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Digital RF Memory-based waveform generation

10 or 12 bit digitization
Up to 500 targets per scenario
Up to 20 simultaneous generator channels
Comprehensive selection of ECM techniques
and target modulations


Radar production testing

Radar performance verification
ECM vulnerability assessment
ECCM/tactics development training

Kratos-CTIs (CTI) Digital RF Memory (DRFM) based
RTG/RES are used in laboratories, anechoic chambers, test ranges, and airborne platforms for high
fidelity radar performance verification, radar mode
and ECCM technique development, radar production testing and radar operating training. Operating in
free space or direct connect/inject configuration,
the RTG/RES is one of the most cost effective and
versatile tools used in the radar life cycle.
The system is unique in that it does not require information from radar data buses; all of the radar pulse/
PRI/dwell characteristics are faithfully recorded,

modulated and regenerated using the latest DRFM

technology. The generic functionality of the RTG/
RES allows the system to be used for testing of many
different types of radars and RF seekers.
This new technology will be used by the world leaders in DRFM based simulators, where high fidelity,
multi-scatter returns with low spurious is required.
Kratos-CTI can also custom tailor designs to meet
your specific applications. Contact the factory to discuss your special requirements.

Wideband RF performance

Up to 1.5 GHz radar instantaneous bandwidth

Delay Resolution

<0.5 ns

Scatterer Simulation

8 with overlap capability


Pipeline Mode, Triggered Delay, Waveform Recording, and

Waveform Playback

Dynamic Range

>45 dBc spurious free

Memory Depth

Up to 200 ms

9 Whippany Road ,Whippany, NJ 07981 Tel: 973-884-2580 Fax: 973-887-6245 Website:

DRFM Based Radar Environment Simulator

DRFM based Radar Environment Simulator


Signal Fidelity
Frequency range

SUT dependent (baseband to Ka band) and generic 2-18 GHz

Antenna types

Electronic, mechanical, combination

Pulse width

25 ns to CW


<10 Hz to > 5 MHz


-45 dBc or better

Dynamic Range

>120 dB

Amplitude resolution

<0.25 dB

RF On/Off isolation >100 dB

>100 dB

Doppler range


Doppler resolution

<0.5 Hz

Range delay

300 ns to 8 ms

Range resolution

< 0.5 ns


Target Modeling
Mean RCS value

-60 dBsm to +60 dBsm

3-D RCS patterns

+180 Az, +90 EL

Geometry modeling

6 degrees of freedom

Jamming features

Coherent, Non-coherent, standoff, self protection, user defined

Target modulations

Jet engine, helicopter blade, scintillation (swerling 0-4), and


Targets in scenario

Up to 500

Targets in beam

Up to 20

Jammers in scenario

Up to 16

Jammers in beam

Up to 4

Chaff in scenario

Up to16

Chaff in beam

Up to 4

Weather in scenario

Up to 4

Weather in beam

Up to 4

Ground/ship clutter

complex 360 coverage

Terrain masking


Airborne clutter

Dynamic MBC, ALR & SLC

9 Whippany Road ,Whippany, NJ 07981 Tel: 973-884-2580 Fax: 973-887-6245 Website:

DRFM Based Radar Environment Simulator

DRFM based Radar Environment Simulator

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