a eG nie te PAU hen (020°) carve : caress a 7 cweca [t'ca} (n7UF | NT Wen 7 saan (a'ad] + ann [400] Gray NEE ont) Tats [Aa's] (AS%C) meat . caretaker 9- owhar [#' £m] (A*9) heen -f- Lt mae (QANt A/a" cascade OF UB) CFTR AIT ULE Ant RONLE -D- fet hook BAG (Newt) | eargo . "sh he Woe a -f- Bet (Aare TAD) CorEhN) legal . carnal \ + n't MYA -F DE (TENE? th AD) example carnivorous . te oan naumen > wots Hoa cash , core mh ven ha “te CARE emterc (PhChtn) + nh Te 11g mec cashier carpenter WIL -d- THER tH Ne ELE | TN TIT te ASM cask carpentry : Jhehh te PP OCALA TI -te Aim'T * nett fonama]! eecec [wc "he sh FINE 1 O2" + [om - caring * eli AGSTC web Copeeay mee “te eta SOM TRA [A'24] carrier plaster hee -a- BHAT ted.) be NeOhT - TO a'avir theatrical carrot “te bSFC wage ' rer? -h het LAN o0'Ry BCA RAL cont APLAR oor Ten [Ad AA] ne othe [tithe] castigate cart nae -- wear [F'n] (lor nob “he 96 2) ceiling casting casting category Het IT te coma ‘natlé -t- OFFAL | (DA om smer theaticel (eter s10"F) che NLA 1 EPEC POLES art r'na castio NAA ee TE eid castor "Ain -a- FONChE (ATA 1 ASF 1nd ont) casual se a PUY LRIKL ROK LOT COTA EC IE ‘my? 8297 00 casualty NW ROA -N- NAL ALD 49'S hes Oenc'y> tent: pet oo tc % cat me te fiowt catalogue Mie? -D- OR CRED Pe fomn AGF NCUC 1 ATF 04'20 669 TC UC URED WOT COFOF 905% Cont AR CHC Keo® cataract REEN t-te CON Shek disease he F297 PORPADA NAS 1 Ry re catarrh wee -f- Ane 'S Fee AM MOM CUPL CAN TA EE catastrophe wentee te wet Stet A catch We a ogy [et] © ombad [+'an] catching HEIR -%- tae (00'S) catechism "ahh -f- Pome An prec honest (hee'me? 047% t'91'1¢-7) cetegorical nachna - NIM'S + s'R (¢'e7 f'me'rc) cater "hE A PM TNE [A'no'E} caterpillar RTA fe W182 199 TH catgut het i CRC ATED ROE cathedral WOEEA -t- PAF ¥ og! MEA RAG (AR Cent cattle "hea -h- hat cauliflower *PASAW -fr ANN 2'o07 cause het NDAD he [Ase] reason he PHIET cauterize WtGkN -e aor'na [4'DA] (he's + 020 ="162) cautious PIE Le cavalry HHA -0- 4ch'S ae Re cave "WE -t- PN cavity NTE -h- ASA I) PRA eo ro cease "hen at) Or [hoor] (07 1 99'9 "ARR -- ACH ATH (PHS 4294) code ALS A ASD [A'o] (AC@NA) « tor} [a'ows) 1 om ene ['Ma] (AE eer) ceiling ASAT -t Td. (Paohar NEA) chatt *AANERT -7- 4A hic [Ah‘ae] celebration AAN'OLTF -d- Hfle NIA celebrity WANE -f- GAN'SIEs od FePh'NS colostial WPantea -2- ates # enerEe and, “Ae Pras teas (AO? a'F) celibate RANT -% ters'ba | KAT CHR "he 0 TT DEA (Prne'T | torr tea) bat + -O- fre LITLE celiar AA -f- ¢h9 1 (waa OFF €'94'1'%) coment ant -t ALTE ete te ene (07) censor a0 ee o'Same [rene] person -fe PEMMS 1 ATE censorship EAT -h- FERNS censure AT 1 oe'tor [1 r'aer] nt Aone census "AN -h- CH SMe cont Ld ae ATER (POC AIL FH) centenarian A122ED -f- eoR Gent O82 FAD centenary AVEC -h- tomk'H Gt O50 eentimotre AEE he ATE contipede IRTETER -te APANIC (PRA SETD) central *UPTEA -B- TONAT 1 MPAL centralize *Arbcagd <7 ThA [ATA] 87 WhAT WET AR' Ca] FE omaaa [mt aa) centre Ad De nha wUA century a i i il ceramic Aeoth -F- PRA we careal CEA -h- AVA (NZ, | Me? THA our) ceremonial RPA FC AIA ENE Fed PrOrsrk “he 1A ceremony "hems “fe AGATE IT certain tary te ACIT certainly 7AStA, - CIT certainty METE ct ROMAN'S RCI certificate Otten? -f- era'he ecet cortify Taree i eeoahe [oon'he] ¢1'a ar [a'é2'1m) FANE fe PIG OF MGPOLE THAT "Ep -1- NE Peete (Ah er] (om eh ATTTt) be impatient “he hho tae 1 Potet at chaff Fe te Na TO chagrin deen | tape wey ‘ ‘ eT AUNT A ATT chain "ERY -h- AA chair 7: -t- wac chairman te a chalice Fah -te K's (ter2 wher) chalk ch -f- nest on Ahr rer ANA AL feare'nt challenge ‘Fare + «ter [pkker] | an RG (rea'ec) “he tte os'eC chamber "EPR -A- NACA he At chambermald MELPAALE -f At AIAZE (ha? AIL ont) chempion FT -a- AN Te (tog ec) chance "FIN -t- Oka "SE 1 n'a [A'om) money De AT EP's channel TFA Hn OR + m'ON CMa PAA 25 107 O'FAALE A020 chent EE 4 DAD be [Fe] ha Ae tie a's erst FTA “fe thet Lt FT ar hich tk St chaperon NT LO? -tr OFC AK meat (rn) charwoman phase “« om ohase chet “te bLH: (COKE) "ERR TASS [Aa'sh)] "ER -te ASA wien Cor OFF Rae cher chasm chemical ote I mer, at "NF fh TAR'S a'att BAF Rha ie Tt Te el chaste ob Tee haracter o * chemist Ment te mans e'ag TEED Dh E'S IES Phe he i * Vetter (aa?) ata IL (Ent! rt “th OPA ochastice ' chemistry charcoal FWSM > tnt [+'q) (Qos Fthea -f- hha (a+) 7 a'han [n'an) -t- hh bettie ste PPE mt (amc's?) fire-arm te orrch [nace] (oF'1C8) money - an'za (Non'ZA] Silt CMA SUR cmemat [a] charitable ‘Fetia -> Fora'aa Wok -t 04 hee charm FP he Nt Pen Fa ng LIT NOR AE en tRn £'D rae ohart WED -O- tha bce (Aectt tet’, PIAA) Lone oe -O- PeTe Th (ATE 2G Aer th) hire Ae Nema het (the't] (her era? | cht wnt) cherwomen Fiery te LP met. At . FMS) 1 mPHR [t'rd] chastity "Fire te KV'G) Iea'S (hese. rr | chet | re wloned [met] eet [ne'z] 5 chatter [Rd te mates: [Ae'ae] i rch oT ore ; [n3¢en'4an) (nick | her? t+ noe 1 cheutteur THe te FE Ahem tht ne hot ria YE , cheap | "Ear 3 nvo'ht , cheat ER TF ets (h' e's] check 7 oe omnc [t4'mZ) 1 6 Tater] ) cone? [1'3} (ach ont) "En -te Fe ocheekbons ELNIOS -A- OEP AIT "ELD -2- NAL FAP cos ANAL Ah aaet f'rga's. 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